
Why the great reset is argued as conspiracy theories

(2022-09-20 15:02:46) 下一个

A letter to 

Dr. Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Dr. Richard Florida, the Professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management

Why the great reset is distorted arguing as conspiracy theories

      Frank (Hongde) Li, Sept 11 – 16, 2022 in Canada


In 2010, the Professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, Dr. Richard Florida published book The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity with the lessons of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, to describe the future of cities. The book looks at the economic incentives which have driven American society in the past by comparing the recession to two similar periods in recent history, the 1870s and the 1930s. The book is divided into three parts, how past resets have shaped development, how different cities are positioned, and what trends will emerge from the reset.

Luckily; Professor carefully prepared ideological bomb did not detonate at own hands. But in ten years later, Dr. Klaus Schwab admires it, and took it to his own hands, then unluckily exploded to plunge oneself into the whirlpool of ideological arguments to be ideologically rotated endlessly.  

In 2020, in faced with the pandemic Covid-19 may cause potential economic downturn; the Founder and Executive Chairman of WEF, Dr. Klaus Schwab initiates economic boosting program – the great reset to appeal global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis to avoid potential harm; but the rational idea is distorted ideological argued as conspiracy theories that world leaders have purposefully manufactured the pandemic to create a new world order that would restrict the rights of citizens on all levels including democracy, economy, health care and the free press. Overall, the Great Reset is aimed at changing the ‘status quo’, and the lack of trust between citizens and governments.

As my view, no matter that how the reasons of those people used for arguments are in sounding perfect right; but the actual social effect is that the high quality people are in trying to explore the way out for creating people a better life by developing a prosperous stable society; but the low quality people are in trying to resist it.

The unbelievable childish plays shocked me up to explore for the reasons from the root of human nature, human intelligence, philosophies; ideologies; society; social governance; history and civilizations.

In 1992, was excited by the push down of Berlin Wall, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who argued that is the end-point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universaliation of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after enjoyed childish play of the “final form of human government”, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who was despaired to write America in Decay was “no way out”.

In 1992, in response to above arguments of own student; Political scientist Samuel Huntington immediately made a lecture; then 1996, the lecture expands as book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to have warned that "in the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.”

Actually; as fundamental pillar of the universality of Western culture; the liberal democracy has been in acting as tools for low quality people destructing human society by dehumanizing social governance.

In 2019, an article reports that Canada's incumbent Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; Chrystia Freeland said Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in the “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.” The view is similar to that of the views of Professor Dr. Niall Ferguson at Stanford University: liberal democracy is the inhuman game in making disasters.

In 2006, Scottish-American historian, Professor Dr. Niall Ferguson who published the book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West to have disappointedly indicated that, why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 major military conflicts.

Maybe due to unbearable psychological torture; in 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who can't help but write Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action: “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” But “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

The manmade disasters and studies were both revealed sad reality that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are in the state of low quality without ability for reasoning bad consequence in what they are doing or going to do. The computer program AlphaGo beating human professional Go player revealed mechanism of intelligence; human is acting as a Robot in driven by populations of brain cells reasoning based on brain remembered; the quality of people is reshape-able; therefore, China humanize-controlling developed thoughts are suitable for creating a humanized life; while the West allowing free-fabricated confused thoughts are not suitable for humanized life; but dehumanizing people in the individualistic quality of greedy selfish.

For making livings by cheating; the individualistic people describe truth as lies and lies as truth by infinitely extending the simple issue into much more complex; in the complicated state that rational people can never be imagined; with the inborn magic from European looting and killing bloody soil nourished inhuman genes, to easily magic many people with the magic function to magic everything in the states that are questionable; so that they must be ideologically argued; and what is ignorance what magic people will do; and where is stupid where magic people will go.

By such childish plays corrupt human society to have destroyed the cornerstone for human survival.

This batch of Man on Earth is in low quality people kidnapped destruction going towards the graveyard of vast self-destructed civilizations in Milky Way; while liberal democracy and wild-fabricating thoughts are the initiator of orbit.

Faced with increasingly unlivable world in endless manmade disasters; people needn’t argue for that what is right or wrong on Earth; but simply ask that whether this batch of human beings have evolved as qualified higher animals.

    Contents & Extracts     


1...The motivation of writing the letter

2...The ideologies are the lethal poison for human society

3...The physiological basis of human intelligence and behavior

4...Human thoughts are always being abducted by outdated ideologies

5...Economic success of China derived from broken the shackle of ideologies

6...Dr. Klaus Schwab selects outstanding social eltes golbally into WEF

6.1...A Liberty is people safe in streets not defined by its most disorderly elements

6.2...liberal democracies are polarized societies and democratization is inhuman game

7...The multiparty malicious oppositions of liberal democracy disabled government

8...Western ideologies corrupted the foundation for economic development

8.1...The useless values made valueless of Great United States of America

8.2...The useless values made valueless of the Great United Kingdom

8.3...The useless values made valueless of the Great French Republic

9...The formation of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization and Asian Values 

9.1... Daoism

9.2... Confucianism

9.3... Legalism

9.4... Buddhism

9.5... Conducting ideologies reshape people in high quality and Asian Values

9.6... China respects learned people includes foreigners

9.7... The civilization of China is good at absorbs foreign culture

9.8... China once tried liberal democracy but found that it is a collector of social garbage

9.9... The collectivistic civilization paved foundation for people developing as higher IQ scores

9.10...The practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality

9.11...China has accumulated large amount books since ancient time

10...The formation of individualistic values and Western Individualistic Civilization

10.1...Gave up good philosophy to pick up bad one caused Individualistic Civilization

10.2...TEuropean looting and killing bloody lif caused confused philosophies and ideologies

10.3...Western Individualistic Civilization dehumanized the quality of people

10.4...The West once nearly proximity to be developed as Technocratic Democracy of China

10.5...The economic thoughts of China enlightened the economic thoughts of the West

10.6...Montesquieu misled that China humanize-enlightened Europe into liberal democracy

10.7...Neoliberalism ruins real economy and state owned economy benefits to China

10.8...The sacred judicial independence is used for safeguarding law officers freely looting

10.9...Social Polarization is a typical false proposition in harming the society in many ways

11...The different civilization cultured different thinking way of the people

12...The way out for humans from low quality people hijacked self destruction



In nowadays world, Dr. Klaus Schwab may be the most psychological tortured sage who launches economic forum with the hope to debate smart ideas by outstanding social elites of politicians and economists for economic development to create people a livable society; but it is helpless for reaching that.

The historical experience of China proved that the advancement of civilization mainly depending on the thoughts of outstanding individual; not group people opposition debates; more people involved in debates, more confused in thoughts; due to that the most of people are dogmatists in parroting recklessly without own thoughts. The quarrel of hundreds schools of thought can never produce rational thoughts, but rational people will be dragged into the quarreling quagmire without ability getting out; as a result, social governance will inevitably go on low quality people hijacked way.

In history of China, it not only controls thoughts or ideologies, but also even live buried 460 scholars after centralized governing in province and county from 771BC to 221BC of 550 years of wars between about 100 vassal states; due to that those scholars ganged up dogmatically pursuit of the old thoughts to endlessly argue to restore old enfeoffment system; that was in planting for wars by enfeoffment of independent economies as that of European nobilities, and the arguments have induced armed riots of old interest group.

The decisive practice avoided the wars as that of European Dark Ages; thereby made the people of China was able to enjoy a long prosperous life; and in 2000 years ago explored Silk Road to provide the West with daily goods. In order to get silver to buy silk and pottery of China, the people in the West once launched silver war.

Actually those 460 live buried scholars were lived in Royal Salary and worked as consultants for government. In China, historically, it is mainly in selecting learned people in taking the dominating positions; even hire foreigners as officials, such as, British Sir Robert Hart was hired as top management of Imperial Custom of Qing Dynasty for 48 years and he hired more than 700 foreigners to work for Imperial Custom.

But the ignorant play of those 460 scholars made the ancient people of China realized that scholars’ debates are not only useless, but also are troublesome, even dangerous.

It was just because of selecting outstanding individual taking leading position; so that the people of China are able to focus on that how to govern own country better to properly develop economy and how to defense endless Westerners’ looting. In contrast; the West emphasizes on logical thinking and reasoning debating; did made rich in thoughts; but caused confusion in thoughts to have caused people in Western countries in endlessly wars of looting and killing until this day by the means of military power and financial power.

The difference in social governance caused difference in the social outcome and caused different quality in culture or civilization. Currently; there are several civilizations on Earth; but there two are most active in reshaping the life model of human beings whether it is going to peaceful prosperous life or stay in the Law of Jungle in endless social unrest and wars.

The first one is the Eastern Collectivistic Civilization that is in reshaping the life model by integrating other country developing economy towards common prosperity from the genes of China based Confucian culture by strictly control in the quality of ideologies and by selecting high quality people as Technocratic Democracy to perform social governance.

The other one is Western Individualistic Civilization that is in reshaping the life model by endless provoking wars to promote liberal democracy from the genes of European looting and killing bloody Dark Ages based culture without control on the quality of ideologies and by people in any quality free competing for ruling position to perform social governance.

The manmade disasters reveal the sad reality that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are staying in low quality by exerting their sick mentality as pleasure without reasoning function for the bad consequence.

The main body and the creator of society is people; but when talking about social governance; the Individualistic Civilization cultured people are never talking about human nature; but try to eagerly show up selves as humanized by praising about the values; liberty, human rights, and the stuff that humanized people can never imagine; and also when talking about civilization; the individualistic people are always talk about which country is No.1 and which one will rule the world; but they never talk about the quality of civilization; whether it qualified as the one as higher animals should be.

The historical experience of China proved that the advance of civilization mainly depends on outstanding sage; rather than opposition debates; more scholars involved in debates, more confused in argument; everyone dies in Quagmire.  

The computer program AlphaGo defeating human Go player revealed mechanism of human intelligence; humans act as a kind of Robot in driven by populations of brain cells reason based on acquired knowledge as software driver to signal people action; which made people trapped in the trap of own memories in brain; so that cannot reason things that are without related knowledge in brain. The wrongful knowledge from European looting and killing bloody Dark Ages will drive people wrongful behaving; so that democratic played Westerners cannot understand China in Technocratic Democracy. Please Google, you will find that there are many articles in talking about that China is run by engineers and scientists.

Endless manmade disasters revealed sad reality that Western Individualistic Civilization is existed based on cheating by coining confused ideologies. It prides on logical reasoning and debating; therefore rich in thoughts or ideologies, but ideologies are in self-contradictory or conflict of each other in inconsistently; so that people use them according to own need to mess social governance. The wrongful deed of Western Individualistic Civilization is at that it allows low quality people to control everything in human society; while the public media also ignorantly sings sonata for such a drama. 

However, in April 12, 2020, the Oxford History Profession cultured outstanding humanized media professionals, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published The Virus Should Wake Up the West to reveal the truth of liberal democracy, “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”

Since Hobbes’s time, the world has come full circle. When he wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.”

Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families, where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture. Gradually Europe’s new nation states overtook the Middle Kingdom because they underwent a series of revolutions unleashed by national rivalries and political ideas — not least those advanced by Hobbes. By mastering the art of government (even copying China’s “mandarins”) the West dominated the world for 400 years.

“Indeed, it was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations — particularly new ships and weapons — to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”

“The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.”

“Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”

Google, you will be convinced by that Dr. John Micklethwait never stops the effort for better social governance; which is the reason that I praised him as Oxford History Profession cultured outstanding humanized media professionals.

It is just because of without the understanding on the bloody history of Europe and the humanized history of China; the most of people addicted in liberal democracy and its replied ideologies with a belief that they are perfect humanized.

As the tradition of China governed by “the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.” In today’s China, the civil servants are still “selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations,” while by selecting outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars as lawmakers in self-reliance as part time job; the top leadership is the Politburo of 7 members who are grassroots promoted by political ability and personal quality, as strict discipline, without collective consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; thus can largely ensure by collective wisdom controlling social governance to avoid personal dictator.

Jan 2019, article  EU on the brink: German eurosceptics threaten 'DEXIT' unless EU parliament is ABOLISHED said that, the European Parliament has 751 MEPs, 44,000 officials and 11,000 employees that cost over €8billion a year; 4,000 of those officials earn more than €290,000 a year, which is more than the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s salary. Other report said that the MEPs have been spending more than €5m a year on alleged “fact finding” trips to some of the most luxurious destinations on the world, with the team of servants in average cost at €13,379 per person.

The fact showed that the liberal democracy is not the “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” but it is in facilitating the low quality individual freely partisan ganged up to fight for replacing ruling position for enjoying luxury salary, luxury benefits and thoughtful political privilege; which is  the “government of the individual, by the individual, for the individual.” The democratic political design without quality control on player, the multiparty opposition in lawmaking used as legal fight by treating each other as enemies disabling government.

For perfecting liberal democracy; the individualistic people never think of that why human society has to govern in such a childish way; and never think of that why self has to pay tax to feed own elected lawmakers; why they do not work as part time job in self-reliance as that of China has been in doing. The terrible is that the taxpayers feed democratic lawmakers cannot do good things for own people by childish fight disabling own government; but act as global supervisor to supervise affair in other countries; for such play; they waste the money of taxpayers to wander world widely at will. 

With simply emphasizing the equality of all people by ignoring the difference in nature, the countries of the so-called free world have initiated social suicide procedure, because of the European looting and killing based culture of liberal democracy, values, liberty and rights are the doom genes of social suicide by helping low quality people to coerce high quality people into messing around. In legislature, multiparty fight for replacing ruling position in paralyzing government. In society, people legally united to fight against government for personal interests. Everyone is in fighting for greed.

People never think of that Western Medicine is also distorted for ideological arguing; the argument of unscientific or unproven has been evolved as popular ideology socially as the slogan that anyone can yell at will. Since the outbreak of pandemic; the yelling of unscientific or unproven filled in public media to have blocked the way for people seeking for survival by self-help; otherwise there are 90% of 6.3 million of Covid died people would still enjoy life with families.

Thousands years ago; TCM has realized that disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication; by compound natural medicinals; and natural therapies of Acupuncture, Moxibustion; cupping, etc. restore patients’ Yin-Yang balance as treatment. Modern studies show that multiple combined medicinals are able to produce synergistic interaction to increase the therapeutic effect and reduce the side effect of each other; which has provided the new drug concept that the best medicinal will come from the multiple combined medicinals in regardless of synthetic drugs or natural medicinals; the more medicinals combined the stronger therapeutic effect, and lower side effect.

Until 1955; Western medicine found that placebo effect can achieve 50 – 60% clinic cure rate; and found that curative effects of many synthetic drugs were lower than that of placebo did in side effects kill people, then double blind clinic trial regulated for proving drug effective than that of placebo; which created new crime pattern by training people kicking away the effective medicinals that used in combo by testing in single. Due to the compositions of the natural medicinals of TCM are too complex to meet double blind clinic trial and to be banned in use by the pretext of unscientific or unproven.

People would never think of that, it was just people addicted reliable double blind clinic trial to have distorted Western medicine trained medical experts into the psychotic state and to have banned the use of effective drugs. The ban in the use of Hydroxychloroquine caused over 50% of six million covid deaths, the ban in the use of Remdesivir caused over 80% of six million covid deaths; and the ban in the use of medicinals of TCM caused over 90% of six million covid deaths.

In the birthplace of TCM; the Western medicine trained people are also rejecting the experts of TCM in the treatment of Covid patients; the top leadership of 7 members’ politburo has to hold special meeting to force the dehumanized people cooperating with the experts of TCM; then Covid patients quickly cured in less death and less complication.

The Western Individualistic Civilization has magic to magic some people with the magic to magic everything for magic ideological argument; what is ignorance what magic people will do; and where is stupid where magic people will go.

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1... The motivation of writing this letter

Recently, I found Sep 3, 2022 article on CBC news of Canada World Economic Forum official says Canada has bigger issues to discuss than conspiracy theories, and then I Googled related information regarding you suggested the great reset; especially the background of the leadership in WEF; which convinced me that you are all rational with quality for doing right business and inspired me confidence to write this email.

Your simple idea of the great reset was ideologically complicated and being hijacked by conspiracy theories revealed fatal social disease that derived from European looting and killing bloody soil budded Western Individualistic Civilization with malicious opposition culture; the high quality people full heartedly explore for creating people a livable community; while the low quality people are eagerly seeking for argument to stop carrying it out.

Now the economy is worsened much badly than that of you worried in the great reset; also the social governance is worsened much badly by the politicians who cost full energy in ideological argument.

The argument is the continuation of the Cold War that is the psychotic attack of social disease of European based Western Individualistic Civilization; which cultured people good at fabricating confused ideologies for endless arguments; though the visible Berlin Wall was demolished, but the invisible ideological wall of Cold War has never been demolished; because of; in one hand, it is the psychotic abuse of some people addicted in the ideologies of Capitalism or Communism; on other hand, some people need arguing for living making; and the politicians need arguing for self beautifying.

Western Individualistic Civilization derived social diseases are more fatal than that of physical diseases in destructing human life by corrupting society facilitating low quality people destructing society by hijacking high quality people.

Faced with increasingly unlivable world in endless manmade disasters; people needn’t argue for that what is wrong or right on Earth; but simply ask that whether self-proud of human beings have evolved as qualified higher animals.

The peaceful life of China has no soil to bud confused ideologies as that of European bloody soil in budding.                                        Back to Top

2... The ideologies are the lethal poison for human society

The sadness shows that the lethal poison for human society is nothing else; but it is the ideologies that derived from European looting and killing based culture; the ideologies were coined for enjoying the lifes that were not able to be enjoyed under the inhuman life of Dark Ages; so that they sound perfect right and purely humanized; but the social effect is in the opposite by facilitating low quality people mess social governance by sick mentality.

Such as, the ideologies of Communism, or Capitalism and state owned planned economy or private owned market economy have been ideologically played in the manic state as that of psychotic attack. People would never forget the political persecution of the McCarthyism for fighting against Communism in the United States; and the political persecution for fighting against Capitalism when the Stalin reigns in former Soviet Union.

I remember that in 1989, you once invited private entrepreneur Mr. Mou Qizhong attending Forum in Davos for introducing his difficult journey of exploring for the economic development of China; then, he soberly indicated that Socialism has market economy and Capitalism has planned economy. Now, the officials in capitalist countries lift interest rate for curbing inflation; which is planned economy; but; they boast of their pure Capitalism.

Such kind of idiot officials that brainlessly mudded in the confused ideologies are existing world widely. In China, Mou Qizhong once was jailed 3 times, in 2016; in his 76 years old; he was acquittal freed by the name of wrongful conviction. As my view; the sin of Mr. Mou Qizhong was at that he was able to see clear the nature of social problems in far ahead of the most of others; with far advanced consciousness that is too unbelievable to be accepted.

The argument against the great reset is also stemmed from the same reason that once jailed Mr. Mou Qizhong; because of, the idea is from seeing clearly the nature of social problems in far ahead of the most of others with advanced consciousness that is not understandable by most people; especially; the populist politicians.

All in all, it is derived from the flaw of human intelligence.

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3... The physiological basis of human intelligence and behavior

Why human society is so difficult to govern: why that ideologies are so powerful to make whole society into the manic state as that of madhouse; which related to the mechanism of human nature and intelligence.

Human is inborn with dual nature – animal nature and culture nature.

Feb. 09, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I have indicated that human beings are in born with dual natures: the animal (natural) nature of those inborn instincts and the cultural nature of those acquired qualities. When viewing in this way, every person is a common animal as that of mammalogy defined as a mammal, include myself who is in making this inference, the difference is at that someone is more in animal nature (poor innate quality with less educated), and someone is more in cultural nature (well innate quality with well educated).

Suppose that it is without the animal nature of selfish instinct, babies would be unable to suck nipples naturally, and human beings would starve to die from birth. If there is no inborn hormonal-driven sexual behavior between men and women, human beings would be unable to breed. Under such a common inborn nature of human beings, there is no one qualified to be self-believed as nobler or acted as nobler as global supervisor.

Suppose that it is without cultural nature of acquired qualities, people would have no ability to make rational reasoning for the unbearable consequences of own improperly behaving; they would recklessly violate the law and social morality, so that would be no gentle-man or gentle-lady. Therefore, the elegant manner of man or woman is the co-cultured products of the acquired qualities integrating the restriction of the law and social morality.

If there it is no government in forcing people to obey social order, for surviving, under inborn animal nature, all of human members would be acted as that of wild animal, there would be no so called social morality. The one of the reasons that human society establishes government is for curbing the exertion of human inborn animal nature, thereby create a livable environment. The holy value for the politicians is to act the function of government.

Viewing in this way, the main part of the civilization is in training people learning to obey the law and social morality.

Dec. 9, 2019, I once wrote article The physiological basis of human intelligence and behavior to indicate the nature of so called higher animals and it created civilization: simply say, it is that a skin wraps 206 bones to form body and the survival seeking activities of many such bodies form so called human society; the bodies succeed appearing to struggle for surviving about an certain years and then return to eternity as nutrition to nourish new bodies, thereby forms so called history and accompanying with a so called civilization.

Such bodies self-proclaimed as a higher animal as human beings with self-proud of superior than that of lower animals in intelligence, but, the intelligence has been misused to make human society act as more barbaric than that of lower animals in endless provoking wars, endless social unrests and economic crisis.

Why human society was self-destructed into such a state with a civilization that is far from higher animal should have? The answer is simple, due to that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature.

The computer program AlphaGo defeating human Go player was artificial intelligence wining over human intelligence; which provides us a demonstration for understanding the working-mechanism of human brain or the mechanism of human intelligence by comparison with the assembly structure and work principle of electronic brain - computer; actually humans act as a kind of Robot in driven by the populations of brain cells reasoning based on the acquired knowledge and experiences as software driver to signal people action.

The wrongful knowledge and experiences will drive people wrongful behaving to cause the difference in personality; some are rational; some are impulse; and some are antisocial by messing society as pleasure; so that it is not all people in human nature; and all of people are the intellectual slave to be constrained by the intellectual fence wall that is made by the stuffs that own brain remembered knowledge and experiences.

The fact of the intellectual fence wall made an inescapable Intellectual Tragedy; that so called Think Tank; actually; has been in acting as the Jar in fermenting social poison of toxic thoughts as theoretical guidance to encourage politicians ruining human world; due to the brain of those so called thinkers in the Think Tank are filled with the stuffs that are European looting and killing Dark Ages bloody soil budded culture or thoughts.

The difference in the quality of brain and memorized knowledge caused difference in the quality of people. The difference in the way of dealing with ideologies reshaped people in different quality; some are collective self-discipline; some are egoist selfish concern; and some are low quality in taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good. The difference in social-ruling made the difference in civilization.

May 26, 2017, the Professor of Psychology Dr, Coral Dando wrote article What science can reveal about the psychological profiles of terrorists to indicate that: “What went though the mind of the suicide bomber Salman Abedi just before he blew himself up in Manchester this week, killing 22 people? We often dismiss terrorists as non-humans, monsters, at first. But when we learn that they were seemingly normal individuals with families and jobs, it’s hard not to wonder about how their minds really work.”

Professor Dr, Coral Dando cited study published in Nature Human Behaviour, which assessed the cognitive and psychological profiles of 66 Colombian paramilitaries imprisoned for committing terrorist acts, now argues that poor moral reasoning is what defines terrorists. In compared with non-criminals, the terrorists have no differences in the terms of IQ or executive functioning besides the difference in moral cognition in poor moral reasoning. Feb 29, 2016, article Why do so many jihadis have engineering degrees said that there many terrorists are engineers.  

A person who got the high degrees of education showed the person possesses good innate physiological quality in intelligence, so that can acquire higher education. Such person will certainly be able to achieve a higher IQ test scores. The fact showed that IQ test scores can demonstrate a person in innate physiological quality for intelligence in poor or superior, but, it cannot present the quality in intelligence for social behaving. The quality in social behaving depends on the quality of the knowledge that acquired and memorized in brain.

Oct. 1, 2017, in Las Vegas, Stephen Paddock fired on a crowd of concert-goers and killed 58 with injured 851, then he took own life. After months of analyzing, the Las Vegas' Police Department and FBI both reported that has no motive found for the killing. Also, the doctors throughout the US had proposed ruling out more than a half-dozen disorders that might possibly be implicated.

After slice anatomy on the brain of Mr. Paddock, the director of neuropathology at Stanford University Dr. Hannes Vogel who said that “With a good deal of screening, I didn't see anything” that could explain why Mr. Paddock became mass killer. There was no evidence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration, which affects “executive functions,” including decision-making and social interactions, and can cause personality changes and unrestrained behavior.

The studies show that the terrorists and brutal killers have no difference with that of non-criminal normal people in the IQ level and brain quality, which meant that the dead killers are living among us as normal people in unidentifiable before them making disasters.

Even if the person who has no antisocial behavior, but it still has difference in the personalities from person to person, some are sober and rational with happy mood in doing anything properly; some are impulse and radical with depressed mood in doing anything recklessly.

Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that the combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads low quality people overestimate their own capabilities and self-estimated as smarter and capable without ability for reasoning the bad consequence, so that they are over confidence and over active socially.

British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

It is just the doubt and indecision of high quality people to have paved the boulevard for low quality people easily seizing the leading social position.

Unfortunately, when people grouping in social activities will naturally produce Crowd Psychology or called as Herd Mentality, in which rational people are over concern for the bad consequence and caused indecisive in action to have to blindly follow others and thus paved the boulevard for low quality people easily occupying the leading social position for wrongful deeds; so that any good humanized political designs or humanized thoughts will be inevitably mis-used by low quality people.

Social governance relying on quality politicians who can make rational judgment on social problems and provide correct solution, but, the actual reality is that the judgment of many politicians is not from proper reasoning, but from their innate brain structure has self-assertively determined in advance without relation with social reality.

Apr. 26, 2011, the researchers in University College London of UK published their meaningful studies, Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults. The researchers MRI brain scanned 90 healthy young adults who self-reported their political attitudes confidentially on a five-point scale from “very liberal” to “very conservative”. They found that the increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex was significantly associated with liberalism; while the increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism.

Mar. 7, 2017, the Professor Mario F. Mendez at UCLA who published article A Neurology of the Conservative-Liberal Dimension of Political Ideology indicates that “Many studies now indicate that differences between extreme conservatives and extreme liberals are not entirely due to differences in socioeconomic, cultural, or other learned attributes, or rational consideration of the issues. It is also associated with differences in personality, attention, memory, perception, emotional reactions, problem-solving, and response choices.”

We may extend this cognitive phenomenon from the political realm to daily life. The fact revealed that it is the innate brain structure in decisively determining the cognitive function of people. Such an inherent physiological function will create habitual psychological stereotypes; and which will produce extremely dangerous social effects by badly affecting people's correct perception for the ongoing true essence of what is happening, thus results in the inability of people for timely correcting mistakes.          Back to Top

4... Human thoughts are always being abducted by outdated ideologies

Talks to here; I think of that greatest contribution of the British economist John Keynes was not in the macro economics; but it is in the The end of laissez-faire 1926, by which he wants to correct the confusion in human thoughts of the fatal weakness of human intelligence - it is always being abducted by outdated stuff.

He said: “These many elements have contributed to the current intellectual bias, the mental make-up, the orthodoxy of the day. The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.” “The next step forward must come, not from political agitation or premature experiments, but from thought.”

“To suggest social action for the public good to the City of London is like discussing the Origin of Species with a bishop sixty years ago. The first reaction is not intellectual, but moral. An orthodoxy is in question, and the more persuasive the arguments the graver the offence. Nevertheless, venturing into the den of the lethargic monster, at any rate I have traced his claims and pedigree so as to show that he has ruled over us rather by hereditary right than by personal merit.”

Now, I would like to make a conclusion that the most of manmade disasters in human history were derived from the confusion in ideology; it is that wrongful ideologies have been in dehumanizing the quality of people and distorting the cognitive function of people; so that they take stupid as smart; take wrong as right; and promote bad for good. 

The purpose that I talk so much above is for convincing the outstanding quality of leadership in WEF, please do not care about the argument of others, and please do not try to correct the views of others; because of, their brain has solidified by the believe that it is your fault and they are in correcting your mistake.

This is the reason that I checked the background of you all in before write this email; and convinced that you all will be able to flexibly accept feasible new ideas, and will be willingly to help to implement practically.                                                 Back to Top

5... Economic success of China derived from broken the shackle of ideologies

The success of China in economic reform should attribute to former leader Deng Xiaoping who broke the shackle of inbound ideologies socialism, communism, or capitalism by Cat Theory: it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it can catch mice. In other words, he did not worry too much about whether a production model is capitalism or socialism as long as it can improve economy and the life of people.

By Cat Theory stopping the useless ideological argument was obviously a sensible practice, but, the effort became the cause that Mr. Deng was purged from his political poison in first time. However, Mr. Deng Xiaoping laughed finally in decades later with the success of the economic reform of China under his way.

In the book Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Harvard Professor Ezra Vogel indicated that Deng’s formula for success was simple: “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” I think this is the best understanding for the success of the economic reform in China; which was to stop useless ideological arguments to enjoy the advantages of complementary of socialism and capitalism; it certainly possesses universal significance in today’s world. I guess that it is the one of the reasons that you suggest the great reset.

There are many articles in arguing the loss of China in the investment of high speed railway; which is from the thinking way of the Capitalism in private owned economy; but in China, the railway is run in the state owned, so that the loss or gain should not count from the run of railway singly; but count from the views of the railway improved condition for developing economy; which have repaid great many times than that of the total investment in the railway. I guess that it is the one of the reasons that you suggest the great reset.

The people in Western countries can never think of the flexibility of China in social governance; such as the government guarantees farmers' land ownership, but the land location is adjustable according to the needs of national construction. Nowadays, the industrialization promotes increasingly people leave agriculture, peasants may lease the right to use the land to others, or pool land to form collective operation in market orientated.

Now, besides China; no country is able to construct big Infrastructure project; not to mention useless values valued people in valueless without ability for construction; even the expropriation of private land is difficult, and the government cannot do it even if it spends huge money; due to that partisan feuds play out of parliament.                                                 Back to Top

6... Dr. Klaus Schwab selects outstanding people into WEF

I checked the leadership of WEF on your official website and happily notice that the senior Minister, Government of Singapore, Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam is in the list of the Board of Trustees. In Dec. 18, 2018, I once wrote article Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the Singaporean deputy PM is a rational politician.

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6.1...A Liberty is people safe in streets it is not defined by its most disorderly elements

“I learn Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam through a documentary on YouTube: An investigative interview: Singapore 50 years after independence - 45th St. Gallen Symposium, in the debate with TV host of BBC Mr. Stephen Sackur, deputy PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam made us understand the value of a government is to create a sound livable social environment for the citizens, and to help them to work safely and effectively through contributing to society, while enjoy own share for a happy life of own families.” 

PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam made us understand the rational philosophy for the humanized social governance; and which contrasted the failure of the West in social governance. Please look at his rational comments.

“The West often quarrels over false reports. However, in Singapore, that is impossible, since that the government of Singapore stipulates that if the news media misreports, they must publish a letter of apology.”

“India has the great advantage of a democracy which ultimately I think is the most sustainable political system that we know of, but it doesn't have the advantage of accountability of elected representatives.”

“Despite China is not having a democracy in the political sense, but has a very high sense of accountability on the part of his leaders. China has created a culture of accountability.”

“India can create that culture there's no reason why democracy should not have a culture of accountability with it just means that middle-class voters especially have to hold people accountable for what they promised and to see if they deliver and it can be done.”

Mr. Stephen Sackur interrupted in: “All right well we're going to talk more about China and accountability over coffee but we can't have now the authoritarianism that underpins that approach to managing a society feels uncomfortable to us.”

But, PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam ignored that to continue on own way: “we are a parliamentary democracy not in exactly the same mold as Britain or the United States certainly now all parliamentary democracy and an elected government makes decisions which it feels are the best in the best interests of the country today and for the future, and we are comfortable for it.”

“A Liberty is able to walk the streets freely particularly of a woman or a child at any time of the night, a Liberty is living in a city that's not defined by its most disorderly elements.”

“I think one of the very important lessons of the last 50 years is that traditional concepts of welfare and social expenditure and government intervention have led to a weakening of private initiative and personal responsibility.”

“A liberty is having an opportunity for an education and a job regardless of your race or your social background.”

“The government of Singapore provided help for someone who wants to own a home and we are very generous in our grants of homeownership which is why we have 90 percent homeownership and amongst the low income population more than 80 percent owned their homes.”

Here, the comment of “defined by its most disorderly elements” is a most sighted definition for the society of the West. The sadness of the West is at that it has never enlightened and has been repeating the same ignorance.

As my view, the Liberty has been in playing the dead role as that of the noose in strangling Western democratic playing countries, PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam just explained that how it plays dead role.

Nowadays, the belief of the liberty has penetrated into all aspects of Western society and even into the genes and soul of people; politicians use it as a deceptive slogan in shouting from time to time; so that it has become a deadlock in strangling Western civilization.

Don’t need to mention more, but it is just a simple one, the government cannot properly perform private gun control with helplessly viewing endless shooting on innocent people, in such country, some people are still in advocating own gun as the sign of human civilization, how great ironic for modern education with inhuman soul to dehumanize high animals as lower one.

In the interview, the presenter Stephen Sackur presented the typical mind of the most of Westerners and such mind is difficult to be changed due to that their brain was filled out with the stuff that they believed perfect humanized.

From the applause of the audience, it can be perceived that the most of people support the point of view of PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam, but laughed at the point of view of presenter Stephen Sackur; which shows that the majority of people are rational in properly understood for what is wrong or right.

According to the mentality; if the presenter gentleman Stephen Sackur once gets the right as British Prime Minister; he would promote liberal democracy and ideologies – values, liberty and human rights; because of; he believes that is in saving others from the suffering of inhuman life as that of in the Dark Ages; which is what I said the wrongful ideologies will mal-culture people to take wrong as right and promote bad for good. 

Also, I notice that Ms. Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada in the list of the Board of Trustees of WEF. Apr. 2016, I once wrote article Chrystia Freeland, a capable Minister of International Trade of Canada.

In article I discussed her personal quality based on her education and work experience as an outstanding journalist once experienced in both of the countries of socialist East and capitalist West; so that she is able to see clear the nature of problems without mindless addiction in the liberal democracy and ideologies of values, liberty and human rights.

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6.2... liberal democracies are totally polarized societies and democratization is inhuman

In 2019, an article reports that Chrystia Freeland said Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in the “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.” The views is similar to the views of Professor Dr. Niall Ferguson at Stanford University: democracy is the inhuman game.

In 2006, Scottish-American historian, Professor Dr. Niall Ferguson published book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West to disappointedly indicate that why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 major military conflicts.

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7... The multiparty malicious oppositions of liberal democracy disabled government

In 1992, was exited for the pushing down of Berlin Wall and world returning to peace by ending Cold War of long conflict between East and West, the American political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama argued that the Western liberal democracy may be the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after experienced childish play of the “final form of human government”, the same Dr. Francis Fukuyama who was despaired to write America in Decay was “NO WAY OUT”.

In 1992, in response to own student’s argument that the Western liberal democracy may be the final form of human government; Political scientist Samuel Huntington made a lecture; in 1996, the lecture was expanded as book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to have warned that "in the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.”

As the major basis of the universality of Western culture; the liberal democracy has acted as tools for low quality people disabling government and dehumanizing human society.

In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who wrote article: Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action to disappointed signs “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

Above sadness are not limited in Canada; it has been the reality globally. But it is the social elites of Canada point out that. Chrystia Freeland is a Rhodes Scholar in Russian history and literature from Harvard University and Slavonic Studies from University of Oxford; and Goldy Hyder is a leader for entrepreneurs and they are both in quality cognitive ability.                                Back to Top

8... Western ideologies corrupted the foundation for economic development

Nowadays; except Confucian culture cultured high quality people of China; no country is able to timely in budget finish larger scale project; due to that in those country after the left of the quality generation suffered hard life of WWII; the labor productivity was brought away forever.

The high quality of people of China and the success in economic development of China in before invasion of foreign countries and after economic reform; are both derived from recognition of the harm of toxic ideologies and therefore took measures to eliminate the harm or bypass them or good use of them.

However, in Western countries; so many low quality people and populist politicians have been making livings by advocating toxic ideologies and badly worsening social governance.

As political scientist Samuel Huntington indicated in his 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.”

The universality of Western culture should include those Universalism, Fundamentalism and the most of other version of –ism; and the ideologies, such as, freedom, values, rights, social polarization, the starting points of such ideas sound perfect humanized; but the social outcomes are extremely bad; because of their nature is in false, immoral; and dangerous.

Western culture relied pillar ideologies - universal values, freedom and human rights are the moral pillar of the universality of Western culture and the holy excuse of the existence of Western democratic politics; but actually; such stuffs play a role of dehumanizing social governance by protecting people striking for more by doing less; without proper labor productivity; people has lost foundation for survival.

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8.1... The useless values made valueless of Great United States of America

2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity.

The Professor introduced disappointed project of the silver line of the Washington Metro, it began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.

The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But, in 2014, they said it wasn't finished. In 2015, they said it would take one more year. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting. 

The terrible is at that in the U.S.; such idling play for adding budget is not limited in the public project; but corrupted in the project of individual home. My friend told me that his neighbors in both sides are suffered idling play when building fence of back yards; so that they have to three times adding supplementary budgets that were nearly reaching the half of the price for buying the house.

As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years.

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8.2... The useless values made valueless of the Great United Kingdom

Feb. 12, 2016, a report How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation indicates that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. 

For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.

The article said that Labor Party vows to renationalize their failed infrastructure again, it is not willingly, but have to; and which will be the second time in repeating the same business. The Great Britain may be the only country that flips its economy upside down twice likes a pancake; and now is ready to turn to once failed side.

The economic thoughts of the best sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes have been complementarily guiding the world economy for century, but was beaten by own ancestors coined ideologies and failed in saving the economy of own motherland.

As the result; Aug 9, 2022, there is a disappointed report that Britain is becoming an 'emerging market country,' analyst says from developed one.

Britain is just a mirror of the democratic play ruined countries. In faced with such a sad tragedy of the values make own home place as valueless garbage pile, some people are still in open mouth values closed mouth values; in fact, they are ignorance without humanized brain cells to reason that what the value of the values is?                                                                                                                           

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8.3... The useless values made valueless of the Great French Republic

Feb. 21, 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."

"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France." "'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."

An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. 

Such sadness was not the faults of the politicians neglecting their duties, or the low quality of their people, but the social atmosphere has been individualistically corrupted in such a state; in which under the protection of toxic ideologies - values; freedom and human rights; people dare to do anything for selfish purpose without fear of being punished.

The online survey showed that 81% of French people realized that the union-culture is wrong; but; they are helpless; because of, the politicians are in fueling the toxic ideologies that are in supporting union-culture; due to that they need the toxic ideologies to self-beautify for cheating voters.

Views in this way, the values are acting as noose in hanging society up. The fact was clear; the actual value of the values is used to self-beautify for cheating but paid by corrupting social cornerstone

Above sad facts proved that the humanized thoughts of universal values; freedom; human rights or something as so act as evil source of the modern Western social system by triggering series social problems as dead knots that are unable to untie.

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9... The formation of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization and Asian Values

The people of China have a long tradition of pursuing the unity of country. The original geographic integrity made China united dozens of ethnic groups as one country since 2070 BC . Though times replacement in Royal Families; but no long wars until 771 BC, the Royal Family lost control on about 100 enfeoffment states and fell into 550 years of wars to 221BC.

The tragic wars in ancient China shows that the animal nature of humans is the same, no matter the people in the East or in the West; once the society lost control, the animal instinct of people would recklessly exert in looting, occupying and killing.

The endless wars enlightened ancient people of China with that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature and the toxic ideologies will dehumanize people as mad fighter and to be used to provoke wars by low quality people; so that; since 221BC, China gave up the enfeoffment system that is in plating independent economies for wars; and starts to govern in province and county by selecting high quality people as officials, actually; which formed Technocratic Democracy; while strictly controls ideologies by forbade all schools of thought; and took Confucianism as only moral guidance to culture people in collective self-discipline.

This should derived from outstanding individuals, rather than from the rich in thoughts or scholars debating.

Li Si (284–208 BC), lived in state Chu area in Warring States Period of ancient China and came to state Qin, a politician, legalist writer and notable calligrapher, served as Prime Minister from 246 – 208 BC under two rulers of state Qin and has fundamentally contributed to the social governance of China.

In views that the Vassal States were easily to lose control and fight each other, he suggested Qin Shi Huang to have unified China in 221 BC, against hundreds scholars arguing go on old political system; he insisted to govern whole country as ministries, provinces and counties by centralization of central government .

Then set 36 provinces with three officials in each province: they are equivalent to today's governors, defense commanders, and ombudsmen; the officials of the province and county were directly appointed by the emperor.

Besides the officials of the provinces and counties, there were still other 9 officials, separately in charge of Etiquette for ancestral temple, Palace portal, Palace guards, Horse breeding, Judicial affair, Foreign concierge, Royal family, Agriculture and Logistics supply.

Those officials were selected among knowledgeable people outside of Royal family as that of Shang Yang who was from other state to State Qin and was appointed as top official to reform the old social system in 356 BC, which was before 135 years ago of state Qin unified China.

At the same time, a prosecutor was set up to monitor the behavior of the officials. This centralized governance model eliminated the cause of social turmoil by removing the soil for budding nobles and aristocracy in independent economy. Those appointed officials had naturally formed Technocratic Democracy. Therefore, in 2000 years ago, China has started democracy by group of outstanding knowledgeable social elites,

In order to avoid the social unrest from confused thoughts, Li Si strengthened the control on the social ideology, to have burnt books in folk collections in politics, while prohibited the private schooling; and buried hundreds of alive scholars who endlessly arguing go back old political system and caused retro riots; which can be seen the start on the ideology control in China.

Now, we may easily image that govern such a complex social system, there were so many officials in changing of different affair of a big country, even if the emperor eagerly wanted to act as a dictator, but, he would not know how to dictate, but had to be democracy by the jointly discussion of those officials.

Other ideology control happened in the 80 years later.

In 141 BC, 16 year old Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne and ordered to seek for the suggestions of enhancing social governance. Dong Zhongshu (179–104 BC), a philosopher, politician, writer and Confucian scholar, who systematically studied and summarized various academic ideas in the pre-Qin period; especially symmetrically summarized the scattered distributed thoughts of Confucius and suggested to take Confucianism as only official ideology while strictly suppressing other forms of schools of thought and establishes Royal University.

The fact that Dong Zhongshu suggested to strictly suppressing other forms of schools of thought showed that he has found that the debates of more scholars are useless without a useful idea available; besides fall in endless arguing.

Since then the Confucianism was taken as only moral guidance under the conduction of the successive government of China. Later, the Royal University even reached 30 thousands of scholars; they were mainly in studying the ancient experience and the skills in social governance as reserved officials. It was just in this period, the old Silk Road has been opened.

The Confucianism conducted highly humanized people in self collective discipline integrating with highly humanized social governance of Technocratic Democracy made the people of China live in the long peaceful prosperous life with old Silk Road to supply life necessaries to the world.

The all of those measures above were for strengthening the social governance to maintain social stable and thereby avoids the repeat of the wars according to the tragic lessons historically.

The fact that scholars endlessly arguing go back old political system showed that public debate was useless for the humanized social governance. Thanks Li Si for beating against the useless arguments of so called scholars and buried them in alive.

The event of Li Si burnt the books and buried scholars has been fierce criticized until this day by so called scholars; this the sadness of the ignorance; those critics are morons without ability for reasoning that suppose allow those scholars and books playing their role; then China will be restored as the old system of enfeoffment to plant independent economy and have lived in the Dark Ages as that of Europe looting and killing.

The fact is clear; in social governance concern; the so called Think Tank; in the major is in playing negative role.

The social system that China established in 2000 years ago is the popular model in current world.

Views here, right now, this centralized governance model of China greatly contributed in the fight against the pandemic today. The centralized governance model made central government is able to rapidly mobilize the resources nationally to have quickly defeated the pandemic.

In comparison, in the Western countries where the pandemic is in sustained unable to control, it is not the entire reason in poor leadership, the decentralized governance of the federal system is in playing negative role. The local government is not under the leadership of the central government; so that, as a country, it actually cannot be unify-coordinated in the anti-pandemic.

In the West, without sense for the control on ideology, but, has been in proud for the prosperity in various thoughts; it is really true, the richer philosophies and ideologies are like a garden of thousands of flowers in full bloom; however, there more of those are poisonous weeds. Many philosophical thoughts and ideologies are precisely the root cause of the chaos of the country and the world.

As has discussed above, people can be seen as a kind of Robot, then the philosophical thoughts and ideologies are the software in driving human beings in behaving. The wrongful philosophical thoughts and ideologies have been in misleading Westerners wrongful behaving.

The poisonous philosophies and ideologies cultured people of west in excessive for personal interests; and insist the justice of striking for more by doing less. They put personal interests on top of the national interests. Thus, individualistic practice damaged the interests of the collective and the interests of the individuals are also damaged. This is one of the reasons that they cannot get rid of the threat of the virus Covid-19.

Now, in many developed counties, they have radically lost ability for finishing the projects that are in determining the economic destiny of the country; because of wrongful political design of multiparty opposition and legally supported poisonous ideologies have made many thresholds that are difficult to be crossed.

Firstly, it is that oppositions will easily fail good project in the parliament.

Secondly, it is that oppositions organized protests in the battlefield outside the Parliament.

Thirdly, it is the confused ideologies corrupted social environment in breeding low productivity.

Indeed, in social governance of ancient and today’s China, the preaching of Confucius was only played an assistant rule as ideological guidance of social morality for culturing people, the legal system played decisive role. Because of that curbs the reckless behavior of people, the preaching of Confucius was powerless, but needs powerful enforcement.

However, the preaching of Confucius has also played the significant role as culturing the moral sentiment of people with the quality of self-discipline; good organizational discipline; good compliance with laws and public morality. For creating a peaceful livable society, the Gov-enforcement and moral-preaching are twin measures in indispensable.

Thus, by optimal selective development, gradually, China has purposefully developed leading philosophy and leading ideology; and by which settled down the complex relationships between the major social existences – man, nature, society and mind in 2000 years ago.

By dialectical philosophy Daoism settled the relationship between man and nature; by moral guidance Confucianism settled the relationship between man and man; by legal system Legalism settled the relationship between man and society. Later, by government specially sent people to invite Buddhism from India comforted the relationship between man and mind. Thus, the quality people under quality social governance created peaceful prosperous life.

The people cultured by the culture of China with the quality of pursuing social order and harmony; the mutually cooperated life made people in tending to collectivism with the quality of strong sense in self-discipline for collective interests; people are able to help each other to live a long peaceful life.

Since ancient time, in Asia, the neighboring countries were deeply affected by the culture of China; there many countries were using the character of China; Even there foreigners were working as official in China through Imperial Examination, which civilized a peaceful cultural cluster in neighboring countries of China in Far East Asia. The people in neighboring countries are able to share the same values with people of China to be called as Asian Values.

In Asia, surrounds China, the long peaceful life bred civilization to be called as Confucian Asia; I called it as China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization.

Until this day, Japan is still use the character of China and it said that Japan once made a test, among many writings; the one in the character of China was most quickly recognized. There was an article said that among the documents of all languages in the United Nations; the one in the character of China is most concise in least number of pages; which would certainly contribute to the higher intelligence of Chinese people.

Since Ancient; the most of time; the people of China have been enjoying a peaceful prosperous life; by Imperial Examination selecting learned quality people as officials in Technocratic Democracy; so that; since 2000 years ago; China was able to explore Silk Road to provide world life necessaries.

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9.1... Daoism

A rational civilization is an extremely complex system with the mutual support of various cultural elements. Among them, the philosophy plays a leading role through guiding people reasoning and behaving.

In China, Daoism (Mandarin) or Taoism (Cantonese) is the leading philosophy that was born in about 400 BC. It consists of two parts - philosophy and religion (health keeping), here I only introduce about the part of philosophy.

Daoism dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of oppositeswhich is composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation. The two sides of unity of opposites are interdependent as the part of each other’s existence. Dao embodies the harmony of the unity of opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance.

Daoism is symbolized by Tai-Ji Diagram; it has perfectly demonstrated the main principle of the dialectical philosophy, in which the Yin and Yang were coined to represent the two opposites. 

                          “Taijitu”的图片搜索结果    Tai Ji  Diagram 

The black fish represents the Yin, but its eyes are white that means yang, white fish represents Yang, but its eyes are black that means Yin. Yin represents the negative, the female, dark, evil, cold, Earth, etc. Yang represents the positive, the male, light, good, hot, Heaven, etc. There would be no Yin without Yang, no male without female, no light without dark, and no love without hate. 

The whole symbol means that Yin doesn't leave Yang, and Yang doesn't leave Yin. They are opposites of each other with contradiction and reunification. Each is understood to be an integral part of the others. If one grows bigger, other one will be smaller. The main task of Dao is to make Yin and Yang keep in the state of harmonious balance.

In Tai Ji Diagram,  the core of the Daoism is the Dao, “It refers to a power that envelopes, surrounds and flows through all things, living and non-living; which is similar with the idea physicist Einstein's continuous energy fields in the universe. The outermost circle is called as Taiji, which indicates that every thing universally is in the metaplasia from vitality and movement in cycling endlessly. 

The Dao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the universe.

This primitive philosophical view generated thousands years ago is well coinciding with the nature world, which is that no matter from the micro Atom, or macro Solar System, or Universe are all in the state of the unity of opposites in dynamic self-balance.

Daoism is best matching with both objective reality and subjective reality without false illusions. Therefore, the Daoism is perfect rational for dealing with the complex issues naturally, socially and physically.

The dialectical thinking of Daoism is also well consistent with subjective reality and is very important when dealing with the social contradiction. The strong and weak positions of the contradictions are able to convert to each other. The two sides of the social contradiction depend on each other, one side disappears, and the other side also loses the foundation for existence.

The concept of dialectical thinking encourages people to look at problems from different angles, at different sides and at different levels in detailed without omissions. Under the conduct of Daoism, the people of China are carefully dealing with anything with lesser mistake.

This dialectical thinking also produces many ideas full of philosophical wisdom; such as, the Cockroach pounces on a Cicada, but it never think of that a Cardinal is just in its behind to pounce it. The good fortune is being followed by disaster, and the disaster lurks within good fortune.

These are the reason that China built Great Wall to avoid wars, rather than simply fights back.

In comparison, the most people of the west are in looking at problem from intuitive appearance, rarely touch the deep level, and thus rarely take into account of the bad consequences, which was the one of reasons that they provoking wars to looting and occupying endlessly. But the wars of China are caused by foreign aggression, or the historical legacy that caused by uncivilized people.

This was the one of reasons that people trained by Western philosophy Reductionism take scientific as upright without thinking about the bad reality in the extreme way. But the people trained by Daoism are in consideration of all of aspects without extreme.

In 2500 years ago, in The Art of War,Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) indicates that "Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting."

The Daoism conducted humanized reasoning will helpful for containing pandemic Covid-19 politically and socially.

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9.2... Confucianism

The founder of Confucianism was Confucius (551–479 BC). In ancient time, the society was in the disordered state, Confucius strives to establish social order, by preaching to discipline the behavior of people, the minister should obey the monarch, the son obeys the father, the wife should obey the husband, young people should obey and take care for elderly, and everyone must respect social morality and respect credibility of own promise in social activities; and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, and so on.

Confucius was not a dogmatist in just simply kindness preaching, but also flexibly put own thoughts into social governance personally; even kills the man with crime potential.

According to historical record, he once worked as judicial officer of the State Lu, only 7 days after he took the position, he killed a man named Shao Zhengmao who has not committed any crime at all, but was just in a possibility of committing crime according to his speeches and potential mentality. Confucius believed that people have five evils, as long as a person has one of them, it cannot escape from the killing by the gentleman; but the theft is not included.

2.1... It is sober in introspection, but, is sinister in actual.

2.2... It is sinful in action but stubborn in unrepentant.

2.3... It is in hypocritical and is also in good at sophistry.

2.4... It is memorized something in weird, messy and numerous.

2.5... It is a clear mistake but still beautifies it.

Confucius said that Shao Zhengmao has those five evils at the same time; thus in the place where he lives, he will be capable enough to gang people together. His words are capable enough to cover up evil and confuse for misleading everyone. If he used it for personal interest, it will be capable enough to turn good into bad, and to be a unique organizer for making evil, and this is the hero of the villain, it must be killed by gentlemen.

From above short introduction about Confucius and his deeds; you would have understood that why, in 2700 years ago, Confucius was able to built today’s Confucian Asia and Asian Values and why the people of China are able to live long peace prosperous life; while some Westerners endlessly provoke wars until today, right now.

Also, we can understand that why the government of China attaches importance to prevent and avoid unfavorable events by strictly controlling people grouping, especially identify the individuals who showed potential eager for making nonsense and control them before they harm society.

Also, we can understand that the formation of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization should attribute to that the people of China are with a sober cognitive ability and good at adhering to good thoughts; the people in West are in the opposite; they are good at pick up the one that is in meeting for the free exertion of individualistic mentality.

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9.3... Legalism

Legalism uses mandatory legal terms to bind people's behavior. The origin of Legalism in China is developed by Guan Zhong (725 BC-645 BC). He reform enabled the state to impose taxation and economic autocracy directly reaching village level, and transferred administrative responsibilities to the professional bureaucrats from the nobilities. Some reforms have involved in social administration, including household registration, delimitation of administrative regions, and promulgation of laws, which are copied and posted throughout the country; which completely deviated from the traditional norms. Guan Zhong recognizes that effective rule cannot only rely on the wise men as moral models, but must have criminal laws as effective enforcement with rewards and punishments. Legalists emphasize that whether it is relatives or friends, whether it is rich or poor, all to be determined by the law.

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9.4... Buddhism

It is an Indian religion founded in 4th century BCE. It does not recognize that the world is a universal all-round God creation with Four Noble Truths, the goal of Buddhism is to overcome suffering caused by desire and ignorance of reality's true nature, including impermanence and the non-existence of the self. Most Buddhist traditions emphasize transcending the individual self through the attainment of Nirvana or by following the path of Buddha hood, ending the cycle of death and rebirth. Believes the reincarnation; if the one did good deeds in this life will enjoy a happier life in the next time. I think which main reason that it attracts believers is.

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9.5... Conducting ideologies reshape people in high quality and Asian Values

As a country with long ancient civilization, China was also experienced a period of free development of thoughts as that of in the West.

July 22, 2020, the Mandarin article the "Gov-funded University" of the pre-Zhou and pre-Qin era said that China has long attached importance to the inheritance of education and formulated a complete education system earlier. The emergence of ancient schools can probably be traced back to the Shang Dynasty (1600 - 1046BC), because there are many records of academic activities in oracle bone inscriptions.

Along with the rise of humanism, in the Zhou Dynasty (1100-256 BC), the education was advance developed with two sets of education systems. One is the Gov-funded university; and other one is the local Gov-funded universities; which were similar to the current provincial universities.

It was mainly to teach the national laws and regulations system; the knowledge of ancient Chinese characters and mathematics, various etiquettes; music education. The university curriculum was complicated in emphasizing the education of quality in hands-on ability and personality; it took nine years to graduate.

But the active period in thoughts free development started in Warring States period of 318 BC with the establishment of Jixia Academy of the earliest government-fund private run institution or university in the world, as well as the earliest social academy and Think Tank in China. It located in Linzi, the capital of Qi (today’s Shandong province).

It said that it gathered more than one thousand of scholars debating or disputing at Jixia Academy. It accommodated almost every school of thought at that time, the main ones being Taoism, Confucianism, Legalism, Art of War, Agriculture, Yin and Yang, and so on; which formed hundreds of academic debates and contributed to the formation of the situation of academic contention throughout of ancient China.

At that time, the ruler of Qi State adopted a very polite attitude towards scholars, and named many famous scholars with corresponding titles and salaries. Allow them "not be government officials, but may discuss political affairs." Therefore, Jixia Academy has the dual nature of academic and political, it is not only a government-run academic institution, but also a government-run political advisory group.

In this period, there were many academic works had come out one after another.

But as that of the prosperity of thoughts in Western countries seem no good help for a humanized civilization; but the toxic stuff of them promoted the tragedies of warlike Dark Ages; colonial plundering and colonial ruling. In China; it was also, the free development of thoughts did not help to return to peace from endless wars.

The advancement of the civilization of China depended on the contribution of the outstanding sober sage; such as, Confucius; Li Si and Dong Zhongshu in ancient times; and Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in modern times.

The historical experience of China proved that the advance of civilization mainly depends on outstanding sage; rather than opposition debates; more scholars involved in debates, more confused in thoughts; without useful idea available.

The most of people cannot recognize the negative effect of confused ideologies from the debating of multi schools of thought; such as, the Book Burning of Wikipedia that was last edited on 21 October 2020 complains that:

“In 213 BCE Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, ordered the Burning of books and burying of scholars and in 210 BCE he ordered the live burial of 460 Confucian scholars in order to stay on his throne. Some of these books were written in Shang Xiang, a superior school founded in 2208 BCE. The event caused the loss of many philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought. Treatises which advocated the official philosophy of the government ("legalism") survived.”

Here, in my view, the reason that Qin Shi Huang burnt books and buried alive of those scholars was because of they were deadly advocate the restoration of the Enfeoffment System of former Zhou Dynasty without care about that caused 550 years of wars; and their practice has caused the armed riots in some areas for returning old system. Suppose that Qin Shi Huang had followed the ideas of those scholars, and then China would had returned the chaotic wars as that of Dark Ages in Europe, because that the economically independent state from Enfeoffment System will inevitably produce military power to provoke wars endlessly.

The writer of the Book Burning of Wikipedia showed deep sorry for the loss of books that were written in a superior school founded in 2208 BCE with many philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought. But, in reality, those thought did not help the people of China from avoiding tragic life of 550 years of wars; which is a perfect proof of those thoughts are useless, besides fooled 460 Confucian scholars as social garbage to insist to return old Enfeoffment System that once caused 550 years of wars and thus they were buried alive as social garbage.

In the current human society, those who advocate freedom of speech, those who advocate human rights, those who advocate liberal democracy, and those who specifically seek targets for ideological attacks, are all this kind of professionals who chew historical garbage and then use ignorance to disrupt the governance of the real society. Such people are the public nuisance in human society.

Thanks properly humanized Li Si and Qin Shi Huang for having a strategic vision of civilization to have burnt the books in toxic ideologies and buried alive of 460 of trash scholars; thereby paved a foundation for China to avoid wars; and thereby avoided the people of China to live in the inhuman warlike life as that of the Europeans who were ruled by the mixture of nobles, religions, knights......

The fact shows that the value of historical books in ideologies is used to be chewed as foods by so called scholars in so called Think Tanks; and then bloating, burping, exhausting, polluting the air, harming the living environment to endanger the survival of others.

The fact proved that the people of China are good at summing up experience, inheriting and promoting good things, while timely discards bad things.

Thanks taking Confucianism as only moral guidance; without the harm of the involvement of confused ideologies; the people of China cultured in unique high quality of self discipline for collective concern.

1994, in the book Asian values and the United States: how much conflict, the author David Hitchcock introduced a survey on the societal values and which revealed the radical difference in the quality of people between China and the West; which also proved the existence of the China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization and European based Western Individualistic Civilization.

Asian respondents are:

[1] orderly society; [2] societal harmony; [3] accountability of public officials; [4] open to new ideas; [5] freedom of expression; [6] respect for authority.

American respondents are:

[1] freedom of expression; [2] personal freedom; [3] rights of the individual; [4] open debate; [5] thinking for oneself; [6] accountability of public officials.

There are other proofs for Asian values:

Wikipedia: “Preference for social harmony; Concern with socio-economic prosperity and the collective well-being of the community; Loyalty and respect towards figures of authority; Preference for collectivism and communitarianism.”

Britannica: “Among Asian values that were frequently cited were discipline, hard work, frugality, educational achievement, balancing individual and societal needs, and deference to authority.”

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9.6... China respects learned people includes foreigners

In China, historically, people focus on how to govern own country and develop economy to defense foreign invading; while the people in Western countries focus on how to loot and occupy from other country until this day by the means of military power and financial power.

During the civil Spring and Autumn period (771 - 476 BC), the facts of some countries were defeated and some countries got stronger lessoned ancient people that only capable people can lead country stronger, thereby formed a political atmosphere of recruiting capable people from any states to help governing own state.

China chooses bureaucrats by merit rather than by birth status

In China choosing bureaucrats by merit rather than by birth status started early. The earliest record in which may trace back to Duke Mu of Qin (659–621 BC), who recruited many foreign talents as advisors and many of them were great thinkers have greatly contributed social governance and it was just this practice helping own state united China in hundred years later. This was earliest in recognizing the importance and enabling the knowledgeable people in social governance, which laid out a good demonstration for successive rulers of China.

As mentioned above, Li Si was a good example, who lived in state Chu area in Warring States Period (475–221 BC) of ancient China and came to state Qin to have served as Prime Minister from 246 – 208 BC under two rulers of state Qin and has fundamentally contributed to the reunite from 550 years of wars and improved social governance of China.

Since ancient time; the people of China focus on improving social governance

Sang Hongyang (152–80 BC) of Han Dynasty; in his youth, he was known for his mathematical prowess; Emperor Wu invited him to serve an Attendant in the palace; which was the common way of the Emperor retained talented individuals . Later Sang Hongyang long served in charge of national finances with famous for his economic and fiscal policies; which include the state monopolies over iron and salt - systems from the private run historically.

Due to the interest conflict of the policy of state monopolies over iron and salt caused dissatisfaction among the privileged class. In February 81 BC, more than 60 recommended scholars were called to palace to debate with the Prime Minister and Sang Hongyang; whether abolish the policy of Sang Hongyang in state monopolies over iron and salt. The debate was recorded as the Discourses on Salt and Iron written in dialogue style with 60 articles in 10 volumes.

The scholars represent the opinions of Confucianism, opposing all wars, advocating frugality, emphasizing to hidden wealth to the folk, and opposing government runs business for profiting.

Sang Hongyang was on behalf of Legalists, emphasizing that imperial court must enrich the treasury, strengthen border defenses to prevent the enemy from invading; for national security and honor, the Hu people (Northern nomadic race) must be conquered. In terms of economy, Sang Hongyang advocates the monopolies over iron and salt; to develop industry and commerce to be controlled by the government for fiscal income, so as to enrich the country and meet the expenses of border defense.

Sang Hongyang also criticized that the virtuous scholars is too pedantic and has no effective countermeasures for the current urgent affairs.

Obviously; the opinion of Sang Hongyang was perfect right for developing a livable social environment; while the virtuous scholars is too pedantic to provide the idea for proper social governance; besides are good at destruction.

In current world; the people who advocating liberal democracy, universal values, liberty and human rights, are in doing same business as that of those scholars did in the ancient times of China.

 But the argument of the virtuous scholars were extremely deceptive with the sense of perfect humane; as the result, the state monopoly on liquor was cancelled and the state monopoly on iron was cancelled in certain areas.

 In 1931 and 1934, the English translation of Discourses on Salt and Iron was published; and in 1934, 1934 and 1970, the version in Japanese translation was published.

The record of Discourses on Salt and Iron proved that:

1... Since ancient time; the people of China were focusing on that how to develop economy for creating own people a livable social environment;

2... The process of policy making was in Technocratic Democracy;

3... The scholars or the people who are concern of virtuous or humane in social governance are just pedantic in worsening social governance and making more non-virtuous or inhumane by harming the life of majority of people.

The birth of Imperial Examination

In China; using written examination as a tool of selecting talents was started by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to be called Imperial Examination and then used from time to time by subsequent dynasties; until Song dynasty (960–1279) set as system of Imperial Examination to be held annually and lasted for almost a millennium until its abolition in the late Qing dynasty reforms in 1905.

In today China; the style of ancient imperial examination still used for entry into the civil service.

The government of China is also cherishing foreign elites

The government of China was not only attached importance to domestic elites, but also cherished foreign elites, historically, there were many foreigners worked as Gov-officials and enjoy courtesy of the Royal Families in China since Ancient time; such as, the Western missionaries, but the outstanding one was British Sir Robert Hart in Qing Dynasty.

A British man manages China's Imperial Maritime Custom for 48 years

Sir Robert Hart (1835 – 1911) who arrived in China at the age of 19 to reside for 54 years; he served as the inspector-General of China's Imperial Maritime Custom from 1863 to 1911. At those time, annually collected about 5 Million taels of customs tariffs yearly at 14 different ports; Hart largely expanded the bureau, which by 1895 employed more than 700 Westerners and 3,500 Chinese, and collected more than 27 Million taels of customs tariffs yearly. Hart’s employees not only collected tariffs but also charted the China coast, managed government port facilities, and supervised the lighting of coastal and inland waterways.

Government officials of China have absolute trust in him; by 1896 he was also managing the first modernized national postal service in China. In addition, Hart and his subordinates served as consultants of the Royal Family to handle the matters that related to Western countries; let him to represent China to participate in the foreign negotiations and played a decisive role. Hart has made an important impact on the development of the foreign policy of Qing government.

The reason that the Qing government hires British Sir Robert Hart was very simple, because he knew how to operate customs and foreign affair.

Hart retired to England in January 1908. His skills as Inspector-General were recognized by both China and Western authorities, and he was awarded several honorific Chinese titles.

On Sept. 20, 1911, Sir Hart died in the UK from heart failure, in the remote China in Far East Asia; after learnt the sad news; the Qing government awards Sir Hart a title as the Tutors of the Crown Prince. Even if the people of China, it is very difficult to get this title; which shows that the quality of people of China are respecting rational people and never forget good friend. After Hart left China, his official position was inherited by his brother in law; it was suggested by Hart.

Sir Robert Hart once wrote a book "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question 1835-1911.

In which he made a prediction on China will develop as powerful country sooner or later was inspired by the Boxer Rebellion of anti-foreign, anti-colonial, anti-Christian and anti-incompetent government uprising in China between 1899 and 1901, after failure in Anglo-Chinese War or Opium Wars between 1839 and 1842; Sino-Japanese War of 1895, and Eight-Nation Alliance invaded northern China in 1900.

At that time, as foreigner, Sir Hart was also under the threat and lived in the state of fear for the Boxer Rebellion.

As a great tradition of Western countries, at that time, they sanction the government of China by banning exports to China; as Sir Hart wrote that a member of Qing Royal Family said that: “Very good-this forces us to become producers. Now, mark me, in due time we ourselves will be exporters; not only that, but underselling present manufacturers.”

Now, in 100 years later, the prediction of the member of Qing Royal Family made in the time that was the poorest and difficult for survival, has been becoming true, and any sanction to China of any country cannot stop the fast development of China. The reason; you will be fully convinced, it is not because of China, but because of the social productivity in Western countries has been destroyed by legally protected toxic ideologies to encourage low quality people childish play.

In 100 years ago; the shocking fact that the easygoing and friendly people of China, suddenly became angry lions to unite to fight against foreign invaders and fight against own incompetent government; especially what said of the member of Qing Royal Family shocked Sir Hart to have written the prediction that sooner or later, China will be develop as powerful country.

Jan 3, 2022, I especially searched an online PDF version of the book of Sir Hart "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question from the University of California, #276 (Page 262), I wrote down key point as below.

“China must henceforth become a military power. There will be much floundering and many mistakes and catastrophes, but sooner or later, the state will be emerge healthy, strong, and experienced, and in possession of what the world forces on her-military strength; and since it must be had, she will eventually have it of best-the best arms, the most suitable drill, the highest education, and soldiers in such numbers as population permits and circumstances require, and of such quality as physique, morale, and training will in the course of generations provide.”

“To-day, in order to punish China for the Boxer doings of last year, the West, among other things, is prohibiting the importation of arms. In this connection said a scion of a great family to me: ’Very good-this forces us to become producers. Now, mark me, in due time we ourselves will be exporters; not only that, but underselling present manufacturers!’”


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9.7... The civilization of China is good at absorbs foreign culture

2000 years ago, enlightened from 550 years of tragic life of wars, China eradicated all schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone, establishes royal university by teaching Confucianism and good historical cultures; especially in the experience in social governance and with the Imperial Examination system selecting high quality people as officials; these formatted practices have become the ballast stone for the civilization of China and made China as melting pot of other cultures; there were many alien ethnics and cultures trickle down into the long river of the civilization of China.

For instance; it is said that there about 30% of Chinese vocabulary were from Indian Buddhist teachings with many philosophies and wisdoms of life; as a wisdom mantra or pet phrase for daily use to timely remind people avoiding mistakes.

In contrast, the ancient civilization of India, because it did not have a system in political formation and no own moral guidance as a cultural ballast stone to purify and absorb the invading culture, after being scoured by foreign civilizations several times, it has become a garbage dump of foreign cultures or civilizations to be filled with the most ridiculous philosophies; ideologies and religions in the world. Fortunately, the increasingly young Indian people are gradually getting rid of outdated habits; and are bring India to enter the era of new civilization.

In addition, in the West, starting from ancient Greece, the emphasis is placed on reasoning, logical speculation and debate. However, more logical thinking, more logical speculation and more debate produced more different ideas with more chaotic in thoughts in self-contradictions, contradictions of each other, confront of each other, oppose of each other, couldn’t debate clear which one is right or wrong, and there was no clear clue available. Such as, Hegel philosophy is a typical product of self-conflict.

Since ancient time, the people of China had recognized the fatal harm of the mess in thoughts to have abolished all kinds of schools of thought and to focus on intuition; focus on experience; and focus on ensuring correctness, by a dialectical philosophy Daoism sorts out everything.

This difference in the way of thinking has also affected the progress and resulted in the sharp difference in the civilizations between the East and the West, as well as the difference in Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

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9.9... The collectivistic civilization paved foundation for people developing as higher IQ scores

The collectivistic civilization paved foundation for Chinese people developing as higher IQ scores with collectivist values.

May 7, 2022, article Psychologists found a “striking” difference in intelligence after examining twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States reports that there twins were born 1974 in Seoul, in two years old, one lost and was adopted to US, in 2022, the IQ score of US one is 16 points lower with more individualistic values from an adoption family with stricter, religiously-oriented higher levels of family conflict; while the Seoul one is in higher IQ score with more collectivist values from a supportive and cohesive family atmosphere.

Dec, 23, 2011, article Optimal IQ’s for Various Groups reports that

North Coastal China: 115-118; South Coastal China: 112-116

Generalized Japanese/Korean: 110-112

Generalized Northern Euros: 97-102; Generalized Southern Euros: 92-102

Generalized Indian: 92-96 (they suffer from poor environment)

Sub-Saharan Africans: 85ish (malnutrition and poor education, but age bias favors them)

Above IQ scores are in average level; the IQ scores are different between people to people; some are high, some are low in any population; any race; even it is from the same family. But the proportion of people in higher IQ scores; China is highest among any others.

The different in IQ scores showed people in different intelligence; I think, this is the root reason that the people of China are able to live in long peace prosperous life; while the Westerners have to live in chaos of endlessly provoking wars; which reveals the fact that the people in lower IQ scores are reckless without ability to reason the bad consequence for what they are doing or going to do. In the West, it is just such small group of low quality people hijacking majority of high quality people to make disasters.

In China, it is also inevitably there is certain population of people in low quality of lower IQ scores; but, due to the collective environment in family and society, the proportion of low quality people will be much less and they are properly controlled by high quality people.

Now; we can conclude that the high proportion of people in the humanized level of higher IQ scores and collectivist values is the root reason that China has long been in peace, while the West has long been in bloody looting and killing with self-proud of the Dark Ages.

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9.8... China once tried liberal democracy and found that it is a collector of social garbage

The long peaceful life was interrupted by endless foreign invasions, such as, British provoked Opium War in 1840, the Anglo-French coalition looted and fire burned the Old Summer Palace in 1860; the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing in 1900; and more, to force the government of China at that time to have signed a large number of unequal treaties with a large amount of compensation and even ceded lands as a colonies, such as, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and some inland areas.

Actually, in last century 1912, China once established republican government in liberal democracy after suffered Humiliation of foreign invasions. But unexpectedly, the republican government of liberal democracy stirred up large numbers of social garbage to have ganged up about 300 political parties to brainlessly opposition in dogs biting dogs; to mess China into endless Proxy Wars that supported by the foreign governments as that of today.

Then China has to return to Technocratic Democracy by selecting outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars as lawmakers to work as part time job in self-reliance.

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9.10... The practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality

Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters From zero to hero: Italy's Chinese help beat coronavirus reports that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic. Please remember, this happened in the democratic governed Italy without the pressure of dictatorship but in the state of freedom as free as that of herding cats.

Sep. 20, 2015, article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others. No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Some people say that the others are in destroying the world in everywhere, but the people of China are in rebuilding them in everywhere.

Nowadays, only the Confucianism cultured people of China with Asian values are able to finish larger construction projects timely. This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.

In the poorest time 1950s of the early days of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China after second Sino-Japanese War 1937- 1945 and civil war (1945-1949), in the Korean War (1950-1953), the army of China with backward weapons defeated the "United Nations Army" of 16 national armies and 5 national medical forces led by the United States and forced U.S. to have signed armistice agreement. In Indian War (1960), the army of China defeated Indian army as a Westerner described as that of driving a herd of buffaloes.

The won of the wars of China was from the high quality intelligence of people. Once the wars start, the soldiers of China will always keep in a sober state and will be able to fight properly, even independently, while the soldiers of other countries will be fear and lose their sober without clear mind for proper fighting. The high quality intelligence made the combat effectiveness of a single Chinese soldier exceed dozens or hundreds of foreign soldiers.

The facts that China, with backward weapons, defeated the well-equipped United Nations Army and later Indian army that once army-equipped by many Western countries firmly proved that, for winning a war, the advanced weapons are not the decisive factor; without high-quality people control, they are a pile of rubbish; and their soldiers will be fear to flee as that of the herd of buffaloes.

This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.

The collectivistic quality of people is the basis for China's high social productivity and promotes rapid economic development.

The pandemic covid-19 revealed the fact that the Eastern Collectivistic Civilization is good for human life in well protecting their people since ancient times; which is the reason why that the people of China trust government.

In contrast; the Western Individualistic Civilization is not good for human life; since ancient time; it has been in harming people by provoking war for wealth; for faith and for various reasons until this time pandemic covid-19 with many people deaths. So that people are not trust; but endlessly fight against governments.

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9.11... China has accumulated large amount books since ancient time

According to Yongle Encyclopedia on Wikipedia, in 1402–1408, Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty commissioned 2,169 scholars costing four years to have compiled Yongle Encyclopedia that incorporated texts from ancient times through the early Ming dynasty. The encyclopedia was comprised 22,937 manuscript rolls or chapters, in 11,095 volumes, occupying roughly 40 cubic meters (in paper print), and using 370 million Chinese characters.

It was designed to include all that had been written on the Confucian canon, as well as all history, arts, philosophies, agriculture, astronomy, drama, geology, literature, medicine, natural sciences, religion and technology, as well as descriptions of unusual natural events. It was a massive collation of excerpts and works from the entirety of Chinese literature and knowledge.

Due to the foreign invasion and civil wars, now, the Yongle Encyclopedia has fewer than 400 volumes survive today, comprising about 800 chapters (rolls), or 3.5 percent of the original work; which has been kept in Mainland China, Taiwan China, Britain and the United States. On July 7, 2020, there two volumes were sold at a Paris auction for €8 million, by a Chinese lady bought back to China.

In contrast, at similar period, the books in West were fewer.

According to Book - Wikipedia that was last edited on June 22, 2017, by the 9th century, larger collections held around 500 volumes and even at the end of the Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century), the papal library in Avignon and Paris library of the Sorbonne held only around 2,000 volumes.

Sept. 11, 2017, a report How reading rewires your brain for greater intelligence and empathy said that, reading has been shown to make us healthier, smarter, and more empathic.

For learning or reading, at the Era that has no much public media available, the book and written records has been only the available to help people in more reading, the more reading promote more perfection in brain and intelligence; which contributed in today’s people of China in highest average IQ scores globally.

The large amount of book cultured people of China in highest IQ scores globally. This is the process of the formation of the China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization.

The incompetent in resisting the pandemic disaster with more and more people are sacrificed to the virus clearly proved the disadvantage of the Western Individualistic Civilization.

There are two comments follow YouTube video may help people understanding China.

Jul 24, 2020, I want to make more videos about China


CreakerHunter; 1 week ago

China is a close society with open minds; while US is a open society with close minds.

yanick nick; 1 week ago

I came to Europe 34-year ago from China. I realize that people in Western world are old now and lose the open-mind. China is a close society but people are young and have open-mind. Western guys are scared to see that Chinese can move faster and be more innovative ... There is actually stupid China-phobie, so bad !

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10... The formation of individualistic values and Western Individualistic Civilization

At the similar historical period of China formed Collectivistic Civilization, in Europe, the Ocean waters segmented land as many pieces to constitute many ethnic based nations with own cultural circle; this is in generally say, the actuality was more mess, there many cultural circle on same land; and there are too many ethnic based nations to avoid wars.

The ethnic based nature made European nations in persistence of own respective interests and self-belief or nationalism, which caused various relatively independent philosophies and ideologies without available of leading philosophy and leading moral guidance for settling the relationship between key social existences; so that the major social existences in the state of chaos; which caused the society ungovernable, due to the contradictions and conflicts between various social elements; such as, the bloody conflict between the religions and between different ethnic groups.

Without leading ideology as moral guidance; then takes Religious Teachings as hopeful moral guidance; but the religions themselves are conflict of each other; even killing of each other with several times wars, and which has been a major source of social unrest until this days; so that low quality people made long looting and killing Dark Ages.

The difficulties of life from long wars made people in the state of constantly fears of life threats and vigilance for self-protection and strong possessive desire for survival, which cultured people in the quality of selfishness with only concern for self-interest without sense of collective interest in the tendency of self-help, less sense for helping others and less sense for protecting collective interest; which shaped people in the quality of individualistic; without sense of social order and harmony; without sense of collectivism; so that in Europe, the long term warlike life to have promoted the formation of the Europe based self-protective individualistic values with egoist civilization. I call such a civilization as Western Individualistic Civilization.

The chaos in the development of the culture caused mess in social governance, so that Europe long stays in the endless wars of killing for belief, for wealth, for value,; and for various timely coined reasons until this day.

As my view, in the countries derived from Western Individualistic Civilization, the killing for beliefs and values will never stop, because it is rooted in ideology that can never be eradicated. Moreover, these ideologies are law protected.

As self proud of higher animals of human being; the absence of plunder and war is the minimum standard for the civilization. Japan was once most affected by China based Collectivistic Civilization in long pursuing and enjoying peace, but, after it was tamed by the black ships of the United States, it also began to plunder and kill to have killed about 30 millions of Asians.

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10.1... Gave up good philosophy to pick up bad one caused Individualistic Civilization

Philosophy determines people’s way of thinking and thereby deciding the practice wrong or right and affecting the quality of society.

The humanized practice of China derived from the humanized guidance of rational dialectic philosophy Daoism.

In the West, the Western Individualistic Civilization cultured too many people in distorted cognitive function; always gave up the collective one and pick up individualistic one as guidance; which is because of without the humanized guidance of rational dialectic philosophy to properly reason for the bad consequence.     

American novelist Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) in his 1936 essay “The Crack-Up” indicates that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

Obviously, the dialectic philosophy Daoism of China is best for retaining the ability as first-rate intelligence that is able to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time.

In the West, there is a best philosophy for a first-rate intelligence; it is the dialectics that found Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535–475 BC), who characterized all existing entities by pairs of contrary properties; which was similar with that of dialectic philosophy Daoism that emerged in the the similar historical period in Far East China.

But the fate of two similar philosophy on the opposite side of Earth was opposite different.

In China the Daoism was taking as leading philosophy; and by its principle and terminology develops medicinal system - TCM.

In West; the valuable philosophy was in idle without influence for humanizing civilization besides for chewing by academic players.

It was the sorrow of Western civilization; it seems always threw away the valuable thoughts; while picks up the trash one as guidance; by such a trash way develops trash civilization.

The appeals that “government is a necessary evil” and “give me liberty, or give me death” were all from fighting against Britain's colonial rulers in the United States in hundreds years ago; but in today, the Americans are still picking them up and waving as bible to fighting against government for liberty, for justice, for human tights, and for getting more by doing less.

The sadness produced in similar political system under similar moral guidance will certainly be not limited in the Great United States of America. The people in French Republic are also picking them up for self-protection to fight against police officers. 

Feb. 01, 2019, Yellow vests, blue vests and red scarves — Here's why the French are protesting.

Mar. 16, 2019, Paris in flames as ‘Yellow Vest’ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and police fight back.

Apr. 09, 2019, Police union says ’It's a massacre': One French police officer commits suicide every four days.


Image result for Paris in flames as a??Yellow Vesta?? anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a??Yellow Vesta?? anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a??Yellow Vesta?? anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a??Yellow Vesta?? anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gas

 Look those photos that happened in Paris in Mar. 16, 2019, the beautiful Capital City Paris seems a battlefield in brutal battling. Look at those pitiful French police officers, some of them took own life already in a peace Era but in a non-peace Capital City.

Are such incredible manmade tragedies still a human civilization? For such manmade tragedy, is there any difference with the behavior of antisocial criminals? Is there any difference with the behavior of invaded enemy?

Why Paris went into such a mess?

It cannot get rid of the doubt that it was the second fighting field of the multiparty opposition. How great ironic is it for the universalism crowned democracy?

It was the doomed outcomes of the flaw designed legally multiparty opposition, and to be legally handcuffed by toxic ideologies. An inborn paralyzed government has no ability to govern own country in a peaceful manner, but capable enough made own nice police officers finished own life earlier after lost confidence for own government in great childish democratic play.

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10.2... European looting and killing bloody life caused confused philosophies and ideologies

Endless manmade disasters revealed sad reality that Western Individualistic Civilization is existed based on cheating by endlessly fabricating confused ideologies. It prides on Logical Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning; Inductive Reasoning and Reasoning debating; all in all; it is without a properly humanized mentality for harmonious collective discussion. 

It prides of rich in thoughts, but the thoughts are in self-contradictory or conflict of each other in inconsistently that cannot decide which one is right; so that people use them according to own needs to mess social governance. The wrongful deed of Western Individualistic Civilization is at that it allows reckless low quality people to control everything in human society; while the public opinion also sings the sonata for such drama. 

The West has prided for the richness of thoughts, but, they never reflected their social effect good or bad. The varieties of philosophies and ideologies like a botanical garden, though it is rich in species, but it is mixed with highly toxic weeds, Such as, Hegel’s philosophical thought has been highly respected and played far-reaching influence. But, if you look closely at Hegel’s philosophy; it is mixed with highly toxic weeds, such as, it advocates the rationality for wars; and which contributes greatly to the barbaric play of the West.

If you look at other philosophies and ideologies in the West, the most of them are the actual evil source in advocating the rationality for the wars, in advocating the rationality of fighting against government and in advocating the rationality of putting personal interest on the top of national interest, and more, which are actually in playing the role in messing society ungovernable.

The self-contradictory thoughts of Hegel and the thoughts of other Westerners were the typical distorted thinking of the people who inspired by the barbaric events under social environment of endless wars, religious killing of Dark Ages.

The communist vision of Karl Max was also derived from the barbaric events in the earlier stage of the Industrial Revolution, when people neglected humanity for profiting. The facts showed that, suppose that there was no inhuman social environment, there would be no the thoughts of Hegel and Karl Max.

The way of thinking and behaving of people are constrained and reshaped by social environment. A humanized social environment will bred humanized thoughts, and vice versa, human beings can also positively reshape world according to own thoughts.

The people of China are good at livable reshape reality naturally and ideologically; so that, since ancient time, China has united ethnic groups together as one country, so that it easily maintains in peace. It said that there are more than 56 ethnic groups in today China.

The sorrow of Western Individualistic Civilization lies in there is too much individualistic philosophies and ideologies to feed people with social garbage and make them work as root source of social turmoil; and which is the big sorrow of Western Individualistic Civilization.

The Individualism made people excessive for personal interests and put it on the top of national interests; thus damaged the interests of the collective and the interests of the individuals are also damaged.

Though suffering the tragedies of endless wars, but since ancient time, it has never taken the lessons; allows people in any quality competing for ruling position as social governance in the dictator of low quality people; without control on ideologies; allows freely fabricating ideologies and the free development of schools of thought with messing in thoughts.

The toxic thoughts poison people in individualistic quality without collective concern; then bred European based Western Individualistic Civilization in endless provoking wars; for wealth, for faith, and for various reasons; now, it is still in endlessly provoking wars for humane purpose; for promoting liberal democracy; for promoting valueless values, and so on.

Indeed, the values are valueless for good, but are perfect valuable for bad; the most bad is to be low quality people used for cheating voters to seize the administrative power of government; and then cheating for more by the values kidnapping social governance to protect bad harming good; without brain cells for reasoning the sad consequence that it is in ruining own home place.

Also, in the West, people respected freedom of expression based on respected logical reasoning did not bring useful thoughts, but too much free developed thoughts cause contradictions; confrontation and confusion with the philosophies and ideologies all disguised in unquestionable reasonable; but the actual effects are in the radical opposite; the social outcomes are not suitable for human society.

The mess in thoughts dehumanized human society.

Thanks the long peaceful life of China, there is no such a social environment, so that did not produce such distorted garbage thoughts.

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10.3...Western Individualistic Civilization dehumanized the quality of people

Human society makes up by people; the quality of people decides the quality of society; at return, the quality of society cultures the quality of people.

May 7, 2022, article Psychologists found a “striking” difference in intelligence after examining twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States reported the study of Professor Nancy L. Segal, the director of the Twin Studies Center at California State University in Fullerton; the monozygotic twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States provides unique insight into how genetic, cultural, and environmental factors influence the development of human intelligence.

The twins were born in 1974 in Seoul, South Korea. One of the twins became lost at age two after visiting a market with her grandmother. Despite her family’s attempt to find her, she was placed into the foster system and ended up being adopted by a couple residing in the United States. They reunited after submitting a DNA sample in 2018 as part of South Korea’s program for reuniting family members.

Professor Nancy made completed assessments about the twins in family environment, general intelligence, nonverbal reasoning ability, personality traits, individualism-collectivism, self-esteem, mental health, job satisfaction, and medical life history. They also completed structured interviews about their general life history.

Not only did the twins experience different cultures growing up, they also were raised in very different family environments. The twin who remained in South Korea was raised in a more supportive and cohesive family atmosphere (Confucianism in Asian Values). The twin who was adopted by the U.S. couple, in contrast, reported a stricter, more religiously-oriented environment that had higher levels of family conflict (Individualism in Individualistic Values).

The researchers found “striking” differences in cognitive abilities. The twin raised in South Korea scored considerably higher on intelligence tests related to perceptual reasoning and processing speed, with an overall IQ difference of 16 points.

In line with their cultural environment, the twin raised in the twin South Korea had more collectivist values, while the one raised in the United States had more individualistic values.

Professor Nancy said: “Genes have a more pervasive effect on development than we ever would have supposed — still, environmental effects are important. These twins showed cultural difference in some respects.

The fact showed that the supportive and cohesive family atmosphere of South Korea in Eastern Collectivistic Civilization makes people smarter with more collective quality; which is the quality the needed as qualified human member; while the religiously-oriented environment with higher levels of family conflict of the United States of Western Individualistic Civilization is in the radical opposite; which is the root reason that the West in wars.

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10.4... The West once nearly proximity to be developed as Technocratic Democracy of China

As same as that of China developed as Technocratic Democracy in 221BC; the origin of modern democratic political system in Europe was also enlightened by the tragic life of endless wars; the difference is that Europe is about 2,000 years late, and it is essentially different with that of China.

1434: the magnificent Chinese fleet Sailed to Italy and ignited the Renaissance

Gavin Menzies, the British submarine lieutenant-commander, as career life, once visited many countries and shocked by the ancient monuments that left by Zheng He Fleet of China. After retirement, on own spending, he cost 14 years to have researched on Ming treasure Voyages by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives. Then accordingly wrote books 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002) and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).

In the book, Mr. Gavin Menzies appreciated the practice of Zheng He Fleet with 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling. He wrote that, in 1434, a Chinese fleet arrived in Tuscany Italy and presented the pope with a large amount books, from a diverse range of fields: geography, astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military weaponry, surveying, cartography, and more. The knowledge of China sparked the inventiveness of the Renaissance to have formed the basis of European civilisation. From that date onward, Europeans embraced Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions.

In Chapter 15 – Leonardo da Vinci and Chinese inventions, Mr. Gavin Menzies wrote that, In my youth, Leonardo da Vinci seemed the greatest genius of all time: an extraordinary inventor of every sort of machine, a magnificent sculptor, one of the world’s greatest painters and the finest illustrator and draughtsman who ever lived. Then, as my knowledge of Chinese inventions slowly expanded, more and more of Leonardo’s inventions appear to have been invented previously by the Chinese. I began to question whether there might be a connection – did Leonardo learn from the Chinese?

Leonardo drew all the essential components of machines with extraordinary clarity – showing how toothed wheels, gear wheels and pinions were used in mills, lifting machines and machine tools. All these devices had been used in China for a very long time. In the Tso Chuan are illustrations of bronze ratchets and gear wheels from as early as 200 BC which have been discovered in China.

However the Renaissance was fermented as Enlightenment should thank the European missionaries in China introduced the humanized practice in social governance of China back to Europe and caused Europe with potential to copy the political model of China.

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A.D. 635, Christianity missionaries came to China, and sent back introduction about China

It said that, in A.D. 635, Christianity came to China, and then over thousands of years, there were missionaries continuously came to China; some of them even hired by Royal Family to enjoy Royal salary.

The missionaries continuously introduce back about the culture of China to Europe. Europeans began to reflect that why China has been in peace, we are constantly provoking wars in killing of each other.

The enlightenment thinkers nearly successfully led Europe following the political model of China

Such as, according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_examination#West, Imperial Examination was introduced to Europe as early as 1570; and was disseminated broadly in Europe. “During the 18th century, the Imperial Examinations were often discussed in conjunction with Confucianism, which attracted great attention from contemporary European thinkers such as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Baron d'Holbach, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Friedrich Schiller,” and especially; Voltaire once claimed that the Chinese had “perfected moral science."

The article Voltaire’s View of Confucius wrote that “For Voltaire, who was a representative Sinophile in France during the age of Enlightenment, Confucius was the core of his Sinophilia. Labeling religious fanaticism and intolerance as “the infamous,” he used the motto “Crush the infamous!” to fight against the French Catholic Church. Voltaire criticized both the Christian religion, which has supernatural elements, and atheism. His religious viewpoint was tolerant Deism, and he found Confucianism, as a philosophical system, to be its closest equivalent, free from superstition and fanaticism. Voltaire saw Confucius as the ideal Deist and representative of Deism, which he presented as a substitute for revealed religion.”

Fran?ois Quesnay advocated an economic and political system modeled after that of the Chinese. According to Ferdinand Brunetière (1849-1906), followers of Physiocracy such as Fran?ois Quesnay, whose theory of free trade was based on Chinese classical theory, were sinophiles bent on introducing "l'esprit chinois" to France. He also admits that French education was really based on Chinese literary examinations which were popularized in France by philosophers, especially Voltaire. Western perception of China in the 18th century admired the Chinese bureaucratic system as favourable over European governments for its seeming meritocracy.”

According to Fran?ois Quesnay from Wikipedia, Quesnay is known for his writings on Chinese politics and society. His book Le Despotisme de la Chine, written in 1767, describes his views of the Chinese imperial system. He was supportive of the meritocratic concept of giving scholars political power, without the cumbersome aristocracy that characterized French politics, and the importance of agriculture to the welfare of a nation.

Obviously, the governing way of China in free trade and education has decisively accepted by European, but the political model of China was fiercely opposed; because that was in fairly selecting officials towards all people socially by Imperial Examination; but that was unfair for some European interest group of the religious and nobles who were exclusively enjoying the power of collecting tax.

Therefore; those who admired China were sometimes persecuted; such as Christian Wolff were sometimes persecuted. In 1721 he gave a lecture at the University of Halle praising Confucianism, for which he was accused of atheism and forced to give up his position at the university.

Here was a proof from France.

In France, March 24, 2019, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron who presented the one of only remaining two original French version of "An Introduction to The Analects of Confucius" that published in 1688 to President Xi Jinping as a national gift.

While Macron said, the early translations of The Analects of Confucius had inspired French thinkers Montesquieu and Voltaire. The only other remaining book from this version is now kept at his country's Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts.


However, for the results of cost 14 years researches by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archivesIs were mindlessly criticized. July 11, 2020, Googled by the key words: "Gavin Menzies, history, garbage", returned About 673,000 results (0.77 seconds).

Form the articles; I got a clear sense that, the main cause of Western historians question on the work of Gavin Menzies was from the evidence that the big fleet of China did not conquer the world? This is just the fact that people nurtured by non-human civilizations to be filled brain by non-human stuff are used to or can only be able to see the world with the thinking way of animal instinct of non-human civilizations that bred from endless wars of the Dark Ages.

The rational and knowledgeable Voltaire and Leibniz, who both highly appreciated China’s governance in selecting learned people; and Voltaire and Leibniz were both wrote about the rational practice of China.

According to Voltaire and Leibniz; the West was most possibly went Technocratic Democracy by selecting learned people with properly humanized brain as officials as that of they admired practice of China; then Human society would avoid the catastrophe of the First World War, Second World War and insight third World War that low quality people have been eagerly provoking .

However, the good was turned bad by French political philosopher Montesquieu (1689 – 1755).    

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10.5... The economic thoughts of China enlightened the economic thoughts of the West

May 30, 2021, Medeiros published article How Chinese philosophy influenced Western Liberalism: from wu-wei to laissez-faire to have indicated that the idea of Invisible Hand in the Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith was inspired by term laissez-faire from French economist Fran?ois Quesnay; and the idea of Quesnay was translated from the philosophical concept of wu-wei of China.

Below is the excerpts from the article.

Although many people in the West are unaware of it, Chinese thought has impacted Western thought through the influence of its philosophers. The cultural impact that Chinese thought had on European thinkers in the 18th century is remarkable. A period that is sometimes called “sinomania”1 due to the trending fascination that Chinese philosophy has aroused in Europeans.

We may say that the first formal exchange took place with the Jesuits in China. The Enlightenment as a whole saw itself in dialogue with this new knowledge coming from China through the Jesuits, but one of the influences that would have the greatest impact in Europe would come from a name little known nowadays: the physiocrat Fran?ois Quesnay (1694–1774).

China had a much wider and deeper impact on eighteenth-century Europe through the philosophical and political thought of the philosophes of the Enlightenment.

The wise ruler knows that, at a certain level of operating, the best policy is in a sense to do nothing, a policy summed up in the central philosophical concept of wu-wei which is translated into French as laissez-faire. The historian Basil Guy comments that ‘Both lawmaker and law had to recognize the principles of…natural order, and in so doing conform to the Chinese ideal of wu-wei, which has ever inspired their theories of government’. It was this principle which also inspired Quesnay.

Vincent de Gournay was a precursor to the physiocrats and one of the main thinkers who inspired Adam Smith. His favorite phrase was ‘Laissez faire, laissez passer,’ and he is credited with being the originator of the term laissez-faire. Unlike the French physiocrats who argued for the importance of agriculture, de Gournay regarded the progress of industry and commerce as well as agriculture to all be sources of wealth for the nation. Adam Smith wanted to dedicate The Wealth of Nations to the famous French economist, Fran?ois Quesnay.

From Adam Smith, the influence of these ideas would extend to the whole Europe, from the influence on economists like David Ricardo and F.A. Hayek to political events like the Anti-Corn Law League, the British Free Trade Empire, and even the formation of the Swiss State as it was constituted. Thus Christian Gerlach describes the chain of influences that culminated in these events.

I translate from Mandarin: Wu-wei refers to the terminology of philosophy Daoism in the pre-Qin period in China. The "Wu-wei" means doing nothing; it is used in political policy. The government does nothing, and allowing people govern themselves; in the end, everything settled down naturally. Inaction and non-argument are Lao Tzu's admonition to the monarch, do not interfere the affair of own people.

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10.6... Montesquieu misled that China humanize-enlightened Europe into liberal democracy

According to some Mandarin article; at the time of Montesquieu living, France was under feudalism and absolute monarchy. The ruling class oppressed the people with extremely cruel means. The Royal Family and nobles were extremely luxurious, but the people were struggling with hunger. Long-term wars and tyranny caused people to revolt in one after another, political and economic crises intensified.

Faced with such a tragic reality, Montesquieu conducted a systematic and in-depth study for British Social System, National System and Legal System. Meanwhile, he studied the historical facts of Greece and Rome, as well as the thoughts of Plato and Aristotle, which formed important source of Montesquieu political and legal thought.

According to personal investigation and actual experience, the writings of Montesquieu laid the theoretical foundation for the modern Western political system and legal system with great contribution for humanization in the governance of human society.

Montesquieu's life was also the life of a scholar. He wrote many valuable works on many issues in various fields of science. We may say that the life of Montesquieu is a life of tireless exploration for promoting human civilization in the inhuman Era of Europe.

However, in dealing with the political practice of China, the great human soul Montesquieu made an unforgivable knowingly mistake, and turned world into a new inhuman state.

In order to implement his idea of separation of powers, Montesquieu ignored the humanized practice of China in selecting learned quality people Technocratic Democracy by Imperial Examination crossing whole country, distorted the fact and knowingly wrongful slandered China. In the "Spirit of Law", China is defined as an autocratic country, an imperial dictatorship and provides confidence for people condemning China as dictatorship until this day; so that misled the West to choose liberal democracy by abandoning Technocratic Democracy. 

Montesquieu's separation of powers and the spirit of the law are both correct, but planted fatal DNA in corrupting human society; due to that his humanized thoughts ignored the dark side of human nature, that is, not all people with human features are in human nature, some are in beast nature without ability of reasoning the bad consequence for what they are doing and going to do in recklessly exerting their sick mentality.

Without quality control for the democratic players; the Liberal democracy has been playing a role as dirty ladder to help low-quality people grabbing the power of the State Apparatus and play as a personal crutch, wanton dictator play to exert their sick mentality and recklessly ruin human society to endanger the survival of people and themselves as well as their families.

As noted above, the British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) pointed out: "One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” The Dunning-Kruger effect shows that people with low ability often mistake themselves for being smarter and more intelligent than others are. In society, they are like street gangsters who try to fight for No. one. Therefore, they occupy the leading position in various organizations.

It is precisely because rational people are cautious in doing things, worry and hesitates about the consequences of their actions, and such a hesitation and indecision in their actions result in paving the way for low quality people taking over the position of social governance, which is the root cause of the dehumanization of human society.

The chaos of human world turns Montesquieu from a human hero into an evil criminal.

Unlike China's highly humanized civilization, Europe has been in endless wars, and people are constantly killing for value, faith and wealth. Since the discovery of the New World by Columbus, colonial rule and plunder began, and slaves and opium were sold for profits; wars continued, there was no peace until this day.

It was Montesquieu wrongdoing that gave today's Westerners the confidence to criticize today's China as dictatorship; while liberal democracy and certain ideologies that the West is addicted to, rooted in the thinking way that influenced by Montesquieu thought.

The facts reflected that Montesquieu was poisoned by addicting in own wrongful thoughts of the Separation of Powers and The Spirit of Law without consideration of the sharp difference in the quality of people; so that his humanized ideas have been inhuman used by low quality people.

Without measure suppressing the wrongful behavior of low quality people; any humanized ideas will be misused for inhuman purpose by low quality people.

Besides liberal democracy is in favor of low quality people seizing the power of State Apparatus with constitutional opposition made quality politicians difficult to play their quality role; as my view, the Western Individualistic Civilization bred too much toxic ideologies to have completely erased the brain cells of more people for humanized reasoning or may say that some people are inborn without such brain cells genetically. This is the root cause of constant social turmoil and difficulty for orderly social governance; and in breeding wars endlessly.

This is why that some West countries have never stopped the struggle for mastery and blow others out of water.

Those people who are in acting as supervisor in looking for barking globally just the inhuman brain defected people in inhumanly cheat for making a living by provoking riots everywhere; they are typical social garbage. They exhaustedly global promoted the liberal democracy, human rights and freedom are just the extreme products of the inhuman civilization, so that such stuff perfectly meet the needs of the antisocial behaving of inhuman low quality people and help them use the more powerful power of State Apparatus to looking for blowing globally. This is the cause of human world staying in the law of the jungle.

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10.7... Neoliberalism ruins real economy and state owned economy benefits to China

Economy is the basic part of the civilization; the different civilization made different economy.

The Universalism of the Western Individualistic Civilization is most harmful ideology to the world; in which the Neoliberalism or free market fundamentalism is the most evil one in harming economy by cheating that unregulated free market is able to solve the most economic and social problems. But, the actual effect is to pave way for the Hogs free plundering on the real economy – the production of the life necessaries, so that the profit margin of the real economy is too narrow to be sustained.

Neoliberalism brainlessly legalizes that disables the supervision of government as justice to facilitating the low quality people free plunder on real economy by freely developing financial instruments. The social effect of the Neoliberalism is protecting low quality people for personal greedy gains. The current high price in daily goods is not fully due to the shortage of life necessaries; but due to the uncontrolled free plunder of the wolves under the protection of Neoliberalism. 

Few people would realize that; in nowadays; the greatest threat to human survival is the ideology Neoliberalism that is in encouraging the Financial Economy over-developed to plunder on Real Economy with the free flow of the international hot money that is large enough to destroy the economy of a nation, and the access is as easy as that of just a finger click; which made many government lost ability for controlling own financial system and real economy by conventional financial instruments.

The dangerous of the Western Individualistic Civilization bred Individualistic Social System is at that it is extremely psychedelic deceptive; its philosophies, ideologies; social element settings and even medicine are all looking and sounding perfect right and justice in unquestionable humanized; but their social effects are in the opposite.

Now I think of that in Sep. 12, 2017, Professor at the University of California, Robert Lustig published book The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains to expose that industry has manipulated the most deep-seated survival instincts of people for profiting, the science that drives these states of mind, and the government actors who facilitated it.

Talk to here, I think of that, it said that the capitalist society is the capital controls a nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the capital. No we may say that the capitalist society is the greed controls the nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the greed.

China using state owned economy promotes economic development

There were many articles in criticizing the huge investment on high-speed rail project that cannot get fund recycling; those people have no rational reasoning ability to realize that high-speed rail as the part of state owned economy; it has made great repaid from the economic development the convenient transportation.

Only state owned economy can make high-speed rail project through general economic development; the private economy cannot realize in the consideration of the investment on single project.

Now people criticize the government of China on regulating the commercial business in financing of China based technology companies that specialize in e-commerce, Internet, and technology. The critics never realize that the financial instruments are the basic means for government controlling financial system and real economy; now those technology companies are in disabling government by using financial instruments for private gains.

Also, now people criticize the government of China on regulating the private schooling and for this purpose have canceled hundreds of private schools that invested by foreign capital. The individualistic people are never able to think of that why the quality of education in public schools have been increasingly getting worse; while the charges of private schools are in increasing. The Individualistic Civilization makes the sacred education to be used as looting tools.

The sadness of the Western Individualistic Civilization is at that it cultured too many people are seeing irrational as rational; taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good.

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10.8... The sacred judicial independence is used for safeguarding law officers freely looting

As mentioned above, the selfish instinct made people tends to selfish concern; once get chance; everyone would take the administrative power of the State Apparatus for selfish gains; this is the reason that corruption commonly exists globally.

The fatal harm of the Individualistic Civilization for human survival is at it distorts the cognitive function of too many people in manic individualistic concern in the way of far away to humanized way; with the genes of the Law of Jungle to mess human world in the state of the Law of jungle.

The judicial independence is one of the proud of basic part in the liberal democracy; which was mainly initiated by French Montesquieu and Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, by portraitist Daniel Huntington c. 1865. In The Federalist No. 78, published 28 May 1788, Hamilton wrote: The complete independence of the courts of justice is particularly essential in a limited constitution.

The judicial independence serves as a safeguard for the rights and privileges provided by a limited constitution and prevents executive and legislative encroachment upon those rights. It serves as a foundation for the rule of law and democracy. The rule of law means that all authority and power must come from an ultimate source of law. Under an independent judicial system, the courts and its officers are free from inappropriate intervention in the judiciary's affairs. With this independence, the judiciary can safeguard people's rights and freedoms which ensure equal protection for all.

Due to the selfish instinct of people; as same as that of many humanized visions of the Founding Fathers of the United States for humane social governance are used for personal interest in practical operation. Also the judicial independence is often misused for safeguarding law officers freely looting on people than safeguarding the rights of people; due to the European looting and killing based Western Individualistic Civilization cultured people in individualistic quality.

Please look at how the judicial independence childish played in looting taxpayers.

June 20, 2011, article One California budget fix: Abolish death row indicates that, taxpayers have spent $4 billion since 1978 on California's capital punishment system -- and with only 13 executions to show for it. That's about $308 million per execution. And without substantial changes, the state's total bill will expand to $9 billion by 2030. And the state's $26 billion deficit is already hitting the criminal justice system. The situation is now so severe, voters must choose to pay higher taxes or abolish the death penalty.

"Nobody can really with a straight face say this is a system that is working," Mitchell said in an interview.

Thirty-nine crimes are now punishable by death in California, as voters have repeatedly expanded the program through the state's unique direct voter initiative process. The result is a crawling appeals process that costs taxpayers as much as $300,000 to hire private attorneys for indigent prisoners.

"The long wait for execution -- which has been over 20 years for each of the five inmates executed in the last 10 years -- reflects a wholesale failure to fund the efficient, effective capital punishment system that California voters were told they were choosing," the report says.

Then please look at Canada, how the judicial independence childish play

Dec. 4, 2012,CBC News posts an article B.C. woman may lose home over huge lawyer bill to indicate that: “A woman's lawyer is poised to take her property to settle his six-figure legal bill.” “A B.C. woman stands to lose her home to her lawyer, who is moving to foreclose on her to pay his six-figure bill.”

Fotsch, 54, lives near Pemberton with her disabled son and earns a modest income. Her only asset is her home and the 12 hectares of land it sits on. A decade ago, her common law ex-husband went to get a piece of her property after their breakup. The case took nine years to resolve, which was years longer than her lawyer had predicted, she said.

"I've worked two jobs, and I have for the last 25 years," Fotsch said. "When I was hit with this, it was just like a bomb went off in my life."

"There was a three-week trial – three weeks! For my little place in the country. I mean, it just seems a little overboard and ridiculous," Fotsch said. "There were three tables of binders, with papers stacked sky high."

She said she had already paid thousands in legal fees when the case finally went to trial in 2007. As it advanced, her lawyer said he wouldn't continue unless she allowed him to secure a $100,000 mortgage against her property, at 18 per cent interest per year.

Fotsch's bill just keeps climbing because of $88 per day in interest charges. A Vancouver divorce lawyer charges her $300 an hour. His invoices to Fotsch include charges like $148.40 to simply call another lawyer and leave a voicemail message.

When she finally won, in 2010, the B.C. Court of Appeal ordered Fotsch's former husband to pay her court costs. That would have covered at least part of her bill from Lawyer — which, by then, had reached $90,000.

However, her ex-husband has since declared bankruptcy, so he hasn't paid and she can't force him to. Meanwhile, her legal bill has mushroomed — with $88 a day in interest charges — and has now reached $180,000.

"I have a hard time sleeping at night. I'm one that keeps my bills paid. I've always paid my bills," Fotsch said her bank refused to lend her money to pay her lawyer's fees because she already has another mortgage.

Her lawyer has hired his own lawyer who is taking steps to foreclose on Fotsch's home.

"I've done nothing wrong. What have I done wrong?" Fotsch said, choking up in tears. "I've gone to court like they told me I had to, to save my place. And now the very person that I got to help me is taking it."

Fotsch said she realizes she is responsible for paying, but she said a legal system that would allow her to win her case then lose her home is perverse.

The Law Society of B.C., the governing body for the province's legal profession, would not comment on the case, but said that in general, what her Lawyer did is not against the rules.

"The law society's rules and regulations do not prohibit a lawyer from loaning money to a client or advancing money... but there are guidelines that should be followed," spokesperson said.

The article also mentioned that a Halifax resident Lisa Finney said she, too, will never go to court again, after also winning her case but having nothing to show for it.

I remember my son once said that his Professor of University in Canada warns student that in case of disputes with the landlord, don't seek assistance from lawyers.

Such play is not limited in North America; in China is also in hot playing; such as; a simple case repeated court sessions; but is no judgments. Obviously, the judge and the lawyer have teamed up to rob the client.

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10.9... Social Polarization is a typical false proposition in harming the society in many ways

June 25, 2013, I once wrote article My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore, by which I tried to show that so called Social Polarization is a typical false proposition in harming society in many ways. I except as below.

Dr. Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver B.C. Canada, who has studied classical music in the Netherlands for seven years to have earned his doctorate in music, but he becomes an entrepreneur in chicken industry Canada in 3 decades ago. As a doctorate of Music, Obviously, the music is his favorite. I could not imagine his feelings when he has to play immetrical music with chicken by giving up own favorite?    

A two times heart attack sufferer from the pressure of business running, after sold his 20 years running business, wrote on company's news letter with that: "Now that we have been delegated to the back pages, the pressure is off to be profound, witty, and entertaining at the same time. But that still doesn't stop us from wanting to have something to say, that will inspire and be interesting to read. We can reminisce, about the old days, like your grandfather carrying a bucket of water up hill, in a snowstorm without shoes."

After reading above, I am tearful. I think, even himself would not understand the meaning his 20 years hard working, two times heart attack, have exchanged as the jobs for many families survival and the revenue for social governing.

In Canada, I am familiar with some Entrepreneurs, as a result of too much psychological pressure from business running, among them, besides above two times heart attack sufferer, there one was dead earlier.

The death of a Canadian business owner


The sad facts cause me to think about the meaning of the enterprises and entrepreneurs.  

The Entrepreneurs run Enterprises to create job position for citizen living making and tax revenue for social governing, from this point of view, the Entrepreneurs are the best civil servants in reality.

However, historically, in worldwide, it has been lacking of concerning and supporting for Entrepreneurs, even, until now, there great many people are with hostile attitude toward them. The law seems to have ignored this group also, but tended to protect employees without updating of the outdated traditional concept of ideology from the times of Industrial Revolution with ignoring that modern society has provided thoughtful social welfare and comprehensive legal protection.

The outdated ideology and practice has badly affected the work ethic of employees and to have made Enterprises difficult for managing, even, encouraging some mindless employees' pranks boldly in the workplace without the fear of being punished. It is not only badly affecting the production efficiency, but more terrible, it even caused the closure of some Enterprises.

The article Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure was written according to my personal experiences after shocked by the death of my boss of my first worked company in Canada, in which I have taken DEF Company(Anonymous)as example to introduce that a gentleman who was in a very good appearance with good personal accomplishment of civilized, cultured, and polite, but he was teaching others to slow down their work with smile in a production line’s final stage, and to have lowered the production capacity of whole line to 50% around. Thus, made a good Enterprise closed before outbreak of Financial Crisis 2008. He made himself and other 1300 people lost high quality jobs - Prime Minister Stephen Harper once said that he would like to provide, which is good paid with good work environment.

The company was a branch of listed transnational manufacturer of banking and cashing machine located in Waterloo, On. Ca.. As listed enterprise, the identity of business owners have faded, so the hostile attitude of employee toward the owner of the enterprise should also be watered down. Our jobs were like that of assembling a big computer with the parts that assembled by the teams in top of the production line. This kind of jobs was not heavy physically and it could not work fast also. I am still wondering that why the gentleman did that? His behavior was no any advantage or interest for any others and himself. If it was not what I have seen, I would never believe that was true.

People may ask that why supervisor did not play its supervising role? Indeed, the supervisor was just nearby every day and was clearly seeing and hearing what was playing in the workplace, but, besides hard works as general operator, he seemed have never taken his supervising role.

Because of low productivity, every year before Christmas, the company must recruit a lot of temporary workers to complete the backlog of the orders, it was just in such a busy time, one day, and the Supervisor told me that he will leave for vacation about two weeks. At first, I was very surprised and even doubted whether I misheard what he said, or he was in joking.

A few days later, my team colleagues told me that: in other department, the night shift temporary workers collectively made trouble, even to have smashed some equipments after learnt that they were laid off. At that time, I understood the reason that Supervisor left for vacation, he was to dodge for avoiding trouble. 

Also, we may easily imagine that the Supervisor leaving for vacation might become routine manner at the busy juncture in before Christmas every year.

It is really an incredible matter. A Supervisor as middle management in a legitimate multinational company, his work should be aboveboard and dignified; however, he had to act as that of criminal to dodge some time every year, but conversely, the criminal manners of those workplace troublemakers were acting as aboveboard and dignified, there no one dared inhibit them. 

This might be the most absurd thing in the world. It is simply as that of the sky and the earth has been swapped the position. 

Now, we can see the difficulty of the corporate management. 

Above is only a simple example of mindless employees’ making trouble in the workplace. As my personal experiences, such acts of sabotaging production are common in Canadian Enterprises; the difference is just the sabotaging forms.

Those mindless employees have no ability and no mind for doing good job, but with ability and full-hearted for trouble-making endlessly. It is an important cause of production inefficiency with an unpredictable consequences due to no one know what kind of bad idea would be put into production. The result not only harms business owner, but also harms society badly. The basis for Canadian economy is being damaged in such a simple way. 

Since that I have been concerning about the corporate management, in past 12 years, I specifically worked in different types of enterprises in Canada to have observed their management with the mind that cultured with the culture and philosophies, which experienced before and after economic reform from the rigid planned economy to the market economy of China - the other side of the globe.

Inspired by the experiences from both China and Canada, I have written some articles regarding the improvement of corporate management; in which I introduced some true Enterprises by anonymous as good and poor managed examples.

Feb. 13, 2013, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) issued the survey report to have given a proof with exact data – Canada's mid-sized firms have declined by 17% — from 9,370 to 7,814 — from 2006 to 2010, in which, the manufacturing sector reduced more than half, from 2,807 to 1,381 between 2001 and 2010. 

According to personal observation,  I dare say that the management of great many domestic Canadian businesses is not worth for appreciation. I guess that, the decline of Canada's mid-sized firms was caused by the mismanagement, in which few mindless employees lacking of responsibility, and boldly making trouble plays significant role.   

The reason of those mindless employees dare do so, I think, firstly is from the hostile attitude toward Entrepreneurs, secondly is lack of management rules and regulations to follow, thirdly is from the interpersonal relationship factors, management staffs dare not manage strictly with the fear of undermining the friendship with employees, and fourthly is from the emboldening of the protection of outdated legislation. 

In viewing of above, I have wrote Family Business and Management Board, and My View on the Argument of Social Polarization with the purpose to reduce or avoid the hostility of Employees toward the Entrepreneurs by properly understanding the Rich, in which I indicated that the money of those Rich is not in handy for self enjoyment but mostly being used in the business' running with creating employment and revenue. Therefore, in fact, it is being shared by public actually in playing the role of public wealth. 

In some extent, in fact, the Enterprise is a life boat that is shared to make living by Employees & Employers together.

In view of this, we can draw a general conclusion: it is that the means of production is not personal consuming goods, no matter who owns it, the owner only possess the power of disposal or organization of the production of social material wealth.

To view in this practical way, the Poor are not poor as some people complained; and the Rich are not rich as some people fantasized at all.  

For well understanding this issue, I will reprint an article that introduce Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver Canada, a private business that primary focus on processing and distribution of quality poultry and other fine protein products. I hope that from the hard experience of Peter Shoore to help public to further understand the nature of the Rich and their money, the nature of Entrepreneur and Enterprise, thereby to improve their work ethic and to care every thing in enterprise as that of at home.  

Perhaps, for business owners, the purpose for launching a business, initially, is just for breadwinner, for a better life of their families. However, even if the business’ scale is gradually larger, even if they got enough money, the majority of the entrepreneurs and their families are still very frugal in daily life. The consumption of their families is similar with those of general employees. The money they earned was to be invested to make business stable and to expand the production.

However, compared with common employees, those Entrepreneurs and their families are taking high psychological pressures on their business running, such as, business managing, marketing, financing, etc. The more terrible stress may come from the worries for potential legal responsibilities in unseen.

In consideration of social effect, the Entrepreneurs running the Enterprises are to create job position and tax revenue for Community. Thus, the meaning of their personal behaviors was sublimated from the parochial self-interest originally to the public interest actually.

There are s lot of facts showing that the majority of Entrepreneurs are more concerning the macro-social issue and the life of their Employees, but rather than their own personal interests. This is the big different between Entrepreneurs and Employees.

From this point of view, the Entrepreneurs are the best civil servants, and the communists in reality. 

Forbes makes The World's Billionaires List every year, I think that they may be ignored the nature of the Rich and their money. The World's Billionaires List has been playing a role to arouse public aware of Social Polarization from time to time. It may easily cause misunderstanding and to induce public hatred mentality toward the Entrepreneurs.

The concept of Social Polarization is worth serious reflection. It is playing a bad role to harm the society in many ways.

   Now, I would like to take Peter Shoore as example to show the nature of the Social Polarization.

After 30 years hard working, now Peter Shoore has qualified as so-called -Billionaire, but, as Entrouprenour, his money is used in the means of production with nearly 20 foods processing branches and the daily running, with provides jod for social employment and the tax revenue for social governance, rather than in handy for self enjoyment.

On other hand, he has studied classical music in the Netherlands for seven years to have earned his doctorate in music, but he becomes an entrepreneur in chicken industry Canada. As a doctorate of Music, obviously, the music is his favorite. I could not imagine his feelings when he has to play immetrical music with chicken by giving up his favorite?

One point is clear, when our ideal conflicts with the reality, we tend to, to have to give up the ideal, to surrender to the reality, because of, and first of all, we need to survive. However, when we obtained the economic capacity to engage in our favourite, the prime time of our life has been past. Maybe, this is the sad and helpless of life.

I am tearful.

However, as smart people, whatever engaged, they will be doing well. In particular, for Peter Shoore, who is rich in musical talent, and he has written an alternative life movement with successful running Sunrise Farms, with rapid expansion, and innovations.

In Top 100 private companies in B.C. in 2011, Sunrise Farms is ranked as 41, in Top 100 private companies in BC in 2012, Sunrise Farms is ranked as 40, which is according to the annual revenue of the fiscal year.

Above I have mentioned that the majority of Entrepreneurs are more concerning the macro-social issue and the life of their Employees also was inspired by Dr. Peter Shoore.

I am working in a branch of his business, recently the payment of all staff here was increased and the walls of workshop were newly decorated when other companies are tightening spending.

Dr. Peter Shoore said that, I would like to see my employees work in a comfortable environment.

Please remember: Peter Shoore - a Billionaire Entrepreneur, his first concerning is his Employees rather than that of money.  

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11... The different civilization cultured different thinking way of the people

The writings and deeds convinced me that the founder and co-chief investment officer of world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, Mr. Ray Dalio, who is not only a outstanding investor, but also is a outstanding historian and philosopher. Because of; even if the professional historian and philosopher; up to now; I did see anyone that is able to understand China so insight – to have deepened into the roots of philosophy; ideology, legalism, morality; etc. of the civilization of China. The peace prosperous life of China is derived from highly talented people who are able to take the lessons of the past to map blue print for future with feasible long term plans to realize the blue print in step by step.

May, 2021, he wrote Changing World Order, Where We Are and Where we're Going: “Chinese culture developed as an extension of the experiences the Chinese had and the lessons they learned over the millennia. They were set out in philosophies about how things work and what ways work best in dealing with these realities. These philosophies made clear how people should be with each other, how political decision making should be done, and how the economic system should work. In the Western world the dominant philosophies are Judeo-Christian, democratic, and capitalist/socialist. Each person pretty much chooses from these to come up with the mix that suits them. In China, the main ones were.” ”

“While Americans fight for what they want in the present, most Chinese strategize how to get what they want in the future. As a result of these different perspectives the Chinese are typically more thoughtful and strategic than Americans, who are more impulsive and tactical. I also found Chinese leaders to be much more philosophical (literally readers of philosophy) than Americans leaders. If you read their writings and their speeches, you will find this to be true. Philosophies of how reality works and how to deal with it well are woven into their thinking, which is expressed in their writings.

Oct. 2020, he wrote article Don’t be blind to China’s rise in a changing world: “When I first visited China 36 years ago, I would give $10 pocket calculators to high-ranking officials. They thought they were miracle devices. Now China rivals the US in advanced technologies and will probably take the lead in five years. Since 1984, per capita incomes have risen more than 30 times, life expectancy has increased by a decade and poverty rates have fallen nearly to zero. In 1990, China’s first stock market was launched, designed by seven young patriots who I knew. Since then, it has become the second largest in the world.”

“The world order is changing, yet many are missing this because of a persistent anti-China bias. China’s extraordinary performance isn’t new. In fact, apart from the 1839-1949 “Century of humiliation”, it has historically been one of the world’s most powerful countries and cultures. Just over the past four decades its economic changes have been remarkable. Whatever criticisms you may have about Chinese “state capitalism”, you cannot say it hasn’t worked, even if you strongly disagree with how Beijing has done it.”

“To understand how Chinese people, especially Chinese leaders, think and what they value, it is as important to understand their history and the values and philosophies that have resulted from generations experiencing that history and reflecting on it. Their history and the philosophies that have come from them, most importantly their Confucian-Taoist-Legalist-Marxist philosophies, have a much bigger effect on how Chinese people, and especially Chinese leaders, think than America’s history and its Judeo-Christian-European philosophical roots have on Americans’ thinking. That is because the Chinese, especially their leaders, pay so much attention to history to learn from it.”

 “As a result of their longer history and their more intensive studying of it, the Chinese are much more interested in evolving well over much longer time frames than Americans, who are much more interested in making quick hits—i.e., the Chinese are more strategic than Americans, who are more tactical. The arc that Chinese leaders pay the most attention to is well over a hundred years long (because that’s how long good dynasties last) and they understand that the typical arc of development has different multidecade phases in it, and they plan for them. For example, the first phase, which occurred under Mao, was when the revolution took place, control of the country was won, and power and institutions were solidified.”

“The second phase of building wealth, power, and cohesiveness without threatening the leading world power (i.e., the United States) occurred under Deng and his successors up to Xi. The third phase of building on these accomplishments and moving China toward where it has set out to be on the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 2049—which is to be “a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious,” which would make the Chinese economy about twice the size of the US economy4 —is occurring under Xi and his successors. Nearer-term goals and ways for getting toward these goals are set out in nearer-term plans like the Made in China 2025 plan, Xi’s new China Standards 2035 plan, and the usual five-year plans.”

“Chinese leaders don’t just plan and try to implement their plans; they set out clear metrics to judge their performance by and they achieve most of their goals. I’m not saying that this process is perfect because it isn’t, and I’m not saying that they don’t have political and other challenges that lead to disagreements, including some brutal fights over what should be done, because they have them (in private). In summary what I am saying is that they have much longer-term and historically based perspectives and planning horizons, they bring those down to shorter-terms plans and ways of operating, and they have done an excellent job of achieving what they set out to do by following this approach. By the way, I have coincidently discovered over many years that my studying history, looking for patterns, and dealing with tactical decisions has had a similar effect on how I see and do things—e.g., I now see the last 500 years as recent history, the most relevant arcs seem about 100+ years long, and the patterns I observe from taking this perspective are very helpful to my anticipating how events are likely to transpire and informing me about how I should be positioned over the coming weeks, months, and years.”

“China’s Lessons and Its Ways of Operating”

“The Chinese culture developed as an extension of the experiences the Chinese had and the lessons they learned over the millennia. They were set out in philosophies about how things work and what ways work best in dealing with these realities. These philosophies made clear how people should be with each other, how political decision making should be done, and how the economic system should work. In the Western world the dominant philosophies are Judeo-Christian, democratic, and capitalist/socialist. Each person pretty much chooses from these to come up with the mix that suits them.”

“In China, the main ones were Confucian, Taoist, and Legalist until the early 20th century when Marxism and capitalism entered the mix. The most desired mix to follow has historically been the emperor’s most desired mix. Emperors typically study Chinese history to see how these have worked and come up with their own preferences, put them into practice, learn, and adapt. If the mix works, the dynasty survives and prospers (in their parlance it has the “Mandate of Heaven”). If it doesn’t, it fails and is replaced by another dynasty. This process has gone on from before history was recorded and will go on as long as there are people who have to decide how to collectively do things.”

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12...The way out for humans from low quality people hijacked self-destruction

Now you will understand that why China takes Confucianism as moral guidance to suppress other ideologies and schools of thought ; and it is not elects but selects learned people performing social governance.

As the continuation of Technocratic Democracy by selecting quality people since 221BC; in nowadays China; it is still in Technocratic Democracy by selecting outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars working as lawmakers as part time job in self-reliance; the top leadership is the Politburo of 7 members who have practically proved in political ability and personal quality, as political discipline; without collective consensus from meeting; no one allowed free talking opinion at will; thus can largely ensure by collective wisdom controlling social governance to avoid personal dictator.

In contrast, in West, the liberal democracy without quality control on players, actually; it is the personal dictator by reckless low quality people. You see that when campaign debate; the candidates are all in vowing that what she or he will do once get administrative power; obviously they are clear that she or he will get the power to act as absolute dictator.

The democratic political design and its relied ideologies from European based Western Individualistic Civilization are ongoing the process of ruining human life by helping the reckless play of brain defective low quality people.

Humans are inborn selfish animals; the selfish instinct is driven force for humans seeking survival, and which derived social activities is the driven force for developing economy; without selfish instinct without human society.

The selfish instinct made people tends to selfish concern; once get chance; everyone would take the administrative power of the State Apparatus for selfish gains; this is the reason that corruption commonly exists globally. Even if the normal survival seeking social activities are also often conflicting with the social collective interests; and badly harms social governance.

Only the activities of outstanding entrepreneurs in real economy; rational professors and rational social elites are largely in line with social collective interests and conform to economic development. From the perspective of intelligence; the success of running business and academic activities also proved their personal quality and higher intelligence. Only the people in such quality are able to help humans living in humanized way.

In today, when humans facing the threat of life and death, we must return to rationality to abandon the false advocating of liberal democracy and its relied valueless ideologies; such stuff are in badly harming social governance.

Human society developed as this day, the social governance has been evolved as that of legislature legislating policy to pave orbit, and then the society runs accordingly.

The way out for human beings avoiding ruined by the hijacking of low quality people is at that improves legislature; which is not as that of the bloody French Revolution; but it is in the humanized peaceful way in step by step; which is by a group of outstanding entrepreneurs; quality social elites; governors of province and county, mayors of city; the scholars in intelligence institutions; the presidents; deans and professors of universities; etc., under quality qualifications naturally form a non-partisan civil legislature to work as part time job in self-reliance, as assistant for government.

The current partisan legislature may continue ongoing in current way; but the important policy must be going through the examination of non-partisan civil legislature; thereby avoiding the democratic players take the fate of people as chips for political gambling. And also, the civil legislature may provide some suggestions for social governance.

Now I take entrepreneurs as example for the quality qualification: Legally found and successfully operation of manufacturers for 15 or 20 years; and currently is over 100 or 500 employees (by years and numbers control the numbers of lawmakers) without debt or recoverable in debt and paid certain tax to government annually.

The vital qualification for all members is without extreme behavior or hatred comments; such as; attacking others or other countries and advocating for wars; which show a people in sick mentality.

Firstly; non-partisan civil legislature may work as assistant for government; when democratic play cannot form a decision; government may seek the suggestions from civil legislature.

Also the civil legislature may appeal own rational voice to conduct the policy making of government. The collective voice of over tens of thousands outstanding social elites in civil legislature will be reasonable enough; upright enough; strong enough; and powerful enough; and therefore will no ignorant opposition dared to challenge about.

Later, with the successful experience; the non-partisan civil legislature will replace the partisan one to make human society to be governed under humanized way by properly humanized people; which may take dozens of years in over generations to wait the reshaping in the quality people by developing brand new mind.

Now facts are clear that many of free campaign-elected lawmakers are without talent of making a better social governance; but over capable in messing social governance by good use of multiparty malicious opposition disabling government; provoking for ideology arguments; attacking others and even provoking for wars.

Eventually, human beings will dump liberal democracy into garbage bins, in government; all of officials are selected by certain forms of examinations; and approved by non-partisan civil legislature. The non-partisan civil legislature is able to timely replace the incompetent officials according to public supervising and appealing.

Human beings need a new political way to reverse the state of living in the low quality people hijacked childish way.

The helpless chaotic world is a kind of psychological torture to any humanized people. Every morning, when I see the people rushing to go to work, I produce the feeling of hope. In past 20 years; I intently associate with the people from every corner globally; I felt that the majority of them are rational in regardless of the races or the mother nationality; which is the hope for humans.

As long as we can get rid of the ignorant play of the childish drama that derived from European bloody looting and killing based Western Individualistic Civilization; we will be able to live a humanized way.

Please cheer up.

In viewing that the wrongful practices of some politicians have caused covid-19 killing too many people and now the shortage of energy and foods threaten the life of people; which have prepared fuse to trigger social fire and may cause the streamlining of government in the agency and personnel. Here I have to indicate that the improvement of social governance must be done gradually in along with the natural retirement by the approach that is able to ensure the normal life of all people.

The successful economic reform of China was derived from the well understanding for the nature and crowd psychologies of people and the measures of the reform implemented gradually in errors and trials by step by step; with enough time for helping people to understand; accept and cooperate with government; by which way avoided the bloody social unrest as that of other former socialist countries that changed the social system politically and economically by Shock Therapy.

Please cheer up.    

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