

(2006-06-30 10:21:58) 下一个

贴:  落花飘零博克  “实在忍不住了,关于原创论坛”

Web Link: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200606&postID=13922

 落花飘零, Please allow me 画蛇添足. 

One attribute should be clarified to bloggers or non-bloggers is that articles & stories posted in the blogs of cyberspace are “fair game” by nature. It doesn’t matter how private topics it would present as long as they have been published on the net they fall into public domains. Unlike a piece of real-word property which one may file complains for trespass or make threats such as “don’t you dare” in case someone try to step into your boundaries of that property. Oh, one more thing, if someone gives undesirable comments on your real estate property that you just bought for millions and millions dollars he/she is still protected by “Free Speech”, thus.

Second, a blog may be served as a forum to encourage, discuss , debate or qppreciate, it should not be preserved just for gathering fanfare or consensus only.

Readers/commentators should be tolerated to inject what on their mind after reading the piece without being afraid to be stoned to “death” or putting on the blacklist.

Third, writers or readers please don’t get too serious or personal about what you wrote or read or commented. Honestly, it could waste you time even you‘d have won the fight. Instead, it may be better off for you to put your energies into your prioritized arenas of your life such as career, dating, marriage, children, cooking, travel, gardening ……the list can go on and on, you get the idea.

Forth, being fans of some your favorite blogs are one thing but gangbanging the critics is anther. To me these fan-based defensive/attacking maneuvers may be mean-spirited or narrow-mind at the best.

If you'd  really want to be a hero please fight back to defend your girl friend or boy friend when someone attempts to hurt her or him. That could earn your honor and award. In other words, if you don’t like the comments please don’t sweat out.

You may also exercise some other options available for you a) Click away silently. b) Write some decent comments to share your thought. c) Curse it aloud (Be sure to close your office door first, you don’t want your MM or GG colleagues hear it to mar your image, do you ?).

Final, Please remember, A blog is a blog is a blog. if a bloger’s whole life depends on his/hers blog to get recognition, well, good luck and best wish. You may need it -:)

I appreciate you let me borrow your “floor” for few minutes to sooth (reading Chinese relax me at lunch and making my just-ordered yucky food bearable) my stressed nerves caused by my work at time sensitive financial world. Guess what, WXC has become my shrink (don’t be panic , I am just kidding. FYI,I don’t have one in real world and don't see why I need one either).

Excuse me, now, I’ve got to go a meeting. Please keep up with your good writing. Will you?

Note: Minor changes have been made to weed out some typos on the original post.

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