Next Saturday, It will be the most celebrated holiday of the year – Christmas. I'd like to take an opportunity to wish each and every one who read my blog by chance or by choice and your family a merry Christmas and happy new year.
Although many of you pay your visits as silently as you click away, without toting an oz of sense, sentiment or sensibility of mine :)), I still appreciate your attention ,support and care. It is my sincerest hope that for the new year which is arising on the horizon, each of you would have be rewarded with the best of your joyful, affectionate, healthy, prosperous and spiritual experiences, ever.
Note: Photos come from Internet.
#1 would be "b", since I'm kinda an overbearing mom in the two things you just mentioned, so i shall keep my voice and temper incheck, constantly~~
#2 would be "d", since I still need to converse with my WANG friends,constantly, so I shall say and write more things they would like to read or see, more meaningful stuff~~(but gibbering stuff as nessary as needed), cause being middle-aged person, the Unpredictable, a stubbon quality can last well into early 50s~~
#3, as for photo, I am still pretty much a devotee, it's just a little less important than chit-chatting with my WANG friends sometimes~~
#4 I don't run. No running for me, and I don't get into any kind of sports that make me sweat like a hell, no, so I shall try my yoga at least once a week, with that said, a gym membership seems a good idea to give myself a nudge this year :))
Thanks for all your thoughtful suggestion. I'm expecting some real serious new year's resolution from ZZ in the next couple of days. We'll see.
How about we try Socratic method: I'll ask the questions, then you answer them with your best knowledge and subsequently derive your own conclusion based on the questions and your answers.
Here we go. Have US Central Bank's monetary and fiscal policies been changed during last six months? In September 2010, why did the House of Representatives pass the legislation to allow U.S. companies to petition for duties on Chinese imports? What could be one of the most urgent and sensitive issues that Obama and Hu may discuss when they'll meet on January 19, 2011 ? Which year did Asian currencies have the best year since 2006 ? Has inflation in China surged recently ? Oh, don't forget to ask yourself “Do I pay more to fill my car's gas tank these days ?” Do all these things related ? I think that after you finish answering above questions, your original question to me should be answered satisfactory as well.
A new year's resolution to think about buying a Smart Car, are you craze or an environmental “nut” ? :) Seriously, smart cars may be more greener and kinder to the environments, or chic in the old world, but in general, they are very prone to body injury when an accident occurs, especially share I-95 with cowboys, you must be kidding ? :(
I could suggest some other possible new year's resolution for you to pander a bit. a. run 3-5 miles before eating your breakfast, b. keep your voice pitch within one octave range in case that your prince sours a couple of notes or makes tiny mistakes when he practices on piano or does Chinese homework. c. shoot more amazing photos even it may mean to wait for hours in the rains or in the dark, to be bitten by bugs, tortured by hunger, thirst, loneliness, coldness ... d. write more pieces in your blog and always keep a sense of humor no matter how ruthless others including me would torment you. :))
Any inside info on how high RMB can climb to next year? Haha
Thanks a lot for your beautiful greeting card which is delightful and spiritual. :) Did you take the photo from your neighbor's front yard ?
Yes, no car has been delivered, yet. Unfortunately, there will be only 333 lucky owners for these babes. I think that Americans are being discriminated by German in this case. I suspect that It is possible that guys in China may get their orders filled quicker than that here. One perfect example that how mighty RMB pushes greenback aside. :(
Hopefully, your place didn't have to deal with the turmoil caused by the snow storm as that we are coping with. :)
No car yet? it's okay, right~~
Here is card,for you :)
This necklace of chocolate is dedicated as a symbolic gift to female readers who visit my blog time to time. Indeed, it's a bit enticing, if not tormenting; well, that's my point. How about that you guys take the goodies, and I'd take the girl who wears them, now we are even :)).
It's ok, without R8 on Christmas day, I'll still live. However, I appreciate your generosity and kindness very much, and the thought counts as they say.
FYI, people from the street don't have any backup plans, that was why there was a great recession in first place, the nature of risk-taking and thrill-seeking is in our blood. :(
Again, wish you and your family have a wonderful and joyful Christmas.
So, guess we shall all wish life during the holiday season be like a necklace of chocolate? you will know what you would get, no matter being good or naughty(¬_¬)
Here is a bad news, I won't be qualified for either Santa Claus or Mrs. Santa Claus this year. The good new news is I will be Santa's volunteer, an elf? to deliver the tiny request for you, but you got to gimme a few backup choices or I'll pick at least one up for you in case the R8 is out of stock.
Until then, I wish you a very Merry Christmas that fills with sweetness and kindness and a Happy 2011! HoHoHo