
唵啊吽 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

Is the US-China trade war really beneficial for China?

(2023-01-12 13:39:30) 下一个

Is the US-China trade war really beneficial for Chinese citizens at all?


No. The trade war is not beneficial for anyone. At least, it the not the Chinese citizens that started or advocated the trade war. The trade war is launched by the US aiming to suppress China. Do you think Trump starting this trade war for the benefit of Chinese citizens?

The US wages the trade war by bullying China for maintaining its hegemonic position. The trade war is bad for the US people, bad for the Chinese people, and bad for the people of the world.

The trade war is part of the new cold war destroying the present world's economic order. The whole world suffers the consequence of inflation. If we measure the suffering by inflation, the US people suffer more than the Chinese people. That's doesn't mean beneficial for Chinese people.

Yet the US cannot achieve its geopolitical objective with this trade war. Its geopolitical objective is to maintain its hegemony. The world is becoming more multi-polarized.

When the US wants to sanction Russia, the whole global south ignores it. So the US hegemony is in decline, indicating that the trade war is futile. The US may delay the development of China, but it cannot avoid its decline even with the cost of the suffering of the US people and the people of the world.

In short, the trade war is doing nothing good for China, the world, and the US.

Stop the trade war. Stop the new cold war. It makes everyone suffer and cannot rescue the US from its decline of hegemony. Hegemony is not a world order the human future would like to maintain. Human is wise enough to have a world order without hegemony. Hegemony is the dictator and the tyrant in the world order.

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