

(2024-04-25 00:46:11) 下一个

Is Canada getting too many immigrants from India and is it good or bad for Canada?



I agree that the Canadian immigration system is favoring Indian immigration in a disproportionate manner. If cultural diversity is important to Canada, people from different countries should be allowed in and not just Indians. The silent fraud in the system should be investigated.

The issue I have with most Indians is selfishness. They seem to like each other to the extent that they can literally take over an entire organization and never allow others to be hired except Indians. Check out G4S and many security positions ti confirm my claim. This excessive brute force selfish habit should be condemned and curbed.

From what I am seeing, Canada will soon be mistaken for India someday. The influx of immigrants is alarming and may soon crumble the system.


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The reality is my own countrymen love to scam the innocent , find loopholes in the system and abuse the good things. From lacking basic courtesy to say Please or Thank you , to finding ways to flout the law.

I see folks from various cultures including Filipinos , Southern Americans , Chinese etc who have integrated very well within the community except ours. We just like filth it seems . Come to Surrey (Vancouver) and you will see middle aged Indian gents spraying gutkas or paan masala on the street , to ogling women . You can change the country but you can't change people unfortunately. I believe it's time now , that we need to curb immigration from South Asia or make it stricter and only allow people who are culturally alligned to North American standards.

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Bad // extremely bad /its disturbing /absolutely ridiculous /seems like their buying businesses, and only hiring Indians /bad bad/- from Dale


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Lol this could be true especially Toronto.. I remember going on big vacation to many countries : Leaving from Montreal Airport (All kinds of people) to Frankfurt Airport (All kinds of people) to Istanbul Airport ( All kinds of People) to London Airport (All kinds of people) to Paris Airport (All kinds of people) to Oslo Airport (All kinds of people to Berlin Airport (All kinds of people) OK so at this point I was supposed to take the flight back home to Montreal… Long story short missed my flight… Had to book a new ticket

(Berlin to Toronro to Montreal )

When the plane landed (ouff super exhaust

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I think we are getting too many immigrants from both India and China. Canada has a very small population of close to 40 million. The population of India and China combined is about 3 billion. Canada does have its own culture and identity that is a mixture of its old French and English roots , with native Indian culture too. This is how I will always see Canada . If immigration is to continue at the rate that it is, I'm afraid our country would soon be swamped with hordes of Asians and our country would be unrecognisable. Our children could see in their life time an ocean of turbans in our parliament. What will we be then? India #2 ? Perhaps all theses people that are flooding to Canada should stay in their original country and help to fix that countries problems. I am not racist. I believe that some immigration is ok. But their vast numbers worry me and how it could affect our very small population. Canada does have its own culture and identity that is worth protecting . So count me in as anti immigration. We need to protect our future and that of our children's. Be proud of your country of origin and protect it. Tighten immigration or the founding mix of French, English, and native Canadians could very well be the next visible minority in this country.

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I think it would be better if they balance the intake of immigrants to match it with other nationalities, that would instead promote a more rich culture, since no foreign culture would actually prevail over the others.


I agree 100 percent. Way too many east indians taking jobs here only to be rude to anyone white. They all work at tim hortons, Wendy's etc and absolutely hate white customers. I'm sick of them coming here and treating us like we're bothering them. Go home.

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As long as too many Indians do not come here and do not follow the same corrupt Indian mentality here, it is fine. Also, it would be better if they get rid of the ridiculous religious fanaticism, other corrupt practices and keep the places clean from litter/garbage. Unfortunately, I know that many of them come to the West with ridiculous narrow-minded religious and caste practices and follow the same here. Also, many of them do not care about keeping their place clean and behaving properly in public places.

Update: I work in a Community Service Center where we provide support to newcomers and r

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Lately I have seen that the Canadian immigration system is allowing too many Indian in a disproportionate manner. The system should stop accepting more applications from that country immediately no more student visas no more work permit.

I have seen that literally they can take over an entire organization and never allow others to be hired except Indians. The same way that they do, we need to stop hiring staff from India despite they can be qualified for the job. Again if you hire one they will take over. It is simple to start fixing this problem we need to start from the source. Don't hire Indians, don't sell or rent our houses or condos to them. Ontario particularly has decreased its quality of life for example now you can see that most of the car accidents are from Indian drivers plus they speed on the highwaysroads and they don't respect the rules. If you live in Brampton you pay more insurance just because that area is full of Indian and because of that all the time there are car accidents.

From what I am seeing, we don't need to bring more immigrants to fill a position., Thank God we have really extreme bad weather in winter otherwise we would have been invaded long time ago. Sadly this a political movement from the government to sell us an immigration plan that doesn't make sense. My personal experience have been really bad with the 90 % of Indian. When I was in college I could see how professional they can be cheating on an exam( This is one of the examples ) so why we are bringing these type of students and workers? To provide a really bad service in a bank or in a Tim Hortons. Canada needs quality over quantity. We still can save our country from this mess.

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Nope not at all. I live in Mississauga and the place is infested with them. Every night or even in the day I’ll hear loud cars or motorcycles driven by Indians disturbing the neighbor hood. Canada’s should limit its immigration from India since we have enough of them here (were talking about 1 million) and be harder on immigration. There is now more trash, smelly places, and horrible work ethic and it’s sad because this isn’t the canada I grew up in. Now when I get older I’ll be forced to move to another province and hope that doesn’t get ransacked with Indians too.


Absolutely. I try to be as open minded as possible but the canadian identity is being destroyed by indians. Now im not saying all indians are assholes, there are alot that try to endulge in our culture and thats great that what they should be doing. But im talking abojt the majority that come here and think its still india. Some of these people are the most rude, dirty, immature humans on this planet. One time when i worked at a marina a dude was trying to haggle with the owner for a lower rental price on the boat. Owner declined an told him to leave, bro tapped him on the shoulder like friendly pointing to the parking lot. The dude asked to use the bathroom, the owner thinking nothing weird of it agreed. The indian went in the bathroom, i assume put his asshole agaist the wall and shit and smeared his asshole arounf the wall. Then he proceeded to call the cops ok the owner saying he assulted him when he really lightly tapped his shoulder. I fully believe he should have been deported right then and there no questions no phone calls nothing. They should just be sent back and dropped off when they do this shit. But they arnt and cops will actively protect this behavior. This country use to be beautiful, people where happy. Now its a shithole and the under lying issue has always been immigration since castru took office. Thwy need to go. They should all he given test on canadian history an culture an if they fail they should be deported no questions asked. Thos would solve 90% of the issues in this country.

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Let's help the people born here in Canada first. We have have had such an explosion of homelessness.

in 2019, I moved out of a woman's shelter. I rented a room in a basement suite suite from a family from Pakistan, who knowingly rented me a room in the basement of their own house that was infested with cockroaches. When I complained about this and other legitimate issues, he blamed me for causing "further problems", he gave me and the other two tenants N12s.

i was on OW at the time and this was the only place I could find $350/month.

later that year, just after the N12, I was approved for ODSP and would have a bit more money. I thought this would alleviate all my problems.

Instead of fighting the eviction, I decided to leave and look for a new place. what I experienced next shocked me to the core. And still angers me today!

As a Canadian born Caucasian, originally from BC, living in Ontario, and sub existing on ODSP. No word of a lie, 90% (a very generous underestimate, btw) of kijiji ads in my price range were by Indians restricting rental applicants. "Indian speaking only. Indians only. Indian women vegetarians only, etc,"

And then I had similar experience with someone who came to Canada from the Philippines. She was brazen enough to tell me (I wish I had this recorded!)…The excuse as to why she would not rent a room in her basement suite is cuz "I did not speak the language". All other tenants renting rooms in her basement were philipino.

I also came across similar ad on kijiji with Asian bias.. "Asian tenants preferred as Mandarin speaking tenants and Chinese live here. Japanese and Korean ok."

I had too much stress i my plate at the time. If my main priority had not been was looking for a place, I would be spending all day lodging formal complaints and with all the atrociously racist ads and landlords I came across!

One of the few places I looked (who did not specify race presence) was another family from India (husband, wife and two small kids and baby) posting ad on kijiji to are renting one bedroom in a small two bedroom apartment in Etobicoke. I viewed the place and was shocked to see that the entire family all living in the one room, and renting out the other to two other students, who would be moving out soon.

I finally found a room to rent in a basement suite in a house owned by a Canadian born Indian lady, in Brampton, along with three other Indian ladies renting the other rooms in the basement. And of course the Indian la least and her family upstairs. The city found out that the basement suite was illegal and not registered with the city. Unbeknownst to me, my complaining about her using the city designated composting bin for her personal empty alcohol bottles, would alert attention to an unregistered suite and even though I paid rent, I still got evicted. Again, I was homeless and was shipped off to another to "live" in another homeless shelter out of town.

There I experienced more reverse racism, this time by the the three black women who I happened to already living in the room to which I was assigned.

I went AWOL. And stored up in a couple storage lockers during the next 6 weeks. I met up with a guy who later turned out to be a real abusive asshole and moved with him to brantford. I eventually left when the local womens' shelter had a bed for me.

So here I was, homeless again. The city's low-income Housing department referred me to a lodging house, under new management called Magnolia Lodge, owned by an Indian family, who knowingly rented out a room to infested with bed bugs!!

ive been renting from the same slumlord (different house after going crazy for two months with bed bugs at magnolia lodge) only to fight about other things that need to be fixed, and housing and property standards and landlord responsibilities that are neglected.

just recently I hear that the reason why it's so hard to find a place here is because indian parents (I'm not Racist…. I loooove Indian food) have paid up in rent five years in advance for their child to live here in Canada whilst they go to school. The Indian students here get treated here better than the diesenfranchised locals, our own indigenous people and we "white folk" who here in the first place!

and it's us that are facing drastic homelessness, addiction and mental health problems!! Yet more money goes into propping up the immigration policy with India!

With the excuse is that Canadians don't want to do these jobs, I've heard time after time. Thats not the problem. Let's get to the root of the issue and admit that that is a human right to housing!

Even the ombudsman of Canada agrees!

As a recovering workaholic who has worked and "helped" her way onto government disability, sacrificing so much to help others, and then be treated like an outcast by the people who are fortunate to be allowed into this country in the first place. Yet in my country and my own government gaslights me and tells ME that I am not a visible minority! If I placed rental ads on kijiji like, "whites only. Canadian born English speaking people only", I would be the one facing racism charges!!

So let's focus on getting ALL of our own Canadian born citizens in stable affordable housing and mebtally and physically healthy and then you will see that we have a big and diverse enough work force to employ the country without resorting to insane immigration policies that just put more money into the pockets of the few.

Help our our own Candian citizens FIRST!!

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First, you need to define what you mean by “…good or bad for Canada”.

I’m going to assume that you are referring to the collective well being of the majority of the citizens of Canada, since that is what most people would assume :)

If this is indeed the case (it is)…I have some bad news, my friend. Unsurprisingly, as far as immigration is concerned, the decision to bring in boatloads of cheap labour from India has absolutely nothing to do with our government “wanting to help people”, or trying to encourage diversity, and everything to do with trying to push our GDP figure higher, to increase pro

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I live in brampton ontario or i should say i live in an Indian province with some other ethnicities allowed to live here too. I no longer feel living in a multi cultural society. I live in a Sikh community and i should be grateful to be able to live among them. The mayor, and soon the prime minister will be indian too. Now i have nothing against indians. They are rather peaceful people compare to middle easterns where i ran away from, but i like canada to retain it's multiculturalism for ever and when my son is old enough too. I would have had the same concerns if any other ethnicity was in the same over representation too.

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Incompetent, corrupt and greedy of our government scares me a lot. How come more than 30% of emigrants are from India? Those people lower our life level year after year. We will lose our identity soon if someone doesn't these Indian floods.

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Due to the recent changes in US visa rules and many visas getting rejected, some software companies are using rather misusing Canada as workaround. They are deputing their employees from offshore to their offices in Canada. These deputies work for US clients. This is also happening in those cases where people complete their 6 year cap on US H1B visa. If their GC process is initiated, but the I140 is not approved before 6 year cap, they have to ideally go back to India. However, companies are sending them to Canada instead. These companies bill them with the same rates as US deputies, but they are actually paid as per the Canadian standards. This is a profit for those companies as they get US billing, but paying less to employees than they actually deserve. This is doing no good to citizens of Canada who are qualified to do those jobs. Remember one thing - 95% of these deputies are not doing any advanced technical jobs. Whatever they are doing can be easily done by any bachelor degree holder in Canada with Computer Science background. These companies should ideally recruit Canadian citizens for those kind of jobs. Not sure to what extent US immigration can address this situation, but the Canadian immigration authorities should conduct an audit on this and come up with strict guidelines. Otherwise, Canada will simply become a workaround for these companies to escape from the stricter US visa rules.

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Shouldn’t the Canadian government put a stop by not allowing a company hire immigrants from one country only? That way nepotism would be curbed and they’d enforce REAL DIVERSITY.
They could even enforce it in a progressive way as they like, by calling things by its name DISCRIMINATION.
Those would be anti-discrimination laws, not allowing Indians to discriminate Chinese, Latinos, Europeans, Africans (or any other) immigrants.
For instance, if a company already has already hired an Indian immigrant worker, the next one cannot be Indian, if they really need to give the job to immigrants, they’ll have to choose from other country.
Would it be possible to establish anti-discrimination laws this way?

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Masses of Indians are coming in as cheap labor for big corporations like Walmart, Tim Hortons, KFC, Popeyes, G4S, McDonald's etc to work long hours for minimum wage that Canadian born citizens don't want. I have seen Indians with Masters Degrees working in dirty restaurants or cleaning toilets while sharing a room with 6 other fellow Indian roommates. Only a few make it out!


Overall, Canada has less than 1% of the population immigrating per year. Currently about 20% of Canadians were born abroad.

I haven’t done the math properly to figure out detailed numbers (any pointers to proper numbers would be appreciated - we’d need birth and death figures, and some spreadsheet magic), but let’s say it takes 30 years for Canada to become 50% immigrant.

The thing is, over the course of those 30 years, these people will have integrated into Canadian society. They will still have their own culture, but they will also have become accustomed to the way things work in Canada.

I’m ha

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allegedly because nobody wants to work at tim hortons or Mcdonalds and other minimum wage jobs, so apparently its wise to just replace workers with overseas men instead of putting money into solving the mental health crisis inflicting youth that they dont even wanna reproduce anymore in this world. In reality i think its mostly because the liberal government is afraid it wont win future elections so they’re bringing in as many immigrants as possible, knowing they’ll help swing votes and keep the government that brought them to Canada in power.


I agree that Canada could use an increase in population and obviously immigration is good for us (I’m an immigrant myself) given we do have space and infrastructure. While I obviously agree with immigration in general, the numbers as of now are way to high and the flow should be lower and more sustainable in the long term. 1.2% of total population coming in as permanent immigrants a year is unacceptable. Also I don’t know if you’ve heard of the century initiative but it is terrifying. The century initiatives plan is entirely economic. I see it as putting economy above human beings, The idea is

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I am very sorry to say this but it is a fact. The Canadians know that that the whole world wants to come here so they have designed in their system road ( work related) bumps.

They will not let you get a job, make money, get rich, live well.

It is essentially a life living from paycheck to paycheck. Even your paycheck will be smaller.

Immigration is just immigration. A business for them. Transfer of your wealth from your home country to Canada since you love it so much without knowing anything about it.

Canadians are part of the British population with a British mindset. Even if you live your entire lifetime there you will not be considered anything better than an immigrant. If you do not get a job or some kind of work you will spend your money there and eventually come back home.

They take good care of themselves but not immigrants. You are an outsider. And you will remain an outsider forever. An Indian living in Canada and thinking he is canadian is like a Canadian living in India and thinking he is Indian.

Out of millions of immigrants some are bound to succeed no matter what the road blocks because such is life. So don’t look at the other person and think you can succeed too. People from Goa think they are half Portuguese and they are Christian hence they can get their foot in. So we don t know what skills may help you. But I am sure 99 % should fail. Do you think Canada makes 350 000 jobs each year for immigrants they bring in? Not likely.

For new immigrants. To keep you out of a job even when you are most deserving of it they will ask you if you have “Canadian Experience” ? How can an immigrant have Canadian experience ? And if no one will employ you in any position how will you get Canadian experience ?

So what is the meaning of Canadian experience ? It means even if you are able to land a job you will be paid so poorly that you will not be able to afford anything or the good things of life. So your struggle is of no use. The sooner you realize this the better for you.

Read this again if you are serious.

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You need to “hear” both sides.

Yes Canada accepts too many immigrants.

  • Canada has a high unemployment rate.
  • Canada already has high taxes, and the government spends money on programs for immigrants.
  • Many new immigrants don’t integrate into Canadian society.
  • Immigrants tend to cluster around big cities, driving up rents making things more crowded.

No Canada doesn’t accept too many immigrants

  • Canada’s population is aging, and we need new workers to pay taxes to support our social programs.
  • Most immigrants find work within a few years and fewer of them are on unemployment than “native” Canadians
  • Canada th
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Actually, most of our immigrants come from *outside* Canada …


1. To increase population. Immigrants are likely to have high birth rate compared to Canadian born people.
2. To increase the number of tax payers. Not many immigrants will be successful of finding a job related to their skill level after landing in Canada due to a stupid barrier called lack of "Canadian work experience". So, to cancel the effect of massive unemployment and poverty, the successful

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Canada is not biased about country when it comes to immigrants. Canada immigration process is completely points based system and people are getting visas from India and China because they are more qualified than others. As simple as that.

And FYI: There are no points for nationality.

One valid and sensible reason can be made that India and China together constitutes one-third of the world population and hence high number of immigrants but saying that Canada is just letting them enter based on nationality is completely wrong.


Canada is still 72.9% white

Canada embraces diversity and multiculturalism. Don't like it? Move somewhere else

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Its bad because Canada will be 80% Indian by 2100, but what do you expect from TruDO’H? He wants to boost the population trough cheap labor and what better way then to bring over Pakistanis & Indians?


Addiction is an odd term to use in this case. Immigrants are people, not mind altering substances. Indeed, Canada was built by immigrants.

As a relatively young country, with enormous geographic size, it was necessary to obtain workers, so farmers and labourers were sought, to develop the country. Now more skilled workers and professionals are in demand, all over the country. Either way, several hundred thousand (target is now 350,000 annually) are accepted each year, via a points system. Contrary to what some people may think, not everyone is accepted, and this number is only about 1% of its population.

As for refugees, who are a quite distinct group of immigrants, Canada does accept a number of these annually - now about 30,000, on average. Until recent policies in the US made emigrating there more difficult, that target was easier to control here. These entrants, too, are documented and assessed as migrants.

Having said this, Canada has a low birth rate, and immigrants tend to have larger families. Immigrants also replace the Canadian citizens who die each year (plus about 100,000). And, contrary to what some seem to think, the vast majority of immigrants contribute to Canadian society. Most of them work, pay taxes and obey laws, in return for the priveleges of living here.

And virtually all Canadians were immigrants at some point.

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I'm 27, Single, Software Developer. I recently recieved my PR and was able to get 5 offers in a span of 3 weeks.

This means multiple things:

  1. There are plenty of tech jobs. really good jobs. why? because silicon valley and seattle is taking away more than 70% of Canadian youth from top universities. (For those who don't know, Canadians can work in US very easily because of TN1 visa which is part of NAFTA)
  2. This also means I pay more than 35000$ in taxes
  3. I buy a car and other things in Canada and help the local businesses.
  4. After all this, I max out my RRSP and contribute to CPP and basically putting money back into Canadian economy.
  5. Unless something terrible happens, I'm not really going to use any healthcare.
  6. I rented an apartment for 1700$, again putting back money into economy.

Reader can decide whether people like me are welcome or not.

So the “too many immigrants” question is very hard to answer. I can say in high tech jobs, they can allow people and it's at healthy rate. CIC wants near native speaker fluency to give PR and Master's degree and youth. But there are refugees and parents/grand parents programs, which get the whole immigrant system very bad reputation.

I hate it too. But Canada government is not dumb, they curtailed parents and grand parents PR programs to 20000 per year. If they reduce it even more based on the burden on healthcare and take “appropriate” number of refugees, we should be OK.

Finally non politically correct statement:

I personally don't like people of a religion who follow very strict rules without change from hundreds of years, I would personally vote far right to keep them at bay even though I'm not Christian for a peaceful future Canada.

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Yes, it should!

  • It should stop them from recklessly speeding while drunk, just as it does with non-immigrants!
  • It should stop them from spreading vile hate speech which councils violence, just as it does with non-immigrants!
  • It should stop them from committing fraud, just as it does with non-immigrants!
  • It should stop them from brandishing or use firearms illegally, just as it does with non-immigrants!

Thankfully, immigrants are generally much better behaved than people born here, so statistics indicate that a lot fewer immigrants have to be stopped from these horrible behaviors.

Immigrants also sta

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Canada's immigration policy cannot be described as liberal. Canada tries to get those immigrants that it needs. I was caught up in a couple of changes of these criteria when I applied – sometimes they try and clear the backlog of applicants on the old criteria, sometimes they start working on the applicants under the new criteria because these fit better with what the country needs at the time (although still with some lag).
Canada is generally a good country to live in. There is order, people are generally educated, civil and polite, and although there are racial differences, Canada is probably the least racist of countries. It is also a very beautiful country with breathtaking landscapes and cities are kept very clean. The idea in Canada is to accept all human beings and treat them as human beings. In this sense, Canada is a great country.
To a large extent, however, immigrants are seen as an industry in themselves - they buy houses, they buy legal advice, meet children's expenses including education, shop for their daily needs, etc., but then when it comes to finding a job, unless the employer sees other Canadian employers' names on your CV (which is probably not the case for immigrants), or unless you have a highly specialized and technical job (which means you can become obsolete pretty quickly), you will be facing a very low probability of getting a job which is appropriate to your knowledge and skills, and have to work at much lower jobs, with very low pay, or even forced to volunteer your time, just to get what's called "Canadian experience".
I don't think that working in Canada is different from working anywhere else but employers make a big deal of this to protect people who were born and have worked here. So it usually takes a long time - 5 to 10 years - to settle down properly and be earning a living. Language skills and accents also play a part.
The flip-side of this is that by insisting on “Canadian experience” employers are losing out on a wealth of international experience which immigrants bring with them. We dig resources out of the ground, but constrain ourselves not to use human resources fully.
My advice to those who approached me about immigrating to Canada: (1) not to apply unless you have significant financial resources which will enable you to refuse crappy work, (2) that if you do not have financial resources, make sure you have a good job here before you move (not an easy thing to arrange) or have friends here who you are sure will give you one (good luck), (3) if you are waiting to find a good job, use the time to improve your qualifications to what Canadian employers want (keep in mind though, that in Canada there is “qualification inflation” and most decent jobs are protected by many years of training and examinations), and (4) keep in mind that even people born and raised in Canada are finding it difficult to find a good job, especially since manufacturing started to slowly disappear.
The government (federal, provincial, and municipal) is generally a good and fair employer and a new immigrant, if he or she has the qualifications, should probably try and start finding a job there, though it is very competitive. Private sector employers, though, tend to favour certain people for one reason or another and are much more discriminatory. This is not universal, but quite a common practice. I know of firms made up of people from the same country, or of a certain kind and of a certain background. Unless you happen to have a friend there and have the same background, you won’t make it into such firms, whatever your qualifications.
It is very important to get the facts before you start the long process of applying and actually moving to Canada if you are eventually admitted. I did my research before I came here by visiting Canada often and reading newspapers and talking to people. I found out that my research was correct, and what I wrote is a summary of my research fine-tuned with experience, so that prospective immigrants would find some honest guidance and not be disillusioned. But, as I said, if you make it and settle, Canada is one of the best counties to live in.


As someone who works in the education sector, I see this as a transition phase- let me explain

  1. Most immigrants from India come on student visa. Not illegally. They pay 4 to 5 times the tuition then citizens or PR. (That is life savings for several middle class indian families) . In a way by paying such high fees they subsidize the education of locals. Canadian univ. and colleges need that money to stay profitable. China was another big source for international students. But that has dried up a bit. Thanks to relations going south between China and Canada and economic progress in China. Now who will fill the gap that China leaves behind? Of course the only country that can replace immediately, is India. BTW canadian universities encourage getting Indian students not just to make up their quota for higher fees but also because Indians have been hard workers and contributors to North american societies and their economic successs.
  2. The transition will be complete in few years when you will have a more equitable distribution of foreign students from canadian universities and India grows as an economic power. ( it's already 5 th largest world economy and growing)
  3. Indians have been great contributors to the economy wherever they go. Look at US where 1% of Indian americans pay 6 % of overall taxes. They lead companies like google, microsoft, adobe, mastercard etc etc. They have a family value system that encourages them to be positive contributors, work hard and follow the law. How many homeless people, criminals or drug rehab people you see as Indians? Of course, you will find a small minority of Indians who are not the best representation of the majority. But that's true for any race. I would only urge you to look at scientists, doctors, engineers, professors etc and see how many Indians work tirelessly in those professions and contribute and pay taxes. Taxes that help fund Canadian social safety net, build the social fabric of tomorrow and replace the ageing workforce.
  4. As someone who has immigrated and have seen several people go through the struggle, I have a lot of respect for immigrants. It is very tough to let go of your country of birth, your friends and family and move to a new country and culture. It is a very bumpy road. So to all the people who have been throwing around muck in the comments, pls know that your ancestors or you also came to Canada as immigrants.
  5. I understand fully the fear of over migration and diversity in immigration demographic. Indeed Canada needs to focus on better selection policy for students ie. STEM and have skills based immigration. Right now the education institutes ( including mine) also look at this as a money making business and offer admissions to foreign students in most random courses. This must be fixed by the government of canada. Canada is a small country population wise. But I think Indians have and will always add sweetness to the society wherever they go.
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My brother moved to Canada in 2016 (…. or around that time, not too sure about the timelines). He moved with his wife and 1.5yrs old kid.

Before moving to Canada, he spent 2 years in Kuwait. Since moving to Canada, he has built up his life, career and most importantly…. future for his 2 boys.

Of course, moving to any new country is never easy. Canada is not too different, even though the language is English and there are a lot of Indians around.

This was their journey in the last years (ups and downs):

  • Lived with a friend’s parents for the first month, top priority was looking for a job,
  • Walked fro
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"Bad effect" will mean different things to different Canadians. There will not be a national agreement on what bad effect means. There will not be a national consensus on what too many is.

There is a lot of focus, not just in Canada, on the cultural impact of immigration. But, for Canada, immigration has a very strong demographic impact. That is, disregarding the culture of the immigrants, immigration is having a large effect on the size and placement of Canada's population.

In Terms of Population, Where is Canada Going?

Just in general:

Canada's population is growing. Recently Canada passed the 3

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The more the merrier. We have more territory than the US and have fewer people than California. We have vast amounts of agricultural land in our Prairie Provinces and not enough people to eat all the food that they can produce. Go West, young immigrant, and avoid those big overpopulated Eastern cities.

I am just looking forward to immigrants that can pay for my health care, pension, and assisted living accommodation in my declining years. Come to Canada, get a good job, and pay taxes.


There's no reason why we shouldn't. Unless you're 100% full blooded indigenous/First Nation, you're either an immigrant yourself or a descendant of immigrants.

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Canada doesn't let in just anyone.

Canada looks for highly-skilled people who will contribute to the economy, pay taxes and help Canada grow.

It isn't heaven. Foreign credentials aren't always recognized, unemployment is higher than in the US.

But we are an open, welcoming society.


Huh. I wonder why only “brown people” would qualify for immigration - I’m quite sure white people are able to come to Canada too. I mean, my family did.

I also wonder why turning Canada into a “brown country” would be a bad thing, as this question seems to imply. All in all, this question is a bit of a head-scratcher.


Chinese used to be the largest visible ethnic minority group in Canada but that changed years ago.

Canada decided that Indians (and Filipinos) are a better fit and reduced the number of Chinese immigrants.

However, Hong Kongers have been banging on Canada's door to let them in, and so because of that, the numbers will be skewed due to the Hong Kongers being included in the immigrant from China category.


In 2019, 30,260 people from China became immigrants in Canada.


IMO, they should have a separate category for Hong Kongers.

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The birth rate of Canada is too low for the population to replace itself. Without immigration, Canada would not be able to maintain the quality of life it maintains for its citizens. In exchange for a portion of the immigrants’ earnings in taxes, Canada offers a land which is safe and has opportunity.

Bringing in so many immigrants does pose difficulties. Infrastructure must be developed and built, education supplied, government services expanded.

Not every immigrant finds their expectations met - such is an impossible goal. But many come, and Canada welcomes them.


Would it be too pedantic of me to reply ‘Countries don’t immigrate to Canada, even though some of their residents do?’


I’m fine with it, because we have a low birth rate.

It’s a big place, and somebody needs to run it.

Statistics Canada projects that immigration will not only continue to be a key driver of population growth in the coming years—without it, Canada's population growth could be close to zero in 20 years, as the population continues to age and fertility rates projected to remain below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman.

Population growth: Migratory increase overtakes natural increase View the most recent version . Archived Content Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please " contact us " to request a format other than those available. Archived This page has been archived on the Web. Population growth = (natural increase=births-deaths) + (migratory increase=immigration-emigration). While the mathematics of population growth is simple, the dynamics behind the drivers of demographic changes are more complex. Over Canada's 150-year history, there have been many. In recent times, the contribution of natural increase to population growth has waned as the Canadian population aged and fertility rates declined.  Today, natural increase accounts for less than one-third of Canada's population growth and has ceased to be the major player in the equation. Meanwhile, migratory increase plays an increasing role in Canada's population growth. Migratory increase currently accounts for about two-thirds of Canada's population growth. Statistics Canada projects that immigration will not only continue to be a key driver of population growth in the coming years—without it, Canada's population growth could be close to zero in 20 years, as the population continues to age and fertility rates projected to remain below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman. Description for Chart 1 Data table for Chart 1 Period Total growth Natural increase Migratory increase Growth related to the addition of Newfoundland and Labrador Source: Population growth in Canada: From 1851 to 2061, Census in Brief, 2011 Census of Population (98-310-X), Statistics Canada, 2012. 1851 to 1861 2.86 2.41 0.44 1861 to 1871 1.34 1.90 -0.55 1871 to 1881 1.60 1.82 -0.22 1881 to 1891 1.12 1.57 -0.45 1891 to 1901 1.06 1.42 -0.35 1901 to 1911 2.98 1.82 1.14 1911 to 1921 2.00 1.86 0.14 1921 to 1931 1.68 1.39 0.29 1931 to 1941 1.04 1.09 -0.05 1941 to 1951 1.99 1.53 0.18 0.27 1951 to 1961 2.67 1.87 0.79 1961 to 1971 1.69 1.28 0.41 1971 to 1981 1.22 0.79 0.42 1981 to 1991 1.15 0.74 0.41 1991 to 2001 0.95 0.55 0.40 2001 to 2011 1.11 0.39 0.71 2011 to 2021 1.07 0.42 0.64 2021 to 2031 0.92 0.30 0.62 2031 to 2041 0.79 0.14 0.64 2041 to 2051 0.73 0.08 0.65 2051 to 2061 0.72 0.07 0.66 Strong population growth in three periods Three periods in Canada's history were characterized by strong population growth: 1851 to 1861, 1901 to 1911, and 1941 to 1961. First, prior to Confederation, there was strong growth during the 1851 to 1861 period of 2.86% per year, on average, when fertility levels were high and large numbers of immigrants were settling in the West. Second, in the early 20th century, fertility was still relatively high, averaging almost five children per woman. In addition, between 1901 and 1911, more than 1.2 million immigrants to Canada—most

While I am Canadian, I am not Indian, and so my comments are limited. I will say this: in major cities, you certainly won't be lonely. The Indian population is quite large. And you won't be lacking for services--Indian grocery stores, temples, mosques, restaurants, traditional clothing stores, are all plentiful.

If you do come, let me say, welcome to this mixed-up crazy place--where samosas are happily served alongside poutine.

Edit: Just back from a business trip in Regina. Small city, middle of the prairies, deadly cold winters (but beautiful summers). And get this: GREAT Indian food. Who’d ha

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Canada has no country-based immigration quotas. Country of origin is not even considered when reviewing immigration applications. Anyone from any country receives an equal assessment in Canada’s points-based immigration system.

That said, residents of some countries do have advantages. For example, applicants from English and/or French speaking countries will likely score higher on language fluency. Applicants from countries with a strong educational system and a culture favouring higher education will get more points for their educational accomplishments. Those from countries with a viable mid

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It’s plain business. Canada earns billions of dollars by immigration and international student fees. They also need people to do all the blue collared jobs which established Canadians do not want to do. Who can be better supplier than India? Indians want to live in “foreign” land and Canada wants tax dollars and earnings from billion dollar immigration industry.There is no housing, no proper jobs,health care infrastructure, schools crumbling, highways standstill. People are living like Mumbai where houses are given for rent per bed basis. No one else other than Indians will endure this. So win win.

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I read 100 s of articles/answers on this question, and I am very sorry, I could not find one answer which hits the nail on the head as they say.

I also wrote a fair bit on this lingering question. Now due to new age restrictions, being extraordinarily polite and no one tells the truth, and most of the people dance around the issues. Unfortunately whatever you say: It ought to hurt someone, and being a writer is not easy these days.

Let me try one more time to cut the chase.

  • Nothing is free in Canada, YOU and ONLY YOU(either you or your next generation will pay for all the things, either now or la
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I moved to Canada in 2015. I just got my citizenship and I’m proud of it.

But it was not an easy journey by any means.

There was a lot of differences that I had to adapt to, physically, emotionally, socially, politically, anything-ally.

But in the end, it was all worth it. Today, I’m a proud Canadian citizen.

But let me breakdown my experience for you:

On Finances

As you can probably imagine for someone coming from the middle east, I took a significant financial hit moving to Canada. Dubai is a tax-free country when I was there. So to be paying an average of 20–30% incomes taxes feels like a punch in the gut.

Today, my position is 2 levels higher than what I had in Dubai. And even without taxes and making more than the industry average for my job title, I’m stil not earning the same in Canadian dollars than I was back in Dubai. And I’m comparing to my Dubai salary 7 years ago!

To make matters even more challenging, my wife decided to be a stay-at-home mom to take care of our first Canadian-born son. No nannies (which we could easily afford in Dubai) meant this was the only viable option for us.

So yes, every dollar counts. Budget is tight. Spending is tight.

Back in Dubai, I purchased a brand new Nissan Pathfinder as an impulse buy. Here, I drive a Nissan Sentra.

Back in Dubai, everything from eating out to buying cars was on impulse.

Now, I think back as to how much money I wasted on junk I didn’t need, and how I could have used that money now to finance my home. This has been my biggest life lesson to date.

If you’re planning to immigrate to Canada, start saving those dollars!

On Weather

From the boiling heat of Dubai to the freezing cold in Canada.

It’s so funny how things are the complete opposite over here.

In Dubai, look for shade. In Canada, pray for the sun.

In Dubai, condensation on the outside. In Canada, condensation on the inside (this is super annoying)

In Dubai, relish the breeze. In Canada, take cover by a house or building.

However, at least in Ontario, I think people over-exaggerate how bad the weather gets. We have amazing weather from Easter to Halloween, give or take a couple of weeks. That’s a good 5–6 months in the year.

The rest of the time, yes, it gets cold. But I personally found it’s not the cold that’s the issue, but the snow. It’s like any country that has to deal with monsoon weather, like India.

Snow disrupts life here, not the cold.

Eventually, you get used to it. In principle I do the same thing as I did in Dubai to avoid the heat. Stay indoors!

I would say one of the most annoying things is the unpredictability of the weather. I mean, it just snowed in the middle of April!

On the Job

For me, this was the biggest change in my world.

Back in Dubai, I worked for several multi-national companies. The head office was always either in Europe or North America.

For these types of companies, it was a paradise for only one type of role - Sales and Marketing.

Because that was the point of setting up base in Dubai to a foreign company - sell to the Middle East, East Europe and Africa.

For someone like me in a support function, it was a go nowhere job. All decisions were made at the head office, and all we had to do was copy-paste.

Racism was in your face.

For multi-national companies, top positions were reserved for white folks, or the dominant nationality of the head office.

For local companies, top positions were reserved for Arab nationals.

Sure, there are always exceptions, but this was considered the norm.

Compensation was determined by your nationality. Because by default, everyone would convert their salary back to the currency of their home countries.

Give an Indian AED 10,000, and they will think “Wow, that’s Rs. 200,000”.

Give a Canadian AED 10,000 and they’d be like “Uh dude, that’s close to minimum wage where I’m from.”

But in Canada, many companies have their home base here. You can work for startups, medium-sized businesses, and the most popular to immigrants are large enterprise organizations.

As such, your career can flourish. Everyone is Canadian, and the only thing stopping you from getting to the top are your (soft) skills, drive and passion. Not your skin tone, gender, tribe or nationality!

As far as social etiquette in the workplace is concerned, here is what I observed:

  • In Dubai, race determines your social circles. The whites hang out with the whites, the arabs with the arabs, the asians with asians as so on. In Canada, I don’t see that. Everyone is Canadian, and seen as equals.
  • In Dubai, your job title dictates respect. In Canada, nobody gives a hoot about your job title. I shook hands with the CEO of Rogers (a of company of 40K+ employees) when I met him in the elevator. No big deal. (OK I’ll admit, I was a little star-struck. I’ll never wash that hand again!)
  • In Dubai, people who work in blue collar jobs are disrespected, mistreated, and generally considered “beneath” the middle class. It’s your typical cast-based system seen in many Asian countries. In Canada, it almost seems like blue collar workers are given even more respect.
  • I was once in a meeting with our directors and VPs. At 4PM, the VP stops the meeting and says “Hold on everyone. Does anybody need to leave to pick up their kids?” Family life and personal time is given the utmost importance here.
  • In our office, I think it’s either by 6PM or 7PM, the lights automatically shut off. No ones supposed to be in the office at that hour. I don’t exactly know what time, because I’ve never had to stay that late :)
  • While Canadians still fight for equal gender rights in the workplace, they have no idea how bad it is on the other side of the world. Compared to the obviously male-dominated middle-east, women are very much empowered here. As a father, this brings me a great sense of hope that I’ve made the right choice for my daughter’s future.

Personally, I never had the “Canadian Experience” problem. While it still exists for some today, I personally believe this was more of an issue in the 80s-90s, when Canada was fairly new to the immigration boom. Canadian employers back then be like “What’s Dubai?”

These days, most new immigrants I speak to find jobs within a month or two. I personally got 3 job offers in 3 weeks. My sister-in-law got a job within a month as a senior marketing manager. When I was hiring, I spoke to a recruiter in my company who just arrived in Canada a month before.

“Doctors driving taxis” are perhaps stories from the 80s-90s. So far, I’ve not met a single one.

On Community

For me, the biggest relief coming to Canada was language. I speak English. That’s the only language I know.

Back in Dubai, you also need to know Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog, Malayalam, Afrikaans and Russian.

OK, I’m exaggerating when I say you “need” to know it. But you get the idea.

Everybody speaks their own language. While it’s great to see such a diverse culture in Dubai, it was frustrating for me to not be able to communicate comfortably with everyone.

In Canada, if you know English, you’re set. French for Quebecers.

The Canadian politeness is a well-deserved stereotype. People are super-friendly over here.

However! There is something to be said about assimilation. I’ve observed that those that are able to communicate well in English and mingle with different cultures, are much more likely to be treated with that Canadian courtesy than those who stick to their native languages and communities.

On Politics

For the first time in my life, I voted.

It was proud moment for me, knowing I had the power to choose my own government.

Out here, if Justin Trudeau posts something on LinkedIn, watch the hate comments spewing out from his critics. Someone even threw tiny stones at him when he made a public appearance.

I’m not going to share my political views here. But this was one of the biggest cultural shock to me coming from Dubai, where the government is on a permanent pedestal — even whispering the slightest insult to the Sheikh will get you in trouble.

People can be very verbal with their political views in Canada, because they enjoy the freedom to do so.

On Law

In Dubai, tolerance for crime is extremely low. It’s one of the reasons I made the move to Canada.

Because in life, one doesn’t have to go looking for trouble. Sometimes, trouble comes looking for you (and your family).

I’ve seen my friends deported for doing things that are perfectly legal in Canada. The law is not black and white in Dubai. I was raised to fear the police, and stay away from Emiratis.

In Canada, I’ve personally walked up to police officers and asked for help. They’ve approached me extremely courteously asking if I needed any assistance.

In Canada, I feel if I am on the right side of the law, I have nothing to fear. The law is clear cut. I can sue the government if I had a case to do so.

One day, some psycho at the park in Canada walked up to my mom and kids and started verbally abusing them for no reason. I confronted him and was ready to for things to get physical. But he was half my size and the coward walked away, flipping everyone off in the process.

In Dubai, one would have to think twice in such situations. The first question you would ask yourself is “What is the nationality of the psycho? Is he Emirati? Hmmm, then it’s probably best for everyone to let it go. He might know some high-up officials that can jail and deport me”. Even using your camera to record the scene is against the law. In such kinds of situations, the nationality of the wrongdoer/victim, their social standing, the connections they have with the Emirati elitists, all wrapped around the mood and racist levels of the cop(s) dealing with you, will determine your fate. This is typical of Asia — like I said, cast-based, connections-based.

God help you if you’re black.


This for me is the most frustrating experience in Canada.

I know right? Everyone talks about the “free” health services in Canada. Well, there’s a good side and bad side to it as well.

If I have the sniffles, sure, my family doctor will immediately sort me out.

If I need to see a specialist, this is where things get frustrating.

Depending on what you need, you are subject to availability of the specialist.

And herein lies the problem.

I hear stories of people who get what they need immediately, and those who don’t.

Someone on my team needed to do a back surgery. No doctor in Canada would see him. He ended up going back to home country to get his surgery done.

Personally, my family doctor has now tried to schedule me for an endoscopy twice! And I’ve still not heard anything. This was 6 months ago!

Maybe it’s COVID? But these stories go back pre-COVID days.

In Dubai, if you need a specialist - Boom! You get them within the week, if not sooner. A friend of mine just went to the hospital in Dubai, and got her back surgery scheduled in 2 days!

The main upside of course to all this, is that you don’t have to worry about cost. Sure in Dubai, the working-class have their company-sponsored private health insurance for themselves and their families.

But the day will come when one retires, and they don’t have an income or company-sponsored private insurance. This is when Canada’s health system will really kick in.

It’s about pros and cons. While Canada’s health system gives you peace of mind financially, it’s tarnished by wait times.

So what do I do? I stay healthy. I guzzle down vitamins every day, I do yoga, I go to the gym, and I (try) to watch what I eat. Best way to beat Canada’s fragile healthcare system is to do the work to (hopefully) never need it!


Yes, Canada has been a struggle for me in many way as an immigrant.

Do I miss Dubai? Yes! Do I miss my family back home? Most definitely.

But through those struggles, I’ve become a better person. I’ve learned to do things on my own. Heck, I didn’t even know how to fill fuel in my car because Dubai had attendants to do that too!

Where I have struggled financially, I’ve made up for in personal knowledge, health (physical and mental) and creating better relationships with the people around me.

In the end, isn’t that more important? After all, what’s the point in having a big bank account if you don’t have the knowledge, health and people to spend it with?

That’s what it’s like to be an immigrant coming to Canada.

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Bad. Mass immigration will destroy this country. Canada was 94% white European until the mid 80s. Our culture, beliefs etc are based becsuse of this. There’s a reason why human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in Canada. There’s a reason why your grandmother was just scammed out of thousands of dollars over the phone. We once had a high trust society because that was our culture, thanks to homogeneity. That has now disappeared.

Also, has any been to India? Sure the landscape by the tea plantations is beautiful but the cities are disgusting. They have a culture of worshipping cows and eating their shit. Rape is a daily occurrence. It’s legal for husbands to rape their wives etc. Diseases we eradicated decades or a century ago are rampant their. Why do you think certain diseases are randomly appearing in Canada again? They just started using toilets a few years ago. Common for everyone to defecate in the street (which is becoming more common every day in the gta). This list could go on forever.

Diversity is a weakness. It will destroy the west and cause nothing but pain for your children and grandchildren, no matter their ethnicity. Every society that has embraced multiculturalism throughout history was destroyed.

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Shut Down Canada’s Chandigarh Consulate And All of Its Fraud


Left to right: Mr. Harjit Saijan, our defense minister.

Canada’s Sikh Defence Minister, Harjit Saijan, has recently admitted that he lied when he claimed to be the architect of a key NATO mission in Afghanistan. Saijan is one of four Sikhs whom Trudeau has appointed to his Cabinet. About 1% of Canadians are Sikhs, yet they represent 14% of Trudeau’s Cabinet. Post National Trudeau has never justified this outrageous situation and in this latest Sikh scandal, has refused to fire Saijan.


A reader's guide to the Air India bombing and the bl

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I agree with you. Indians are everywhere almost a billion and half. The best export commodity Indian has to offer. Your government including your PM is the problem. I am from Australia and hoping that we will not have the same problem here in the future. I do not like Indians.


The thing wrong with this question is you are assuming Canada is getting immigrants only from India which is false. Canada gets immigrants from all over the world. Maybe you live in a area or work in a field that has a strong Indian population I don’t know. This being said, I’m going to pretend I didn’t read the part about Indian and going to answer the question in a country-agnostic fashion.

Depends on the type of immigrants. And when I say type I mean the immigration stream they are applying under, their educational qualifications, English abilities, their health and work experience and how i

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Canada received me and I am from Africa.

I think Indians have good food, good manners, good values, and a strong work ethic.

I would be proud to have Indian neighbors, friends and family!

They compliment our nation greatly.


It actually at a point of unacceptable. While we have no problem with the people, there are so many of they are taking over entire neighbourhoods and pushing others out. This is completely wrong and should have never been allowed to happen. The Canadian government is massively screwed up and the leader MUST go before more damage is done. Never have we been more ashamed to live in Canada. Money is going everywhere except where is needs to, such as healthcare.




Well there are 1.2 Billion people there ; one might expect some participation

And let’s Remember Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Montenegro <media joke 07/2018>

I would suggest the answer to a variation might be

Are we getting people in Canada who mostly want to live in peace, work for a living and educate their children ?

Why yes , yes we are .

A Canadian


Yes most definitely we are. In Toronto yes in Calgary here yes and Edmonton is also full of Indians. Some of them are very nice people I just don't think we need all from India or China. Europeans South Americans etc that built this country should also be welcomed. Of course ukranian refugees are given priority currently but besides that a lot of Indians incoming. We also have many filipinos and some of them can be rude i find. We are one of the least racist countries but immigrants like our families etc did there best to fit in and it should be applied fairly across the board. Changing rcmp outfit is wrong as is allowing china's communist troops to train here. This is a democracy and I do not agree with the federal government and trudeau's way of managing our country and economy.

Star & Style
From forbidden foods to the "bath rule", this might be why Harry left.
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The Population of India in 2017 and according to statistics was 1, 339 billion, it scares me to even imagine what it is today! It´s not surprising at all that one finds Indians and Chinese all over the Globe! Bu the one thing I do find positive with many Indians is that they are often highly educated and feel a need to move to those Countries where they feel their expertise would be more valued, and this is more than I can say about Chinese, people I have also lived and worked with for many years! I think that if Canada did have a strategy to harbour those Indians with solid expertise, that their Country might just benefit greatly as well as those Indians they take in!

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People from India become eligible for PR when the get CLB score 9 that is ielts ie, listening-8, writing-7, speaking-7 and reading-7 which only educated people will get and more over to get a point of 440 which is the cutoff , the person shud have a professional degree or atleast a bachelors

plus they need a bank deposit of min 7 lacs, which means only elite class are getting express entry to Canada


It really comes down to the individual person, rather than where they are from. For example, a person who comes to Canada, finds employment in an in-demand, difficult to fill sector, and pays his/her taxes honestly, would be good for Canada. A person who doesn’t and/or exploits state resources without paying into it, obviously would be bad for Canada. There are also other factors, such as family reunification. It is generally understood that healthy family units have compound benefits on both mental health, productivity and financial security.

Canada is often criticized for being picky with its immigration (via a point system, as well as a comprehensive ranking system for express entry), being accused of taking the creme de la creme of other countries. The criticism comes from the resultant brain drain whereby (at times state-subsidized) highly educated persons leave and never come back to contribute to the originating state’s economy. However, some of the more intangible benefits such as people-to-people ties and long-term bilateral relationship building through softer avenues such as academic exchanges and business networks could benefit in the long term. It would also be presumptuous that a person coming from a certain country would only be able to generate those linkages for that source country alone as they may have ties elsewhere around the world, developed before or after immigration.

If one were to make political rhetoric for or against immigration from one state or another, that’s fairly simple - you say whatever you need to say to achieve your political/social objective. However, if one had to be completely emotionally detached and objective about the issue, it’s actually quite difficult to collect the necessary data to make an overarching judgment about the total net benefit or drawback resulting from immigration from one country or another. Just like Canadians who emigrate to other countries (either temporarily or permanently), and learn the language and entrench themselves in domestic social and political life there, those who immigrate to Canada from elsewhere are usually better equipped mentally, experientially, and have the necessary soft interpersonal skills to engage robustly with the global economy.

and just like you will have Canadian expats who struggle with wholesome integration when abroad (either because of structural social, political, or economic issues; or because of their own capacity to do so), you will have your own integration struggles for those who immigrate to Canada, and the reasonings are multidimensional.

There are many policy and long-term economic and social planning considerations that come as part of the package when case officers are assigned their tasks, and these evolve with the times to meet changing needs, some of which cannot be predicted and are determined by forces outside of a recipient state’s control. One can count on only the best projections given the geopolitical and economic configurations at the time.

Star & Style
From forbidden foods to the "bath rule", this might be why Harry left.
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Immigrants are necessary for Canada’s economic health, and general wellbeing (as the links below will describe).
Not to mention all the cultural value immigrants can bring to Canada… but 
what does any of that have to do with some of them being from India?

Immigrants have come to Canada from all over the world, since before Canada was a country in its own right. We could go as far back as about 1000CE, but lets just stick to confederation onwards, because the data is easier to find quickly, and is more relevant to the current social, and economic, structure of the country.

In fact, doing a quick 

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Canada uses a points based system to select immigrants. This isn't perfect, but is an objective approach. Hence, quotas by country are not necessary. Even if Canada gets many Indian immigrants, it should be because their health, education and experience show them to a good fit for the country. And, the more qualified immigrants who happen to choose Canada, the merrier, for all involved.


For now it is very Good

Because the population in Canada is very less . It's approx 35 millions people only with the land of 8+ millions sq km.

According to my prediction it will be tough to migrate in Canada after 2030

In 1980’s to 90’s it was easy to settle in UK but after 2005 so many immigrants cause over population , they change rule

Same in USA it was easy to settle in 1990–2000 and 2005–2010 (2001–2004 was tough period) and now you can see what Trump policy can do.

So it's doesn't matter if the immigrants are Indian. When Canadian think they have enough population so they gonna change immigration rule.

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Because ,indian new students don't want to file any case against their illegal things in the basement or house if indian parents rent to some indians because new indian immigrants care about their status and stay calm

And indian owner knows that their people very well and they know how treat them

If we have different culture,white people doesn't allow their their babies to play with their neighbors kids and even doesn't allow to touch ,just a smile and hi

Search on youtube about the childhood of indian kids how's they mix up and their parents doesn't need be take care .

Lastly on just small things you guys are calling 911,indian owner and indian tenants do compromise on such curcumstances

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Maybe yes. But you need to see the bigger picture here. Canada has been losing population to other countries despite the immigrants. Any economy needs a substantial population to sustain itself. Canada barely has that population. Also, there are not enough young people to take over as the aging population retires.

From the immigrants perspective, thinks are not rosy at all. Most bring substantial money into the Canadian economy. Some sell their property in their home country to bring in money. Then, they have to slave it out in non descript jobs for minimum wage. Also, called survival jobs. The

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Without immigration Canada CANNOT fund its public services neider maintain the current standards of living for the next generation.

We designed an economic system that only works based on growth and that at the same time makes it very unaffordable to start a family so immigration is our only hope until we design an economic and public governance system that is not exclusively based on economic growth.


if i were Canada government I would banned Indians from entering Canada for at least 10 years!

Why ?

Because Indians will pollute and defile that place with their witchcraft any Indian on my way I will deal with them mercilessly!

Indians are like monster, any country that allow them, they will bring in their brothers and take over that country, they are so gready and wicked.

If they are your HR in your company, they make sure all indians applicants take stretegic position in that company.

If you work in a company infested with indians, they will make your life miserable, they will speak their mother tongues, while they know that English is the profesional language for working in foreign countries.

They will charge low salary to take that job, and work their life off till they die in that position.

Am talking from experience

Pakistán, Sri Lankan, Nepal are far better than índians.

Dr. Eric Berg
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This is probably most awkward topic I have seen so far. For many decades prior to year 2000 Indian population was under represented in Canada. Those decades China, Philippines and many other countries have higher proportion of immigrants than India. To balance the ethnic population Canada increased numbers from India. Rising middle class market and population in India is Canada’s main vested interest for future generations so that they can supply material and use this population as a bridge between societies. Initially they create jobs but slowly everything fades off. The real issue here is majority of those immigrated from India after the year 2000 did not see their retirement life so far, once they start retiring you will see how they cope up with increasing cost of living and inflation. So Canada is the worst country for not only Indians but every community. No control on cost of living, rising housing are main challenges. Incomes did not rise as fast as cost of living has risen.

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Everything is relative. Only about 1% of Indians live abroad. To answer your question, I will say NO. Canada is just proportionately accepting as many Indians as we have with other countries.


I honestly hate questions like this. I'm Canadian. We live in a country where people from all races, religions, culture backgrounds and languages can come and live and work in Canada freely. I believe that if you live and work in Canada and pay taxes these “Immigrants” are just as much Canadian as those born in this country. Some people who are born here have family who came from other countries. Canada is a multicultural country. Immigrant or Foreigner it doesn't matter. We are all Canadians and we deserve to live in this country in peace and harmony. And because Canada is a nation of diversity is why I am proud to be a Canadian!!

P.S. Punjabi is the third most spoken language in Canada after French and English

I say I feel bad, but I don't.
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Yes it is lopsided because of Express Entry criteria is easily met by Indians who speak English and have college degrees as well as IT experience. However it is good for Canada as many of them ended up filling labourer jobs that Canada needs. If you take a cab in Toronto you will meet many Indian immigrants as driver and they talk about their past experience as IT professionals and managers/executives. There are also many Indian PRs filling up night shift security guard roles at office buildings and condos. It is only good for Canada to have overqualified immigrants doing these jobs.


India is a Union of States. Where almost 20 different cultures and quite different from each other's.

Most of them are deprived in India and Canada is the heaven for them.

When they come to Canada, they feel freedom and feels different.

Once Pakistan and Bangladesh were part of India.

So, it's like people coming from different parts of India, could be considered as different countries like under EU.

In this modern world, where there's no time for religion. Most people are becoming atheists. They love Hollywood movie's and English songs. They study in English medium schools. They love western brands and that's modern Indian culture.

I don't see them as a threat to Canada but they could be considered as assets. Let them welcome.

I say I feel bad, but I don't.
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That is a great idea in Canada there are a lot of Indian People that are in the professions Doctors ,engineers and IT etc! Bring them on we need them!


Way too many. I'm sick of their language. Sock of looking at them. Sick of smelling curryvor whatever the fuck they eating.

Canada has and always will be English and French speaking. Everything is now lower quality and can't go anywhere anymore without seeing them. Fuck the immigration laws here.


In my experience people with an Indian cultural background are pretty casual Canadians.

I even enjoy thier company here in Germany.

India is on my short list of next countries to spend time in just because of my experiences with people from India.


In recent years, Canada has seen a significant increase in immigration from India. The growing number of Indian immigrants has sparked debates and discussions about its impact on Canada's economy, society, and overall well-being. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation, examining both the benefits and challenges of increased immigration from India and its implications for Canada.

  1. Historical Context of Indian Immigration to Canada

Indian immigration to Canada has a long history dating back to the early 20th century. The first major wave of Indian immigrants arrived 

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is getting a boost of population of people who will just add to the economy and fill up the empty space we have a bad thing i dont see how


Nope. Statistics Canada doesn’t agree with you.

Canada has only 0.5% of world population.

Majority immigrants in Canada are Europeans who have been coming here since 15th century. Do Europeans dislike their population is decreasing? I am pretty sure they do. Anyone would. But it will take another 100 years or so.

Immigrants make 23% of Canadian population according to Statistic Canada because they believe European immigrants are not immigrants anymore? Many immigrants from Europe don’t even get tracked as immigrants who have relatives here and no one asks them “where are you really from?” No one feels bad about it too. Europeans get easy immigration as well with less hassle.

Coming back to your question out of that 23% Indians only make 2% of Canadian population. While rest are from other countries.

So to answer your question, no there are not too many Indians. But so far Indians are the most who immigrate here. Maybe in coming years they will increase more.

Indians are not that much. It is just that Indians are densely populated in limited areas so they appear to be more. In reality there are just as many Filipinos or Chinese as there are Indians.

I don’t know if it is good or bad. It depends on who Canada is getting and what is it doing for those immigrants. Is proper training being provided or are they just being allowed to do just anything?

I know in Brampton cops don’t do anything. Hell in Toronto cops don’t do anything. I spent a week in Toronto and never saw even one cop car. Not even anyone getting a speeding ticket. Meanwhile everyone drives crazy in Toronto.

While here people get tickets like crazy.

But to be honest if the population migrating into Canada is like Brampton then I agree with majority. Please just send them home. We don’t need gangs and educated illiterates.

Indians are also going to Alberta a lot. And Alberta suits them because of the political views.

I would agree I am a bit happy we don’t have that many Indians here. Hopefully it stays like that.

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