
Top Ten Toddler Myths (ZT)

(2006-06-21 12:22:08) 下一个
10. The smarter the baby, the earlier she learns to walk.
9.   If they can talk, they can be reasoned with.
8.   Toddlers can't wait to sleep in their own beds, especialy if the sheets have race cars or Barbies on them.
7.   Biters are the product of miserable parenting.
6.   Boys and girls will play exactly alike if never exposed to gender specific toys like dolls and weapons.
5.   Nature will ensure that toddlers are attracted to the food their growing bodies need.
4.   Toddlers love newborns (especially new baby brothers or sisters) and can be counted on to treat them kindly.
3.   Toddlers love animals (especially strange dogs roaming the streets) and can be counted on to treat them kindly.
2.   The difference between toddlers and babies is that toddlers are better at expressing their motions.
1.   Your mother really did have you fully potty trained at eighteen months.

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