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Q: In 1920 why would Soviet communism appeal to China more than western democracy?
Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established a Western democratic government; however, the Western powers supported Yuan Shikai and suppressed Sun’s democratic revolution. Each Western power supported a local warlord to maintain their sphere of interest in China, just like the Western powers are supporting the Taiwan regime to have a slice of China today. Sun then liaises with Russia. With the help from Russia, Sun established Whampoa Military Academy, with Chiang Kai-shek as the head.
Sun tried Western democracy, and it did not work. That’s why Sun introduced Soviet Russia to build a new China.
Chinese Communist Party at the beginning was not armed. They did not even think of arming themselves. They simply support the Nationalist Party. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek killed many communists who were not armed. Chiang Kai-shek was trying to eradicate the communist party. It was after the killing of communists by Chiang Kai-shek that the communist party organized its force. Chiang Kai-shek became the largest warlord supported by the Western powers. Chiang Kai-shek betrayed Sun Yat-sen and Sun’s Chinese Democratic Revolution. It is the CCP continued the New Democratic Revolution initiated by Sun Yat-sen.
Before Sun, some Chinese tried to establish a Monarch Constitution too, and failed. China tried every Western democracy and found that only the Russian Soviet works. It is not a perfect system, not a good system, but is the only system that works for China.
It is not only the Chinese people. The Western powers did not implement Western democracy in China either. Britain ruled Hong Kong for 150 years, and never allowed Hong Kong to have a democracy. Hong Kong people under British rule never had the right to vote. Hong Kong people never had their government. In the Siege of the International Legations, the Western powers captured the capital of China and had no intention of establishing a Western democratic system in China. Japan captured the capital of China in 1937, instead of asking China to be democratic, they committed the crime of anti-humanity, the Nanking Massacre. The West had had opportunities time and again to control and influence China and never really like Chinese people to have democracy. They want Chinese people as slaves of the West, just like what happened when the West colonized Africa.