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Q: Is there a fight for global dominance between the US and China? If so, who is currently winning?
We have to put the question in the global perspective. There is no fight between the US and China for global dominance. There is a fight in the US for its global dominance. China is not pursuing domination. China just doesn’t want to be dominated.
Who needs domination or hegemony? The US. The US has the foreign policy of America First at the expense of others. So the US needs to dominate other countries. The national interest of the US conflicts with the world, and that’s why it needs dominance.
China had a foreign policy of mutual respect and win-win cooperation. The national interest of China is in line with the interests of other countries. So China doesn’t need dominance. The peace and prosperity of the world are in China’s interest because they benefit the win-win cooperation. The conflict between the US and China is due to the US policy, not China’s policy. China doesn’t want conflict with the US. Conflict with the US is not in China’s interest. China has promoted for decades No Conflict, No Confrontation, Mutual Respect, and Win-Win Cooperation with the US. Yet the US is seeking hegemony geopolitics and tries to dominate China.
So there is a fight between Wars and Peace, between economic chaos and prosperity, and this fight is embodied in the conflict between the US and China. The US wants tension, conflicts, and wars and China wants peace. The US heavily relies on military power with its 800 military bases overseas. China heavily relies on trade and economic development, such as BRI. The US destroys and China builds.
Who should win? Peace should win over Wars. Prosperity should win over regime changes and refugee crises. China should win.
Do you want peace to win? Do you want prosperity to win? Don’t sit aside to watch and guess who may win. Following your conscience to support peace and prosperity. A better future for the world needs everyone’s effort.
A world community with a Shared Future for Mankind is the vision we all should embrace, and let us support China and wish China to win.