
We are Americans and need law/order

(2020-05-31 18:48:25) 下一个

We are Americans and need law & order


- by JessAB


Yesterday, I was excited and moved as I watched the historic Launch America sending two astronauts to the space on the American rocket from American soil. At that inspirational moment, I felt America is still great and can have the brighter future because we have so many talented, and law & order abiding as well as hard working men and women out there. 


We are Americans! For whatever reasons, we left the country we were born and came to this great land.  Because America is the country with law and order, we can then have the equal rights and equal opportunities to pursue our dreams and start from scratch to build our families, our careers and good life here. 


To me, I never experience any discrimination regarding my employment on the basis of my gender and race.  Think about it why people/employers would do such unlawful things to me not to say I am so good and also a significant contributor?  Of course not!  Employers always want to attract and retain the talents.  I hope people can differentiate between race/gender discrimination and obnoxious because the prior one is violation of the law that can be sued while the latter, obnoxious scumbags are indeed present somewhere.  Some people like to blame others and tend to constantly use race discrimination as excuses for their own problems, incompetences, and their own lack of responsibilities/accountabilities. 


And the left main stream media and dems don’t want to talk about what are the real root causes behind what they often call “racial inequality”.  Instead, they like to keep using race discrimination to inflict race and class wars among Americans.  Why??  One explanation is that the dems and leftists have something to gain by continully using the race war tactics. We got a black president for 8 years in the office, but why blacks are still the center of talking points? The dems and leftists would have everything to lose if they stop using the race war and letting blacks off their hooks.  In my opinion, the dems politicians and left media are indeed the real problems not the solutions for the racial divisions in the US!


America is a free country but everyone also needs to follow the law and order.  People are free to have peaceful protests.  But under no circumstances should those violent rioters and looters be on the loose. Those radical Antifa should be prosecuted by law.


According to Reuters, Biden campaign staffs donated to a group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis.  How can someone support far left dems if you want law and order? How can someone support far left dems if you want equal opportunity on the basis of abilities not based on race/gender? 


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唐西 回复 悄悄话 这土味英文,写得有意思,可惜亮错了地方。
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cng' 的评论 : “说不是大使馆的红人组织的我都不信”

JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cng' 的评论 :

哈哈, 看得仔细,给抓住了是个typo. 是” root cause’.
JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 '老上不来' 的评论 :

你说的对, 可就有那么些虚伪的人不能让人说出事实,人之间是有各方面的差异, 否则就扣上歧视帽子.
cng 回复 悄悄话 回复 '土豆-禾苗' 的评论 : 4年前川粉也很厉害,组织放飞机,自掏腰包从西岸飞到宾州给川普拉票。说不是大使馆的红人组织的我都不信。

cng 回复 悄悄话 root course, 哈哈,可爱。
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 回复 '老上不来' 的评论 : 换句话讲,黑人擅长上街游行,(还有欧人或伊朗人或港台人);而大陆人擅长在家写文章或youtuber,每天带领几万粉丝一起“深度分析”“精确计算”“理性分析”“辩证分析”……


老上不来 回复 悄悄话 必须承人种是有差别的,无关种族岐视。黑人做算术永远做不过东方人,东方人跑百米永远跑不过黑人。
JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 '土豆-禾苗' 的评论 :

Haha, you tell me about it.
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 We are 大陆Chinese and always 遵纪守法!


-by big mouth