
金融化 定义 举例 后果和批评

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金融化  定义  举例   后果和批评

Financialization: Definition, Examples, Consequences & Criticisms



金融化是指一个国家的金融部门相对于其整体经济的规模和重要性的增加。 随着国家摆脱工业资本主义,金融化已经发生。 该术语还不仅描述了市场和金融部门在我们生活中的存在感的增加,还描述了交易和市场参与者日益多样化以及它们与经济和社会各个部分的交集。








在美国,金融部门的规模占国内生产总值 (GDP) 的百分比从 1950 年的 2.8% 增长到 2019.1 的 21%

金融化还导致金融部门的收入增长超过其他经济部门。 自 1980 年以来,在美国金融部门工作的个人的收入与其他部门的工人相比出现了不成比例的巨大增长。

自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,金融业追求短期财务回报而不是长期目标,这需要对技术和产品开发进行投资。 造成这种情况的最大原因之一仅仅是华尔街遵循其资本主义本能的问题,这告诉他们从金钱中赚钱比从工程产品中赚钱更有利可图。

金融工具提供了快速的回报,几乎没有大惊小怪,因此他们投资于促进这种方法的软件,而不是投资于建造工厂所需的昂贵的实体。 他们还支持可以在沃尔玛销售并在海外制造的产品。 因此,金融业在美国制造业的衰退中发挥了重要作用。


虽然美国金融化的开端可以追溯到 50 年代,但金融部门真正开始增长是在 20 世纪后期,尤其是在布雷顿森林体系崩溃之后。 这一点,连同新自由主义的兴起和米尔顿·弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman) 在 1980 年代及以后的自由市场原则,促成了美国的金融化。

布雷顿森林协议——将国际货币与美元挂钩并将美元与黄金挂钩——创造了可预测的汇率并限制了投机活动。 因此,当它下跌时,一个以自由贸易和资本自由流动为标志的新时期开始了。 这也造成了金融业从中获利的全球市场的不稳定。

此外,随着美国还清了对其他国家的债务并印制了更多的货币,全球流动性出现了巨大的激增。 这使得银行能够向消费者提供更多信贷,并在私人借贷市场开辟了更多的获利机会。


自上世纪 70 年代和 80 年代开始金融化以来,全球金融资产的整体价值一路飙升。 1990年,全球金融资产价值为56万亿美元,占全球GDP的263%。 20 年后,这个数字达到了惊人的 219 万亿美元。 2

近年来,放松管制和新的金融技术对金融业产生了重大影响。 即使在 2008 年经济衰退之后,关于银行能够借贷的方式和金额的法律也相对宽松,从而创造了更多的流动性。

尤其是在过去十年中,证券化大幅增加,发起人将各种金融资产打包成一组,然后将这组重新打包的资产出售给投资者。 随着金融机构及其客户不断寻求新的盈利途径,他们提供的金融工具也变得越来越多样化。

一般来说,随着流动性和借贷的增加,通货膨胀也会增加。 这意味着没有将足够的储蓄投资于这些金融工具的消费者将蒙受损失,从而对金融部门产生进一步的需求。 此外,由于互联网,比以往任何时候都更多的人可以访问金融信息和市场。

最后,Robinhood 等初学者投资应用程序的出现将非传统投资者带入了金融市场。

令人着迷的是,虽然金融业已成为我们生活中更重要的一部分,但美国人投资股市的比例在 2019 年创下历史新低,为 52%。3


金融服务也是美国重要的出口来源。 虽然美国拥有世界上最大和最具流动性的金融市场,但金融化也在世界上许多其他国家发生,甚至在墨西哥和土耳其等新兴市场也是如此。

在美国和国外,银行业、资产管理、保险和风险投资——构成金融部门的组成部分——的增长也可以促进其他经济部门的增长。 拥有多样化金融产品的大型流动性金融市场更容易为投资和增长提供资金,并通过保险保护购买和投资。

金融市场也促进了国际贸易。 根据国际清算银行 (BIS) 的数据,每日外汇交易量已从 1989 年的 5700 亿美元增加到 2019 年的 6.6 万亿美元。


金融化的批评者关注其对短期利润的强调。 据他们说,这种关注会破坏公司的长期目标并对产品质量产生负面影响。

例如,麻省理工学院教授 Suzanne Berger 撰写了关于铁姆肯公司的案例,这家总部位于俄亥俄州的动力传输、齿轮和特种钢制造商由于股东追求利润最大化而被迫拆分其垂直整合业务。 管理层反对分拆,认为这会影响整体产品质量。 控制最终装配中使用的每个组件的属性有助于制造商向消费者提供优质产品。

其他人则声称金融化导致了“非生产性”的资本主义。 根据经济学家迈克尔·罗伯茨的说法,“金融化现在主要被用作一个术语来归类资本主义的一个全新阶段,在这个阶段,利润主要不是来自生产中的剥削,而是来自流通中的金融剥夺(类似于高利贷)。”

其他研究侧重于大公司因金融化而主导经济的方式。 根据研究作者的说法,他们的主导地位主要是因为他们有能力迎合金融市场并在其中发挥作用。 竞争环境对小公司来说不是一个公平的竞争环境,因为它们无法产生大投资者所要求的巨额货币回报。


住房金融化指的是住房被视为投资和财富的工具,而不是社会公益。 许多认为安全、稳定的住房是一项人权的人对住房日益金融化表示质疑。

食品金融化是指金融部门侵入食品供应链各个环节的方式。 该术语反映了各种金融参与者对食品生产、分配和消费方式的影响。

高等教育也受到金融化的影响。 今天的许多大学更多地依靠学费而不是国家资助来支付他们的费用。 这迫使一些学校借入大量资金来支付豪华设施和学生住房,以吸引更多有潜力的学生。 自 20 世纪 70 年代金融化出现以来,学费也飙升。

Financialization: Definition, Examples, Consequences & Criticisms


What Is Financialization?

Financialization refers to the increase in size and importance of a country’s financial sector relative to its overall economy. Financialization has occurred as countries have shifted away from industrial capitalism. The term also describes not just the increase of the market and financial sector's presence in our lives but the increasing diversity of transactions and market players as well as their intersection with all parts of the economy and society. 


  • Financialization is the increase in size and importance of a country's financial sector relative to its overall economy.
  • The financial industry, with its emphasis on short-term profits, has played a major role in the decline of manufacturing in the U.S.
  • A booming financial services industry has, however, led to growth in other sectors.
  • In recent years, financialization has resulted in a massive increase in the amount and diversity of financial instruments being sold, a phenomenon known as securitization.
  • Financialization began with fall of the Bretton Woods system and the rise in neoliberalism.

Understanding Financialization

Financialization impacts both the macroeconomy and the microeconomy by changing how financial markets are structured and operated and by influencing corporate behavior and economic policy.

In the United States, the size of the financial sector as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) grew from 2.8% in 1950 to 21% in 2019.1

Financialization has also caused incomes to increase more in the financial sector than in other sectors of the economy. Individuals working in the U.S. financial sector have experienced a disproportionately huge increase in their incomes relative to workers in other sectors since 1980.

Since the 1980s, the financial industry has chased short-term financial returns over long-term goals, which would require investment in technology and product development. One of the biggest reasons for this was simply a matter of Wall Street following its capitalistic instincts, which told them there was more profit in making money from money rather than in engineered products.

Financial instruments provided quick returns with little fuss, so they invested in software that facilitated this approach rather than investing in costly brick and mortar needed to build factories. They were also supportive of products that could be sold at Wal-Mart and manufactured overseas. As a result, the financial industry has played a major role in the decline of manufacturing in the U.S.

金融化是指一个国家的金融部门相对于其整体经济的规模和重要性的增加。 随着国家摆脱工业资本主义,金融化已经发生。 该术语还不仅描述了市场和金融部门在我们生活中的存在感的增加,还描述了交易和市场参与者日益多样化以及它们与经济和社会各个部分的交集。

在美国,金融部门的规模占国内生产总值 (GDP) 的百分比从 1950 年的 2.8% 增长到 2019.1 的 21%

金融化还导致金融部门的收入增长超过其他经济部门。 自 1980 年以来,在美国金融部门工作的个人的收入与其他部门的工人相比出现了不成比例的巨大增长。

自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,金融业追求短期财务回报而不是长期目标,这需要对技术和产品开发进行投资。 造成这种情况的最大原因之一仅仅是华尔街遵循其资本主义本能的问题,这告诉他们从金钱中赚钱比从工程产品中赚钱更有利可图。

金融工具提供了快速的回报,几乎没有大惊小怪,因此他们投资于促进这种方法的软件,而不是投资于建造工厂所需的昂贵的实体。 他们还支持可以在沃尔玛销售并在海外制造的产品。 因此,金融业在美国制造业的衰退中发挥了重要作用。

History of Financialization

While the beginnings of financialization in the United States can be traced as far back as the 1950s, the financial sector really started to grow later in the 20th century, particularly after the fall of the Bretton Woods system. This, along with the rise in neoliberalism and the free-market principles of Milton Friedman in the 1980s and onward contributed to financialization in the United States.

The Bretton Woods agreement—which tied international currencies to the US dollar and anchored the dollar to gold—created predictable exchange rates and limited speculation. Thus, when this fell, a new period marked by free trade and the free movement of capital began. This also created instability in the global markets from which the financial industry has profited.

Furthermore, as the US paid off its debts to other countries and printed more money, there was a huge surge in global liquidity. This allowed banks to extend more credit to consumers and opened up additional opportunities for profits in the private lending market.

Characterizations of Contemporary Financialization


Since the beginnings of financialization in the 70s and 80s, the overall value of global financial assets has sky-rocketed. In 1990, the value of global financial assets stood at $56 trillion, 263% of global GDP. 20 years later, that number reached a staggering $219 trillion.2

In recent years, deregulation and new financial technologies have had a major impact on the financial sector. Even after the 2008 recession, the laws regarding the methods and amount banks are able to borrow are relatively lax, creating further liquidity.

The last decade in particular has seen a massive increase in securitization, which occurs when an originator packages various financial assets into one group then sells this group of repackaged assets to investors. As financial institutions and their clients are constantly seeking new avenues of profit, the financial instruments they offer have grown more and more diverse.

Generally, as liquidity and borrowing increase, so does inflation. This means that consumers who aren't investing a sufficient amount of their savings in these financial instruments will lose money, creating a further need for the financial sector. Furthermore, more people have access to financial information and the market than ever before thanks to the Internet.

Finally, the advent of beginner investing apps such as Robinhood has brought non-traditional investors into the financial marketplace.

Fascinatingly, while the financial industry has become a bigger part of our lives, the percent of Americans invested in the stock market hit a record low in 2019, at 52%.3

虽然美国金融化的开端可以追溯到 50 年代,但金融部门真正开始增长是在 20 世纪后期,尤其是在布雷顿森林体系崩溃之后。 这一点,连同新自由主义的兴起和米尔顿·弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman) 在 1980 年代及以后的自由市场原则,促成了美国的金融化。

布雷顿森林协议——将国际货币与美元挂钩并将美元与黄金挂钩——创造了可预测的汇率并限制了投机活动。 因此,当它下跌时,一个以自由贸易和资本自由流动为标志的新时期开始了。 这也造成了金融业从中获利的全球市场的不稳定。

此外,随着美国还清了对其他国家的债务并印制了更多的货币,全球流动性出现了巨大的激增。 这使得银行能够向消费者提供更多信贷,并在私人借贷市场开辟了更多的获利机会。

自上世纪 70 年代和 80 年代开始金融化以来,全球金融资产的整体价值一路飙升。 1990年,全球金融资产价值为56万亿美元,占全球GDP的263%。 20 年后,这个数字达到了惊人的 219 万亿美元。 2

近年来,放松管制和新的金融技术对金融业产生了重大影响。 即使在 2008 年经济衰退之后,关于银行能够借贷的方式和金额的法律也相对宽松,从而创造了更多的流动性。

尤其是在过去十年中,证券化大幅增加,发起人将各种金融资产打包成一组,然后将这组重新打包的资产出售给投资者。 随着金融机构及其客户不断寻求新的盈利途径,他们提供的金融工具也变得越来越多样化。

一般来说,随着流动性和借贷的增加,通货膨胀也会增加。 这意味着没有将足够的储蓄投资于这些金融工具的消费者将蒙受损失,从而对金融部门产生进一步的需求。 此外,由于互联网,比以往任何时候都更多的人可以访问金融信息和市场。

最后,Robinhood 等初学者投资应用程序的出现将非传统投资者带入了金融市场。

令人着迷的是,虽然金融业已成为我们生活中更重要的一部分,但美国人投资股市的比例在 2019 年创下历史新低,为 52%。3

How Financialization Helps Build Economies


Financial services are also an important source of exports for the United States. While the United States has the world’s largest and most liquid financial markets, financialization has also occurred in many other countries around the world, even in emerging markets such as Mexico and Turkey.

In the United States and abroad, the growth of banking, asset management, insurance, and venture capital—the components that make up the financial sector—can contribute to growth in other sectors of the economy as well. Large and liquid financial markets with a diverse offering of financial products make it easier to fund investment and growth and protect purchases and investments through insurance.

Financial markets also facilitate international trade. The daily volume of foreign exchange transactions has increased from $570 billion in 1989 to $6.6 trillion in 2019, according to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

Financialization has also led to significant job growth in the financial sector, and this job growth is expected to continue.

Criticism of Financialization


Critics of financialization focus on its emphasis on short-term profits. According to them, such focus can disrupt a company's long-term goals and negatively affect product quality.

For example, MIT Professor Suzanne Berger wrote about the case of Timken, an Ohio-based manufacturer of power transmission, gears, and specialty steel that was forced to break up its vertically integrated business due to shareholders' intent on maximizing profits. Management, which was against the breakup, argued that it would affect overall product quality. Controlling the attributes of each component used in the final assembly helped the manufacturer provide a superior product to consumers.

Others claim that financialization has led to "unproductive" capitalism. According to economist Michael Roberts, "financialization is now mainly used as a term to categorize a completely new stage in capitalism, in which profits mainly come not from exploitation in production, but from financial expropriation (resembling usury) in circulation."

Other research focuses on the ways in which big firms have come to dominate economies due to financialization. Their dominance, according to research authors, is primarily a result of their ability to cater to and play in financial markets. The playing field is not a level playing field for small firms because they are unable to produce the massive monetary returns demanded by large investors.

金融服务也是美国重要的出口来源。 虽然美国拥有世界上最大和最具流动性的金融市场,但金融化也在世界上许多其他国家发生,甚至在墨西哥和土耳其等新兴市场也是如此。

在美国和国外,银行业、资产管理、保险和风险投资——构成金融部门的组成部分——的增长也可以促进其他经济部门的增长。 拥有多样化金融产品的大型流动性金融市场更容易为投资和增长提供资金,并通过保险保护购买和投资。

金融市场也促进了国际贸易。 根据国际清算银行 (BIS) 的数据,每日外汇交易量已从 1989 年的 5700 亿美元增加到 2019 年的 6.6 万亿美元。


金融化的批评者关注其对短期利润的强调。 据他们说,这种关注会破坏公司的长期目标并对产品质量产生负面影响。

例如,麻省理工学院教授 Suzanne Berger 撰写了关于铁姆肯公司的案例,这家总部位于俄亥俄州的动力传输、齿轮和特种钢制造商由于股东追求利润最大化而被迫拆分其垂直整合业务。 管理层反对分拆,认为这会影响整体产品质量。 控制最终装配中使用的每个组件的属性有助于制造商向消费者提供优质产品。

其他人则声称金融化导致了“非生产性”的资本主义。 根据经济学家迈克尔·罗伯茨的说法,“金融化现在主要被用作一个术语来归类资本主义的一个全新阶段,在这个阶段,利润主要不是来自生产中的剥削,而是来自流通中的金融剥夺(类似于高利贷)。”

其他研究侧重于大公司因金融化而主导经济的方式。 根据研究作者的说法,他们的主导地位主要是因为他们有能力迎合金融市场并在其中发挥作用。 竞争环境对小公司来说不是一个公平的竞争环境,因为它们无法产生大投资者所要求的巨额货币回报。

Is the Financialization of Housing Good?


The financialization of housing refers to the idea that housing is seen as a vehicle for investment and wealth rather than a social good. Many people who believe safe, stable housing is a human right take issue with the increasing financialization of housing.

What Is the Financialization of Food?


The financialization of food refers to the way the financial sector has encroached on various aspects of the food supply chain. The term reflects various financial actors' impact on the ways in which food is produced, distributed, and consumed.

How Are Universities Affected by Financialization?

Higher education has also been impacted by financialization. Many of today's universities rely more on tuition than state funding to pay for their expenses. This has forced some schools to borrow large amounts of money to pay for luxurious facilities and student housing in order to attract more potential students. The cost of tuition has also soared since the advent of financialization in the 1970s.

住房金融化指的是住房被视为投资和财富的工具,而不是社会公益。 许多认为安全、稳定的住房是一项人权的人对住房日益金融化表示质疑。

食品金融化是指金融部门侵入食品供应链各个环节的方式。 该术语反映了各种金融参与者对食品生产、分配和消费方式的影响。

高等教育也受到金融化的影响。 今天的许多大学更多地依靠学费而不是国家资助来支付他们的费用。 这迫使一些学校借入大量资金来支付豪华设施和学生住房,以吸引更多有潜力的学生。 自 20 世纪 70 年代金融化出现以来,学费也飙升。

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