聪明的艾米 SMart Amy

聪明的艾米 SMart Amy 是献给选择性缄默的儿童, 家长,老师和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和沟通中帮助选择性缄默儿童。内容包含特定的场景,活动和策略,加上有趣的儿童卡通图画,教选择性缄默儿童如何以非言语的方式交流,并帮助家长和老师制定帮助计划。

Selective Mutism Out of school activity: Meet friend at Playgrou

(2018-03-22 04:39:56) 下一个

  • Who: Amy, talking buddy, other unfamiliar kids
  • Location: Community park/playground
  • Environment: Amy is facing a minor obstacle (ex monkeybars) and is receiving encouragement from her friends
  • Worry Level: 0
  • Strategy: keep her busy, praise and encouragement, start conversations with a casual topic, sportscaster
  • Purpose: Encouragement helps Amy and puts her in a more comfortable environment. By giving her positive feedback, it will help her with SM. The friends are encouraging her by saying “Go Amy!”

Strategy and Scene

  • Keep her busy -Amy will have access to many types of activities such as a slide or a swing set.
  • Praise and Encouragement - “Can you swing to the next monkey bar? I think you can do it!”
  • Start conversations with a casual topic - “Do you need help on the monkey bars?”
  • Sportscaster - “I can see that you are swinging on the monkey bar. You are doing a great job.”

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Amy went to a local park, where there was a large, exciting playground. Children ran around the slides, monkey bars, and obstacles playing tag and other games. Excited, Amy joins the other children on the playground. She slid down the multiple slides, scrambled her way up on  incline, and by the end of all, Amy’s heart was beating rapidly and she was panting with exhilaration. She tried all the different types of obstacles, except for the monkey bars. With little hesitation, she eagerly swung her hands onto the first rung of the monkey bars. Slowly but surely, she let go of the bar and swung her hand onto the next one. However, quickly her arms got tired and her grip was failing her when her palms got sweaty. A voice below Amy cheered her on. “Come on Amy!” one of the children exclaimed. “You can do it!” Not long, her friends on the playground clustered around her and provided motivation for her. With the surprising support, Amy continued to swing through the monkey bars. At last, Amy could feel the tip of her shoe graze the playground deck at the other side of the monkey bars. She had done it! She took one large leap. She has conquered the monkey bars.

Tip: Encouragement helps Amy and puts her in a more comfortable environment. By giving her positive feedback, it will help her with SM. The friends are encouraging her by saying “Go Amy!”

作者俊华,艾米妈 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米妈邀你进 “选择性缄默症家长分享群”。

选择性缄默症包括语言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障碍 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐惧 Social Anxiety 。 关键词: 孩子为什么不说话,孩子在外面不说话,孩子不敢说话,和陌生人不说话,社交恐惧,孩子在幼儿园和学校不说话,害羞,敏感,胆子小,懦弱,怕生,内向,没自信,固执,不敢吃饭,不敢去厕所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家讲话,出门不讲话。只和爸爸妈妈说话, 不敢参加集体活动。

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