2007 (174)
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这张照片是我在National Geographic上看到的,东方明珠的那颗大红球烁烁发光,只可惜,除此之外,上海的上空再没有可炫耀的东西了,灰蒙蒙的一片,看着很压抑;只有隐约的那条蓝带,告诉人们天空的本色。 2004年我所乘坐的航班飞离上海浦东机场,我本想好好再看一眼上海繁荣的景象,想象着繁星点点的夜景,结果很快眼前什么也看不见了,只有让人讨厌的灰色,很浓很浓,像没洗干净的地毯,铺在飞机底下。 到了这里,仰望天空,一开始觉得特别不适应,特别新奇,原来天可以蓝到这么清的地步,云可以那么白。那湛蓝湛蓝的天空,让我感到心情轻松舒畅。
什么时候,上海的上空,能美丽起来呢? |
Dear Dr... have checked the sky in Beijing? Even worse. 6 yrs ago, my lg and I were in BJ, he asked me some question regarding the atomosphere... I said, I do not know maybe its fog... he said, no, no,no,... it is poluted air.
But, 1984 when I was in BJ doing my MA study.... I used to feel the sky there is lot higher and blue than that of SHA.. not any more....
Lets hope it will get bettter...