
驻华大使鲍达民 西方对中国的理解可悲

(2024-02-10 22:00:29) 下一个


2024年02月10日 加国无忧 作者:思忆
加拿大前驻华大使鲍达民(Dominic Barton)近日是指出,西方对中国的了解是“可悲的”,这个共产党统治的国家应该被视为“新思维方式”的源泉。

据《环球邮报》报道,鲍达民现任矿业巨头力拓(Rio Tinto Ltd.)的董事长。他曾担任驻华大使两年多,卸任后成为印度太平洋咨询委员会(Indo-Pacific Advisory Committee)成员,该委员会于去年夏天结束运作。







加拿大前驻华大使Guy Saint-Jacques在外交使团工作了近40年,他说,很明显,西方应该花更多的时间研究中国,但考虑到中国共产党对中国的控制越来越紧,并试图改变国际机构以符合其目的,这在一定程度上是出于防御目的。



另一位前加拿大驻华大使、在外交部门工作了30年的David Mulroney说,鲍达民似乎是在为商界听众量身定做他的言论。

鲍达民是确保两名加拿大人康明凯(Michael Kovrig)和迈克尔·斯帕沃尔(Michael Spavor)从中国获释的关键人物。他之前是咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)的全球管理合伙人,曾对中国赞不绝口。



加拿大前外交官Gordon Houlden曾在北京和香港担任外交职务,他表示,他对在中国学习的加拿大人数量下降也感到担忧,在中国学习的加拿大人可能会对世界第二大经济体有更好的了解。他指出,中国培养的科学、技术、工程和数学专业毕业生大约是美国的8倍。


【星岛综合报道】加拿大前驻华大使鲍达民(Dominic Barton)称西方对中国的理解是“可悲的”,并指这个国家应该被视为“新思维方式”的源泉,但其前任就认为他似乎是在为商业听众量身定制自己的言论。

据《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)报道,矿业巨头力拓矿业集团(Rio Tinto)董事长鲍达民(Dominic Barton),此前曾任驻华大使两年多,他在卸任大使后,曾受委任为一个14人印度-太平洋顾问委员会(Indo-Pacific Advisory Committee)成员,该委员会于去年夏天结束了运作。他是渥太华近期对华态度最有影响力的人物之一。



鲍达民本周在伦敦Dorchester Hotel举行的农历新年晚宴上发表讲话中,主张采取不同的做法,晚宴由英中贸易协会(China-Britain Business Council)等多个团体主办。此次晚宴的企业赞助商包括中国银行、汇丰银行和中石油。






2012年至2016年担任加拿大驻华大使的赵朴(Guy Saint-Jacques)表示,西方国家显然应该花更多时间研究中国,但鉴于中国共产党加强对国家的控制,并试图改变国际机构以适应其目的,部分是出于防御。



另一位在外交领域工作了30年的前加拿大驻华大使马大维(David Mulroney)表示,鲍达民似乎在为商业听众量身定制自己的言论。不过,他表示,商界领袖并没有对习近平对中国经济日益加强的控制视而不见,中国正在应对房地产危机、大量青年失业率和疲软的需求。

鲍达民是促成康明凯(Michael Kovrig)和斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)获释的关键人物。他在成为加拿大驻华最高外交官之前,担任麦肯锡全球管理合伙人,也对中国赞不绝口。

他在2016年对“外交关系协会”(Council on Foreign Relations)表示:“我看好中国,”并补充道,“我可能在那里喝了太久的酷爱饮料。”





曾在北京和香港任职的前加拿大外交官侯秉东(Gordon Houlden),也对在中国留学的加拿大人数量下降感到担忧——他们可能会在中国更好地了解这个世界第二大经济体。他估计,今天这个数字是数百而不是数千。他指出,中国培养的科学、技术、工程和数学毕业生大约是美国的8倍。

China offers 'new way of thinking,' former Canadian ambassador tells business audience



Dominic Barton waits to appear as a witness at the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates on Feb. 1, 2023, in Ottawa.

Western understanding of China is"pathetic," and the Communist Party-run country should be seen as a source for “new ways of thinking,” says Dominic Barton, Canada’s former top envoy to Beijing.

Mr. Barton, the chair of mining giant Rio Tinto Ltd. RIO-N, has been among the most influential figures in Ottawa's recent posture toward the rising superpower, spending more than two years as ambassador to China. After he stepped down from that post, the federal government named him to a 14-member Indo-Pacific Advisory Committee, which wound down operations last summer.

Many Western countries have begun working to distance themselves from China. The U.S. has resolved to push back on what the State Department, in an integrated country strategy, calls Beijing's “harmful practices, such as the use of forced labour, and the channeling of state-directed investment in ways that threaten our economic welfare and national security.” The European Union wants to limit its reliance on China in key areas, such as materials needed for electric vehicles and wind turbines.

Canada's Indo-Pacific strategy, released last year, called China “an increasingly disruptive global power” that has grown accustomed to disregarding the international rules and norms that enabled its immense rise. Canada “will challenge China” in areas of disagreement, the strategy pledged, noting that Canada has been on the receiving end of China's coercive diplomacy.

Mr. Barton this week argued for a different approach in remarks to a Lunar New Year dinner hosted this week by several groups including the China-Britain Business Council at The Dorchester Hotel in London. The dinner’s corporate sponsors included the Bank of China, HSBC and PetroChina.

The Globe and Mail obtained a recording of Mr. Barton’s remarks at that dinner, in which he is effusive about China’s role in the world and the need to grow closer to its people and companies. In a world that has grown more turbulent and volatile, he said, “it’s imperative that we continue to deepen our understanding and engagement at this people-to-people level.

“And as we think about our understanding in the West of China, I think it is very weak – it’s frankly, pathetic – how much we understand of the civilization and the culture,” he said, comparing the hundreds of thousands of Chinese students studying in Western countries with the smaller number pursuing studies in the opposite direction.

Indeed, he said, Western societies and companies have much to learn from the authoritarian country.

“China is not a big market only. It’s a source of innovation. It’s a source of talent. And it’s going to be a source of new ways of thinking that can benefit us all,” he said.

Mr. Barton declined a request for an interview but in a statement to The Globe said his message in London was that “China plays a key role in our world, and I believe it is more important than ever to engage and deepen our mutual understanding of Chinese society to create opportunities for all.”

Guy Saint-Jacques, a former Canadian ambassador to China who spent almost 40 years in the diplomatic corps, said it’s clear the West should spend more time studying China – but in part for defensive purposes, given the Chinese Communist Party’s tightening grip on the country and its attempts to change international institutions to fit its purposes.

“We need more young people to learn and we need government officials and think tanks to get more interested to learn about China, but I would say, mainly about the Communist Party of China, because the government now, for all practical purposes, is the same as the Communist Party.”

He said what was missing from Mr. Barton’s speech to the business audience was a warning. Companies doing business in China should know they risk being victimized by espionage and theft, he said. They face the prospect of being entangled in supply chains tainted with forced labour.

“There is still good business to do in China but diversify your markets because you could be in for a surprise if China invades Taiwan,” Mr. Saint-Jacques said.

David Mulroney, another former Canadian ambassador to China who spent 30 years in the foreign service, said it appears Mr. Barton was tailoring his remarks for a business audience. Still, he said, business leaders are not blind to Mr. Xi’s increasingly autocratic control over China’s economy even as it copes with a real estate crisis, significant youth unemployment and weak demand.

“Mr. Barton’s CEO colleagues, themselves formerly fans of China’s paramount leader, have been chastened by growing evidence that Xi is mismanaging the Chinese economy and, through his global assertiveness, leaving China increasingly isolated.”

Mr. Barton was a key figure in securing the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor – on what Ottawa called spurious charges. Before becoming Canada’s top diplomat to Beijing, he was also effusive in his praise toward China as the global managing partner of consulting firm McKinsey.

“I’m a bull on China,” he told the Council on Foreign Relations in 2016, adding: “I probably drank the Kool-Aid there for too long.”

Mr. Barton’s comments this week suggest he has emerged from his time as ambassador with a continued affection for the country.

“This may seem odd for a British company to start extolling the virtues of innovation in China. But I want to,” he said, describing robot-run factories that operate in the dark, artificial intelligence-backed tools for discovering new pharmaceuticals and the major global role for Chinese companies in shipbuilding and the manufacture of solar cells, lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles.

Rio Tinto has built a considerable reliance on China, a country that accounted for 57 per cent of the company’s global revenues in 2021 and has become an important part of its corporate function. In 2022, Rio Tinto opened a China Technology and Innovation Centre in Beijing, which the company said would help it “harness China’s leading expertise in research, technology and innovation to help solve some of our operational and business challenges.”

Mr. Barton described China’s outsized role in filing for patents and installing renewable energy capacity – although he left unmentioned that China remains reliant on coal for the overwhelming majority of its electricity, with authorities responding to recent heat waves by permitting huge quantities of new coal-fired capacity.

“For a company like Rio Tinto, which relies [on] and requires engineers, China’s become an important source of talent as we grow,” Mr. Barton said. He added: “It’s important that we all learn and understand what is happening on each side.”

Former diplomat Gordon Houlden, whose foreign service career included postings in Beijing and Hong Kong, said he shares a concern about the falling number of Canadians studying in China – where they might gain a better insight into the world’s second-largest economy. Today, he estimated, the number is in the hundreds instead of thousands. He noted China is producing roughly eight times as many science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduates as the United States.

“You can always understand your potential adversary better than you do now,” Mr. Houlden said.

China offers 'new way of thinking,' former Canadian ambassador tells business audience
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