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《生活在美国的危险与安全》(Safety and Danger in Life in the USA)

(2023-12-15 23:16:34) 下一个


Safety and Danger in Life in the USA



Living in the United States is like looking through a kaleidoscope, with each day seeing something new – exhilarating, poignant, exciting, unsettling, curious, humorous, and more. Observers, wearing glasses tinted with different colors, interpret events in diverse ways. Even for the same incident, opinions can vary widely. Truth and falsehood debates, whether online or at Chinese family gatherings, can become heated.


Is it possible to discuss things without arguing, looking at them relatively objectively? Given pre-established positions, it's challenging. Here, I'll attempt to focus on a relatively singular aspect: the safety issue of living in the United States. This matter is of concern to both those living here and those outside. To maintain objectivity, I seek quantifiable statistical data publicly disclosed. Among these metrics, the statistics of death is especially the clearest – a stark distinction between 1 and 0.

我们这里不谈疾病和衰老导致的死亡,这不是安全问题。我们也不多谈自杀,因为自杀固然不好,很多还是使用枪械,但不直接导致别人的不安全。下面这个图,首先告诉我们从幼儿1岁到中年后期54岁,美国人群在各个年龄段排前4位的死亡原因。细看一下就可以看出,跟我上面定义的“安全”相关的有两条,一是“非故意伤害”(Unintentional injury),二是“他杀”(即杀人,Homicide)。这个概念比“谋杀”(Murder)要稍宽一点。方便起见,本文中不将两者作严格区分。

We won't discuss deaths from diseases or aging, as they don't represent safety issues. Suicide won't be extensively covered either, as it, while tragic, doesn't directly threaten others' safety. The chart below first highlights the top four causes of death in various age groups, from toddlers (1 year old) to midlife (54 years old). Notably, two related to my definition of "safety" are "Unintentional injury" and "Homicide." The meanings of "Homicide" and "Murder" are not the same, but the distinction between them is not strictly made in the article just for convenience.

上图的下部列举了“非故意伤害”的主要构成,其中“中毒”(Poisoning)和交通事故两者远多于其他(图中的数字包括未死亡的,所以很高)。中毒导致的死亡主要是吸毒过量(overdose)致死,近年以芬太尼过服致死为主。目前,过服致死每年已达十几万人。交通事故致死每年约3.5万人。谋杀每年约2.5 万人。这三条 ,即吸毒致死、交通事故和谋杀是美国与“安全”有关的死亡的主要构成。本文中我们逐一分析。

The lower part of the chart lists the main components of "Unintentional injury," with "Poisoning" and "Traffic accidents" far exceeding others. Deaths from poisoning are mainly due to drug overdoses, with fentanyl overdoses being predominant in recent years, causing tens of thousands of deaths annually. Traffic accidents result in approximately 35,000 deaths each year. Homicides amount to around 25,000 annually. These three – drug overdoses, traffic accidents, and homicides – constitute the main elements of death related to "safety" in the United States, which we will analyze one by one.

下面这个两个图反映的是美国在近20年吸毒死亡的情况。作为总体,美国每10万人中每年有近40人死于过服。芬太尼过服致死近10年呈火箭式上升,已经成为national security的重大威胁,我上个月有博文专门谈这个问题。但是,我相信老中的中产们自尊自爱,成为瘾君子者应该极少,为此而送命者可以忽略不计。所以吸毒致死是尽管是美国的安全问题,但应该不是老中的主要安全问题

Let's start with drug overdoses. The graph below illustrates the situation in the United States over the past 20 years. On average, nearly 40 people per 100,000 die from overdoses each year. Fentanyl overdoses have skyrocketed in the last decade, posing a significant national security threat. However, it's assumed that the risk for middle-class Chinese individuals in U.S. is minimal. Thus, while drug overdoses contribute to the overall safety issue in the U.S., they may not be the primary safety concern for the Chinese community.


Now, let's look at traffic accidents. The following graph is quite busy, but you may focus on the light blue line in the middle. Currently, there are approximately 35,000 traffic accident-related deaths in the U.S. each year, about 10 deaths per 100,000 people annually. Despite population and mileage increases, the number of deaths has decreased, mainly due to improved vehicle safety. Over 40 years, the probability of death per mile traveled has decreased by two-thirds, as reflected in the declining trend of the red line at the bottom.


Often, traffic accidents are unpredictable, but their occurrence has a probability. Most Chinese Americans commute, but they are generally cautious drivers, and they are also less likely to engage in drunk driving. Therefore, regarding the indicator of traffic accidents, the Chinese community's risk is assumed to be at least not higher than the U.S. average.


Alright, let's now take a look at the most prominent issues of violent crime, murder, and gun violence. In many instances, especially concerning gun violence, even if the number of casualties is not high, it has a profound psychological impact on people. For example, in the United States, 100 people die in traffic accidents every day, and it has become a routine occurrence. However, if there is a shooting incident, even with 10 fatalities, it is still shocking.


The following charts depict violent crime, murder, and shooting incidents.  These three indexes have different definitions, but they are highly correlated. About 60-80 violent crimes lead to one death in the U.S. , and murder cases in the U.S. are approximately 80% gun-related.


The above is the violent crime rate in the United States over the past 30 years (per 100,000 people), displayed through two different channels (highly consistent). The information shown in this graph may be surprising to many: it indicates a significant decrease in the United States' violent crime rate over the past 30 years, almost halving. It must be noted that today's social media has a considerable effect of "bad news travels far," often amplifying negative news and creating a psychological perception that is inconsistent with reality, leading to irrational anxiety and unease. In fact, in recent decades, the United States has become noticeably safer.

枪支谋杀的数据(见下)稍有不同,虽然在2020年前的30年里,美国枪支犯罪的减少与暴力犯罪减少是同步的,但2020年出现了突然的、超出常理的跃升。我个人有一些分析,但突然想到去问问ChatGPT这是为什么,它给了我6条可能的原因。前两条是Pandemic-Related Stress和Civil Unrest(比如白人警察“跪杀”黑人导致骚乱)。人工智能让人佩服!有幸的是,去年开始枪击谋杀有所下降。希望今年和未来的年份继续这个趋势。

The data on firearm homicides (see below) is slightly different. Although during the 30 years before 2020, the reduction in firearm crimes and violent crimes in the United States was roughly synchronized, there was a sudden, unprecedented surge in 2020. I have some personal views, but I suddenly thought of asking ChatGPT why this is, and it gave me six possible reasons. The first two are Pandemic-Related Stress and Civil Unrest (such as the riots caused by a white police officer who "kneed” a black individual to death). Artificial intelligence is truly admirable! Fortunately, there has been a decrease in firearm homicides since last year. I hope this trend continues in the coming years.


Let's examine city crime rates. In comparison to 30 years ago, New York City has seen a significant decrease in crime rates, with recent murder rates being only about one-sixth of those in the early 1990s. Currently, New York City is one of the safest major cities in the U.S., with violence and murder rates roughly on par with the national average. However, this is not the case for all cities. Los Angeles has its challenges, and Chicago faces more serious issues. Some cities, like Detroit, St. Louis, and Baltimore, fare even worse.


The two graphs above break down murder rates by ethnicity, comparing them globally, and show homicide rate in all U.S. counties. Overall, the U.S. murder rate is similar to the world average, much better than the chaotic countries in South America but six times higher than EU countries, a consequence largely tied to widespread gun ownership.
The right to bear arms is a constitutional right granted to citizens in the United States, and amending the Constitution to change this right is extremely difficult. The merits and drawbacks of the right to bear arms are not discussed here. The second graph indicates an imbalance in safety across different regions. Given the lack of a registry system and the freedom to move, the Chinese community, being generally cautious and not indulging in nightlife, is likely to experience lower crime and murder rates, should have a rate on par with the average of developed European countries or even lower.


Now, imagine living in a small town representing the average U.S. conditions, with a population of 10,000, for a year. During that year, approximately 105 people will pass away. Of these, four will die from drug overdoses (mostly due to drug abuse), one in a traffic accident, 0.7 from murder, 0.8 from suicide, 0.5 from the combined total of other accidents (such as drowning, fires, etc.). The remaining ~98 people die from illness or aging. For the Chinese middle class, drug overdose deaths would approach zero, and murder deaths would likely decrease by at least 80% (due to good neighborhood). Therefore, beyond this scenario and in reality, the primary threat to the safety of Chinese residents in U.S. would be traffic accidents.




Indeed, many people around the world are attracted to the United States because of its macro-level "safety." Some people come for democracy, some for freedom, but mostly for a better life and a brighter future. The U.S., offering opportunities for ordinary people without any background, along with their descendants, to develop and realize dreams, provides the fundamental guarantee of "safety."


The graph above shows the GDP per capita of the United States over the past 36 years, adjusted for inflation. The continuous upward trajectory after reaching a per capita GDP of $20,000 is remarkable, almost doubling twice in 36 years.


The U.S. economy, with its basic science, core technologies, innovation capacity, intellectual property, renowned brands, and more, is the driving force behind its development and its unparalleled strength compared to other countries. Additionally, the rights granted by the U.S. Constitution to its citizens, along with its openness and inclusivity towards outsiders, are invaluable soft power. The U.S. also possesses the power to inspire nations through fulfilling international obligations and a military capability to deal with troublemakers worldwide.


Therefore, while living in the U.S. requires acknowledging and mitigating potential safety concerns, it's more important to view the issue from a macro perspective. I saw some guys posted on WXC, worrying about various alarming scenarios and creating constant anxiety today.  Admittedly, the U.S. has faced many crises in the last century, such as the Great Depression, the Pearl Harbor incident, the 2008 financial crisis, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic causing a million deaths. Reflecting on how the U.S. has confronted and resolved these crises, we should gain confidence. The comprehensive strength of U.S. soft and hard power mentioned above is the fundamental assurance of people's safety living in the United States.

【Edited from ChatGPT translation.】

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