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今天晚上吃的是简简单单的两菜一粥。 荤菜是微波烤鸡腿。从上海买回来两本菜谱,其中一本是《微波美食》。早就惊讶于老邢等筒子用微波炉竟能做出如此色香味俱全的菜肴,于是忙不迭地试了几个小菜。最让我喜欢的便是这微波烤鸡腿 —— 是我自己的原创哦,相公第一次见了,都不相信是微波做的。不过呆会我把方法写出来,看官必会笑我,“如此简单的东东,没有什么技术可言,你也敢拿出来晒”。8过,我想,兴许会有筒子喜欢吧。 1、六只鸡腿洗净后用纸巾拍干。在碗里混匀1大勺红糖、1大勺chili powder和半小勺盐,然后均匀的抹在鸡腿上,尤其是没有皮的关节处要抹严实(容易入味),放冰箱里过夜。 2、取一容器,最好不要是塑料的,因为塑料制品和油糖的混合物接触后,在微波加热下很容易被熔融,然后盒子就会出现小洞洞。我用玻璃烤盘。把鸡腿摆入容器中,将腌制剩下的腌料刷到鸡腿上,盖上盖子,高火8分钟;取出,鸡腿翻个身,刷上剩余的料(如果腌料用完了,也可以刷些老抽),再高火8分钟就好了。 看着还是蛮像烤箱烤出来的吧,而且烤盘特别容易清洗呢。
素菜更简单啦,就是清炒西兰花,地球人都知道滴。 |
最近红薯好多,且很便宜哦。就用普通的大米加上水、红豆子、红薯块、红糖,熬了小锅粥,浓浓稠稠的,很好喝。 |
Yes, I covered it with a microwave-oven-used plastic cover (I bought it in Dollar store).
>Is chilli power hot? Or any substitute?
No, chili powder just gives beautiful color, even if it is described "very hot", it tastes just a little bit spicy.
>Also, does it matter, if you take the skin off?
You can bake it first, then take the skin off, so that drumsticks smell good. But if you do mind the chelosterol in skin, you can take it off first. Without skin, I suggest you brush some vegetable oil on the baking pan and then put the drumsticks on.
Also, does it matter, if you take the skin off?
Thx again.
Do you need to cover it while in microwave?
Is chilli power hot? Or any substitute?
Have a good evening.