

Tony Parsons大师文章《所有这一切》英文翻译成中文加注释

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LONDON, October 2002 by Tony Parsons

TONY PARSONS在2002年伦敦讲座记录

I' d better warn you right away that I’m not an enlightened person and no person in this room will ever become enlightened. There is no such thing as an enlightened person. It’s a contradiction in terms.


I would also like to say that what is going on here is not a teaching of any kind. There’s nothing that’s taught here, because there’s no one here who needs to learn anything.


All that’s happening here, really, is that we are friends together, remembering something. This is just about remembering something that maybe we feel we have lost or mislaid. Some people here have remembered - also, quite a lot of people in this room have sensed or glimpsed what they thought was lost.


And the nature of what we think is lost is timeless being. It’s totally, utterly simple - the one thing we long for more than anything else is actually totally and utterly simple and immediate and available. And strangely enough, the thing that we long for has never left us.


In simple terms, all that happens is that when we are very young children, there is simply being, without a knowing of being; there is simply being. And then someone comes along and says ‘You’re Bill’ or ‘You’re Mary’ - ‘You’re a person’. And in some way or other, the mind - the ‘I’ thought, the identity, the idea that ‘I am a person’ - takes over the energy of being and identifies it as Bill or Mary or whatever. It takes over being and gives it a name. Words begin, labels begin, and the whole idea of ‘me’ becomes the main investment of living.

简单地来说,当我们是婴儿时,只有简单的存在(Simple Being),并不知道存在概念,只有简单地存在。然后过来告诉你:“你是比尔或你是玛丽” - “你是一个人”。通过某种无法解释的方式,‘我’思想,‘我’的个体定位,也就是‘我是一个人’的定位开始占领简单的存在能量,把没有个定位的简单的存在能量命名为“比尔”或“玛丽”或随便什么名字。这种个体定位错觉占据了简单的无个体定位的存在能量,给它取了名字。就这样,词语开始了,贴标签开始了,形容开始了。就这样,‘我’的念头成为生活的主要投资。

If you look at the apparent world we live in today, it’s all about ‘me’ - it’s all about ‘the person’ being successful or being a failure. We grow up believing and reinforcing the idea that there is someone, and that that someone lives a life that’s going to last so many years. We’re in a journey called ‘my life’, and the thing to do - we are told - is to make that life work. The whole investment is in ‘I am a person and I’ve got to make my life work’.

让我们观察一下表相世界,一切都围绕着‘我’ - 一切都关于‘我’这个‘人’的成功或失败。我们依照“我是一个人”这个念头长大,我们相信“有人在过一个生活,生活只能延续这许多年”,我们相信自己在所谓的“我的生活”旅程上向前跋涉,有需要完成的任务或要负担的责任。我们被告知要让“我的生活”顺利进行下去。整个投资都放在“我是一个人”和“我需要使我都生活顺利进行下去”。

And so you get lists fed to you. The first one is about being a good child, the next one is about being a good student . . . Then there’s a list of requirements about being a good worker, usually followed by being a good husband, wife or partner. Some people turn to religion to try to discover what it is that’s missing in their lives, and again they are presented with a list of requirements they need to fulfil before they can become worthy or acceptable.


There are as many ideas about how to make your life work as there are apparent people in the world. And there are many subtle levels of personal achievement - some of them apparently negative. For some people, achieving victimhood can seem like a great success!

世界上看似有多少人,就有多少如何改善或提高生活质量的建议。表面上确实看似有很多微妙的个人成就 - 很多看上去是负面的。对某些人来说,成为一个受害者好像是一个成就!

We have to play that game because we really think we are people; there’s a pretence taken on called ‘I am a person’. You pretend you are this person, and you take it so seriously that you forget you are pretending - the pretence becomes everything. And many many people live the whole of their lives like that. That’s fine, that’s divine, that’s the divine game.


Some people feel that, having gone through all of these lists, there’s still something missing. They then think, ‘Maybe I can find it through therapy - maybe a therapist can tell me what’s wrong, what’s missing’. And they’re into another list. And again there is this drive to become something.


But for some reason or other, none of the things on the lists - religion, therapy, whatever - seem to work. And then some people hear about something called enlightenment, and they get a sense that maybe that’s the last piece of the jigsaw. So they go and find someone who’s pretending to be a guru, and they pretend to be disciples. And the two build each other up. The master who will teach you how to become enlightened gets bigger and bigger, and you feel more and more important because your master seems more and more important.


Of course it’s yet another wonderful game of pretence. And another list comes with that scenario - meditation, or being very honest, or being so serious about enlightenment you could throw yourself off a cliff . . . One of the items on that list is ‘being here now’ - being here now and not thinking. You can read the books and go and see these guys who tell you this . . . And you can actually be here now for up to three or four minutes - and maybe not think for five seconds! 

这又是另一种形式的伪装游戏。大师给你另外一个清单,要你静坐,要你保持诚实,要你对醒悟保持认真,以至于你可以为醒悟让自己从悬崖上跳下去,等等等。大师给你的清单中有一条显目的任务:“驻在现在当下” - 也就是说驻在当下不要思想。你可以读这些大师的书,然后驻在当下三或四分钟,也许可以停止思想五秒钟!

It’s all pretence, and it’s totally divine. Every moment of your lives up until this moment has been absolutely perfectly divine; nothing could have ever been any different. The whole appearance of your life - the whole of the apparent doing, the apparent choosing - is totally appropriate and divine.

所有这些都是伪装游戏。但是神圣的伪装游戏。从你出生到现在的每个时刻都是神圣的;你不可能有另外的结局(注释,你可能常常后悔,我当初应该做这件事,现在就好多了,我当初应该做那件事,我现在的情况就会好多了,这些都是错误的幻觉。你从出生到现在的每时每刻都是神圣自发流动,不是个人的选择,这就是为什么TONY说你不可能有不同的结局)。所有表面上的‘你的生活’,所有表面上‘你的作为’,所有表面上‘你的选择’ - 它们都是正确的神圣的。


But the idea of ‘you’ is being reinforced all the time. The emphasis is that there is someone there; everything in the world goes on emphasising that there is someone there. The pretence of ‘me’ goes on being reinforced even in the search for enlightenment, because what a so-called master will say to you is, ‘I have become enlightened - I am an enlightened person and you can become an enlightened person’. You - this pretend ‘you’! It’s a total, utter fallacy, because awakening is the realisation that there is no one - it’s as simple as that. It’s totally and utterly simple, and also very difficult.

每时每刻在增强‘我’的定位。‘我’把重点放在有人存在;‘我’认为有一个世界在运行,有人存在在世界上。甚至在追求醒悟的过程中,伪装的‘我’感觉还在不断加强中。所谓的大师会告诉你:“我已经醒悟了 - 我是一位醒悟的人因此你也可以成为一个醒悟的人”。这个‘你’,这个伪装的‘你’! 它是完全彻底的幻觉错误。醒悟不发生给一个‘你’,醒悟就是发现根本没有任何‘你’存在。就这么简单的道理,这个道理是完全彻底地简单的,同时又是很难的。

Awakening is the realisation that all that’s been happening - the whole idea of there being a ‘me’ - is a pretence. You’re actually pretending to sit there and look at me. You’re pretending that you’re sitting there looking at me and trying to get something. 


Actually, there is no one sitting there and there is nothing to get.


You can close your eyes, if you want to, and sense the energy that you think is ‘you’. It’s like an aliveness . . . For some people it’s a sense ‘I exist’ . . .


But that energy, that sense of ‘you’ being there, is actually not you. That sense of who you think you are - that sense of aliveness and energy - is being; it’s just being. It never came and it never went away - it’s never left you; it’s always been there. You thought it was you - it’s just pure being. It isn’t who you are - it’s what you are. What you are is simply being, presence, life. You are life, life happening, but it doesn’t happen to anyone. Sitting on that chair isn’t happening to you - sitting on that chair is what’s happening, to no one. There’s just being. You are being - you are divine being.

但是这个能量,这个‘你存在’的感觉,不真的是你。感觉上的‘你存在’和感觉上的‘活着’和‘能量’,就是存在本身(BEING);只有‘存在’(BEING)本身。它不会来也不会离开,它从来没有离开过你;它从来就在这里。你认为它是‘你’,不,它就是纯粹的‘存在’本身。它不是你的谁,它就是你自己。你是什么?你就是单纯的存在本身(BEING)。换个说法你就是当下本身。换个说法,没有一个‘你’在过生活,你就是生活本身。生活在进行中,但生活不对任何‘人’进行。坐在那个椅子上不是发生给‘你’ - 坐在那个椅子上就是纯粹的发生,不发生给任何‘人’。只有‘存在’,你就是存在 -你就是神圣的存在本身。


And it’s so amazing because wherever you go, there is being. Whatever you apparently do, there is being. Whatever you apparently don’t do, there is being. There always has been being, whatever you’ve apparently done or not done, however unworthy or neurotic or ignorant or selfish you think you are. All of those qualities arise in what you are, which is being. All there is is being. And what arises in that being is the idea that ‘you’ exist. It’s just an idea, it’s just a thought, that there is someone.


So you see, how is it possible that anyone needs to do something for awakening to happen? There is no one - there is only being - so how could anyone do anything? Why should anybody have to become something, when all they are is a pretence? Should they become a better pretence? Awakening has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are just a character in a play. Tony Parsons is simply a set of characteristics - that’s what is sitting here, a set of characteristics and a body/mind. But what you are is the being, the stillness, from which that comes. All that’s actually sitting there is stillness, being, present awareness - call it what you like.

因此你看到,怎么可能有人完成某些任务后最终达到醒悟状态?完全没有‘人’,只有存在本身。怎么可能有‘人’做任何事情?当你发现一切都是伪装以后,为什么还有任何人要变成某种东西?难道他们要提高到一个更美好的伪装吗?醒悟和‘你’绝对的无关。‘你’仅仅是游戏中的一个角色。Tony Parsons也仅仅是一个游戏中的角色 - 坐在演讲台上的就是这个角色,看似有它的身体和思想。但这些角色不是真正的你,你就是‘存在’本身,你就是寂静本身。从寂静的存在中浮现出万千世界。实际上坐在那里的是寂静,存在,当下,和觉知,随便你怎么称呼它都无所谓。

Awakening is simply the dropping of an idea, a pretence, an idea of pretending to be someone. And there’s nobody here in this room who can drop that idea. What is going on here is that at one level we’re talking and the mind is trying to understand, but at another level, there’s a deeper wisdom (which we all know anyway) that’s being communicated and resonating and being reacknowledged.



Once this message is heard, then the ‘me’ simply drops away. The idea of ‘me’, the pretence of ‘me‘ is absent and there is what is always there - simply being.

一旦听到了这个信息,‘我’念头就丢弃了。当‘我’念头消散以后,当‘我’的伪装被丢弃以后,留下来的就是一直在的,简单的‘存在’(SIMPLY BEING)。

It’s as simple as that. It’s utterly simple. It’s right there - you don’t have to go anywhere. You don’t even have to understand it - don’t for goodness’ sake try and understand it! And don’t think for a moment that anybody wants you to believe it - it has nothing to do with belief. It can be felt . . . there’s just aliveness. There’s life, sitting here.

就这么简单,完全彻底的简单。它就在当下,你不需要去任何地方寻找它,你甚至不要去理解它。千万不要去理解它!它是思想理解不了的,也是不需要理解的!也不要认为你需要信仰它 - 它和信仰无关。它只能被感到,它就是‘活着’。它就是生活,只有生活,坐在那个椅子上。


The mind will want to chatter on about this, and that’s absolutely fine. If the mind wants to talk or ask questions, let that happen. What’s happening is that the questions get no answers and the mind finds that it can’t get anywhere, because this already is the case. The mind wants to say ‘Yes but . . .’ - and that’s divine. No question is silly - if it’s in the mind, it needs to come out and be responded to.

思想还是会继续思考这些问题,但这不是问题。如果思想要想谈一个问题或问一个问题,就让它发生吧。实际上发生的是,问题不会得到任何答案。思想会逐渐发现它去不了任何地方,得不到任何结果。思想总是在说:“是的我懂了,但是。。。” - 这就是神圣本身,不是问题,让思想发生吧,让提问发生吧。没有问题是愚蠢的 - 如果存在于思想中,它就要出来寻求答案,这不是问题。

But somewhere the mind wants to give up. And in the end, all that it’s seeing is that there is just this - life. If you close your eyes, all you actually find are sensations. One thing is happening at a time - the body sitting in a chair is happening; a breeze coming through the window is happening; the crackling of paper is happening; cars are happening . . . There’s no story. The story that we think is our story is simply a pretence, because always there is only this. The story you’ve listened to about your life is not going anywhere. Everything that is happening is simply the invitation to see that all there is is this. All the time, life has been saying to you, ‘Look - there is simply life. There’s no story - there’s simply life’.

某时某刻,思想会最终放弃自己。因为最终,你所能看到的只是“是怎样就是怎样”,这就是生活,WHAT IS。如果你闭上眼睛,你所能找到的只有感觉,每个时刻发生一样东西 - 比如,身体坐在椅子上在发生;窗外微风袭来在发生;纸张折叠的声音在发生。。。,没有故事发生。我们认为发生的故事其实是伪装出来的,因为只有THAT(‘存在’),没有其它。你所关心的所谓‘我的生活’并不真正的在发生。任何看似发生的事情都在邀请你去发现只有‘存在’(THAT)本身,没有其它。生活一直在跟你说:“看吧,只有生活,但没有故事,只有简单的生活”。

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