
Joseph Stiglitz 担忧世界 效仿美国民主

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约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨对民主的未来表示担忧; 警告美国发生的事情也可能发生在其他地方


作者:Tomoko Hatakeyama/日本新闻特约撰稿人 2024 年 3 月 13 日


哥伦比亚大学教授约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨 (Joseph Stiglitz) 周三在东京发表演讲时表示,根据定于 11 月举行的美国总统选举结果,“世界其他国家将必须弄清楚在没有这种民主领导的情况下如何开展工作” ]。”

他补充说,“在特朗普或拜登的领导下,美国将继续出现强烈的远离全球化的运动。 反华政策将成为外交政策和经济政策的核心部分。 两国都将继续实施产业政策,”这位在比尔·克林顿政府期间担任美国经济顾问委员会主席的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者说道。 “(特朗普和拜登之间)的区别在于对民主及其所包含的一切的坚定信念。”

斯蒂格利茨周三在读卖国际经济学会组织的一次演讲中发表题为“重新思考资本主义和市场经济”的演讲,他表示,美国和其他国家政府奉行基于新自由主义资本主义思维的政策,例如放松管制和自由市场经济, 这导致经济增长放缓、不平等扩大和经济不稳定。 他还指出,“日本作为最平等国家之一的地位正在减弱,现在是发达国家中排名第十的最不平等国家。”


斯蒂格利茨表示,随着气候变化和老龄化等全球共同挑战的出现,“我们需要对我们的经济、政治和社会体系进行更加协调和全面的变革”,他认为政府应该通过引入以下措施来增强其在社会中的作用: 在所谓的进步资本主义或新资本主义概念下制定适当的法规和竞争规则。

Joseph Stiglitz Expresses Concern About the Future of Democracy; Warns What Happens in U.S. Could Happen Elsewhere


By Tomoko Hatakeyama/Japan News Staff Writer  March 13, 2024

Columbia University Prof. Joseph Stiglitz speaks at a lecture organized by the Yomiuri International Economic Society in Tokyo on Wednesday.

Columbia University Prof. Joseph Stiglitz said in a speech in Tokyo on Wednesday that depending on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election scheduled for November, “The rest of the world will have to figure out how to work without that kind of leadership [of democracy].”

He added, “The U.S. will continue to have under Trump or Biden a strong movement away from globalization. An anti-China policy will be a central part of foreign policy and economic policy. Both will continue with industrial policies,” said the Nobel Prize laureate in economics, who served as a chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers during the Bill Clinton administration. “The difference [between Trump and Biden] is the strong belief in democracy, and all that that it entails.”

Stiglitz, who spoke Wednesday on “Rethinking Capitalism and the Market Economy” at a lecture organized by the Yomiuri International Economic Society, said that the U.S. and other governments have pursued policies based on neoliberal capitalist thinking, such as deregulation and free-market economics, which have led to slower economic growth, widening inequality, and an unstable economy. He also pointed out that “Japan standing as one of the most equal countries is weakening and it’s now the 10th most unequal country in the advanced world.”

He also said, “The extremes of inequality have provided a fertile field for demagogues and right-wing populism, which you see in the extreme form in the U.S. What has happened in the U.S. is a warning of what could happen elsewhere.”

With the rise of common global challenges such as climate change and aging, Stiglitz said, “What is needed is a more concerted and comprehensive change in our economic, political and social system,” arguing that the government should increase its role in society by introducing appropriate regulations and competition rules under the concepts of so-called progressive capitalism or new capitalism.

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