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The majority of Americans are immigrants. Chinese contributed to the building of the US nation by sacrificing lives in the building of the Transcontinental Railway. Without Chinese Railroad Workers, the Transcontinental Railway could not pass the Rockies Mountains. Without the Transcontinental Railway, California would not belong to the US, and the US cannot have such a superior geopolitical position of connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. Chinese immigrants contributed to the key achievements of the Transcontinental Railway that united the US geographically and enabled the industrial revolution of the US.
Chinese American not only played a key role in the Industrial Revolution of the US by building the Transcontinental Railway but also played a key role in the Information Revolution. Many Chinese are the pioneers of IT professionals.
Yet Chinese are discriminated against by the mainstream society of the US. There was the Chinese Exclusion Act when China had not communist yet. There was the Chinese Exclusion Act and Head Tax on Chinese immigrants before China had communists and Boxing Movement.
The Chinese are not really pro-China but demand equal dignity and opportunity. Because the US policies are discriminating against the Chinese domestically and internationally, any advocates for equal civil rights and human dignity will automatically look as pro-China. The Chinese are pro-China regardless there are communists or not in China. The US discriminates against the Chinese regardless there are communists or not in China. Chinese Americans have the right to immigrate to the US because they contributed a lot to the nation-building of the US. Chinese Americans have the right of freedom of speech to speak out what they know as true and facts.
Pro-China dose does not mean anti-America. Vietnam War was a war between the US fighting the proxy of China. Those who anti-Vietnam War had not been considered pro-China and Anti-America. They even consider themselves patriots. By the same token, Chinese Americans who speak out their conscience are patriots of America. They want Americans to be truly honorable people.
The US sentiment of racial discrimination against the Chinese results in discrimination against the Chinese domestically and results in imperialism policies against China. This was a historical fact and is a reality today. If a Chinese American wants to against racial discrimination, he naturally will criticize the US imperialist foreign policy against China.
The question itself is about discriminating against Chinese Americans with the intention to criminalize Chinese for their freedom of speech. It labels the Chinese as anti-America because they speak the truth. Chinese Americans should be able to speak their minds without being labeled as anti-American. They have the right to criticize the government's foreign policies, especially the gunboat diplomacy exerted on China. Those who are against gun ownership are against American Constitution and no one called them anti-America and promote communism even though China has no gun ownership of citizens. Why does the question just label Chinese Americans anti-America and promote communism? Chinese American does not promote communism more than Democrat does.
Chinese has the right to immigrate to the US. Chinese American has the constitutional right to criticize the US government.