书接上文,玛利亚(Mary, mother of Jesus)去见表姐伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)。她在那里陪伴表姐,一直到伊丽莎白生下了约翰(John the Baptist)。
之后,玛利亚和丈夫约瑟(Saint Joseph)回到伯利恒(Bethlehem),生下了耶稣。
The Nativity, c. 1473-1475, by Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510)在波提切利(Botticelli)的这幅作品里,我们就可以看到耶稣,玛利亚,约瑟,布,和马槽。
The Birth of Christ, 1476-77, by Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510)这是波提切利的另一幅作品。左边后方的小孩,是才出生(应该没几个月)的小施洗者约翰。
Adoration of the Child, second half of 15th century, by Bastiano Mainardi (1466 – 1513)
Byzantine icon Nativity painted on wood Romania
The Nativity at Nigh, by Geertgen tot Sint Jans (circa 1460 –circa 1488 )
Nativity, by Conrad von Soest (1370 – c.1422). In this 1403 panel Saint Joseph cooks a meal as Mary cares for Jesus.
4th-century sarcophagus, Milan; one of the earliest Nativity images耶稣诞生的日子,后世学者多半认同是在公元前6年 – 公元前4年 (6BC – 4BC)。