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可是, 可是你没有看原文,为什么不呢?只要看看原文不就没问题了嘛。

我本人有个习惯,在信息大爆炸时代,看到什么too good to be true 的豪言壮语,总想把原文拿来看看。中文网络有个坏习惯,往往借一些名人来抛售自己的私货,爱因斯坦是最大的受害者,如什么“世界上如果有什么真正的宗教的话,那就是佛教”,云云。

一个法国传教士说中国语言是神的话,典型的too good to be true.

传教士白晋(Joachim Bouvet)与莱布尼兹(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)自1697年至1707年间一共通过15封信,其中只有1701年11月4日白晋写于北京的信中提到伏羲与希腊神话人物赫尔墨斯·特里吉斯(Hermes Trismegistus)。


尽管中国人将伏羲视为其第一位统治者和王朝的创始人,绝大多数学者认为,伏羲从未踏足中国。相反,归功于伏羲的所有事物,与归功于Zoroaster, Trismegistus, 或Enoch完全一致,因此伏羲不过是这些重要人物之一




原来,西方人也玩过 “俺祖上也阔过!”,伏羲不就是我们的三倍伟大之神吗!


Because although this nation regards this great man as its first ruler and as the founder of its monarchy, there are strong reasons, subscribed to by some very qualified scholars (I speak of the greater majority) which show that Fuxi never set foot in China. And on the contrary, most of the things that one attributes to him, as much in terms of the times in which he lived as in terms of the things that he did, are such that it is easy to conclude, due to the nearly complete conformity between all of this with that which our ancient authors and those of the Orient have attributed to Zoroaster, to Mercury Trismegistus, or even to Enoch, that Fuxi was none other than one of these important individuals, which is what the two hieroglyphs of his name itself give some reason to this conjecture. For the first hieroglyph fu [i.e., 伏] is composed of two other characters, being ren (homo) [i.e., 人] and quan (canis) [i.e., 犬], as if to say homo-canis, sive canina sagacitate in venandis etperquirendis rerum omnium causis et principiis [i.e., man-dog, or with dog-like wisdomin hunting and seeking the truth of all causes and first principles], or even Mercury Trismegistus, whom the creators of the emblematical hieroglyphs represented with the head of a dog on a human body.8 The second character xi羲 signifies victims, a term which leads one to understand that Fuxi was a sacrificer or high priest, and that it was he who set the rules for the sacrifices and for the religious cult. Besides his common name, in the books he also is given the title Tai hao [i.e., 太昊, “greatest brightness”], which signifies very great and three times great, or Trismegistus.


Ps. 如果咱站在信仰大门之外,最好闭嘴少谈宗教。如果我问:空即是色色即是空,这不自相矛盾吗?估计,佛教徒们也会笑岔气。

我说过,看圣经最好不要看中文(惨不忍睹),能看英文看英文,最好懂希腊文,希伯来文。 以下是英文New International Reader's Version

The earth didn’t have any shape. And it was empty. There was darkness over the surface of the waves (or deep). At that time, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.


联系waves、the deep, 这个waters不难理解吧?(水,在希伯伦文中隐喻黑暗深渊)

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