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如何挑选葡萄酒 ZT

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How to Pick a Good Wine 2006-08-15 21:07:16
By 雅志莫违

When Corona just won't cut it, remember this: The stronger the flavor of the food, the bolder the wine. In general, wines from America, Australia, and South Africa are richer and fruitier; European vino tends to be crisp and/or earthy. 挑选原则:食品味道越浓,越要选用更烈的葡萄酒。一般,美国、澳大利亚、南非出产的酒更浓裕、带水果味,而欧洲出品的葡萄酒味道相对清淡。

Perfect Complements
The Dish: The Drink: The Deal:
Red meats (beef, pork, lamb) Rioja (Tempranillo), red Zinfandel, Merlot Red-berry flavors complement richer, gamier meats.
Chicken Chardonnay Oak and butter flavors round out the mildness of chicken.
Meaty fish (tuna, swordfish, salmon) Pinot Noir

The intensity of the fish is softened by the taste of berries and citrus fruits.

Lighter fish (red snapper, sole, grouper) Sauvignon Blanc Tropical fruit flavors like mango and papaya add extra dimension to these more subtle dishes.
Pasta with red sauce Chianti (Sangiovese) Dry red wine with high acidity mixes well with marinara.
Pasta with white sauce Pinot Grigio (Pinot Gris)

Creamy pasta dishes call for a lighter, crisper white.

Asian/Indian Riesling

Light, refreshing flavors that are slightly sweet balance out the distinctive tastes of these cuisines.

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