

我们凭着圣灵胜任这新约的执事 — 哥林多后书读经随笔 第3章

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哥林多后书第三章第6—18节,保罗说我们并不是凭着旧约圣经里的字句胜任这新约的执事,而是凭着耶稣基督所赐的圣灵才使得我们胜任这新约的执事,因为那字句是叫人死,而圣灵是叫人活。如果那些属死的服事凭宣扬刻在石头上的字句尚且有荣光,那属灵的服事凭圣灵宣扬耶稣基督的福音,岂不更有荣光吗?如果那些凭字句定人罪的有荣光,那凭圣灵称义的则有更大的荣光;如果那废掉的有荣光, 那永存的则更有荣光。保罗说正是因为有这样的盼望,我们才如此大胆地讲说福音。

林后3:5 并不是我们凭自己能承担甚么事、我们所能承担的、乃是出于 神.
not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God;
 林后3:6 他叫我们能承当这新约的执事.不是凭着字句、乃是凭着精意.因为那字句是叫人死、精意是叫人活。〔精意或作圣灵〕
who also made us sufficient as servants of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
 林后3:7 那用字刻在石头上属死的职事、尚且有荣光、甚至以色列人因摩西面上的荣光、不能定睛看他的脸.这荣光原是渐渐退去的.
But if the service of death, written engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the children of Israel could not look steadfastly on the face of Moses for the glory of his face; which was passing away:
 林后3:8 何况那属灵的职事、岂不更有荣光么。
won't service of the Spirit be with much more glory?
 林后3:9 若是定罪的职事有荣光、那称义的职事、荣光就越发大了。
For if the service of condemnation has glory, the service of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.
 林后3:10 那从前有荣光的、因这极大的荣光、就算不得有荣光了.
For most certainly that which has been made glorious has not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasses.
 林后3:11 若那废掉的有荣光、这长存的就更有荣光了。
For if that which passes away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.
 林后3:12 我们既有这样的盼望、就大胆讲说、
Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness of speech,

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