
John Fitzgerald 干部国家 中国如何成为中国共产党

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John Fitzgerald 约翰·菲茨杰拉德




2008-2012 福特基金会驻北京中国代表。2007 拉筹伯大学社会科学学院院长。2005-06 澳大利亚国立大学亚太研究国际卓越中心主任。还担任澳大利亚外交贸易部澳中理事会教育委员会主席、澳大利亚研究委员会 (ARC) 国家和国际合作委员会成员以及 ARC 连接基础设施和设备基金联合主席。著作包括《大谎言:白澳华人》(UNSW 2007),该书入围 2008 年总理历史奖,并被澳大利亚历史协会授予欧内斯特·斯科特奖,以及《觉醒中国》,该书被美国亚洲研究协会授予约瑟夫·利文森奖。澳大利亚国立大学博士学位、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校富布赖特博士后奖学金、悉尼大学文学士。
1976 年悉尼大学,艺术
加入时间:2013 年 2 月 25 日

John Fitzgerald


President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and Director of the Asia-Pacific Program for Social Investment and Philanthropy in the Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology

Professor John Fitzgerald is Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust Chair in Social Investment and Philanthropy and Director of the Asia-Pacific Program for Social Investment and Philanthropy in the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University of Technology.

2008-2012 China Representative of The Ford Foundation in Beijing. 2007 Head of the School of Social Sciences at La Trobe University. 2005-06 Director of International Centre of Excellence in Asia-Pacific Studies at the ANU. Also Chair of the Education Committee of the Australia-China Council of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, member of the Committee for National and International Cooperation of the Australian Research Council (ARC) and co-chair of the ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Fund. Books include 'Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia' (UNSW 2007), short listed for the Prime Minister’s History Prize in 2008 and awarded the Ernest Scott Prize by the Australian Historical Association, and 'Awakening China', awarded the Joseph Levenson Prize of the American Association for Asian Studies. Ph.D. from ANU, Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, BA University of Sydney.
–presentProfessor of Philanthropy and Social Investment, Swinburne University of Technology
1976 University Of Sydney, Arts
Joined February 25, 2013

John Fitzgerald 干部国家 中国如何成为中国共产党



作者:约翰·菲茨杰拉德(作者)2022 年 5 月 1 日

自一个多世纪前中国共产党成立以来,这个国家取得了许多成就。但在中国,谁承担了重任?谁又能获得战利品?《干部国家》将焦点放在了全国 4000 万干部身上——执政的共产党雇用的管理人员和政府官员,以保护其伟大的事业。这个群体抓住了中国的文化和财富,排除了这个强大而多元化国家的普通公民的声音。屡??获殊荣的历史学家约翰·菲茨杰拉德专注于共产党讲述自己的故事,探索中国作为一个威权国家是如何运作的,并揭示了北京的巨大宣传作品是建立在可疑假设之上的脆弱大厦。《干部国家》是任何想了解中国共产党的运作方式及其成就局限性的人必读的书。

Zhu Zhang (bio)
John Fitzgerald。《干部国家:中国如何成为中国共产党》。澳大利亚:NewSouth Publishing,2022 年。342 页。平装本 39.99 美元,ISBN 978-1742237480。
John Fitzgerald 的《干部国家:中国如何成为中国共产党》巧妙地探索了中国共产党 (CCP) 如何融入中国政治、社会和经济生活的各个方面。从政治学和中国政治的角度来看,这本书是对文献的重要补充,为中国研究中的几个关键问题提供了深入的答案,并揭示了中共治理的复杂机制。

Fitzgerald 提供了丰富的历史叙述,解释了中国如何转变为一个党国。他追溯了中共从成立初期到现在的发展历程,阐述了它如何成为中国政治和社会格局的唯一设计者。本书细致地记录了中共的发展历程,突出了促成其崛起的关键历史事件和意识形态转变。








T.J. Collins,《堪培拉时报》

T.J. Collins,《堪培拉时报》


约翰·菲茨杰拉德 2022 年 2 月

自一个多世纪前中国共产党成立以来,这个国家取得了许多成就。但在中国,谁承担了重任?谁又能获得战利品? 《干部国家》聚焦全国 4000 万干部——管理人员和执政党雇用政府官员来保护其伟大的事业。这个群体已经占领了中国的文化和财富,排除了这个强大而多元化国家普通公民的声音。



“要写出这样一本书,需要几十年对中国的耐心观察、体验和研究。 《干部国家》是专家和普通大众必读的一本书。’ – Anita Chan,澳大利亚国立大学

‘《干部国家》是习近平上台以来最重要的中国书籍之一,它对中国共产党的本质进行了严谨而深刻的阐释。’ — John Lee,哈德逊研究所和美国研究中心

‘每个对当今中国感兴趣的人都应该阅读这篇精辟的分析,它准确地解释了中国领导人将自己的国家描述为‘党国’的含义。菲茨杰拉德避免使用‘极权主义’之类的陈词滥调,也从不认为中国过去或未来会走上的道路是必然的,他为我们提供了中国政治基本性质急需的临床描述。’ — Peter Zarrow,康涅狄格大学

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:
Zhu Zhang (bio)

John Fitzgerald. Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party. Australia: NewSouth Publishing, 2022. 342 pp. Paperback $39.99, ISBN 978-1742237480.

John Fitzgerald’s Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party is a masterful exploration of how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has ingrained itself into every facet of China’s political, social, and economic life. From a political science and Chinese politics perspective, this book is a crucial addition to the literature, offering in-depth answers to several critical questions in Chinese studies and shedding light on the complex mechanisms of the CCP’s governance.

Historical and Ideological Foundations
Fitzgerald provides a rich historical narrative that explains how China transformed into a party-state. He traces the CCP’s evolution from its early days, illustrating how it became the sole architect of China’s political and social landscape. The book meticulously documents the CCP’s journey, highlighting key historical events and ideological shifts that contributed to its rise.

The author emphasizes the CCP’s Marxist–Leninist foundations and how these principles were adapted to the Chinese context under the leadership of Mao Zedong. This ideological adaptability has been a cornerstone of the CCP’s resilience, allowing it to navigate various challenges while maintaining its grip on power. Fitzgerald’s analysis offers valuable insights into how the CCP’s ideology has evolved, reflecting its pragmatic approach to governance.

The Role of the Cadre
One of the book’s highlights is its detailed examination of the cadre system, which is central to understanding the CCP’s control over Chinese society. Fitzgerald delves into how cadres are embedded in every aspect of politics and society, serving as the party’s primary agents of governance. He explains the CCP’s [End Page 1] strategy of placing loyal and capable individuals in key positions across all levels of government and the private sector, ensuring that the party’s directives are faithfully implemented.

Fitzgerald also explores the dilemma faced by Chinese elites in managing and trusting the cadre system. The CCP relies heavily on cadres to maintain control, but this dependence also creates challenges related to corruption, loyalty, and effectiveness. The book provides a nuanced analysis of these issues, shedding light on the complex relationship between the party leadership and its cadre.

Understanding Current Affairs through History
Fitzgerald’s use of rich historical evidence to explain current political affairs and structures in today’s China is particularly impressive. By providing detailed historical analysis, he connects past events and policies to the present, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the CCP’s enduring influence. This approach makes the book not only informative but also engaging for anyone interested in the history of the CCP, its governance, institutions, and grassroots movements.

Fitzgerald also enriches his analysis with historical comparative studies of China and other communist and postcommunist regimes. By examining the similarities and differences between China and countries like the former Soviet Union, he enhances our understanding of the unique characteristics of the CCP’s governance model. This comparative approach also highlights the distinct strategies the CCP has employed to maintain its dominance, providing valuable insights into the broader field of communist studies.

Beyond the Party-State
Cadre Country goes beyond the conventional narrative of China as a party-state. Fitzgerald offers a fresh perspective by focusing on the role of cadres in Chinese politics and everyday life. He demonstrates how the cadre system is not just a bureaucratic apparatus but a vital element of the CCP’s strategy to maintain control over society. This approach provides a deeper understanding of the CCP’s governance model and its impact on China’s political and social structures.

While the book focuses on the cadre system, Fitzgerald also discusses how the CCP’s policies since its founding reflect a continuity with traditional Chinese [End Page 2] governance. He argues that the CCP’s concern with preserving certain features of the imperial system, such as the exclusion of common people from public life and politics, has influenced its approach to governance. This historical continuity provides a deeper context for...



Cadre Country: How China became the Chinese Communist Party 


by John Fitzgerald (Author) May 1, 2022

Since the founding of the Communist Party in China just over a century ago, there is much the country has achieved. But who does the heavy lifting in China? And who walks away with the spoils? Cadre Country places the spotlight on the nation’s 40 million cadres—the managers and government officials employed by the ruling Communist Party to protect its great enterprise. This group has captured the culture and wealth of China, excluding the voices of the common citizens of this powerful and diverse country. Award-winning historian John Fitzgerald focuses on the stories the Communist Party tells about itself, exploring how China works as an authoritarian state and revealing Beijing’s monumental propaganda productions as a fragile edifice built on questionable assumptions. Cadre Country is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the workings of the Chinese Communist Party and the limits of its achievements.

干部国家:对中国共产党民族主义的反思 | 约翰·菲茨杰拉德


Cadre Country: Reflections on Chinese Communist Party Nationalism | John Fitzgerald

Australian Centre on China in the World




约翰·菲茨杰拉德是一位研究中国和华侨的历史学家,他是墨尔本斯威本科技大学名誉教授,也是堪培拉澳大利亚战略政策研究所非常驻高级研究员。他曾担任福特基金会驻北京中国代表五年(2008-2013 年),此前曾担任澳大利亚国立大学亚太研究国际卓越中心主任和拉筹伯大学社会科学学院院长。他当选为澳大利亚人文学院院长(2015-2017 年),并担任澳大利亚政府澳中理事会和澳中关系国家基金会的顾问委员会成员。他最近的著作包括《干部国家:中国如何成为中国共产党》(2022 年)和(编辑)《走低路:中国对澳大利亚各州和领地的影响力》(2022 年)。早期著作包括《大白谎言:白澳华人》(2007 年),该书荣获澳大利亚历史协会欧内斯特·斯科特奖;《觉醒的中国:民族主义革命中的政治文化和阶级》(1997 年),该书荣获美国亚洲研究协会约瑟夫·列文森奖。他拥有澳大利亚国立大学博士学位,并在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得富布赖特博士后奖学金。他毕业于悉尼大学。




斯威本科技大学名誉教授。2013 年加入斯威本科技大学之前,约翰曾担任福特基金会驻北京代表五年,负责指导基金会的中国业务。在此之前,他曾担任拉筹伯大学社会科学学院院长,并再次担任澳大利亚国立大学亚太研究国际卓越中心主任。在堪培拉,他曾担任澳大利亚外交和贸易部澳中理事会教育委员会主席、澳大利亚研究理事会国家和国际合作委员会联合主席以及澳大利亚人文学院国际秘书。2015 年至 2017 年,他当选为澳大利亚人文学院院长。他的研究重点是中国领土政府和公民社会以及澳大利亚的亚洲侨民。他的出版物赢得了国际认可,包括美国亚洲研究协会的约瑟夫·莱文森奖和澳大利亚历史协会的欧内斯特·斯科特奖。

John Fitzgerald


An Emeritus Professor at Swinburne University of Technology. Before joining Swinburne in 2013 John served five years as Representative of The Ford Foundation in Beijing where he directed the Foundation's China operations. Before that, he was Head of the School of Social Sciences at La Trobe University and before that again directed the International Centre of Excellence in Asia-Pacific Studies at the Australian National University. In Canberra he served as Chair of the Education Committee of the Australia-China Council of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as co-chair of the Committee for National and International Cooperation of the Australian Research Council, and as International Secretary of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He was elected President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities from 2015 to 2017. His research focuses on territorial government and civil society in China and on Australia's Asian diasporas. His publications have won international recognition, including the Joseph Levenson Prize of the US Association for Asian Studies and the Ernest Scott Prize of the Australian Historical Association.

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