


(2019-04-26 11:26:33) 下一个






Now he comes to the ultimate revolutionary statement. 
You must have heard about the four noble truths of Buddha.

The first noble truth is suffering: that everybody is suffering, that the whole existence is dukkha, suffering, pain, misery, agony. 
And the second noble truth is: its origination is in craving -- tanha, desire. Suffering exists: 
the first noble truth -- arya satya; the second noble truth is that suffering has a cause and the cause is in desire. We suffer because we desire. 
And the third noble truth is: this desiring can be stopped. It is possible -- nirodha; it can be stopped. By looking deep into desiring it can be stopped, and when desiring stops suffering disappears. And the fourth noble truth is: there is an eightfold path that leads to the stoppage, nirodha, of desiring, and consequently of suffering. 

现在他(佛祖)终于讲到最终极的最具有革命性的语句了。你一定知道佛的四大基本真理。第一个真理是《痛苦》:也就是说每个人都在经受痛苦,整个存在是痛苦,痛,悲哀,恼怒。 第二个真理是《欲望造成了痛苦》:也就是说,因为有欲望,导致了痛苦。佛通过第二个真理说明痛苦的原因是欲望,因为欲望才产生痛苦。第三个真理是《欲望可以停止灭绝的》,也就是说,当欲望停止后,痛苦即刻消散。通过对痛苦的研究询问痛苦的真相,可以停止痛苦。第四个真理是有《八大正道》通向欲望的消散以至于获得痛苦的停止。

This is Buddhism's most fundamental philosophy, and in this statement Buddha denies that too! He says: 
Nobody has ever stated such a revolutionary thing. Buddha reaches the uttermost peak of revolution; everybody else falls short. 
Scholars have always been worried that this is contradictory. Buddha teaches that there is suffering, and then one day he says, "There is no suffering." He teaches that there is a cause for why suffering is, and then one day he says, "There is no origination." He teaches that there is a possibility -- nirodha -- that it can be stopped, and one day he says, "There is no stopping." 
And he says -- and the whole of Buddhism depends on that saying -- that there is an eightfold path, astangik marga: right vision, right exercise, right meditation, right samadhi, and so on and so forth; the eight-limbed path which leads you to the ultimate truth. And now one day he says, "There is no path. The reality is a pathless reality." Why this contradiction? The first statement is made to those who do not know that they are not. The first statements are made to ordinary people, full of ego. This statement is made to Sariputra in a particular space, in a particular state. 

四大真理是佛教最基本的哲学体系。可以在下面这句话中,佛祖把四大真理的哲学体系给否定了!他说:没有痛苦,没有因(ORIGINATION),没有停止,没有道路”  没有人说过具有这样革命性的语句。佛祖达到了革命的巅峰。其他人都相去甚远。

学者们一直纠结担心佛祖在经文中明显的逻辑矛盾。一方面佛祖告诉学生们“痛苦是有的”,然后突然有一天佛祖宣称“没有痛苦”。他教育学生们痛苦的原因是欲望,突然有一天他说“没有原因”(There is no origination)。佛一面教育学生们“有停止欲望停止痛苦的可能性”,突然有一天他宣称“没有停止”概念。整个佛教是建立在认可佛祖的八大道路的基础上的。这八个正道就是佛教徒们不容置疑的:正见,正思,正悟,正业,正命,正精进,正念,正定。通过遵循这八个大道会把你带到终极的真相。突然有一天,佛祖宣称:“没有道路”!真相是没有道路的真相。

为什么佛祖一面讲一个道理,反过来否定这个道理?这是矛盾吗?四大真理是说给那些还不知道“他们”不存在的‘人’听的(明亮先生注释,四大真理是说给EGO听的)。四大真理是说给普通人听的。普通人充满了个体“我”的幻觉(FULL OF EGO)。但说给极少数的学生比如坐在佛祖面前的舍利子徒弟将是完全不同的教育。


... Now I can say this to you. I could not have said it before, you were not ready. Now you have looked into me, and looking into me you have seen what nothingness is. You have had a taste of it! Therefore, Sariputra: tasmat, Sariputra! Now it is possible to say to you that there is no suffering, that it is a dream; people are suffering in dream. And there is no causation -- people are desiring in a dream. And there is no stopping -- people are exercising, doing methods, meditating, yoga etcetera, in a dream. And the whole path exists in the dream. Now it can be said to you because you are awake, Sariputra. Your eyes are opened; now you see the ego does not exist.


And to get out of the ego is to get out of sleep. To get out of the ego is to get out of darkness. To get out of the ego is to be free. In that freedom it can be said that there is no path. It is like a dream.


In dream you are suffering, and when you are suffering in a dream, it is so real. And you are searching: "Why am I suffering?" And then you come across a great sage -- in the dream -- and the sage says, "You are suffering because you are desiring. You are so much infatuated with money; that's why you are suffering. Drop this desire and the suffering will disappear." You understand it, it is very logical. You know it, you have experienced it yourself that whenever you desire, suffering comes. The more desire is there, the more suffering. The greater the desire the bigger the suffering. You understand it. Then you ask, "Then how to stop it?" And the great sage says, "You stand on your head, you do yoga, you do chaotic meditation, you do kundalini, you do nadabrahma, you do encounter group and you do leela and you do primal therapy and all." The great sage says, "You do these things; these will help. You will become more understanding of your desire, and you will be able to drop the desire."


So the sage gives you a well-formulated eightfold path. He says, "This is the way." One day, when you will really be awake... And remember, these things help you to awake. Now even if you stand on your head in a dream there is a possibility your dream will be broken. Try! Try tonight! When you are in a dream, just stand on your head in the dream, and suddenly you will see that you are awake. Do kundalini in a dream -- you will be awake. And if you are not, at least your husband will be awake, the neighbors will be awake, something is going to happen.

All methods are just to wake you. But when you are awake...




And now Buddha can say this to Sariputra; he is awake. He can say, "Now I can tell you the truth -- that nobody exists, neither the disciple nor the master, nor the dream, nor the suffering, nor the sage, nor the cause, nor the stopping. There is no path."

This is the ultimate statement of truth.

But this can be made only at the highest stage, at the seventh rung of the ladder. Sariputra reached to that rung on this day. That's why 'therefore'... TASMAT SARIPUTRA.

Enough for today.

佛祖对舍利子继续说,这时,坐在佛祖面前的舍利子是清醒的,佛对他说:“现在我可以告诉你真相了 —— 没有‘人’存在。既没有徒弟,也没有大师,也没有梦,也没有痛苦,也没有圣者,也没有原因,也没有停止。没有任何道路。”






也就是说,只有悟性不够的“人”(EGO)需要去学佛教,学概念,对于悟性高到一定程度的那位,所有佛教教义都将无意义,可以放走了。佛在《心经》中基本否定了佛教的基本教义。但这不是矛盾。佛告诉高悟性的那位,真相并不需要遵循一个道路(PATH)去获得。真相是不需要获得的,是没有道路的(NO PATH),是近在眼前的,无距离的,立即的,立刻的,睁开眼看就看到的。这就是我最近写的两篇《非传统静思提纲》博文中指出的重点。 


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