
发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。

外星接触者西蒙帕克斯Simon Parkes

(2018-05-14 21:00:29) 下一个



-Simon Parkes西蒙帕克斯, 他本来是螳螂人/爬虫类联系和控制的对象。
祖父和生母都是美国秘密政府的内部人员, 为 CIA/NSA 服务。
不过,自2010年以后,他开始了揭露的工作。在2013年后,他帮助一些原本 受`光明会控制的人`,脱离`光明会`, 让他们重新投入光明阵营。
记住, 科里古德Corey Goode发佈讯息的时间是2015年之后。
同样在这段时间,  Cobra &  Ruiner & Simon Parkes西蒙帕克斯也发表讯息, 这些是值得我们去了解的。   [时间段  2013-2024]
西蒙帕克斯描述这个时间段的事情(2013-2024), 与科里古德情报有很多类似的地方,互相印証。









Simon Parkes西蒙帕克斯
西蒙的生母为英国的安全服务工作,通常称为[英国军情局M15]在1965 1979之间。然而,当她被英国情报部门管理的时候,她实际上是同时在为“联合”的美国国家安全局(国家安全局NSA)工作。她的工作是要将一些关于在全球范围内坠毁的UFO的文件打印出来。

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office, he is currently taking a break from politics but is likely to resume later this year.

Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams.

Simon's Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen. Simon's Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain's appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950's and early 1960's .

Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK. This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon's story by them.

Simon has assisted a growing number of people who have come forward from Illuminati families/bloodlines - where they have suffered torture and trauma, many from MILAB situations. Simon is able to re-integrate any alternate personalities that the individual may have, remove any Jinn/demonic possession and "de-activate" any suicide programmes placed in the person.

On a lighter note Simon also does Soul readings, where in most cases is able to identify the individuals soul/star family background. A reasonable fee is charged for these services - Simon is offering a nearly unique service and places the highest value on client confidentiality - having helped people from many countries and from widely differing backgrounds, from college students to employees of the Rothschild's. Simon understands the critical nature of his de-programming/healing/soul reading work and the support that his clients need.


'光明会'是真实的,并试图接管我们的世界. 前政客[西蒙帕克斯]情报
由 乔恩奥斯汀
Jon Austin
发佈时间:2011年2月13日,星期二,12:13 |     更新时间:         2018年2月13日星期二13:14
. [节选]
{ 谷哥一下文章:[2008光明会.隐藏之手]机会之窗By 隐藏之手Hidden Hand  }.

The 'Illuminati' is REAL and trying to take over our world claims former politician [Simon Parkes]
A FORMER politician sensationally claims the legendary Illuminati is REAL and secretly trying to run world affairs from behind the scenes. Simon Parkes, a former Labour London borough councillor and town councillor for Whitby in North Yorkshire, is a signed up believer of the popular conspiracy theory.
By Jon Austin
PUBLISHED: 12:13, Tue, Feb 13, 2018 | UPDATED: 13:14, Tue, Feb 13, 2018
Mr Parkes, who has previously been a borough councillor in London and lectured at the Natural History Museum, claimed to have sources who made him aware of what was about to unfold, so he set about arranging a global "mind warp" to defeat the plan.
He said: "We couldn't just do nothing. There is much you could do without sticking your head above the parapet.
"A number of people who associate with me made me aware that someone had activated it in the early hours and placed Satanic black magicians, who were remotely viewing the installation on the inside."
Mr Parkes claimed his group sent a telepathic wave of "positive energy" which stopped the portal from completely opening and damaged the LHC.
He said: "All over the globe good people started to meditate for five to six minutes, after the meditation it failed again, but we did take some damage. One person lost hearing in an ear for three weeks and others had ringing in ears because there was an attack by those psychically protecting it."

Other than his word, there is, of course, no evidence that the LCH was used in any such attempt or that Mr Parkes and his group stopped it in its tracks.

Mr Parkes also said the failure of the LCH plan meant the cruel Illuminati leaders needed a new plot as there were just 200 of them left on Earth, after some of them had fled the planet.

He claims another twisted Illuminati plan is to secretly inject tiny identity microchips into people while they receive inoculations against diseases, so there is a global database of humans.

He said people with the chips could also be punished remotely by "mind blasts."
He said: "For 25 years it has been know the psychopaths want to kill half to a third of the population.     
"But now they may not need to kill so many because of this device which is RFID injectable."

He claimed the chips, once implanted, could affect the neurone system.
He added: "This is how they are going to inject people and put a chip in their hand.
"If you went on a demo and got picked up they can penalise you electronically."
Mr Parkes joins the ranks of world famous conspiracy theorist David Icke, the former footballer and BBC1 Grandstand presenter, who came out as a so-called "truther" in the 1990s.
He describes the Illuminati as a cabal and the "Hidden Hand" in lectures across the globe.
However, before you decide to believe Mr Parkes or not about the Illuminati, it is worth knowing he also believes that several species of intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and world leaders keep this secret from us.
Yesterday, Express.co.uk told how Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defence, also claimed the Illuminati was real and preventing technology that could reduce climate change from being used because of investments in fossil fuels.


= [卡米諾特CameLot//  Project Avalon]   (未译)

Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes and JayPee

~ 4 September 2016



I'm posting this first, I've just heard a few minutes ~ I have so much on my plate at the moment, I don't know when I can get to it. I'll re-post with notes (much) later.



For those who are interested, this is the interview that Simon was referring to at the beginning. It was with Kerry Cassidy, I have heard it but haven't posted. Please know that in this interview, Simon alerts people to some potential upheavals coming up, but stresses repeatedly that this is not about fear ~ it is about being prepared with water, food and essentials during the time of economic instability. Please do not be alarmed by the title of the video and the description.




(My own comments in blue)

  • “We have a fighting chance to counter balance all the lies and deception”
  • Simon had predicted that October would be the month to watch, but it's looking like things are already set in motion, with pressure being exerted on Germany to play the Cabal card, only to be met with resistance
  • Simon will be speaking at a conference in Kings Heath, Birmingham on 17 September, tickets at ten pounds. 


@ 18-minutes

  • Frequency “machine” being used on sleeping population to send messages/instructions for certain acts to be enacted at specific times. Many are having disturbed or interrupted sleep, and this could be the cause. These frequencies influences the mind and brain waves. Simon repeats that there's an ongoing war for hearts and minds of people, and this is just one way being used to that end
  • (However, there are also the increasing frequencies and intensity of the transformational energies streaming in from beyond the Central Sun, and these can also be disruptive to our sleep cycle.)
  • Who created Source? Maybe Pure Consciousness is self-creating, this is Simon's best guess, he doesn't have an answer (This brings to mind the El Ser Uno “The One Being” concept, where each collective is in its Creator Being, and that Creator Being is the collective within another higher Creator Being, and so on....)
  • Soul trap is still operating, going to the Light has been strongly programmed by media
  • Grid is still there, Simon insists it's not down (Alex Collier has said it's been taken down). However, there are holes/cracks already appearing. (This is also what Cobra has reported ~ the cracks started showing in mid-July after much clearing of the toplet bombs, resulting in a fall below the critical level)
  • Increasing suicides and “mental health conditions” ~ many people are having to choose their path. Their Souls are forcing the issue so that people are pressed to make a choice.

As Planet advances, she wants to take as many with her. Many people no longer connect with the outside world, and there is a sense of hopelessness and feeling trapped, which could lead to in increase in suicides

  • (Alex Collier has mentioned that we are now entering the lower 4D realms, which is very negative. This exacerbates the emotional and mental conditions.)
  • Simon reiterates that 4D contains more bad than good, and reminds us that 3D is modelled upon 4D (rules, rituals) so therefore we don't need to stay for long in 4D. We only need to pass through this dimension and move on to 5D
  • “We will move through 4th, indeed we are doing so now. We'll just traverse it.” So yes, we are indeed experiencing 4D effects
  • “People in Black” (both genders) can be Human/Hybrid (very psychic) and Non-Humans (look like the Michelin Man, immune to most forms of attacks, like zombies)
  • Gender issues: When a Soul is created, it chooses to be Male or Female. But throughout its many incarnations, factors can influence its expression. Eg. Male Soul in male body goes to Feminine Sirius, and he will be influenced by the Female energies. On the other hand, if a Female Soul with a mission incarnates on Earth (dominated by Masculine energies), she will realise that her mission will be completed faster if she had been Male. The important thing is to be happy and confident in their expressions
  • Kryon via Lee Carroll has explained this before, eg. if a Soul who has been predominantly Male in previous incarnations but is now a female, the Soul will still have Male tendencies and this can be expressed as homosexual qualities and vice versa. 


@ 47-minutes

  • Referring to an earlier Ammach interview ~ a “shepherd” is someone who comes into connection with another and helps them out of 3D and into 5D
  • Technically, Humans are not the first race on Earth, the Djinns are one of the species that hold that distinction. (Sasquatch tells us: “These previous species of hybrids were in chronological succession: the Fish-People, the Ant-People, the Lizard-People, the Bird-People, my Sasquatch-People and finally your Human-People.” http://www.psychicsasquatch.com/homepage/sasquatch-message-to-humanity/sasquatch-message-to-humanity/)
  • However, a strong bond had developed between the Planet and Humans, and she fell in love with the Human Race, intending to take them along with her on her Ascension. We need to show our gratitude towards the Planet
  • Jews are not the “Chosen Race”, Humans are! But only if Humanity chooses to give it a go (at positive evolution)
  • Re. Nibiru's gravitational field ~ Let's not create the manifestation of a 300-ft wave. Simon agrees that there will be disturbances but agrees that it won't be the end of the world, the impact will be minimal. He also said that its orbit has been stalled for now (what Alex Collier says too, but recently he reported that it has resumed its course) and when it starts up again, the trajectory will be altered to avoid causing catastrophe. Simon is more concerned about crazy humans creating disasters
  • Those who believe they have been given psychic blocks or implants can go to psychic healer to have a full body scan and have them taken out in the right sequence.



  • Ancient female pilot filmed on the moon by astronaut William Rutledge, is this a hoax? (named Mona Lisa by media)
  • Simon isn't sure about this incident, but acknowledges that astronauts do know about life existing on the Moon as well as Mars. Bases named “Adam” and “Eve” have been built to populate both places
  • Portions of Lemurian and Atlantean population went underground to Agartha, forming one Consciousness and one people. They wish to now resurface to help Humanity
  • Chakras ~ should we expunge them to enable connection with Source? Chakras are like antennae working in sequence, with Crown Chakra receiving communication from Source. However, negative energies can also interfere via Chakras, so Simon advises to protect and strengthen them
  • Religious “gods” are not necessarily the same being, they can be different ETs; some religious elders are aware that their “gods” are ETs
  • Simon feels he is now adequately protected by Shungite sent to him from various people
  • Hillary is new money supported by status quo like politicians, media, business; Trump is supported by Military Industrial Complex
  • Hillary has a clone but she hasn't agreed to her Soul to be taken out of her body and into the clone, her Draconis part is also breaking down ~ all this causing her huge distress.


  • Argentina's role? One of key locations of Black Goo is off Argentina, which is major reason UK went to war with it, sealing off facility where Black Goo was being manipulated. Argentina is again seeking independence; chemtrailing has resumed because the people's consciousness is beginning to outstrip the control element. Situation in Venezuela is near point of collapse, many countries in South America looking to detach from USA
  • Satanism ~ how can we tell we're not unconsciously taking part in it? This energy is based on 4D and actually has no name (it cannot be labelled) but has a particular “feel” to it. If we do something based on Divine Source energies, there's no Satanic link to it. But if we do something from some sort of programming, conditioning or mind-controlled, then its connected with a Satanic force. It's some controlling force that draws people in to its negative energy, which is why it's imperative that we raise our frequencies and ascend because then we'll leave this behind
  • Questioner used to have dogs but now feels terrified of them, and sometimes is in tears. Is it possible that we can have negative connection with animals? Simon offers that sometimes such experiences can stem from past connections with Canis (for example), memories which were previously repressed/suppressed but are now resurfacing
  • Eye colour ~ Humans have been identified and graded by the controllers by colour of eyes. Black/red hair with green eyes ~ indicates ideal partner-in-business; Blonde hair with blue eyes ~ targetted for satanic abuse ; Black hair with brown eyes ~ considered quite important; Red hair with green eyes ~ ancient connection going back in time, magical energy connection with planetary ancestry but hooked into power structure; Black hair with green eyes ~ not so far back.
  • Sirius Minerals mining polyhalite is owned by JP Morgan; potential to control world's largest production of fertiliser and therefore able to manipulate food production and therefore governments.



 英国议员帕克斯(Simon Parkes),西蒙·帕克斯访谈,47分钟证实蓝鸟族以及线人科里是正确的
Simon Parkes has confirmed what Corey has said about the Blue Avians in this interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, recorded live on 17 April 2015. The part where Simon says Corey is correct starts at 47 minutes into this video.
还提及金融重置、最近奥巴马及普京的暗杀未遂  .www的youtube的com/watch?v=NiwQf0d0QMU



Agartha-Simon Parkes西蒙帕克斯

我最感兴趣的题目是: 阿加森人。

到底Simon Parkes 是如何讨论阿加森人呢? 我会继续了解。

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