
2024年8月 美国政客发现 美国霸权彻底玩完

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作者:简·哈曼, 埃里克·埃德尔曼 08/01/24


这是我们主持的国会成立的一个委员会的主要发现,该委员会旨在审查 2022 年发布的当前国防战略。我们两党一致的建议列出了现在避免这种结果所需的步骤。













为了克服冷战的威胁,美国至少将 GDP 的 4.9% 用于国防。今天,我们的国防支出占 GDP 的 3%,我们用于偿还债务利息的支出比国防支出还多。我们的委员会一致建议通过增加收入和改革福利支出来支付额外支出。


简·哈曼 (Jane Harman) 担任国家国防战略委员会主席。她曾九届担任加利福尼亚州第 36 区众议院议员。埃里克·埃德尔曼是该委员会的副主席。他曾任驻土耳其和芬兰大使以及国防部政策部副部长。



张家栋  2024年8月3日 复旦大学美国研究中心教授 bizopinion@globaltimes.com.cn
















该委员会还表示,陆军规模太小,无法完成其控制对手和增强联合部队能力的任务。 “乌克兰战争的教训表明,美国陆军需要在关键领域扩大其部队结构——特别是防空、反无人机系统、电子战和远程火力——这些领域适用于所有战区,包括西太平洋应急行动,”委员会在报告中表示。

此外,“公众不知道威胁有多大,也没有动员起来应对,”哈曼 7 月 30 日告诉委员会。“公众支持对于实施我们需要做出的改变至关重要。两党和政府的领导人都需要向公众说明情况并获得他们的支持。”

哈曼曾任国会议员,领导伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心 10 年。她曾担任中央情报局、国家情报局局长、国防部、国土安全部和国务院的顾问委员会成员。


委员会的几名成员曾在 2018 年国防战略委员会任职,该委员会敲响了美国正在失去决定性军事优势的警钟,该委员会的联合主席埃德尔曼说。“六年后,威胁更加严重,我们未能跟上步伐,”他说。






哈曼和埃德尔曼表示,国防部不能也不应该自己提供国防。 “需要采取一种真正‘全要素’的方法来协调和利用国防部、其他行政部门、政府和私营部门的资源。

US faces growing threats, and we're woefully unprepared. Here's how to fix that.


The national security threats against the U.S. are as significant as and more complex than they were at the height of the Cold War or even World War II. We are not prepared to meet these threats today and could, in very short order, find ourselves in a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries that we could lose.   

This is the key finding of a commission established by Congress, which we chaired, to review the current National Defense Strategy, published in 2022. Our bipartisan, unanimous recommendations lay out the steps needed now to avoid this outcome.

Our country has lost its decades-long uncontested military dominance, especially in the Western Pacific. China’s military and industrial strength rivals and in some ways outpaces our own. Its cyber and space capabilities are designed to deter or prevent us from interfering with its aggressive actions in the Western Pacific. 

Despite losses in Ukraine, Russia has transformed itself through a full wartime mobilization and threatens NATO. China and Russia have forged a “no-limits” partnership and they have embraced rogue states Iran and North Korea. Russia receives the means to keep fighting in Ukraine; Iran and North Korea stand to gain weapons and expertise, along with diplomatic and economic protection. All four states seek to counter U.S. influence and their alignment presents a real risk that conflict in any of their three theaters would become a global war. 

All this comes when the Department of Defense is struggling to meet current demands. As Ukraine demonstrates, we’re straining to produce the weapons and equipment needed for one limited war, let alone the all-out conflict we could soon face. Our commission recommends a new approach, greater use of commercially available technology, fully embracing our allies and partners, and an increased investment in manufacturing capacity and our industrial workforce.

Change at the Defense Department, as hard as that is, will not be enough. Matching China’s strength requires a fully integrated approach involving all elements of national power: the strength of the U.S. military in true partnership with our first-class innovation base, plus a coordinated effort involving diplomacy, economic investment, cybersecurity, trade, education, industrial capacity, civic engagement and international cooperation.

This strategy was successful in the Cold War but since then our ability to execute it has atrophied. We have asked the military to do too much with too little, allowed new threats to accumulate, and allowed other elements of our government to under-prioritize their own role in national security.

There are bright spots. The Biden administration has expanded and strengthened NATO and enhanced relationships with allies and partners across the Pacific. This is critical as the U.S. cannot deter or win future wars without our allies. Strengthening them, through funding and better information sharing, cooperative industrial relationships and military exports, helps them and us. 

Our commercial sector is another enormous strategic advantage. It rapidly outpaces the Defense Department at military innovation, including AI, robotics and autonomy. Yet the Defense Department’s culture still relies on internal research and development and decades-old platforms better suited to yesterday’s wars. Ukraine is integrating new technology rapidly with older systems — on the order of weeks, not years. Russia has learned this lesson; we must as well.

Better technology means we need not match our potential adversaries platform to platform, but still the U.S. force structure is insufficient. The U.S. military is the smallest it has been in generations due to policy decisions and recruitment shortfalls. The National Defense Strategy is outdated in calling for a force able to fight in one theater and deter aggression elsewhere. We are already involved in wars in Europe and the Middle East, with a larger threat looming from China.

We recommend a Joint Force able to simultaneously defend the homeland, lead allies in deterring China, and spearhead allies and partners to keep Russia and Iran in check. This demands a worldwide presence — military, diplomatic and economic — including across the Global South, where China and Russia are gaining influence in our relative absence.

None of this is possible without the support of the American people, who are largely unaware and unprepared for the dangers we face, including that the U.S. homeland is no longer a sanctuary or immune from attack. Ultimately, the public will have to shoulder the cost of what is needed.

Our national security budgets must be broader than Defense and include the critical missions at the departments of State, Treasury, Homeland Security, Commerce, Education and others. We also must spend smarter, not just spend more. That includes divesting from legacy ill-suited to future warfare and quitting governing through continuing resolutions.

To overcome the threats of the Cold War, the U.S. spent at minimum 4.9 percent of GDP on defense. Today, we are at 3 percent of GDP and we spend more servicing the interest on debt than we do on defense. On a unanimous basis, our commission recommends paying for additional spending by raising revenues and reforming entitlement spending.

A new approach to national power is needed for the United States to retain its position in the world and deter and, if necessary, defeat our adversaries. Our commission recommends these changes to Congress and the White House and we urge both presidential campaigns to conduct a serious public conversation about the threats we face and how to deal with them. Urgent change and increased spending are difficult; losing a war would be far worse.

Jane Harman chairs the Commission on the National Defense Strategy. She represented California’s 36th District in the House of Representatives for nine terms. Eric Edelman is the vice chair of the Commission. He was previously ambassador to Turkey and Finland and under secretary of Defense for Policy.

US sliding toward the expectation of a "great power war" requires vigilance


By Zhang JiadongPublished: Aug 03, 2024 

A recent report on the 2022 US National Defense Strategy (NDS) was released by the US National Defense Strategy Commission. The report highlighted that the NDS is “out of date,” the US military is not correctly structured and the nation's industrial base is "grossly inadequate," and claimed that these shortcomings make it impossible to simultaneously confront the dual "threat of Russia and China.” The report proposed a solution called "all elements of national power" and called for strengthening the US military's readiness to operate across multiple theaters of war.

Information from the RAND Corporation shows that the US National Defense Strategy Commission was created under the US 2022 fiscal year National Defense Authorization Act, with the chair being a former senior member of the House Intelligence Committee, and receiving analytic and administrative support from the RAND Corporation. Therefore, while this report is not an official US government document, it still holds significant reference value due to its bipartisan representation. Specifically, this report, along with some other actions and statements by US officials in the past two years, reveals several throughlines in US policy. 

Firstly, there is the possibility that the US military strategy is shifting away from an expectation of peace to an expectation of war. After the end of the Cold War, the US had long-term plans for dealing with two simultaneous regional conflicts, rather than the expectation of war with major powers. Based on these considerations, the US built a highly advanced and mobile military force, emphasizing global deployment and intervention capabilities rather than long-term combat capabilities. However, with the trend toward a prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US is changing and adjusting its previous military strategy, leaning more toward preparing for “great power wars.” 

Secondly, the US is further adjusting its attitude toward China and Russia. At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US strategic community tended to differentiate between China and Russia to avoid pushing them together at a strategic level. However, since the end of 2023, there has been a trend in the US strategic community to treat China and Russia as an almost singular threat. This year, both former and current US Indo-Pacific Commanders have made similar remarks. On one hand, this indicates that the US is trying to shape its image as still strong by showing that it is not afraid of "fighting on two fronts" internally and externally; on the other hand, it also suggests that Washington intends to promote internal unity in the West by forcibly linking China and Russia and exaggerating related "threats." 

Thirdly, there is an attempt to use war expectations to drive the revival of the American manufacturing industry. In this report, the US National Defense Strategy Commission pays particular attention to the recovery and development of the defense industry. Objectively speaking, in peacetime, defense manufacturing typically operates at relatively low levels, which naturally cannot be compared to the "full throttle" state required to meet wartime demands. Therefore, the US National Defense Strategy Commission's claim that the American defense industry is not sufficient to meet the “demands of great power conflict” is a deliberate act of pretending to be ignorant. 

Fourth, the report aims to promote domestic national unity. With this report as the latest example, some politicians in the US have been emphasizing the importance of bipartisan and cross-class mobilization, even using the so-called expectation of a "great power war" to promote consensus and unity in American society. Amid growing social division and political polarization in the US, they believe they have discovered a "shortcut” to unite the country quickly. However, in reality, they may be placing themselves in a risky situation and could ultimately face a serious backlash.

Fifth, it indicates that Washington may be reassessing the military threat from Russia. This report suggests that the current US defense strategy "understates the threat from Russia" and recommends increasing US military deployments in Europe. Against the backdrop of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, these findings reveal that some in the US may be attempting to elevate Russia's priority in the US national security strategy, emphasizing the threat from Russia as a means to unite domestic and foreign policy consensus.

In short, this report suggests increasing military expectations and preparations for potential conflict with China and Russia. It proposes that the US will need to make major changes and investments, possibly even “wartime mobilization.” It is unclear how these recommendations will be incorporated into official US policy, but the bipartisan nature of the report and similar statements from domestic politicians in recent years serve as a reminder to remain vigilant. We must be cautious of the potential for war implied in these US statements and prepare public opinion and strategic plans accordingly. Additionally, we must maintain our composure, be wary of falling into the trap set by the extreme anti-China faction in the US, and prevent their extreme rhetoric from becoming a reality.

As the world’s most important bilateral relationship, the China-US relationship will not easily fall into the new Cold War or even hot war that some individual American politicians are trying to provoke. The complexity of the relationship between the two countries and the constantly changing international environment have led to a variety of voices in this relationship. China must always remain vigilant about the dangerous trends exposed by some extreme voices, such as the further shift toward expectations of a “great power war" advocated by some in Washington. At the same time, we must grasp the overall situation, not be led astray by extreme rhetoric, and continue to shape the China-US relationship in a positive direction.

Throughout world history, many conflicts or wars have often been sparked by misjudgments or miscalculations. Many in the US continue to clamor for a tougher stance against China and attempt to create a certain strategic consensus on this issue, but in reality, voices within the US on how to handle relations with China remain diverse and malleable. We must continue to strive for those rational and progressive forces, while remaining vigilant and critical of extreme and radical rhetoric.

The author is a professor with the Center for American Studies at Fudan University. bizopinion@globaltimes.com.cn


“Significant and urgent action” is needed to prepare the United States for the national security threats it’s facing today, said the leaders of a commission tasked by Congress.

“Our commission believes unanimously that the threats to U.S. national security and our interests are greater than at any time since World War II and are more complex than during the Cold War,” Jane Harman and Eric Edelman, the chair and vice chair, respectively, of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy of the United States, said in written testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The commission also said the Army is too small for its mission of dominating adversaries and enabling the joint force. “Lessons from the Ukraine war demonstrate that the U.S. Army needs to expand its force structure in key areas—particularly air defense, counter–unmanned aerial systems, electronic warfare, and long-range fires—that are applicable across theaters, including in a Western Pacific contingency,” the commission says in its report.

Additionally, “the public has no idea how great the threats are and is not mobilized to meet them,” Harman told the committee July 30. “Public support is critical to implement the changes we need to make. Leaders on both sides of the aisle and across government need to make the case to the public and get their support.”

Harman is a former member of Congress who led the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars for 10 years. She has served on advisory boards for the CIA, director of national intelligence and the departments of defense, homeland security and state.

Recommending “fundamental change” in the way the Pentagon and other government agencies do business, the commission also urges a full embrace of America’s partners and allies and better integration with private sector technology.

Several members of the commission served on the 2018 National Defense Strategy Commission, which sounded the alarm that the U.S. was losing its decisive military edge, said Edelman, who was that group’s co-chair. “Six years later, the threats are more serious, and we have failed to keep pace,” he said.

A former U.S. ambassador to Finland and Turkey, Edelman is counselor at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He previously also served in senior positions in the State Department, DoD and the White House.

Harman and Edelman warned that there is potential for “near-term war, and potential that we might lose,” citing the partnership between China, Russia, Iran and North Korea as a “major strategic shift that we haven’t yet accounted for.”

China, which DoD leaders have called the U.S.’ “pacing challenge,” is “in some ways outpacing the United States,” Harman and Edelman said.

“China’s cyber capabilities, space assets, growing strategic forces and fully modernized conventional forces are designed to keep the United States from engaging in the Taiwan Strait or the South or East China Seas,” they said. “China has infiltrated our critical infrastructure networks to prevent or deter U.S. action by contesting our logistics, disrupting power and water, and otherwise remove the sanctuary that the United States has long enjoyed at home.”

Russia also continues to be a threat, as it has reconstituted after its invasion of Ukraine, the commission said. Russian President Vladimir Putin “seeks to re-assert Russia as a great power and is happy to destabilize the world to do it,” they said.

DoD cannot—and should not—provide for the national defense itself, Harman and Edelman said. “A truly ‘all elements of national power’ approach is required to coordinate and leverage resources across DoD, the rest of the executive branch, the private sector, civil society and U.S. allies and partners,” they said.

For its part, DoD must change how it works with the technology sector, they said. “DoD is operating at the speed of bureaucracy when the threat is approaching wartime urgency. DoD’s structure is optimized for research and development for exquisite, irreplaceable platforms when the future is autonomy, AI and large numbers of cheaper, attritable systems,” Harman and Edelman said.

The military also is too small for today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges, the commission found. It also warned about the current recruiting challenges facing the force.

“The joint force is at the breaking point of maintaining readiness today. Adding more burden without adding resources to rebuild readiness will cause it to break,” they said. “The United States must spend more effectively and more efficiently to build the future force, not perpetuate the existing one. We have to cancel legacy programs. Additional resources will also be necessary. Congress should pass a supplemental appropriation to begin a multiyear investment in the national security innovation and industrial base.”

Read the commission’s report here.

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