
Wellington 的巫婆

(2006-01-13 13:59:15) 下一个

The Wellington Witch

The following paragraph was writen by a 18 yr's teenage who lives around my village. It is about the wellington witch, who is a lady walks around in town. I saw her once or twice. Everybody calls her wellington witch, but no body known who she is and where she live and is from.   

There is this lady; we call her around here, the Wellington Witch. She's this really pale lady who's fucked up on meds all the time. Apearently, all she does is walk around Wellington, with ther hair all fucked up. She's really a witch too, like hat and everything. She changed though. People used to say that she wore like old wedding dresses and shit, but I've only seen her in the witch outfit. I keep seeing this pastel blue mercedes driving around Wellington with a bunch of black people inside. I started seeing them everywhere though, like miles away, ill see them on the road. It's fucking crazy, they're like following me or something.

When I did more search and I figured out that her name is Susan and she was from England. She is a normal person. She is left handed and likes to meet Harry Potter. Plus, she has her own blog!

A lots of people seemed loving her and left a lot of message and good wishes.  

The Wellington Witch

In her own blog she says: I'm an artist, female,64 years old, Wellington, Florida, United States. She said."Hello, I'm the Wellington Witch. If you see me walking the streets of Wellington, please, do not stare. It's not very nice."

The Wellington Witch's Interests
Generalwitchcraft, walking
Musici don't listen to music
Moviesi don't watch movies
Televisioni don't have a television.
Booksmy spell book


Groups: Left Handed Anonymous 

And a week later, I saw a local magazine posted her picture and spelled her name as: Suzan Strauss.
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