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今天,瑞典社会民主党宣布决定为瑞典申请加入北约而努力。 这一决定意味着瑞典即将放弃200多年的军事不结盟

– 这一决定令人难以置信且仓促,这意味着瑞典将导致世界更加两极分化和军事化。 瑞典和平与仲裁协会主席艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特伦 (Agnes Hellström) 表示,加入北约并不会让瑞典或世界其他国家变得更安全或更民主。

在许多人眼中,瑞典是一个倡导裁军、预防冲突、调解和外交的国家。 如果瑞典加入北约的申请获得批准,瑞典将成为核联盟的一部分,并且在做出这样的决定时必须支持北约使用核武器。

北约是一个建立在通过使用核武器大规模屠杀平民的威胁之上的军事联盟。 瑞典和平与仲裁协会主席艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特罗姆表示,作为北约成员国,瑞典致力于裁军工作将变得更加困难,如果瑞典仍然想影响核裁军工作,就需要付出广泛的努力。


– 北约和核武器问题不仅仅是军事基地和核武器部署问题。 核武器威胁是北约的核心原则。 作为成员国,除非我们反对,瑞典将积极参与规划和演习使用核武器。 瑞典和平与仲裁协会主席艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特罗姆表示,瑞典必须颁布一项禁止在瑞典领土上拥有核武器的国家法律,并立即批准《联合国禁止核武器条约》。

社会民主党的这一决定是在议会选举前几个月仓促做出的。 党内批评人士认为,这一内部程序是党领导层已经下定决心的“模拟辩论”。

– 该决定缺乏民众支持,因此缺乏合法性。 艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特罗姆表示,关于瑞典在北约中的角色以及加入北约意味着什么,许多问题仍未得到解答。

Maja Landin,瑞典和平与仲裁协会新闻秘书 maja.landin@svenskafreds.se,+46 (0)70-763 48 57

瑞典和平与仲裁协会 (Svenska Fredsoch Skilljedomsföreningen) 是世界上历史最悠久、瑞典最大的和平组织。 我们是一个相信可以不用暴力解决冲突、可以通过合作、经济手段和外交来防止战争的人们的协会。 我们通过传播知识、形成公众舆论和影响决策者来努力实现可持续和平。

瑞典和平与仲裁协会 (SPAS) 由我们的会员、捐助者、活动家、董事会和员工组成。 为了和平,我们孜孜不倦地努力。 我们始终无一例外地相信非暴力与和平的冲突管理。

我们坚决反对,提出一些其他人不会问的问题,让整个房间变得不舒服。 我们总是严肃地对待讨论,但也充满幽默感。

基于我们的知识和经验,我们坚持我们的信念,并创造我们希望看到的改变。 当我们的对手——有时是我们的盟友——说“它永远不会奏效”时,我们会以可能的、积极的解决方案来回应,而不是军事化和武装冲突。
自1883年开始以来,我们已经多次改变历史。 我们一起改变未来。




瑞典是世界上人均武器出口量最大的国家之一。 去年,瑞典公司的武器出口额增加了305家,从114亿瑞典克朗增加到164亿瑞典克朗。 瑞典向泰国、阿联酋、匈牙利、卡塔尔、土耳其、印度尼西亚、沙特阿拉伯、巴基斯坦、菲律宾等非民主国家和武装冲突国家提供武器。 与此同时,瑞典经常被描绘成一个在过去 400 年里保持和平的国家,并且经常扮演和平调解人的角色。 我们调查武器交易以及瑞典武器出口的数量和内容。


军事化人工智能——使用军事化自主武器(所谓的杀手机器人)的后果可能很严重。 但人工智能武器的发展正在迅速发展,并且可以在未来几年内用于战争。 目前,杀手机器人的使用没有法律限制,我们需要迅速采取行动,阻止此类机器人的发展。

和平建设的另一个重要问题是考虑投资和国家税收收入的分配。 2018年,武装冲突造成的全球经济损失为1.02万亿美元。 然而,和平的代价要低得多。 研究表明,如果我们花 1 美元在冲突国家建设和平,我们就能将冲突成本减少 16 美元。 如果我们想象一下,花费冲突成本的 10%(1020 亿美元)来预防冲突,可能就足以实现世界和平。在瑞典,2020 年至 2023 年间,国防支出预计将增加 30% ,从 636 亿瑞典克朗增至 829 亿瑞典克朗。 然而,武装入侵瑞典领土的可能性极小。 军事化真的能让我们更安全吗? 我们认为,这笔钱最好用在医疗保健和应对气候变化上,这些是对人们安全的实际且更紧迫的威胁。


Svenska Freds- och Skilljedomsföreningen
警察街 4
112 36 斯德哥尔摩

+46(0)70 763 48 52

+46(0)70-954 05 13

瑞典被骗了,申请加入北约 艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特罗姆

2023 年 10 月 20 日

200年的中立被对“俄罗斯威胁”的歇斯底里和一场本应证明相反的战争所颠覆。 但群众很容易被吓到,而北约游说团体的触角深入政治精英的内心和思想。 

在帕斯卡与瑞典著名和平活动家兼作家艾格尼丝·赫尔斯特伦 (Agnes Hellström) 谈话的第二部分中,两人探讨了瑞典(不完整)申请加入北约背后的社会机制。 这个北欧国家的政治大转变最为引人注目——尽管它已经酝酿了很多年。 

艾格尼丝于 2016 年至 2022 年间担任瑞典和平与仲裁协会主席,该协会是世界上最古老的和平组织,成立于 1883 年。在担任该职务期间,她在去年战争爆发时强烈反对向乌克兰运送武器,并始终保持坚定的和平主义立场 。 这一立场为她赢得了瑞典媒体的很多批评——我的意思是很多批评。

Peace is possible


Press Release from the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society Regarding Nato

The Swedish Social Democratic Party announcement to apply for a Swedish NATO membership today is sad and hasty.

Today, the Swedish Social Democratic party announced their decision to work towards a Swedish NATO membership application. This decision means that Sweden is about to abandon over 200 years of military non-alignment

– This decision is incredibly saddening and hasty and it means that Sweden will contribute to making the world more polarised and militarised. A NATO membership does not make Sweden – or the rest of the world – safer or more democratic, says Agnes Hellström, President of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society.

In the eyes of many, Sweden is a country that champions disarmament, conflict prevention, mediation, and diplomacy. If Sweden’s membership application to NATO is approved, Sweden will be a part of a nuclear alliance and will have to support NATO’s use of nuclear weapons in the event that such a decision is made.

NATO is a military alliance which is built on the threat of massmurder of civilians through the use of nuclear weapons. As a NATO member, it will be considerably more difficult for Sweden to work for disarmament and extensive efforts will be needed if Sweden still wants to influence the work being done in nuclear disarmament,  says Agnes Hellström, president of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society.

In a press release, the Social Democratic Party writes that it will “work to make sure that Sweden – if its membership application is approved by NATO, will state unilateral objections against the placement of nuclear weapons and permanent military bases on Swedish territory”

– The issue of NATO and nuclear weapons is much bigger than just military bases and placement of nuclear weapons. The threat of nuclear weapons is a central tenet of NATO. As a member, Sweden will – unless we object – actively participate in planning and exercising the use of nuclear weapons. Sweden must enact a national law that bans nuclear weapons from Swedish territory and  immediately ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, says Agnes Hellström, president of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society.

The decision by the Social Democratic Party was made in a hasty process mere months before a parliamentary election. Critics within the party have deemed this internal process a “mock debate” where the party leadership had already made up its mind.

– The decision lacks popular support and therefore legitimacy. Many questions still remain unanswered about what Sweden’s role in NATO will be and exactly what a membership will mean, says Agnes Hellström.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Maja Landin, Press Secretary, Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society maja.landin@svenskafreds.se, +46 (0)70-763 48 57


The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen) is the world’s oldest and Sweden’s largest peace organization. We are an association for people who believe that conflicts can be resolved without violence, and that war can be prevented through collaboration, economic means and diplomacy. We work towards sustainable peace by spreading knowledge, forming public opinion and influencing decision makers.

The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, SPAS consists of our members, donors, activists, board and employees. We work tirelessly for the sake of peace. We believe, always and without exceptions, in nonviolence and peaceful conflict management.

We put our foot down, and make the room uncomfortable by asking the questions no one else would ask. We always takethe discussionseriously but also with a good sense of humor.

Based on our knowledge and experience we argue for what we believe in and create the change we want to see. When our opponents – and sometimes our allies – say that “it will never work”, we respond with possible and positive solutions, as opposed to militarization and armed conflict.
Since the beginning in 1883, we have changed history several times. Together we change the future.

The Swedish Peace and Arbitrary Society is a non-religious, non-partisan and nonprofit organization.


More information about our working areas (in Swedish):

Arms exports

  • Sweden is one of the world’s largest exporters of arms per capita. Last year, the export of arms from Swedish companies rose with 305 from 11,4 Billion SEK to 16,4 billion SEK. Sweden supplies arms to non-democracies and countries in armed conflict such as Thailand, UAE, Hungary, Qatar, Turkey, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the Philippines and more. In the meantime, Sweden is often portrayed as a country that has had peace for the last 400 years, and that often takes on the role as peace broker. We survey arms deals and the amount and contents of Swedish arms exports.


  • Abolition of nuclear weapons
  • Militarized AI – The consequences of the use of militarized autonomous weapons, so called killer robots, can be severe. But the development of AI weapons are moving fast and can be used in warfare within the coming years. Currently, there are no legal constraints on the use of killer robots, and we need to act fast in order to stop the development of such.
  • Landmines and cluster munitions 

Sustainable peace and security

  • Another essential issue in peace building is looking at investments and the nation’s distribution of tax income. In 2018, the global economic cost of armed conflict was $1.02 trillion. Peace, however, is much cheaper. Studies show that if we spend a dollar on building peace in conflict countries we reduce the cost of conflict by $16. And if we just imagine spending 10% ($102 billion) of the cost of conflict on preventing it, it could potentially be enough to achieve world peace.In Sweden, the spending on national defence is supposed to increase with 30% between 2020 and 2023, from 63,6 Billion SEK to 82,9 Billion SEK. Yet, an armed invasion of Swedish territory is highly unlikely. And does militarization really make us more safe? We believe this money is better spent on healthcare and combating climate change, which are actual and more pressing threats towards people’s safety.

Defence and security policy

International networks


Svenska Freds- och skiljedomsföreningen
Polhemsgatan 4

+46(0)70 763 48 52

For press inquires:
+46(0)70-954 05 13

We are a team of eight people working at the office on Polhemsgatan in Stockholm.
More information and contact details here (in Swedish).


With This Dirty Tactic Sweden Was Fooled To Apply For NATO Membership | Agnes Hellström

Oct 20, 2023

200 years of neutrality upended by a fomented hysteria over “Russia-threat” and a war that should have proofed the opposite. But masses are easy to scare and the tentacles of the NATO lobby reach deep into the hearts and minds of political elites. 

In the second segment of Pascal’s talk with Agnes Hellström, a prominent Swedish peace activist and writer, the two venture into the social mechanics behind Sweden’s (incomplete) bid to join NATO. The political U-Turn of the nordic country has been most remarkable — although it has been in the making for many years. 

Agnes served between 2016–2022 as the Chairperson of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, the world’s oldest Peace Organisation, founded in 1883. In that position she spoke out forcefully against sending weapons to Ukraine when the war broke out last year, remaining firmly pacifist. This position earned her a lot — and I mean a lot — of criticism in Swedish media.

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