

【Dolly Parton】There will be Peace in the Valley for Me

(2007-06-04 18:50:10) 下一个

Dolly Parton

一直想写点关于 Dolly Parton 的东西,这位1946年出生于田纳西的阿姨,至今保持如此的魔鬼身材和磁性的嗓音,真是让我着迷不已。 这张照片是我的最爱,那头金色的长发和银蓝色的上衣好般配,美女呀。

昨天晚上看了部电影,一开场就听到了她的歌声,毫不犹豫的喊出“哇,Dolly 哎”。

那首歌的名字是 There will be Peace in the Valley for Me ,很好听哦,歌词如下:

Peace in the valley for me some day
Well, I'm tired and so weary, but I must travel on
'Til the Lord comes and calls me away, oh yes
Where the morning's so bright and the Lamb is the light
And the night is as bright as the day, oh yes!

There will be peace in the valley for me some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord, I pray
There'll be no sadness, no sorrow, no trouble I see
Only peace in the valley for me, oh yes!

Well the bear will be gentle and the wolves will be tame
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh yes!
And the beasts from the wild shall be led by a little child
And I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am, oh yes!

There will be peace in the valley for me some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord, I pray
And there'll be no sadness and no sorrow, no trouble I see
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh yes!
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh yes!


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