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YouTube 哈维在中国 2023年8月24日 



415 条评论

@Taiwan_Prospers_with_China 9个月前

11 条回复


@liveintc 9个月前

@ninersnation3298 9个月前

@44jwong 9个月前

@user-di4jx7me7d 9个月前
?@ninersnation3298 我是中国人,我的英语不好,我用谷歌翻译。我认识在中国大陆的台湾人,有些福利甚至比当地人还好。台湾当局和美国勾结阻止台湾回归才是问题所在。

@Elfan97-ec1uk 9个月前


@wilsonlee5590 8个月前

@christinalin5658 8个月前
@ninersnation3298 中国确实向台湾人发放了身份证。

@baobaolove2801 8个月前

@ChinaSongsCollection 9个月前

@laraw840 9个月前(修改过)

@samyang5873 9个月前(修改过)

@yonight6871 9个月前(修改过)





@sktan3743 9个月前

@redbelief 9个月前
台湾从来就不是一个国家。1949年,前国民党政府中华民国在与共产党政府的内战中失败,逃往中国领土的最南端。即使在1949年新中国成立后,台湾也不得不解放,但不幸的是,朝鲜战争在1949年爆发。 1950年,美国战机飞抵中国边境,轰炸丹东等边境城市。中国政府向朝鲜半岛增派军队,保卫国家,对抗美国。朝鲜战争后的三年,中国遭受了严重的自然灾害和磨难,由于文革等复杂的国内形势,台湾的解放再次被推迟。由于80年代改革开放后中国专注于经济发展,台湾的解放再次被推迟。然而,世界从未承认台湾是一个国家,世界上大多数国家都没有与台湾建立外交关系。1971年,中华民国被驱逐出联合国,联合国会员国一致承认中华人民共和国是代表中国的唯一合法政府,联合国决议宣布台湾是中华人民共和国领土的一部分

@oceejekwam6829 9个月前

@Mal17281 8个月前


My Friend Tried The Subway in China (First Time)

Harvey in China

2023年8月24日  CHINA
In this video my friend Ryan gives his first thoughts on mainland China vs Japan & the province of Taiwan after living here for one week.

Ryan has been living in Taiwan for the past year, and has lived in mainland China for one week now. Ryan will be working in Shanghai for the foreseeable future, and has no previous experience of Mainland China, so let me know what kind of videos you'd like to see us do together!

415 条评论
@Taiwan_Prospers_with_China 9个月前
As someone living in Taipei, you hit it right on the nail. The propaganda towards the youth is plain disgusting.

11 条回复

This is America and japan money in Taiwan medias

@liveintc 9个月前
You are so right.

@ninersnation3298 9个月前
China should just go ahead issue taiwanese a chinese id card so all those taiwanese enjoy all the benefits as any local chinese. This way, it will promote more taiwanese to visit mainland china. you want taiwanese to come to mainland to feel the pride of modern, wealth, etc.

@44jwong 9个月前
I suppose a lot don't / can't think for themselves.

@user-di4jx7me7d 9个月前
? @ninersnation3298 I am Chinese, my English is not good, I use Google Translate.  The Taiwanese I know have all these in mainland China, and some benefits are even better than the locals.  The collusion between the Taiwan authorities and the United States to prevent Taiwan's return is the problem.

@Elfan97-ec1uk 9个月前
So shameless to deny themselves n their younger generation of their own history, identity n ancestry! 


@wilsonlee5590 8个月前
Some people who are critical of China say that the government controls the media and news. However, it seems that Taiwan is actually more restrictive of news and media related to China. This can lead to misunderstandings among the people from Taiwan, and some even try to make people hate China.
A simple question: Do you believe that a problematic government and culture can develop a country well?

@christinalin5658 8个月前
 @ninersnation3298 China does issue ID cards to Taiwanese.

@baobaolove2801 8个月前
Nobody is perfect! No country is perfect! No political system is perfect! Mind your own business well and you can help others! Yu are not God!!!

Hi.  Like your video。I'm ethnic Chinese born in Hong Kong but brought up in the West.
I consider myself very pro- China.  But it hasn't always been like this.I've become very pro- China because of all these extremely nasty non-stop malicious propaganda against China in the Western media.

I'm sure there are a lot of overseas Chinese like myself who weren't pro- China to start off with, but became staunchly pro- China because of the Western media and the people believing the media.

@laraw840 9个月前(修改过)
The anti-China sentiments among the youth in Taiwan largely stem from the school education system and media.   In terms of education, ever since the DPP, the pro-independent party -  stepped up as the ruling party back in 2012, it eliminated and simplified the Chinese history content in the textbooks from junior high school onwards (Prior to that, students like myself have studied comprehensive and detailed Chinese dynasties dating back 5,000 years).  They also moved Chinese history into the World History section of the curriculum; began referring to the PRC as China, as opposed to using the term 'the Mainland' which had been commonly used for about half a century on the island.   These are some of the examples of DPP's calculated moves to distance Taiwanese youth from China.  In terms of media, DPP's propaganda is pervasive, present at school, in the news, and on social media...etc.     A few years ago, they even shut down CTI news because it was deemed "too pro-China".   I am Taiwanese, and personally, I do not want to be associated with DPP on any level.  I can respect their desire for Taiwan to be an independent country, but the way they go about doing it is plain nasty and undemocratic.  Of course, Taiwan's media narratives are deeply influenced by Western mainstream media as well, which,  with the rise of social media and sprouting independent media worldwide, I hope more people will come to realize how those narratives can be extremely biased, oftentimes rife with distortion and hidden agendas, especially and particularly toward China.

@samyang5873 9个月前(修改过)
I'm SEAsian. US has her footprints all over the world & always meddling in internal affairs of sovereign countries which is very unwelcome & disgusting considering that she is oceans away. As for Taiwan , it is legally & officially recognised as part of China by the United Nation including the US. But the US likes to say one thing and do another. I neither live in China nor Taiwan but looking at what the US ongoing actions in this part of the world , if not careful Taiwan might fall into the trap & ends up like Ukraine. This will affect stability & peace in whole of Asia. US is indeed not a peaceful country considering her long history of wars & foreign aggression for the sake of hegemony by pushing others to bloodshed. The issue of Taiwan & China is a Chinese affair & US & the west should stay out of it. China stressed a peaceful unification but US would tell the Taiwanese to buy more & more weapons. China builds infrastructures & BRI & US is always building military bases & selling arms. Who's the real threat ??

In 2019 I went on vacation to NY and in 2020 to Miami. And I was surprised by how bad public transport is in the USA. Especially in NY, the subway seemed to me the worst after knowing the one in most European cities. The state of decline of public infrastructures in the USA is surprising. I also thought the highways were very bad. In very bad condition.

I've visited China four times and saw different regions. Every time I've visited... I've seen big improvements. I would even be bold enough to say that the major cities in China are now overall cleaner looking than the major cities in the US.

For one example, I've visited public parks in Dalian and was amazed at how clean they look. The greening of the city is very good, and there are many electric cars on the street, which proves that the Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection.What impresses me the most is that life is very convenient, a cashless society, the subway system is very new and clean, and the people are very friendly.Other than some culture shock, I feel China is very safe. You can also go out late at night. In the US, I dare not go out at night, for fear that black people will shoot me.

When I return home and tell my co-workers about my travels to China.... they refuse to believe me or the pictures I took. They just want to believe that I was shown around a "fake city" built for showing tourists. The fact that I was walking around these cities unescorted... still won't change their beliefs. No, these people still want to believe that China has "backward smoggy cities, where everyone still rides bicycles and wear grey old clothes because they are all poor and starving". I often hear ignorant statements such as: "The poorest Americans still live better than the average Chinese". The irony is these people never traveled to China or even want to watch these videos. 

And yet... these folks talk like they are all "China experts'.  Anyway, have fun in China and God b

@sktan3743 9个月前
If young Taiwanese are looking at the sky like frogs in a well, then it is a very sorry state for Taiwan, especially they clamor for independence in pursuits of so called freedom. Eventually they have to face up to reality. Taiwan economic prosperity for past 3 decades are built on enormous trade surplus from China trade. This surplus  cancels  the trade deficits with all other countries including Japan.This surplus enables Taiwan to buy American weaponry with which to fight China, so to speak. Nothing is more insane for anyone to bite the hands that feed him.

Taiwan has never been a country.  In 1949, the former Kuomintang government, the Republic of China, was defeated in a civil war against the Communist government and fled to the southernmost tip of Chinese territory.  Even after the founding of New China in 1949, Taiwan had to be liberated, but unfortunately, the Korean War broke out in 1950, and American fighter jets flew to the Chinese border and dropped bombs on border cities such as Dandong.  The Chinese government sent reinforcements to the Korean Peninsula to protect the country and confront the United States.  During the three years following the Korean War, severe natural disasters and adversity befell China, and Taiwan's liberation was delayed again due to complex domestic situations such as the Cultural Revolution.  As China focused on economic development after reform and opening in the 1980s, Taiwan's liberation was delayed again.  However, the world has never recognized Taiwan as a country, and most countries in the world have not established diplomatic ties with Taiwan.  In 1971, the Republic of China was expelled from the United Nations, UN member states consistently recognized the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate government representing China, and a United Nations resolution declared Taiwan part of the territory of the People's Republic of China

@oceejekwam6829 9个月前
A very authentic feel comes across in your vlogs. Thank you to both of you.

@Mal17281 8个月前
I just came back from China. We went to Chongqing, Chengdu and Xian. All I can say is that people are extremely friendly, the policeman at the airport helped us translated our hotel name from English to Chinese for our taxi driver. Everyone was very helpful since we do not speak Chinese. Subway is so cleaned. I can’t speak about their government since I don’t live there but the people are definitely amazing. Best of all, it is so safe.

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