
How does toxic ideology produced and how does it plays evil role

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Professor Alan Freeman questions Thucydides Trap 

  How does toxic ideology produced and how does it plays evil role.

          Frank Li,  April 23, 2024

This topic discuses that, in nowadays, how does toxic ideology produced and take hormone disorders as example to show that how does ideology plays evil role.

The mechanism of ideology determining the quality of people

It is the populations of brain cells reasoning based on memorized knowledge to signal people behavior; If a person did not acquire relevant knowledge, the person will be unable to judge related issues. If a person acquired wrong knowledge, the person will make wrong judgments in wrong outcomes. The defects brain and wrongful knowledge will cause people abnormal behaving; so that it is not all human features in human nature.

In playing 2500 years old game Go of China, computer program AlphaGo beats human Go player shows that human intelligence acts as Robot by acquired knowledge as driver; therefore human intelligence is in lifelong reshaping. As a Robert, if a person was installed a driver of servant; the person will serve people, if a person was installed a driver of killer, the person will act as a killer; which was the reason why German Hitler and Italian Mussolini were able to tame compatriots as killer to kill dozens millions of people.

Philosophies and ideologies are able to affect the way of thinking and therefore affect the outcomes of behaving.

China has outlawed schools of thought in 2000 years ago.

In China, 771BC-221BC once fell into 550 years of wars between feudal imperial power enfeoffed vassal states as that of European aristocracies of independent economies of war machines in looting and killing wars. In China, the 550 years of wars forced people to explore the ways for uprooting wars, and discovered the hazards of ideologies - brainwash people into war madmen and use to provoke wars; then China outlawed schools of thought and respects Confucian as moral guidance. Even burnt books and buried alive 460 scholars that advocate enfeoffment to have uprooted the soil for planting wars. 

But, the west has been in provoking and in ongoing wars intensely until right now. This is the reason, in today, China still strictly controls ideologies.  

On today world; all kinds of toxic philosophies and ideologies were fabricated in European bloody based West, such as, various –ism; various –ist; government is a necessary evil, give me liberty or give me death, etc., such kind of garbage was respected as bible to badly impact social governance. In today, it is still in freely fabricating ideologies by priding allowing such childish play as respecting human rights. The most of ideologies were in moral concerning; but their social effects are extremely immoral or even inhuman by acting as that of stockings for criminals used as a hood to commit crimes. 

Among those toxic ideologies; the most evil one is democracy.

As my view; in fact, the democracy was regarded as means that presents or for realizing the life of liberty, or freedom, or free world; which was that European Dark Ages depressive life tortured people eagerly desired. The torture was from the life under the despotism in which aristocracies and religions mixed ruling by developing all kinds of evil means to oppress the life of people, and even continuously force people to rob and kill of each other in endlessly killing wars to be self-proudly called as Dark Ages.

Due to that democracy was designed for getting rid of the despotism of aristocracies and religions inhuman rule with good intention for achieving humanized life; so that it is extremely deceptive of perfect good, as a result, until today; people still blindly hate fabricated ideology of autocracy or dictatorship and tout ideology of democracy in the deep superstition that only the democratically elected politicians are legitimate.

However, in actual social practice; the democracy is in childishly setting Gov-power as a reward for any people free competing; and recklessly taking pride in the fact that people of any quality can freely participate in the campaign and regards more free as more democracy. It was just because there is no quality control over the candidates, which made fatal reality that democracy, is in granting Gov-power to reckless individual.

The essence of multi-party opposition democracy is to encourage reckless people to legally assemble as political parties; by which enabling capability limited individuals legally gathering as more powerful political social force. The evil of such kind of political gathering is at that it takes to drive the power of the State Apparatus for personal gain as purpose by harming the interests of the people and the country as exchange, even provoking wars and economic crises to destroy the world where those democratic players and their families shared living.

Evilly, due to the wrongful ideology that only democratically elected politician is legitimate; so that it made people an Illusion that democratically elected one will be naturally the leaders with sacred duties given by god to save human world; which made reckless people more reckless confidently exert their evil mentality to drive the power of State Apparatus provoking wars and crisis at will by the name of making good for people.

As the platform for the formation of the political system for governing human society, due to democracy was budded in the European looting and killing bloody inhuman soil; so that it naturally inherited the warlike genes, and more badly as political system that is able to seize the power to dominate country, it evilly evolved in much powerful barbaric than that of aristocracies and religions scattered ruling of limited capability and harm.

Please look at the evil deeds of democracy

2007 in book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, Professore Niall Ferguson who indicated that: why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. 

Please track back the ongoing wars in Ukraine; the root cause is democracy. It reported that before this time wars; the individual official of United States has spent $5 billion for promoting the better play of democracy in Ukraine.

The motivation of topic

This topic is inspired by the speech that talks about American professor Graham Allison in his ideology of Thucydides Trap that claims China is dangous in promoting to cause war with the United States; the speech slams such argument had no reasonable basis; but it was very dangerous with the potential of really causing wars; due to that America's decline is not China's fault, but those poor countries globally are refusal to be enslaved plundering anymore.

The speech has no ideological bias; but condemns the wild plunder by over play of capitalism and showed appreciation for that China was able to help large numbers of people escaped poverty in a short period of time.

The speaker was Prof. Alan Freeman, who is former principal economist with the Greater London Authority, now works with Prof. Radhika Desai as co-director of Geopolitical Economy Research Group, university of Manitoba. The speech gave me an impression that Prof. Alan Freeman; who is considering to solve problem from the root of people’s thoughts; which is same as that British macroeconomist John Keynes; who wrote The End of Laissez-Faire in 1926.

In The End of Laissez-Faire, Keynes indicated the fatal intellectual flaw of human beings in badly affecting social governance: “These many elements have contributed to the current intellectual bias, the mental make-up, and the orthodoxy of the day. The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them. To suggest social action for the public good to the City of London is like discussing the Origin of Species with a bishop sixty years ago. The first reaction is not intellectual, but moral. An orthodoxy is in question, and the more persuasive the arguments the graver the offence.”

“The next step forward must come, not from political agitation or premature experiments, but from thought. We need by an effort of the mind to elucidate our own feelings.”

“The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.”

Above, Keynes pointed out the absurd phenomena in 98 years ago, the public were being impacted by something without reasonable ground or something that legitimacy have been lost long time ago. Clearly, the intention of Keynes was toward broad scope beyond economics. In fact, it still is the phenomenon even more severe in today.


Please look around in 98 years later world, there are many things have lost the real reasons for existence, the reasons have solemnly entered their graves after completed their missions, but they are still alive with strong influence on our daily life, or even determine our destiny. For example, the credit rating agencies, for a long time, they are evilly used as means for making up lies to destroy the financial system of countries, then hunt for cheap assets to plunder.

Recently, the credit rating agencies and some authority organizations fabricated false and delusional ideology that the U.S. economy is strong; by which cause people wrongful expectation of a protracted period of high US dollar rates, led to the return of the US dollar and caused violent depreciation of the currencies of Asian countries; which is the US in intended looting on Asian wealth.

This is one of the facts that what Prof. Alan Freeman condemned wild plunder by over play of capitalism. In democratic played capitalist countries that claim to uphold human rights, but, they established a complex system to systematically cooperate for plundering the wealth that created by people around the world, and then use this wealth to make weapons and bomb world widely.  

The reckless people have no human brain cells for caring about ruining the life of themselves and their beloved families. They are no ability for considering that the economy of world countries is closely linked and mutually influenced of each others; the recession of Asian economy will badly impact the economy and people’s life of the United States.  

Having said this, people will naturally think of The Economic Consequences of the Peace that wrote by Keynes in 1919, in which Keynes raised rational approach to dealing with the war reparations for the defeated Germany; which was minimizing war reparations claims and avoid causing serious harm to Germany's economic development, thereby avoiding made backfire to the victorious country by badly impacting the economic development of the entire Europe.

Keynes was rare rational or may say humanized economist who looks at the problem from a systematic perspective to avoids interlocking economic injuries, and thereby saving economy and the life of people.

The practice of systematic perspective in common collective interest concern was the one of reasons that I appreciate the speech of Professor Alan Freeman and was the reason I specially added this section.

Here I must indicate the origin of Laissez-Faire.

Since 1400s, European missionaries continuously enter China and translate the culture of China back home, and also in 1434, Zheng He fleet of China (7 times sail around world no colonial plunder) arrived in Tuscany Italy and presented the pope with a large amount books. The enlightenment thinkers asked themselves, why do Chinese people enjoy peace and we kill each other. Human civilization in Eastern China, then culture of China triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment, and bloody French Revolution to push Europe entered the new Dark Ages with new type of barbaric play, and continued provoking wars under warlike genetic hobby. 

China’s ancient economic thought of wu wei from Tao Te Ching enlightened French Physiocrat François Quesnay idea laissez-faire of free market without Gov-intervention In 1750; which inspired Adam Smith writing economic bible the Wealth of Nations with Invisible Hand in 1776 . Then the Invisible Hand promoted the development of various financial instruments to freely plunder on real economy to endlessly make disasters; which inspired British economist John Keynes wrote End of Laissez-faire in 1926, and wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936; since then Government investments stimulates economy and takes interest rates to 2% as a common means.

In ancient China, the wu wei meant that government must reduce the excessive harassment on the livelihood of people, for example, reduce excessive taxation, avoid arbitrary assignment of labor and so on; which were the only can do in agricultural economy and has been guiding the economy of China topped the peak of the world economy, but in west it was individualistically used to develop various ideologies to make disasters politically and economically. 

The discussion of Professor Alan Freeman about that Thucydides Trap did not hold up was convincing; which inspired me with that, in the West, people were wrongfully cultured as hobby in fabricating ideologies in regardless of consequence; which is the main cause that world ruined by wrongfully leading the thinking and behaving of the public.

In this concern, the professors in the universities, and the thinkers in the Think Jars, in the scattered distributed, or in the stealth distributed, are mostly doing bad than good. In most cases, they are in fermenting highly toxic ideas as toxic ideologies to badly impact the governance of human society.

Now track back, many wars and economic disasters were caused by the random ignorant thoughts of toxic ideologies of such kind of people, who provide wrongful theoretical basis for low-quality politicians and encourage them confidently doing nonsense, promote inhuman for human.

Because of, the titles of Professor or Thinkers are deceptive; their words can be easily socialized as ideology. Such as, the Thucydides Trap has been widely cited as theoretical basis for criticizing the correct approach of China.

This is not the intrinsic badness of these people, but it is determined by the natural intellectual flaws of human beings. If a person's learning content is particularly specific and narrow in scope, the reference for their thinking and reasoning will be narrow and limited, and as the natural result; its social effects will naturally be extreme and unrealistic.

The scary thing is that it is precisely because of the limitations in the knowledge and vision scope that they believed to have caused them wrongfully addicted in own thoughts and deeply believed that they are the only right one.

Therefore, American Professor Graham Allison will never be able to be convinced to believe that his ideology Thucydides Trap is wrong and dangers with real potential of making disasters by really provoking wars.

Why that China has outlawed schools of thought in 2000 years ago.

In China, 771BC-221BC once fell into 550 years of wars between the vassal states as that of European aristocracies of independent economies of war machines in looting and killing wars. In China, the 550 years of wars forced people to explore the ways for uprooting wars, and discovered the hazards of ideologies - brainwash people into war madmen and use to provoke wars; then China outlawed schools of thought and respects Confucian as moral guidance.


However; in the West, it prides fabricating ideologies as human rights and freely fabricated all kinds of toxic ideologies; in which the most of ideologies were in moral concerning as that of bishop when heard the Origin of Species; his first reaction is not intellectual, but moral; but the social effects of moral concerning ideologies are extremely immoral or even inhuman by acting as that of stockings for criminals used as a hood to commit crimes.

Historically, China has been choosing quality people as officials and was able to optimize social governance timely; so that, in today, China is not superstitious in any ideological dogma. Today’s China is neither an autocracy, nor a democracy, nor socialism, nor capitalism as Western stockings, but an integration of good aspects of those ideologies.

But in the Western democracies, they continue addicting in childish play on those toxic ideologies to dehumanize social governance. The toxic ideologies are used as stocking of kindness for selfish purpose by harming others.  

For extreme childish play on ideologies, even some democratic politician can't stand it anymore.

Sept 9, 2023, in an interview with the Mail, Liz Truss, the former PM of Britain; who slams the idiotic play of stockings in the political system of democracies, “If you look at the knots in which people tie themselves in western politics about whether somebody with a penis is a man or not, it shows how effective unfortunately these people have been.”

In today democracies, the play of ideologies has gone to extreme even hormone disorders used as ideology; so that a man with penis can legally go into special public facilities for women as long as claimed in a female mentality.

Needless to say those childish played democracies; even if rational Germany, it also passed law that helps trans people easily update their legal documents to legalize and easy their illegal play; a German politician on power, who actually said that "We simply want to make life a bit easier for a small group for which it has great significance."

This was the vivid evidence for what I claimed democracy granting Gov-power to reckless people, who dare do evil by clear mind that is in helping minority of abnormal people to ruin the life of majority of normal people.

On this issue, British Minister for Women and Equalities Ms Badenoch has shown outstanding in pragmatic, she seeks truth pragmatically from the facts, and do not blindly follow others as that of German lawmakers did.

Aug 13, 2023, article Kemi Badenoch: All buildings must provide single-sex lavatories reports that Ms Badenoch, British Minister for Women and Equalities, stated that the Government must step in when “common sense disappears,” following a rise in businesses offering gender-neutral toilets without separate single-sex facilities.

Ms Badenoch argues that the discourse around sex-based rights has been “confused” by gender activists, leading to the necessity for legislation that would not have been required a decade ago. “My job is increasingly spent legislating for common sense and stopping those intent on causing harm.”

Ms Badenoch indicates that doctors reported instances where girls in certain schools either contracted infections or skipped classes entirely “because they refused to urinate all day” due to their reluctance to use gender-neutral toilets.

What happened in British schools revealed the bad consequence of German politician said that "We simply want to make life a bit easier for a small group for which it has great significance." In comparison with sober Ms Badenoch, the German politician was in doing evil by clear mind that is in helping minority bad to ruin the life of majority good.

Look around increasingly unlivable world, in democracies, the quality of the most of politicians are in the quality of German lawmakers; fewer is in the sober quality of British Minister for Women and Equalities, Ms Badenoch. 

The European bloody soiled social elements prepared all kind of stockings for people choosing to make livings by cheating. The legislature played as madhouse, due to that the lawmakers cover by stockings of democracy.

The German government was able to have passed law that helps trans people easily update their legal documents, it was also because of those German lawmakers were covering by the stockings of democracy.

The history of China is the history of taking lessons to avoid repeating same mistakes; but the West has been trying to maintain everything as it is in never think of making improvement; even make up new ideological stockings, or create consensus stockings to force maintaining outdated world order and make world increasingly unlivable.

Maybe bothered by such kind of ridiculous behavior; German philosopher Hegel (1770-1831), who once disappointedly sighs with that: “What experience and history teach is this, that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, and have never acted on the lessons that should have been learned from it.”

This was the reason that the west has been in the Law of Jungle of wars until right now in Ukraine and Middle East.

Talks to here, I found a short introduction of Professor Alan Freeman and Professor Radhika Desai co-authored article The Conflict in Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism in Oct 2016, which was far before February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The introduction indicates that the cause of the conflict of Russia and Ukraine was not as that West labeled Russia “imperialist", but due to the decline of US and Western power and the rise of other centres of economic and military power, which are able to resist and contest Western power. The Ukraine is just located on the geopolitical flashpoints.

Below was the introduction.

“In this introduction, we provide an overall framing of the articles that follow by placing the Ukraine conflict which today embroils the West in confrontation with Russia, within an historical account of the geopolitical economy of contemporary capitalism and the dynamics of imperialism in the twenty-first century, taking particular account of the decline of US and Western power and the rise of other centres of economic and military power, which are able to resist and contest Western power.“

“We pay particular attention to how today’s geopolitical flashpoints, of which Ukraine is among the most critical, emerged to belie post-Cold War expectations of a “peace dividend” and a “unipolar” world, clearly distinguishing the US and the EU roles in these processes. Given the widespread tendency in the West to label Russia “imperialist,” particularly after the integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation, we end our discussion with a consideration of this question which concludes that the term, while it continues to be an appropriate description of the pattern of Western actions, is not so for that of Russian ones.”

I appreciate Professor Alan Freeman for that he always looks at the problem from a systematic perspective without ideological play of making nonsense in arguing the values, moral or immoral, social justice or human rights.

Thanks the rational speech of Professor Alan Freeman.

                                         --- Frank April 23, 2024

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