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Graham Badley 巴德利,G. (2005) https://doi.org/10.1080/13562510500238952
原教旨主义和民主被视为冲突世界中的对立力量。 原教旨主义被描述为对民主本身以及大学等所谓民主机构的威胁。 首先,原教旨主义有多种形式:基督教的、伊斯兰教的和经济的。 这些形式中的每一种都对民主和大学产生有害的影响。 其次,尽管这一概念的性质存在争议,但民主作为一套价值观、过程和制度,使个人和社会生活变得可以忍受和有趣。 信奉言论自由、异议和怀疑主义的民主与原教旨主义及其不容质疑的真理形成鲜明对比。 第三,为了应对原教旨主义的威胁,将合理性和宽容作为高等教育教学法的重要方面加以提倡。 这并不要求大学容忍不宽容。
Against fundamentalism, for democracy: Towards a pedagogy of tolerance in higher education.
Graham Badley. 2005
Anglia Polytechnic University , UK, g.f.badley@apu.ac.uk
419. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562510500238952
Fundamentalism and democracy are presented as opposing forces in a world in conflict. Fundamentalism is described both as a threat to democracy itself and also to supposedly democratic institutions such as the university. First, fundamentalism is defined in its various guises: Christian, Islamic and economic. Each of these forms is pernicious in its influence on democracy and the university. Second, despite the contested nature of the concept, a case is made for democracy as a set of values, processes and institutions which make individual and social life both bearable and interesting. Democracy with its belief in free speech, dissent and scepticism is contrasted with fundamentalism and its unchallengeable truths. Third, reasonableness and tolerance are promoted as vital aspects of a pedagogy for higher education in order to counter the fundamentalist threat. This does not require the university to tolerate the intolerant.