
A Short Notice

(2013-05-18 11:41:55) 下一个

A Short Notice

Dear Friends:

Just let you guys know that I am going to take a short Spring/Summer break; therefore, I'll stop updating my blog for a while. However, if you'd like to stop by to rest your feet once a while or "dig" some "dirt" on me, you are more than welcome. :))

Nevertheless, I'll return when I finish  what I set out to do.  Until then, please do good care of yourselves and enjoy your lives in full throttle. :)

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


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纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复 '流沙随风' 的评论 :

不好意思, 拖了这么晚才回复。你一切都好吧?

你不要冤枉我好不好? 我真的对过去和现在的女友很专一。不信的话,你可以在城里做一个民意调查。:)
流沙随风 回复 悄悄话 a month is a short break? hehe, you are such a lucky brother :)
苏乡门地 回复 悄悄话 谢谢纵然情深谊长的告假与“托付”~~~ 没你灌水的日子里,我们会更加珍惜往日的忽悠和外交辞令,请相信,我们大家会牵记你D! 今日距离美,明日再相会 :))) 好好保重。

也请好好专心陪伴你的父母和Zou MM,回来多带些好消息给我们?!
