


(2022-10-29 17:11:54) 下一个

圣经里说耶稣是新郎,门徒是新娘或者说新妇。耶稣的比喻里也多次将自己比做新郎。施洗约翰也曾将自己比做新郎的朋友。以弗所书说这是极大的奥秘: 基督与信徒的关系就好比是人与妻子合为一体。可见耶稣与信徒的关系是多么亲密与亲昵! 这就不难理解为什么雅歌一书对爱情描述的是那么细致和令人迷恋,那其实是象征信徒们在耶稣的眼中是多么的美丽与迷人,多么的受耶稣深爱!

耶稣深深地爱着我们,替我们死在十字架上,并在第三日复活后差遣圣灵住在每个基督徒里面并始终同在(只是我们做门徒的不要搁置主的恩典)! 因此,每一个基督徒有耶稣这个新郎时刻同在,他在百合花中牧放我们这些属他的羊,我们永远不孤独,因为我们的灵魂遇到了对的那位!

太9:15 耶稣对他们说、新郎和陪伴之人同在的时候、陪伴之人岂能哀恸呢.但日子将到、新郎要离开他们、那时候他们就要禁食。
Jesus said to them, "Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

太25:1 那时天国好比十个童女、拿着灯、出去迎接新郎。
"Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom.

约3:29 娶新妇的就是新郎.新郎的朋友站着听见新郎的声音就甚喜乐.故此我这喜乐满足了。
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. This, my joy, therefore is made full.

启19:7 我们要欢喜快乐、将荣耀归给他.因为羔羊婚娶的时候到了、新妇也自己预备好了。
Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and let us give the glory to him. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready."
启19:9 天使吩咐我说、你要写上、凡被请赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了。又对我说、这是神真实的话。
He said to me, "Write, 'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'" He said to me, "These are true words of God."

歌4:7 我的佳偶、你全然美丽、毫无瑕疵。
You are all beautiful, my love. There is no spot in you.
歌4:9 我妹子、我新妇、你夺了我的心.你用眼一看、用你项上的一条金炼、夺了我的心。
You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride. You have ravished my heart with one of your eyes, with one chain of your neck.
歌4:10 我妹子、我新妇、你的爱情何其美.你的爱情比酒更美.你膏油的香气胜过一切香品。
How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine! The fragrance of your perfumes than all kinds of spices!
歌4:11 我新妇、你的嘴唇滴蜜、好象蜂房滴蜜.你的舌下有蜜有奶.你衣服的香气如利巴嫩的香气。
Your lips, my bride, drip like the honeycomb. Honey and milk are under your tongue. The smell of your garments is like the smell of Lebanon.
歌6:3 我属我的良人、我的良人也属我.他在百合花中牧放群羊。
I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine. He browses among the lilies

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