
多伦多 信箱频频被盗 华人区也遭殃

(2023-01-24 13:23:26) 下一个

大多伦多社区信箱频频被盗 华人区也遭殃!重要信息恐被泄露

2023年01月24日 来源:加国无忧  作者:S君


多伦多警队金融犯罪组的Paul  Rinkoff警官表示,“包裹盗窃问题一直以来都存在,但我们现在发现越来越多窃贼盯上社区信箱。”

来自密西沙加的一名女子因此感到沮丧,她表示,近三个月时间内,她的信箱就被爆窃多次。Corinne  Clifton称,她现在不得不修改收件地址,把所有信件转到其他地方,以免被偷。

“我家的信箱已经接连被盗数次,我的邻居也遭殃。他们主要是为了窃取支票和包裹,同时还会盗走财务、信用卡和投资的信息,”  Clifton说。Clifton还表示,担心自己的身份资料会被盗。

“我不得不花100元钱把信件转到朋友家,我接到过Equifax信贷公司的电话,他们说有一些人试图用我的名字申请信用卡,” 她补充说道。

Canada Post发言人Lisa Liu表示,“我们能确认的是这里的社区信箱确实在最近几个星期遭到破坏。我们的安全与调查小组已经知晓此事,当地执法部门也正在调查。由于此事已在调查中,我们不便评论或提供更多信息。我们非常严肃地对待此类事件以及信件的安全问题。”


“如果你是身份盗用的受害者,而且这些东西从你的信箱中失窃,请一定要向金融机构(银行、信用卡公司等)以及警方报案,”  Rinkoff说道。

Clifton表示,她和邻居们向Canada Post投诉之后,问题仍在继续。

“当我们联系Canada Post,他们就把这个问题推出去,说他们会帮忙传达信息,” Clifton说道。

Liu回应称,Canada Post将在今年春天某个时候将Clifton家的社区信箱升级为新版,这是为顾客检查设施的其中一项常规操作。

“这同时也是全国各地正在推进的项目。更多信息将在临近安装日的时候提供,” Liu说道。

此前约克区的Stouffville市内有两处社区邮箱也遭到爆窃,当地警方展开了调查。后来Canada Post给用户提供了新的邮箱钥匙,并更换了邮箱地点。
Mail theft a growing concern following rash of mailbox break-ins in GTA
Pat Foran Pat Foran  CTV News Toronto  

Thieves are allegedly targeting community mailboxes looking to rob them of packages, cheques, and financial documents they can use to steal identities.

Toronto police have charged three men in connection with a slew of mailbox thefts, after finding a large quantity of stolen mail, financial and government documents, and tools.

“Mail theft is an ongoing issue, but what we are seeing now is the theft of mail from community mailboxes,” said Insp. Paul Rinkoff, with Toronto Police Services’ Financial Crimes Unit.

A Mississauga woman is frustrated, saying her mailbox was broken into on almost a daily basis for the past three months.

Corinne Clifton said she has had to pay to redirect her mail to keep it from being stolen.

"Mine has been hit several times, and my other neighbours have had theirs hit as well. They are typically looking to steal cheques and packages, but they also are taking financial information, credit and investment information," said Clifton.

Clifton said she is worried her identity will be stolen.

“I have had to have my mail forwarded to a friend's house at a cost of $100. Equifax called and said people are trying to take out credit cards in my name," she added.

Lisa Liu, a spokesperson for Canada Post, said in a statement to CTV News Toronto, “We can confirm that this community mailbox site has been vandalized over the past several weeks. Our Security and Investigation team is aware, and local law enforcement is currently investigating. As these incidents are being investigated, it would be inappropriate to comment further or provide details. We take these matters and the security of the mail very seriously.”

“If you are a victim of identity theft and items are taken from your mailbox, make sure you report it to the financial issuer (bank or credit card company) and the police,” Rinkoff said.

Clifton is frustrated that despite her and her neighbours' complaints to Canada Post, the problem continues.

"When we contact Canada Post, it's basically crickets. They pass the buck and say they will pass on the information," said Clifton.

Liu said Canada Post is going to upgrade Clifton’s community mailbox to a newer model sometime this spring, as part of its normal operations to review its equipment to customers.

“This is an ongoing project across the country. More information will be provided closer to the installation date,” Liu said.

The newer mailbox may be more secure, but until then, Clifton and her neighbours fear their current mailbox remains a target for thieves.

Anyone who believes they have not received a parcel should contact Canada Post’s Customer Service so that we can look into it and potentially work with the sender, who may initiate a claim with Canada Post. If customers believe they have not received a specific piece of letter mail, they should also contact the sender. 

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