
2014 印度猎巫数千妇女被折磨并处决

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作者:Terrence McCoy 2014 年 7 月 21 日,美国东部时间上午 4:50

Terrence McCoy 是《华盛顿邮报》里约热内卢分社社长。他曾两次获得乔治·波尔克奖,并被提名为 2023 年普利策奖决赛入围者。

2005 年,印度贾坎德邦帕拉尼村的一个大地主家庭将 Pusanidevi Manjhi 打上巫师的烙印,并折磨了她四天。 (拉玛·拉克希米/华盛顿邮报)


凶手于周六来找她。她的两个儿子试图救她,但没能救她,还遭到殴打。他们的惩罚比不上德维。警方告诉《印度斯坦时报》,在 14 名村民对她造成严重伤害并夺走她的生命之前,他们“强迫她吃人类排泄物”。


根据印度报纸《Mint》收集的犯罪记录,在迷信和私刑重叠、小谣言可能致命的地方,2000 年至 2012 年间,有近 2,100 名被指控使用巫术的人被杀害。其他人认为这个数字是 2,500;其他人则认为这个数字更高。“就像众所周知的冰山一角,现有数据掩盖了社会根深蒂固的问题的大部分现实,”新德里法律发展伙伴组织表示。“只有最可怕的案件才会被报道——大多数猎巫案件都没有报道和记录。”

Chhutni Mahatani 回忆起 2000 年 6 月在印度东部比哈尔邦 Bholadi 村附近的家中发生的事件,这些事件导致她被称为女巫。1995 年,Mahatani 因村里一个孩子生病而遭到姐夫的折磨。 (Saurabh Das/AP)

尽管这个问题很普遍,但在印度以外却很少报道,在印度,它几乎每周都是报纸的头条。《印度时报》报道称,上周在钱德拉普尔,一名男子被私刑处死,他的“女同伙因施行黑魔法而被暴徒殴打”,该报称该男子“被 500 多名村民组成的暴徒当场抓获”。另一名被指控使用巫术的妇女被携带“传统武器”的亲戚抓住并殴打致死。去年年底,在贾坎德邦,一名 50 岁的妇女和她的女儿因被指控使用巫术而被砍死。



其他人说,迷信的面纱只会掩盖杀戮背后的真正动机。 “迷信只是一个借口,”社会福利官员 Pooja Singhal Purwar 在 2005 年告诉《华盛顿邮报》的 Rama Lakshmi。“通常,一个女人被打上巫婆的烙印,这样你就可以把她赶出村子,夺走她的土地,或者为了报仇、家庭争斗,或者因为有权势的男人想惩罚她拒绝他们的性挑逗。有时,它被用来惩罚那些质疑社会规范的女人。”

如果有一个州最容易发生巫术杀人案,那就是东部的贾坎德邦,这片土地遍布茂密的森林和部落。据《新闻一分钟》报道,2013 年,54 名被指控使用巫术的女性在那里被杀,这是全国最高的。尽管当地立法试图打击谋杀案——没有针对巫术杀人案的国家法律——但谋杀案仍在继续,甚至有所增加。那里的模式值得研究,以了解恐怖是如何展开的。



2000 年 6 月,卡鲁娜·德维在印度东部比哈尔邦 Bholadi 村的家中摆姿势拍照。1996 年,德维的儿子去世后,她的姐夫指控她为巫师。后来,印度教圣城伽耶的一位巫医为她洗脱了罪名。(Saurabh Das/AP)

然后,ojha 开始着手找出巫师。据 Mint 报道,这需要念咒语,可能还需要娑罗树的树枝。ojha 将所有涉嫌巫术的人的名字写在树枝上,树枝枯萎的人的名字就被定罪为巫师。有时,人们会用印有名字的布包住米饭,然后把米饭放在白蚁巢里。蚂蚁吃掉哪个袋子就代表哪个女巫。另一种方法是喝药水。2011 年,一名印度巫师强迫 30 名妇女喝下药水,以证明她们不是女巫。这种药水是用一种有毒的草药制成的,所有妇女都病倒了,巫师也被捕了。

选出女巫后,她们要么被迫做不可说的事情,要么遭受折磨。“在最近报道的许多案件中,被打上女巫烙印的妇女被迫赤身裸体穿过村庄,遭到轮奸,乳房被割掉,牙齿被打断或头发被剪掉,还被村子排斥,”Live Mint 报道。她们“被迫吞下尿液和人类粪便,吃人肉,或喝鸡血。”

这也是萨拉斯瓦蒂·德维 (Saraswati Devi) 的命运,她是最新一位被指控为巫术、遭受折磨和谋杀的女性,但可能不是最后一位。

Thousands of women, accused of sorcery, tortured and executed in Indian witch hunts



Terrence McCoy is The Washington Post's Rio de Janeiro Bureau Chief. He has twice won the George Polk Award and was named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2023.

In 2005, Pusanidevi Manjhi was branded a witch and tortured for four days by a powerful landowning family in the village Palani, in the Jharkhand state of India. (Rama Lakshmi/The Washington Post)

If it began like the others, the first sign that Saraswati Devi would be murdered was an accusation delivered to a shaman. Perhaps she had offended someone. Perhaps someone had fallen sick and had wondered why. Perhaps a community well had suddenly dried and someone needed blaming. Perhaps they chose her because Devi was lower caste, because she was a woman, and because they’d probably get away with it.  

The killers came for her on Saturday. Two of her sons tried to save her, but couldn’t and were beaten. Their punishment wouldn’t match Devi’s. Before the 14 villagers inflicted injuries so severe they would claim her life, they “forced her to consume human excreta,” police told the Hindustan Times.

Though shocking by nearly any standard, the murder was not unique. It was not even uncommon in pockets of rural India.

In places where superstition and vigilantism overlap and small rumors can turn deadly, nearly 2,100 people accused of witchcraft have been killed between 2000 and 2012, according to crime records gathered by the Indian newspaper Mint. Others placed the number at 2,500; others higher still. “Like the proverbial tip of a very deep iceberg, available data hides much of the reality of a problem that is deeply ingrained in society,” according to New Delhi-based Partners for Law in Development. “It is only the most gruesome cases that are reported — most cases of witch-hunting go unreported and unrecorded.”

Chhutni Mahatani recalls the incidents that led to her being named a witch at her home near Bholadi village in the eastern Indian state of Bihar in June of 2000. In 1995, Mahatani was tortured by her brother-in-law after a child fell ill in her village. (Saurabh Das/AP)

It’s an issue that despite its prevalence is rarely covered outside of India, where it’s almost weekly newspaper fodder. Last week in Chandrapur, one man was lynched and his “woman accomplice thrashed by a mob for practicing black magic,” reported the Times of India, which said the man “was caught red-handed by the mob of over 500 villagers.” Another woman accused of witchcraft was grabbed by relatives carrying “traditional weapons” and beaten to death. Late last year, in Jharkhand, a 50-year-old woman and her daughter were hacked to death after they were accused of practicing witchcraft.

The forces driving the killings, which occur predominantly in Indian states with large tribal populations, are as much cultural as they are economic and caste-based, experts said. While the easiest explanation is that angered mobs confuse a sudden illness or crop failure with witchcraft and exact their revenge, it’s rarely that simple. Much more often, it isn’t superstition but gender and class discrimination. Those accused of sorcery often come from similar backgrounds: female, poor and of a low caste.

“Witch-hunting is essentially a legacy of violence against women in our society,” wrote Rakesh Singh of the Indian Social Institute. “For almost invariably, it is [low caste] women, who are branded as witches. By punishing those who are seen as vile and wild, oppressors perhaps want to send a not-so-subtle message to women: docility and domesticity get rewarded; anything else gets punished.”

The veil of superstition, others said, only hides the true motive behind the killings. “Superstition is only an excuse,” Pooja Singhal Purwar, a social welfare official, told The Washington Post’s Rama Lakshmi in 2005. “Often a woman is branded a witch so that you can throw her out of the village and grab her land, or to settle scores, family rivalry, or because powerful men want to punish her for spurning their sexual advances. Sometimes, it is used to punish women who question social norms.”

If there is a state most susceptible to witchcraft killings, it’s the eastern state of Jharkhand, a land pervaded by dense forest and tribes. In 2013, 54 witchcraft-accused women were killed there, reported the News Minute, the highest rate in the country. Despite local legislation to try and clamp down on the murders — no national law exists that addresses witchcraft killings — they have continued if not increased. And patterns there are worth examining to understand how the horror unfolds.

According to Mint, an Indian publication which has written extensively on the subject, a witch is identified through various methods. The person who suspects witchcraft will often consult a witch doctor called an “ojha.” The witch doctor, who uses medicinal herbs, in part learned their skills to counter the darker powers of the witches, called “daayan.”

Karuna Devi poses in her home in Bholadi village in the eastern state of Bihar, India, in June of 2000. After her son died in 1996, Devi was accused of being a witch by her brother-in-law. She was later cleared of the charge by a witch doctor in the Hindu holy city of Gaya. (Saurabh Das/AP)

The ojha then goes about the business of sussing out the witch. This involves incantations, Mint reports, and possibly the branches of a sal tree. The ojha writes the names of all those suspected of witchraft onto the branches of the tree, and the name that’s on the branch that withers is condemned as a witch. Other times, rice is wrapped in cloth emblazoned with names. Then the rice is placed inside a nest of white ants. Whichever bag the ants eat out identifies the witch. Another method: potions. One Indian shaman in 2011 forced 30 women to drink a potion to prove they weren’t witches. The concoction was made out of a poisonous herb, all women fell ill, and the shaman was arrested.

After a witch is chosen, they are either forced to do unspeakable things or tortured. “In many reported cases recently, women who are branded as witches were made to walk naked through the village, were gang-raped, had their breasts cut off, teeth broken or heads tonsured, apart from being ostracized from their village,” reported Live Mint. They “were forced to swallow urine and human feces, to eat human flesh, or drink the blood of a chicken.”

This, too, was the fate of Saraswati Devi, the latest woman, though likely not the last, to be accused of witchcraft, tortured and murdered.

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