
李光耀 对中国、美国和世界的见解

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格雷厄姆•艾利森 (Graham Allison)阿里•温尼 (Ali Wyne),Ali Wyne(作者)



当李光耀讲话时,总统、总理、外交官和首席执行官们都会倾听。 作为现代新加坡的开国元勋和 1959 年至 1990 年的总理,李光耀在世界舞台上的五十多年磨练了他的智慧。 他几乎独自负责将新加坡转变为西方式的经济成功国家,他对东西方地缘政治提供了独特的视角。 从理查德尼克松到巴拉克奥巴马,历任美国总统都欢迎他到访白宫; 从玛格丽特·撒切尔 (Margaret Thatcher) 到托尼·布莱尔 (Tony Blair) 的英国首相都认可了他的智慧; 从鲁珀特·默多克 (Rupert Murdoch) 到埃克森美孚 (Exxon Mobil) 首席执行官雷克斯·蒂勒森 (Rex Tillerson) 的商界领袖都赞扬了他的成就。 这本书从采访、演讲和李的大量出版著作中收集了重要见解,并以引人入胜的问答形式呈现。

李对中国的未来进行了评估,并断言“中国将希望与美国平等共享本世纪。” 他肯定美国作为世界唯一超级大国的地位,但对其变幻莫测的政治制度表示失望。 他提供了与中国打交道的战略建议,并继续讨论了印度的未来、伊斯兰恐怖主义、经济增长、地缘政治和全球化以及民主。 李并没有手下留情,就多元文化主义、福利国家、教育和自由市场提出了他坦率的看法。 这本小书属于每一位世界领导人的阅读清单——包括 2013 年 1 月 20 日宣誓就职的领导人。

Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World (Belfer Center Studies in International Security) Kindle Edition


by Graham Allison (Author), Robert D. Blackwill (Author), Ali Wyne (Author) 

Grand strategist and founder of modern Singapore offers key insights and controversial opinions on globalization, geopolitics, economic growth, and democracy.

When Lee Kuan Yew speaks, presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, and CEOs listen. Lee, the founding father of modern Singapore and its prime minister from 1959 to 1990, has honed his wisdom during more than fifty years on the world stage. Almost single-handedly responsible for transforming Singapore into a Western-style economic success, he offers a unique perspective on the geopolitics of East and West. American presidents from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama have welcomed him to the White House; British prime ministers from Margaret Thatcher to Tony Blair have recognized his wisdom; and business leaders from Rupert Murdoch to Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil, have praised his accomplishments. This book gathers key insights from interviews, speeches, and Lee's voluminous published writings and presents them in an engaging question and answer format.

Lee offers his assessment of China's future, asserting, among other things, that “China will want to share this century as co-equals with the U.S.” He affirms the United States' position as the world's sole superpower but expresses dismay at the vagaries of its political system. He offers strategic advice for dealing with China and goes on to discuss India's future, Islamic terrorism, economic growth, geopolitics and globalization, and democracy. Lee does not pull his punches, offering his unvarnished opinions on multiculturalism, the welfare state, education, and the free market. This little book belongs on the reading list of every world leader—including the one who takes the oath of office on January 20, 2013.


贝尔弗中心国际安全研究丛书出版了关于国际安全政策中的当代问题及其概念和历史基础的书籍。 该系列特别感兴趣的主题包括大规模杀伤性武器的扩散、国内冲突、民主和民主化的国际影响,以及美国的国防政策。
Belfer Center Studies in International Security
The Belfer Center Studies in International Security book series publishes books on contemporary issues in international security policy, as well as their conceptual and historical foundations. Topics of particular interest to the series include the spread of weapons of mass destruction, internal conflict, the international effects of democracy and democratization, and U. S. defense policy.

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