

银匠们也迫害传福音的门徒 — 使徒行传读经随笔 第19章

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徒19:24 有一个银匠、名叫底米丢、是制造亚底米神银龛的、他使这样手艺人生意发达。
For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the craftsmen,
徒19:25 他聚集他们和同行的工人、说、众位、你们知道我们是倚靠这生意发财。
whom he gathered together, with the workmen of like occupation, and said, "Sirs, you know that by this business we have our wealth.
徒19:26 这保罗不但在以弗所、也几乎在亚西亚全地、引诱迷惑许多人、说、人手所作的不是神、这是你们所看见所听见的.
You see and hear, that not at Ephesus alone, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are no gods, that are made with hands.
徒19:27 这样、不独我们这事业、被人藐视、就是大女神亚底米的庙、也要被人轻忽、连亚西亚全地、和普天下、所敬拜的大女神之威荣、也要消灭了。
Not only is there danger that this our trade come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be counted as nothing, and her majesty destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worships."
徒19:28 众人听见、就怒气填胸、喊着说、大哉以弗所人的亚底米阿。
When they heard this they were filled with anger, and cried out, saying, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"
徒19:29 满城都轰动起来.众人拿住与保罗同行的马其顿人该犹、和亚里达古、齐心拥进戏园里去。
The whole city was filled with confusion, and they rushed with one accord into the theater, having seized Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel.
徒19:30 保罗想要进去、到百姓那里、门徒却不许他去。
When Paul wanted to enter in to the people, the disciples didn't allow him.
徒19:31 还有亚西亚几位首领、是保罗的朋友、打发人来劝他、不要冒险到戏园里去。
Certain also of the Asiarchs, being his friends, sent to him and begged him not to venture into the theater.
徒20:1 乱定之后、保罗请门徒来、劝勉他们、就辞别起行、往马其顿去。
After the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples, took leave of them, and departed to go into Macedonia.
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