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Certification for mySAP Application Consultants mySAP Application Consultant Certification is available for most SAP solutions. Candidates should either complete the appropriate SAP Solution Academy and case study, or take the equivalent standard curriculum classes at an SAP Education Center. Candidates may take the exam without attending related classes if they have substantial experience implementing the appropriate SAP solution.


Certification for mySAP Technical Consultants Candidates who have completed the proper Solution Academy or SAP standard curriculum classes may test for mySAP Technical Certification. Consultants may take the exam without attending classes if they have significant experience in Basis, SAP system administration, or R/3 database administration. Upgrading Your Existing Certificate You can upgrade your existing certificate to the next SAP version by passing a Delta Examination. There are several training options to prepare for the Delta examination. Exam Content All Certification Exam contents and questions are based on the curriculum for the equivalent SAP Solution Academy. You will find the topics for each exam on the Exam Listings page. 1-888-777-1SAP 1727

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