

发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。


(2017-08-17 18:45:11) 下一个

2015前沿 . 阿加森网络 Agartha Network
[泰勒斯城公主] 探寻地下城邦文明之谜
[Cobra访问]地下分离文明与阿加森网络 201509月
[2012伊斯塔] 简史: 不平静的阿加森网络
[地球解放简报] 抵抗运动组织介绍

[泰勒斯城公主1995]夏露拉.达克丝访谈 Sharula Dux
[2015阿加森联盟] 阿加森网络介绍 (夏露拉.达克丝Sharula Dux)
[2015阿加森联盟]《魔戒》之王 &利莫里亚的科普常识 (Aurelia & Nidle)

[西藏密宗神话] 西藏密宗的秘密: 香巴拉的秘密
[西藏密宗神话] 黑魔法. 《时轮经》, 时轮金刚
蓝图先生博客  悦读 (201512月). 对阿加森世界最前沿的理解

Agartha Network阿加森网络= 有 120个城市构成,  
{ Shambala, Posid, Shonshe, Rama, Shingwa, Telos, Dacos. }
DACOS – in Muntii Bucegi, cu 750.000 de locuitori.
Dacos达哥斯市 --在布切吉山之底下。(LT博客,2014布切吉山的秘密(百度一下)。这里可能是天龙人的区域。这里可能是阿努纳奇大神们一直隐藏的地方。)

蓝图先生 (2015.12)

今天我们索性称地下文明为: Agartha Network 阿加森网络。
科瑞称,有七大古老的地下文明,  他们(有些)曾经在古代地表的历史中扮演`神`的角色,
今天他们有些扮演 `外星人`以及`扬升大师`。
除了地表世界 (地面人), 地下阿加森网络(地下人), 在整个历史中, 还有地外文明 (off world civilization/beings 外星銀河人)都在造访地球。
地面人不清楚阿加森人(地下人), 阿加森人不很清楚`地外外星银河人;
地外银河人,其实也不很看得懂这些 `地球人`。地球人,绝对是银河中的奇葩。
天朝人, 是奇葩中的奇葩。
这些事,只有 `至尊神Supreme God`, 才会看懂。
层次太低的人, 什麽都看不到!

地心泰勒斯有一位外交官:Sharula Dux夏露拉.达克丝(泰勒斯城公主)。
2014年10月 Untwine访问了一个接触阿加森网络的地面代表人-- [Central 中心使者]。
阿加森联盟网站--- 2015. (com)
而这个网站的重要联系人是 Contact Point 。
Contact Point,是一个地面人,他提供了信息:
There was help from the Draco Federation as well as a group that the NAZI’s were led to believe were ET’s (referred to as “Arianni” or “Aryans”, sometimes called “Nordics”)
but were actually an Ancient Earth Human Break Away Civilization that had developed a Space Program (referred to as “The Silver Fleet”) and created vast bases below the Himalayan Mountains  (largest in Tibet and call the system Agartha) and a few other regions.
在西藏地区之地下, 正面和负面的地下文明都存在。
天龙人联盟 Draco Federation 与  所谓纳粹ET(其实是一支负面阿加森人,  通常称为 `Arianni” or “Aryans雅利安, 更好的该称为 Nordics Agartian诺迪克.阿加森人) 联合在一起。
这些诺迪克的阿加森人Nordics Agartian, 在20世纪,一直声称是外星人,以迷惑很多人。
[LT解读:  科瑞Corey的讯息(2015), 称这群 Nordics, 是 `德国秘密社团背后的阿加森人`,  德国秘密社团, 是指 Vril,Thule,Black Sun 维利会,图勒会,黑太阳会, 都被这群负面阿加森人浸透了。  并且他们支持纳粹德国, 又发展SSP秘密太空计划,  ICC[星际企业集合体的SSP]是由他们主导的,  并且在1940年代, 他们开发火星殖民地; 后来他们和 `天龙联盟/阴谋集团`联合,  在1945年后,通过 paper clip project回形针计划, 将纳粹的太空技术转移到美国 。
于是 ,[SSP中的 Dark Fleet 黑色舰队,ICC星际企业集合体, 及稍后的 Solar Warden 太阳看守者行动]
都受控于他们; 表面上SSP有不同的项目, 实际上很多项目的幕后其实是同一组人, 天龙联盟;
 在二战之后,  天龙人 及 [阴谋集团-光明会]正在策划 2012年之后的 `新世界秩序议程`。
1996年, 执政官的入侵, 对于整个阿加森网络构成严重破坏;
1999年, 银河联盟GC正式向天龙联盟发起 `地球解放战争`, 至2012年, 由阴谋集团操控的太阳看守者行动SSP 也正式终止。
于是, 我们才有了线人 Corey科瑞的出现, 并且知道银河中央文明,球型联盟已经介入了进来。
这群Nordics & 操纵地球的负面外星-天龙联盟, 一直在冒充扮演 `阿斯塔指挥部`,及 借`扬升大师们`的名义,发放虚假讯息,   从 2008-2014,  一直在拖延`大揭露` 及 `事件`发生的时间。
由于虚假及无意义的信息量庞大, 以及 公众不可辨认哪些信息是真实的,有用的,有价值的。
而且, 只有非常很少的人能看到整个地球状况的全貌,
于是, 人们都将 `银联的信息, 看作是科幻小说。
所以, 地球的觉醒人数也一直未达到临界值。
//声明:  以上LT的理解也不一定准确。]

Agarthan Alliance阿加森联盟自2014年开始活跃。
一个重要的人物是 Contact Point,他在网上分享了一些重要的看法, 指出善意的, 和负面的(纳粹)阿加森人同时存在;
并且, 指出负面阿加森人在过去扮演 `神`, 在20世纪在扮演 `外星人`,一直在误导地表人类。
蓝图先生认为, 西藏密教经典《时轮经Kala Chakra Tantra》很可能是这些负面阿加森人弄出来的。
[2014.10月] 现时有一个接触者 Central(中心使者),他留下了一份纪录,
这篇纪录, 在这个网站显得非得独特, 十分重要。[Agarthan Alliance阿加森联盟网站]
现在, 让我们先看一看这份纪录。
感谢, 如是说999博客,华容道博客搜集了大量的有关地球解放的前沿信息。
如是说博客, 从2013(地球大转变第一年)至今2015年12月,
在中华地区, 他俩位是众多辛勤的光之工作者的代表。
(*很不幸的, 光之工作者的博客在2016年底-2017

 [全文稍长  13000字]
内容来源:    [2015.7月刊登]    
摘要: ContactwithAgartha与阿加森-地心文明的接触FurtherReading更多的阅读资料AgarthanAlliance.blogspot.comThe2009ThreadsThatStartedthecommotion:
英文的读者会喜欢看到双语版本。谢谢阅读。] [简本版]
Contact with Agartha
Further Reading 更多的阅读资料

The 2009 Threads That Started the commotion:
2009 年开始一连串的骚动
Blueprint For The Future
The Great Awakening  伟大的觉醒
Awakening II: Free Cities
Translators note: These posts were released in English only....

New Reddit Community
Note: We switch between using I and We a lot, because more than one writer is involved. Sometimes we're speaking for the whole group, other times it's a personal experience. We have to stay under the radar for now.
请注意: 我们将会很常以“我”及“我们”之间交换做第一人称,因为有多位作者参与写作。

I've had to keep my mouth shut for 5 years. I was (casually) threatened with death if I spoke. I got permission to talk last week.
 (August 15.2014
我接到封口令已经有 5 年了 (2009-2014)。我在非正式的情况下被告知,若洩密就会面对死亡威胁。
就在上星期,15/8/2014, 我才被允许谈论这件事。

Rare Photo of An Agarthan Diplomat: Sharula Dux  [夏露拉.达克丝(Sharula Dux)---泰勒斯城公主]
一位地心外交官罕见的照片:Sharula Dux夏露拉.达克丝

We included this photo because it's one of the only existing topside photos of an admitted Agarthan. We didn't meet her. Most of our contact was with Asian groups. Especially Indonesians. They are walking through our streets here right now, but undercover. They come out at the weekends, or whenever they feel like it. My first teacher said: - 'Our night is their day.
Look at her eyes.

How old does she look? They live much longer than us.
她看起来有多大年纪?他们比我们长寿得多。{据说, 她生于1725年}

Here's an excerpt from her interview:
Life in Telos [Extract]
泰勒斯城的生活 [摘录]
SD: On the second level we have classes, manufacturing of clothes and furniture and other things, and more people living.On the third level are our hydroponic gardens, where we grow all our food.We've been vegetarian for over 12,000 years, and we live on vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, soybeans etc. Our crops grow in water; some minerals are added, but there's no fertilizer and no soil depletion. Our crops grow much faster than on the surface, and we're able to feed 1 1/2 million people from just a few square miles of land, and give enough variety for eating to be pleasurable.
SD夏露拉.达克丝:   在第二层,我们有课程可上、是关于衣服,傢俱和其他东西的製造,有很多人在这裡生活。
在第三层是我们水培的花园,在那裡我们种植我们所有的食物。 我们成为素食主义者已超过12000年,我们以食用蔬菜、 水果、 穀物、 坚果、 大豆等维持生命。 我们的庄稼是水耕的 ;有添加一些矿物,却没有施化肥、没有耗竭土壤的问题。我们的庄稼长得还要比地表上的来的快,而且只从几个平方英里的土地,我们就能够养活 150 万人,

JC: Do any of your supplies come from the surface?
SD: No, we trade with the other Agartha cities. The fourth level is half hydroponic gardens, part manufacturing and part nature. The fifth level is our nature level. People come here to relax. We've created lakes and grown tall trees--there's a park atmosphere. Animals live there, some of which no longer exist on the surface such as the saber-tooth tiger, the mastodon and the do-do bird. We were able to save them and bring them down to Telos.

SD: 不,我们和其他地心城市进行贸易。 第四层是半水耕花园、一部分是人工栽培,另一部分是自然生长性质。 第五层是我们的大自然所在地。人们来这裡放鬆身心。 我们已经创建了湖泊,也种植了高大的树木 - 那裡是有一种像公园的气氛。有动物住在那裡,其中一些已不再存在于地表上,如剑齿老虎、 乳齿象和杜杜鸟。 我们在过往尽力拯救了他们、把他们往下带到桃乐斯市。

JC: Do you keep them in zoos?
SD: No, people and animals get along peacefully in Telos. We've trained the carnivores to eat vegetarian food, and gradually they've lost their aggression. So literally, here the lion is lying down with the lamb! And you can actually play with a big cat, carefully!
SD夏露拉.达克丝:不,在桃乐斯市(泰勒斯城 Telos),人和动物和平相处。我们已经训练肉食动物吃素食,而且他们已经逐渐失去了他们的好斗的本性。 所以事实上,在这裡狮子与羔羊根本躺在一起!你可以真正地和一隻大猫(老虎)玩,
只是要小心 !

Entire Testimonial Here:
https://you   tube/watch?v=H7mGQvM4VsY

Mt Shasta, NASA Earth Observatory.

Subterranean Homesick Blues
Reading about one of these cities, it's natural to want to go there.But the door is shut for now. There will be no open reunion until we clear out topside governments and start to manage our own affairs properly. When will that happen? That depends on us. It's happening slowly. Individuals once thought untouchable are losing their immunity.
阅读关于这些其中城市之一过后,会很自然地想要去那裡拜访。 但如今门户已被关上了。直到我们清除掉地表上面的各国政府,并开始妥善管理自己的事务时,否则将不会有公开的团聚。 这件事什么时候会实现呢? 这取决于我们。它会慢慢地实现。 曾经不可一世的一些人正在失去他们牢不可破的防御势力。

http://www.theguardian. com/world/2014/oct/27/spanish-authorities-arrest-51-anti-corruption-sweep

When will big changes come? No one knows. There are too many wild cards at play now. All timeframes are out the window and we are in the driving seat, whether we admit it or not.
[地球]大变化什么时候到来? 没有人会知道。 现在有太多乱搞一通的。无论我们承认与否,

We could build a low tech Telos using public domain technology right now. More on that later.

Contact in Macau
The contact started in Macau, South China, with a topside diplomat who'd gone through training since the age of 7. He was surface born, but he had permission to go to the subterranean world. Now, let me be clear: I'm lazily using the world Agartha as a catch all term for ANY subterranean civilisation. There are several. In the same way as American can refer to an indigenous Indian in Paraguay, or an Investment banker in New York, there's a huge diversity there. It started because of the writing I was doing. There was intense interest behind the scenes. They told me it could have a significant positive effect on the timeline, and that is putting it mildly .
使用`阿加森`来称呼所有任何地层下的文明是比较随便的一种说法。 那儿有几种文明。
就像說美国人一样,可以指认来自巴拉圭的原住民印第安人或一位在纽约的投资银行家,那裡是一个巨大的多元生命体。 接触的开始是因为我之前的写作。他们暗地裡对我的写作有了浓厚的兴趣。

We hung out for a while in Macau, then Hong Kong, and later Indonesia. It wasn't easy. All I will say I: You know that guy in Lord of The Rings? Frodo? He had it easy compared to what happened to some of us.
我们在澳门常一起閒逛,然后在香港,稍后在印尼花了一段时间在一起。 事情的经过并不那么顺利。
我只能说:你知道在「魔戒王」裡的那个傢伙吗? 佛罗多Frodo? 他所经历的比我们有些人经历过的还要轻鬆。

It is not all Lemurians and skipping ropes down there. There's all sorts of good and bad. From very pure to deep black. Think LOTR,Game of Thrones, Alice in Wonderland, Narnia...
不是所有的利莫里亚人都在那裡跳绳玩乐。 有资素好坏之分。
从非常纯洁至思想很黑暗的都有。想像一下这些电影情节:「魔戒王」,「宝座的游戏」,「爱丽丝梦游仙境」,「纳尼亚传奇」....  {注: 这暗示,这些电影都是在阿加森人的指导下编剧而成的。最出色的光之工作者, 是又看电影, 又读新浪博客的人。}

But now,to the best of my knowledge, a lot of the troublemakers have gone home,and the society down there is much more positive.Most of our interaction took place in 2009-13,a very tense period .
我们的大多数互动都在 2009年-2013年进行,那是一段非常紧张的时刻。

Parallel Civilisations

There are several civilizations on Earth. Surface dwellers are one of
many separate but interlinked cultures sharing this world. Since December 2009, a small group of writers in Asia and America have had face-to-face contact with citizens, couriers, diplomats and contactees who claimed they were from the civilization of AGARTHA.
自从 2009年 12月,一小群在亚洲和美国的作家有与声称来自地心文明(AGARTHA)的公民、
信使、 外交官和连络人面对面接触过。   
[于是, 成立了这个 `阿加森联盟组织`,是抵抗运动的一部份。]

Other subterranean societies may have also been involved. As *alleged* subterranean folks are extremely guarded about who they speak to, we have no way of knowing exactly which cultures contacted us alongside Agartha.
其他地下社会可能也有涉及这些接触。 由于 * 声称 *本身是地下居民的人们都非常警惕地不透露究竟与谁交谈过,
所以我们也无从知道究竟是哪些文化随着地心文明一起和我们接触过。 played a direct role in our contact with these people. 这个网站在我们与这些人接触中发挥了直接的作用。
The contact, which took place sporadically until February 2013, was mainly centered on a group of written materials focused on "grassroots technology".
一直到 2013 年 2月都有零星的接触,主要是关于一份焦点是"基层技术"的书面材料。
[Grassroots technology"基层技术" ]
{2015请记住: "澳门男孩",一个自七岁便被阿加森接触的人。不知道,他现在哪里? }

A Secret War
I don't think anyone has any idea of the behind the scenes fuss made about this writing. The squabbling is still ongoing. The whole thing is straight out of a kids sci-fi movie. I'm only putting out about half the story here. If I was to write up the whole thing as a script,and pitch it to producers in Hollywood, I'd get laughed out of their offices. A lot of us nearly went insane over this .
我不认为会有任何人会理解这些写作幕后的琐事。还是有人争论不休。 整件事就好像是直接从儿童科幻电影裡抽出来的情节。

Change The Timeline
Through some unknown method of analysis, these materials were projected as having an extremely good chance of altering Earth's future timeline for the better. Please take the time to skim the initial draft yourself, and conduct a mental thought experiment of what would happen if these materials were read by a sufficient percentage of Earth's population. "Sufficient percentage" couldmean as little as 1-3 per cent of the 7 billion people sharing the Earth's crust.

请你自己花时间去浏览初稿,并自我进行心理思想实验,如果这些资料被足够比例的地球上人所阅读,那会是什么样的情况。 "足够的百分比"可能意味着最少有共用地球表面的 70 亿人口的 1 – 3 %。

It was hoped that surface dwellers would have the tenacity and self-leadership to spread awareness of this simple technology themselves. However, as of August 15th, 2014, critical mass has sadly not been reached.

“Shut up and get to the Subterranean Stories!”
A few of us have heard that comment. We never went underground.We had open contact with them as they came to the surface. Why don't more individuals have more contact? Or why isn't there more interaction on a social level ?

There are many reasons. One of them is the fact that a relatively small percentage are doing anything to raise standards of living worldwide. Agarthans and other advanced civilisations look for people with an ability to create new timelines. When you say “Let's skip this grassroots garbage and get to the real stuff,” you're sealing your fate, for one day, at least.There are detection systems for subterranean types when they come to the surface. Why would they risk their lives for a society that won't help themselves?
其中之一是只有相对较小的百分比的人会想出任何方法来为提高全世界的生活水准而努力。地心人和其他先进的文明要寻找的人是能够创建新的时间表的人。当你说 "让我们放弃这种草根基层垃圾的干活来搞一些实在的。
[grassroots草根, 基层的人民]”,你就会把自己的命运封闭至少有一天的时间。当他们来到地表时有地下的检测系统在监视着他们。  为什么他们要为不会自助的社会而危及自己的性命呢?

投资中国股票长期亏损者,慢性病患者, 高考低分者, 东莞民工者, 用地沟油烧菜的家人,
我们真的是这个宇宙的奇葩。 }

INTERVIEW – October 26 th, 2014
线上 访问 — 2014 年 10 月 26 日
Untwine: How many different Agarthans have you had contact with ?

Untwine: 你与多少不同的地心人有过接触?

Central: Difficult question. From the first day you're taught not to ask questions about where they're from.
Central中心使者: 这是一个难答的问题。 从第一天见面起他们就教你不要问他们是从哪裡来的。

We bumped into different groups:

1) Surface born people who were working on permission to physically go.


2) Surface borns who could astrally go to other places.

2) 地表面出生而能以灵体去到其他地方去的人.

3) Surface borns who had permission to physically visit subterranean cities.

3) 地表面出身且已获得允许以实体通行地下城市。

4) Subterraneans who were up here on extended missions.

4) 为了完成延长的使命而逗留在地表的地心人。

5) Subterraneans who could come and go as they wanted.

5) 可以随意地来来去去的地心人.

There might have been other subgroups. There were other complex rules,such as people who once had permission to go but were kicked out, or people that had permission to visit different civilizations. My teacher said 「There are as many visa laws there as there are here, if not more.

可能有其他分组。 有其他複杂的规则,如有人曾被允许进出地心,但后来被踢出局或有人被允许访问不同文明的人。我的老师说:"那裡也和这裡一样,就算不是有更多,也是有一样繁多的签证法令。

BTW. You will bump into all these different groups in your own daily

life. So will everyone else, they just won't know it .

顺便说一句。 你会在你自己日常生活中碰到所有这些不同的群组。其他人也会碰到他们,他们只是不会知道而已。

So the short answer is. I don't know. I also have to be vague on identities to protect people's privacy. There's no actual danger, it's just a respect thing. I'm still figuring out how to tell these stories without getting anyone into trouble.


Untwine: How often were you meeting them ?


Central: From sitting in their cafes for hours at a time over a period of weeks... To months with no contact. I'd say I easily spent hundreds of hours with these networks. Probably over a thousand. I have pages and pages of stories. You can remember a two minute meeting for the rest of your life. Sometimes their energy would be so intense that you would break out in a cold sweat just sitting around them. Sometimes they couldn't deal with our energy...Other times you click perfectly. They are older than us and can live for many, many years.

Central:从咖啡店裡坐几个小时的时间到几周内...... 以致几个月都没有联系。我应该坦白地说我会很轻易地花了几百个小时与这些群组在一起。也许超过一千个小时。 我有一篇又一篇的故事。你会这一生中永远记得某些两分钟的会面过程。 有时他们的能量是如此强烈,只坐在他们旁边你就会冒出一身冷汗。有时他们不能忍受我们的能量......其他的见面时间我们很完美地合拍。他们比我们年长,可以存活很多年。

I mainly had contact with surface borns who had some sort of travel permission. These are the most interesting group, because they're going through the same challenges as us.


Untwine: If I understood well, they mostly couldn't talk with you about other things than your grassroots tech project ?

Untwine: 根据我深切地理解,除了你的基层科技项目外,他们大多不能跟你谈论其他的事情对吗?

Central: Not 100 per cent. The only real banned topic was what went on in the subterranean world. Only my first teacher talked about that,and then he'd be circumspect about what he'd say.He would scan the sky before answering any question sometimes. As if he was wondering if he had permission to say anything.You couldn't say the names of the cities or networks,you couldn't mention names of 'rival' meditation groups.

Central: 不是100%不能。真正被禁止的话题是正在地下世界发生的事情。只是我的启蒙老师有谈到,然后他会检查他说过的话。在回答任何问题之前有时他会扫描天空。好像他不知道他是否有权发言。你不能提到城市或群组的名称,你不能提及 '对手' 冥想团体的名称。

You couldn't ever say anything about where you were going, and if you even thought about it sometimes they would say "now you're focussing on the target."... Annoying, in a way. Imagine preparing to go to university in South America, and all questions about South American geography, history, politics etc are strictly banned,

你永远不能透露任何关于你要去哪裡的消息,甚至即使你只是有时有这样的想法,他们会说"你现在正在聚焦于目标"... 惹人烦恼的一种反应。想像一下你正准备去上南美洲大学,所有关于南美洲国家的地理、历史、政治等所有的问题都严令禁止询问

They let plenty of info out, but at their own pace.


Coming from the western internet,where these materials are widely propagated,it's difficult to be thrown into a world where half a whisper can get you in hot water. Like I said, people got broken legs and smashed teeth for even talking to us. It wasn't cute or funny.


I wanted to say: "If it's so secret why are you spamming it all over
the net?" but that would've got me into even more trouble.

我想要说的是:"既然它是如此机密,为什么网站裡充满那些有关的垃圾邮件? "但那会使我陷入更多的麻烦。

Untwine: Why do you think the contact stopped in 2013 ?
你认为为什么在 2013 年联系中止了呢?

Central: Right now, I'm healthy, I know what I have to do. There's no need for any more contact for now. 2009-2011 was an emergency period because we were >clueless,< and under heavy attack on all sides. The idea is not to run around craving contact,but to break the embargo up here.

Central: 如今,我很健康,我知道该怎么做。还有现在不需要任何更多的接触。 2009-2011 年是紧急时期,因为当时我们茫无头绪,而且遭到各方面勐烈的袭击。主要的任务不是到处乱跑寻求接触,而是要在此地打破通行地下的封锁。

Untwine: There were other people, friends of yours who got contacted as well yes ? How many of them ? Were you all contacted together ? Are you still in contact with them ?

Untwine:有没有其他人,如你的朋友们也跟他们有联系吗?他们有多少人呢?你们都在一起接触吗? 你仍然跟他们有联繫吗?

Central: Can't answer these questions but there were a lot of us.Yes, some of us are still in contact on FB. Day to day contact is normal in some Asian countries. So even the word 'contact' is a little overblown.

Central:不能全面地回答这些问题,不过我们人确是众多。是的,我们有些人仍在面子书上有保持联繫。在一些亚洲国家,每天的接触是正常的。因此,即使 '接触' 这词是有点夸大其辞。

It's not like they came out of a silver saucer when we were doing a ceremony. They sit around in cafes and street corners all the time. If you recognize their signature you can spot them.

But if you think about their place too much you'll annoy them and the door will shut even tighter. They are highly sensitive to energy and most of them can read thoughts.

Untwine:  我有个住在一个岛上的朋友,只要她喜欢,她似乎能随时随地把他们约了出来。

Central中心使者: 有,已经有 2 年的时间我们一直在研究地下社会。在 2008 前半年几近痴迷.然后在 2008 年上半年夏天,我们意识到没有机会以实体走进地心世界,而且为了未知的原因门户被上锁。所以我们安静下来阅读,继续工作与日常生活... 直到 2009 年 12 月,我们都没有得到全面接触。

Untwine:你被允许在 2014 年 8 月发言,你觉得你可以分享一切你现在知道的或只是一部分呢?


Central: 他们坚称我们自我解决我们自己的问题。他们提出了建议,但从来没有强迫性地处理任何事。看起来他们的双手好像被一种奇怪的方式被反绑,很难去描述这种处境。它超越了简单的互不干涉协定。他们就像足球经理人只能站在一旁呐喊。他们似乎对我们的自由意志的问题格外小心(掂起脚尖在这问题上绕)。有一种莫名的紧张情绪存在,而个中原因是在当时暗地裡威胁和绑架人质事件的情报交代得较清楚后,我们才明白过来。
有一点想澄清的是:他们是永远不会露面来交给我们一页又一页的有关基层技术资料。他们永远不会坐在那裡,在我们面前做装置展示。写作部份 * 完全 * 是我们自己编辑所有外头优秀的研究员的心得的成果。我们在着作后面一页有列下他们的联络方式。


“当利莫里亚,比亚特兰蒂斯文明早 200 年沉没时,他们向地心网络求助。 地心网络是一个地下城市的网络,
是在一个城市叫小香巴拉统领下 (以区别于戈壁沙漠上空,在乙太层的大香巴拉。)”





就像说:美国人对非洲人意图良好吗?* 多数 *的那些与我面对面交谈过的都站在我们一边。那些与我花了够久的时间在一起的是在我们这一边。但我花了大部分时间与地表面出生的外交官来往。其中有很多就像你和我一样,都已经通过培训。

另外,不同群体之间有各种不同的意见。他们在不同的时间寻找不同类型的人......一位老师告诉我 10 年前,他们在寻找战士类型,肌肉必需非常发达。现在情况已经改变了,他们试图联繫更具创造性的类型。很多人不能理解为什么他们会和我们一起合作。地表网络裡有很多的互相藐视和嫉妒现象存在。


以我最贴切的字眼描述它,就是 "游戏的王座"。


这意味着,相对于我们的时间裡的每一分钟,他们活了整整一年。我的老师去了二十多年,却只花了我们的 20 分钟时间。所以你可以看到人们为什么如此渴望去那裡。想像一下,一旦你得到通行证你可学习的事物有多少。有些人可以来来去去,但这是罕见的例子。   {阿加森流动的时间比我们慢好多。}

有太多的派别了。 我现在远离冥想团体 。我见过的大多数的最有经验的调解员只是管好他们自己的事,

Central:  好吧,是这样的,'培训' 在一些地方是被称为进程训练。这只是一种可以让你精神上准备好访问这些地区的进程描述。有很多伏卧练习加上冥想。但是真实情况是这样的:没有人会往你身上泼冷水来叫醒你。至少当时这样的事并没有发生在我身上。你必须要自我推动和鼓励自己前进。

Central :  我会腾出另外一些时间来谈论他们。关注过程和培训更为有趣。这些是我懂得很多的专桉,而且它是完全是新的资料。培训奇异之处在于,无论你到那裡,总有人似乎有拼图的下一部分。整件事情的经过就是真正的魔术。每个人都经历了 '模拟现实学习区' 的经验。但是当您连结到地下电流,真的打算来一个接通,事情会变得较激烈。
在印尼这种进程训练是正式存在的。即是说地下组织有与 Silat 学校接触。Silat 是印尼的武术。

 Untwine :音乐播好了。好听,我爱徳普希。以下就是我现要点击的视频:

Central:在 Silat 学校还有更多经典的培训。一群刚入门的学徒聚在一起练武术、 拳击、断食,冥想。然后当他们准备好,他们都会一起去地心文明世界。我的老师说,当他七岁的时候,一位出家人经过并在他的住家裡注意到他。师父有问过他的父母,是否可以让他开始参加训练,他的父母说可以......,他于是从那时刻开始参加培训。他仍然有上学,过着正常的生活,可是他直到大约 24 岁仍在受训。

Untwine: 哦哇,有意思。
我不明白 "游戏的王座"是啥,所以我也不懂你所谓的废话和投票是什么意思?

Untwine:  https://  you  tube  /watch?v=G-XOB-D7nrI

Central: 他们所有人会直勾勾地看着你的眼睛,并发誓他们不知道你在说什么,还说我们应该在一起工作,
我们是一家人...... 然后他们一转身就去策划。

Central:  还记得Cobra说在光明势力中有纷争与派系斗争吗?这种情况2012 年时很严重,
在 2009 年-2011 年时更糟糕。 要控制世界的货币供应,要安插他们的亲信在某些基地。要安插他们的'候选人'坐在首要的职位。

Central: 他们的政治是与我们相互关联的。我不知道具体细节和名称,但所有这类的交易正在进行着。


Central: 但是什么是有良好的意图呢?通往地狱的道路是有良好的愿望铺成的。现在还有人试图建立 '公平全球政府'。

 Central: The real division is between those who want freedom and the control freaks. And in between the outgoing psychopaths, and the freedom types, you have many shades of grey. This is why the process is taking so long. You have groups that want to keep the old system but make it better… I don't accept that. I want total liberation and self-determination.
Central:   真正的分裂是那些同时想要自由与控制狂的人们。在此同时除了不再就任的精神变态者,和主张自由类型者,

 Untwine: 我明白了。所以我的瞭解是在面纱之下,还是有其他的势力、深入地底真正的地心世界网络和外星盟友的力量是超越这一切的废物,然后这些势力通过各种群体和地表面上的人员尽力渗透入解放运动,使得光明势力不得不处理劫持人质事件和以程式设计干扰人们的事件,所以有这么多派别,使得地表势力陷入混乱,等等状况对吗?

Central: Exactly what you said. Except I don't know any of the names of the off world groups. I heard a few names but nothing more. There seems to be quite a lot of duplicity and name calling in the off world factions. At least from what we can see down here... SO after breakthrough I'm hanging back. *If* we ever get breakthrough. OK I'll choose a song now.
至少从这裡我们可以看到一些端倪... 所以突破后我才会透露。假设我们最终会突破。好吧,我现在会选择一首歌。

Untwine: Okay, so about the training, you said it will be going on all over the planet, but for example in Europe, has there been that many people contacted, certain schools linking like in Indonesia, this type of stuff ?

Central: https:// you  tube/watch?v=C5JuUJ77LHo

Yes the training will be going on all over the place. But the situation
has changed. Changed for the better.The old plan was to let certain people in for subterranean training, and take it from there.The new plan is to liberate the surface world and let them [the subterraneans] come up here... That's actually an easier way to do things. I don't know the exact situation in Europe. Also, I don't even worry about it now. My job is to focus on grassroots liberation and etheric liberation too. If people are trying to get into the subterranean world now, they're doing it wrong.
As a general rule, they tend to link with martial arts, yoga and meditation schools. But that's a very general statement.

Untwine: I'm not necessarily talking about going down there since I feel I am here to help liberate the planet, but meet and talk would be nice, do you think this is happening ?

Central: You will probably walk past them every day in the street in Paris. There will be doors up and down all over the place. But there's so much corruption and nonsense.... one example is teachers charging huge amounts of money for training.
 但同时也有这么多的腐败和废话...... 一个例子就是收取巨额资金来提供培训的教师。

Untwine: OK and it seems that this type of expensive deal wouldn't get you there anyway ?

Central: They are just abusing their position.

Untwine: Haha. so it feels that Agarthans would want to stop working with people who act like this ?

Central: OK. Well, they are not perfect either. The subterraneansaren't perfect.
Central:是的。问题是,他们也并不完美。 地下组织并不完美。

The subterraneans have elevators into their world. You type in a code, and if you pass a DNA scan the elevator goes dooowwwn. There are doors and temples where they come out whenever they feel like it.
他们有电梯进入他们的世界。 您键入一个代码,接着您经审查通过一个 DNA 扫描电梯就会滑下。



Central: OK. Well, they are not perfect either. The subterraneans
aren't perfect.

The subterraneans have elevators into their world. You type in a
code, and if you pass a DNA scan the elevator goes dooowwwn. There
are doors and temples where they come out whenever they feel like
他们有电梯进入他们的世界。您键入一个代码,接着您经审查通过一个 DNA

Untwine: I just had the image of the matrix phone booth in my
Central: I can't remember that scene.

Untwine: You know they go in and out with the phones
Central: That might even be partially true. There's tons of high
technology. But... the subterraneans HAVE to work with some people.
They've got no choice. What I mean is, they will work with corrupt
mystery schools because we're in an emergency situation.

Untwine: I see.

Central: They will withdraw, probably, if they find someone better.
But sometimes they have to grit their teeth. There are also some
subterranean societies that are openly corrupt and working hand in
hand with organized crime. But I *think* they've mainly been
cleared out. I don't know the current status of what's going on
down there. Some teachers I knew smoked, gambled, went whoring...
But because they had skills and powers, they still had permission
to visit. ALL my preconceptions were challenged every day from
2009年至 2013 年的每一天都面对挑战。
Untwine: Woah OK. It seems to me there would be a lot
ofinfiltration going on in these groups, going both ways, cabal
agents pretending to be good and Agarthan infiltrating cabal
networks, have you seen some of that ?

Central: There has been two way infiltration for centuries. If not
millennia. It's a clusterscrew of grey hats and its turning light.
Look at Google. Are they 'good' or 'bad'?- I hope people can get
beyond shallow analysis. Groups can change, people can
两方面互相渗透已经有好几个世纪了。如果不是几千年的话。这些是一整群的灰色帽子而他们正转向光明。看看 Google好了。他们是'好'还是 '坏' — — 我希望人们可以超越肤浅的分析。群体可以改变,人们可以改变。

Untwine: Yes I see. I'm gonna have to leave in 5-10min, but let's
keep going later tonight if you can
是的我明白。我要在 5 ~ 10 分钟内离开,但是如果可以的话让我们今晚稍后继续会谈。
Central: What time are you back, roughly ? I enjoy this, it's more
fun than writing solo.

Untwine: Yes very interesting for me too, thanks !
是的,对我来说也很有趣,谢谢 !
Central: Bad people defect, good people turn bad. But as the
general direction now is towards the 'light' I hope things will
improve. :
有坏人投诚,有好人变坏。但现在总体的方向是朝着 '光明' ,我希望情况会好转。
Untwine: I'm not sure, going out to do gridwork in Paris with a few
other people. Will be back in 4-5h
我不确定,要与其他几位出去清理在巴黎上空的晶格层。4 ~ 5 个小时内就会回来。
Central: OK... that's tomorrow. That's fine... If you load up my
email with questions I can write more in the morning.

Untwine: How was your first physical contact ?

Central: That was the story you translated in Macau:

心灯一体 -微信号:XinDengyt



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