
Jeffrey Sachs 美国需要新的外交政策

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杰弗里·萨克斯 2023 年 4 月 13 日

美国的外交政策是建立在固有矛盾和致命缺陷之上的。 美国外交政策的目标是建立一个由美国主导的世界,由美国制定全球贸易和金融规则,控制先进技术,保持军事霸权,并主导所有潜在竞争对手。 除非美国外交政策发生变化,承认多极世界的必要性,否则将导致更多战争,甚至可能引发第三次世界大战。

美国外交政策的内在矛盾在于它与《联合国宪章》相冲突,《联合国宪章》承诺美国(以及所有其他联合国成员国)遵守以联合国机构为基础的全球体系,其中没有任何一个国家占主导地位。 致命的缺陷是,美国人口仅占世界人口的4%,缺乏经济、金融、军事和技术能力,更缺乏主导其余96%人口的道德和法律诉求。

二战结束时,美国在经济、科技和军事实力方面遥遥领先于世界其他国家。 现在情况已不再如此,因为许多国家已经建立了自己的经济和技术能力。

马克龙总统最近说出了实话,他表示,欧盟虽然是美国的盟友,但不想成为美国的附庸。 他的这一言论在美国和欧洲受到广泛攻击,因为欧洲许多平庸的政客依赖美国的政治支持来维持权力。

2015年,美国重要外交政策战略家、美国大使罗伯特·布莱克威尔异常清晰地描述了美国的大战略。 他写道:“自建国以来,美国始终奉行一项大战略,重点是获取并保持对各种竞争对手的卓越实力,首先是北美大陆,然后是西半球,最后是全球,”并认为“ 保持美国在全球体系中的主导地位应该仍然是美国二十一世纪大战略的核心目标。”

为了维持美国相对于中国的主导地位,布莱克威尔制定了一项总统乔·拜登正在遵循的计划。 除其他措施外,布莱克威尔呼吁美国在美国的朋友和盟友之间建立新的优惠贸易安排,通过有意识地排除中国的工具来增加互惠互利”,建立“技术控制制度”来阻止中国的战略能力,建立一个 增强“美国在中国周边的朋友和盟友的权力政治能力”,并在中国反对的情况下加强了美国在亚洲边缘地区的军事力量。

大多数美国政界人士以及英国、欧盟、日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰的许多政界人士都支持美国的激进做法。 我不。 我认为美国对中国的做法违背了《联合国宪章》和和平。

中国有权实现繁荣和国家安全,不受美国在其边境的挑衅。 20世纪70年代末以来,中国取得了令人瞩目的经济成就,对中国和世界来说都是美好的。

从1839年到1949年的漫长世纪里,欧洲和日本入侵中国以及中国内战,中国陷入极度贫困。 1839年英国入侵,迫使中国购买英国的鸦片。 在接下来的一个世纪里,其他权力不断涌现。 中国终于从那段灾难中恢复过来,并在这个过程中结束了约10亿人的贫困!

中国的新繁荣可以为世界带来和平且富有成效的成果。 中国的成功技术 — — 从疟疾的重要治疗方法到低成本的太阳能和高效的 5G 网络 — — 可以造福世界。 只有美国把中国变成敌人,中国才会成为威胁。 美国对中国的敌意,将美国傲慢的统治目标与自19世纪以来长期存在的反华种族主义结合在一起,正在创造这个敌人。

美国外交政策的危险不仅仅局限于中国, 美国的目标是将北约扩大到乌克兰和格鲁吉亚,从而将俄罗斯包围在黑海,这助长了乌克兰战争。无数国家都看到了这种做法的危险。 从巴西到印度等主要国家都致力于建立一个多极世界。 联合国所有成员国都应重新承诺遵守《联合国宪章》,反对任何国家声称占据主导地位。


南非,The Daily Maverick,4 月 13 日:


圭亚那,Stabroek 新闻,4 月 14 日:


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乔丹,《约旦时报》,4 月 15 日:


孟加拉国,《每日星报》,4 月 15 日:


墨西哥,拉乔纳达,4 月 16 日:


巴西,Valor Globo,4 月 17 日:


肯尼亚,《国家报》,4 月 19 日:




台湾《台北时报》4 月 21 日:


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希腊,卡西梅里尼,4 月 24 日:



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菲律宾,《马尼拉时报》,4 月 28 日:


韩国,《韩国先驱报》,5 月 2 日:



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葡萄牙,《商业日报》,5 月 5 日:


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斯洛文尼亚,韦切尔,5 月 22 日:


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Mèngjiālā guó,“měi rì xīng bào”,4 yuè 15 rì:


The need for a new US foreign policy


Jeffrey Sachs  April 13, 2023


US foreign policy is based on an inherent contradiction and fatal flaw. The aim of US foreign policy is a US-dominated world, in which the US writes the global trade and financial rules, controls advanced technologies, maintains militarily supremacy, and dominates all potential competitors. Unless US foreign policy is changed to recognize the need for a multipolar world, it will lead to more wars, and possibly World War III.

The inherent contradiction in US foreign policy is that it conflicts with the UN Charter, which commits the US (and all other UN member states) to a global system based on UN institutions in which no single country dominates. The fatal flaw is that the US has just 4 percent of the world population, and lacks the economic, financial, military, and technological capacities, much less the ethical and legal claims, to dominate the other 96 percent.

At the end of World War II, the US was far ahead of the rest of the world in economic, technological, and military power. This is no longer the case, as many countries have built their economies and technological capacities.   

President Emmanuel Macron recently spoke the truth when he said that the European Union, though an ally of the US, does not want to be a vassal of the US. He was widely attacked in the US and Europe for uttering this statement because many mediocre politicians in Europe depend on US political support to stay in power.

In 2015, US Ambassador Robert Blackwill, an important US foreign policy strategist, described US grand strategy with exceptional clarity. He wrote, “Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first on the North American continent, then in the Western hemisphere, and finally globally,” and argued that “preserving U.S. primacy in the global system ought to remain the central objective of U.S. grand strategy in the twenty-first century.”

To sustain US primacy vis-à-vis China, Blackwill laid out a game plan that President Joe Biden is following. Among other measures, Blackwill called on the US to create “new preferential trading arrangements among U.S. friends and allies to increase their mutual gains through instruments that consciously exclude China,” “a technology-control regime” to block China’s strategic capabilities, a build-up of “power-political capacities of U.S. friends and allies on China’s periphery,” and strengthened U.S. military forces along the Asian rimlands despite any Chinese opposition.

Most US politicians and many in Britain, the EU, Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand support the United States’ aggressive approach. I do not. I view the US approach to China as contrary to the UN Charter and peace.

China has the right to prosperity and national security, free from US provocations around its borders. China’s remarkable economic accomplishments since the late 1970s are wonderful for both China and the world.

During the long century from 1839 to 1949, China was driven into extreme poverty in a period marked by European and Japanese invasions of China and Chinese civil wars. Britain invaded in 1839 to force China to buy Britain’s addictive opium. Other powers piled on during the following century. China has finally recovered from that disastrous period, and in the process, ended poverty of around 1 billion people!

China’s new prosperity can be both peaceful and productive for the world. China’s successful technologies – ranging from vital cures for malaria to low-cost solar power and efficient 5G networks – can be a boon for the world. China will only be a threat to the extent that the US makes China into an enemy. US hostility to China, which mixes the arrogant US aim of dominance with long-standing anti-Chinese racism dating back to the 19th century, is creating that enemy.   

The dangers of US foreign policy extend beyond China. The US goal to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia, thereby surrounding Russia in the Black Sea, helped stoke the Ukraine War. Countless nations see the danger of this approach. Major nations from Brazil to India and beyond aim for a multipolar world. All UN member states should recommit to the UN Charter and oppose claims of dominance by any nation.

Syndicated column "The New World Economy,”

South Africa, The Daily Maverick, April 13:


Guyana, Stabroek News, April 14:


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Jordan, The Jordan Times, April 15:


Bangladesh, The Daily Star, April 15:


Mexico, La Jornada, April 16:


Brazil, Valor Globo, April 17:


Kenya, The Nation, April 19:


China, Finance Sina, April 20:


Taiwan, Taipei Times, April 21:


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Greece, Kathimerini, April 24:



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The Philippines, The Manila Times, April 28:


South Korea, The Korea Herald, May 2:



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Portugal, Jornal de Negócios, May 5:


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Slovenia, Ve?er, May 22:


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