J. Mearsheimer ATTACKED for having NON-mainstream views!! Brain-dead "social scientists"
numuves 6.76万位订阅者
In this very odd exchange of words, an ordinary speaking event turns into a brain-dead VENT fest of "researchers" throwing baseless attacks on a Professor who doesn't even have extreme or full-some views of the Ukraine crisis. Prof. Mearsheimer is pro-US and never mentions the US' heinous activities leading up to the war in Ukraine.
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Mearsheimer has US mainstream view of containing China. He is supportive of Russia but against China. To him, it is all about race.
Mr. Mearsheimer is 100% right. As a European, I fully agree. Americans just can't see how imperialist their own government and oligarchs are and what they do abroad. It's this toxic Exceptionalism thinking Americans have. As we know abroad, most Americans are the "best in the world" never been outside their parish or just don't know world history but have an opinion.
When people believe what they want to believe, it’s impossible to convince them that they are wrong, no matter how much evidence you present to them.
Ever heard of the term " confirmation bias"?
It just goes to prove that experience, as in Prof. Mearsheimer's case, totally outweighs the newly gained and somewhat superficial "knowledge" of these students and academics. They have a lot to learn and very well defended argument John.
As a Chinese, I am glad to see European Scholars spur out those ludicrous words as if they are the only ones who are awake. That’s why they keep misjudge China, and keep making stupid mistakes that at the end they don’t even know what destroy them.
Why glad? We Chinese don't want Europeans to destroy themselves. We want them to stand up to the US and mind their own interest instead
@Dougal Tolan I think he meant those who asked rediculous and very emotional questions
@Zeflute Exactly, I have listened to many of the good doctors talks and debates, he always backs what he says with empirical facts. He may be an American but he most certainly is not a fan of American policy, you saw his emotion come to the front when he asked why did Merkel not stand up for what she believed, Merkel was always against Ukraine joining NATO.
@Zeflute Too late for that, Europe has been/is being crushed by the sanctions they imposed on themselves, at the behest of the US.
@Zeflute Ahh, thank you for pointing that out to me.
@L98FIERO crushed is a bit strong, squeezed for sure, but far from being crushed.
@Dougal Tolan That's why I put in the 'has been/is being', it's in the process and when the gas contracts are ended, Putin just may not renew them and Germany, the manufacturing engine of Europe is toast!
agreed it does not take china to drag europe down cuz europe will drag itself down
@L98FIERO might I point out (in jest) that for Germany to be toast, they might need that gas.....
@Earl Fithian did you check the meaning of "empirical" before you use it in your argument because it makes your argument meaning the opposit of what I sense that you intend to say.
@L98FIERO on a more serious note.. In 2021 Germany imported 95% of its gas, just over half that coming from Russia. 55% is re-exported. Gas makes up just over 1/4 of Germany's primary energy.... Bottom line Russian gas isn't as important as you make out, representing 1/8th of their energy needs and can be covered entirely but ceasing exports. Now your turn to do a bit of digging, where do those exports go since its those countries that might suffer.
@Dougal Tolan Without going into it further, why, if it only accounts for 1/8 of their energy needs, is industry warning about shut downs and lay offs and telling people to turn down their thermostats?
So from my point of view ; it's up to the EU to decide the fate of the war. It's not worthy to armed Ukraine and on the other hand invest in Russian economy. Not good people are dying on both sides .We the people can brake it and also fix it. May the good lord bless all. ![????](
@nanyanguo1 Merkel was one of the few EU leaders who was willing to stand-up to America. She was adamant that bringing Ukraine into the EU/Nato would lead to serious diplomatic/military problems with Russia. I believe the good doctor said "why didn't she" especially on an issue that she knew could cause Germany and its population serious problems. Dancing to the "us tune" does not mean that you have to dance to every tune.
I personally would prefer to see Europe could stand up against the US hegemony.
@Earl Fithian yes she was gutsy but it didnt matter if in the end , when it comes to the crunch, she still danced to the tune.
@Zeflute The only way for the Europeans to wake up and stand up might be the unprecedented economic suffering they are facing now, being a colony of the US empire always come with heavy cost. The Europeans have weak knees, got to point out.
Yes...they need to come out of their colonial n let live
Thank you mr. Mearsheimer! So sad to know these 'researchers' don't know their own history. In the early 90's the Pentagon stated that the US has to rule the world. And that Germany nor France must get the leadership over Europe. NATO would not extent accross the former borderline between both Germanies. But yet it did. What mr. Mearsheimer tells is based on facts. These 'researchers' don't know the facts. Back to school, guys! Love from Europe.
When you're right, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. Just let reality hit them in the face. They'll never learn.
You can’t reason someone out if they were not reasoned in—nothing is amiss.
Respect to Professor for actually trying to answer these "questions".
That first questioner is embarrassing. He talked so much, but he didn’t say anything.
The questioner male and female audience member...was very hypocritical. They practically demanding a heavier burden of proof for any or all views or opinions that are pro russian (or at least not actively anti russian), but seemingly (allegedly) did not demand the same standards of proof for any and all anti russian anti russian views or opinions. What good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cause they are brainwashed
@David T Lol Such nobrainers rule the West and has support of huge part of their societies (maybe even majority).
The first man asking was so confusing with his "I'm an ACADEMIC" persona and obnoxious way of talking that I could not even comprehend his question. I've dealt with such people while studying at college and tell you what: they are as hollow and dense as it comes. Their blown ego's are not even worth listening to. Kudos for Mr. Mersheimer for even treating such questions seriously, I would (and did in the past) loose my temper with such bafoons.
@Dimatut007 so, such a drag I know, but we cant afford to ignore them and must hope to try and convince just one of them just a little bit in hope it is infectious. I've had no success but Prof M. has more chance.
I admire Dr. Mearsheimer for his patience and restraint in the face of such ignorance and impudence. These students read a few books and they think they know it all.
Students have “restricted access of knowledge and ignorance of knowledge outside of their views”
They only read the headlines.
Mearsheimer has US mainstream view of containing China. He is supportive of Russia but against China. It all boils down to race.
Authoritarian means very different from what these student think.
The gay student question is weak. Bias opinion think Russia troop is not strong, but real facts is Russia havent use their elite troop
@Ka Tong Ku , the truth is still, that Russia lost a big part of her elite units in the areas near Kiev and Kharkiv already during the first weeks of this war. Later the situation has become even worse. By now the capable Russian infantry is berried somewhere in Ukraine. But the situation on the other side is not a happy one either. Also the Ukrainian army has suffered severe losses, some individual units have lost 80% of their original strentgh. Still the Ukrainian army has lots of soldiers left, probably 900000. Ukraine has an upper hand in a ratio of 5 : 2 in the amounts of soldiers compared to the Russian army in Ukraine. However, the Russians have a big advantage in the heavy weaponry and that is keeping the balance of power pretty tight. But it will slowly turn to Ukraine's favour, andthe Western weapons will cause that change.
@Jon Kino IT IS IMPERATIVE That No Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America - Zbignew Brzezinski
@Jon Kino china is a growing super power which means that in coming days it may take over the US. Russia on the other hand is a developed country without much scope for growth I think it makes sens for the US to try and contain China if it wants to keep it's position as the world's super power.
Unfortunately the sociologist undermined his position literally by wearing yellow jeans.
Fernando Esteban It’s the hubris of the young and ignorant.
Aww I miss George Carlin. Maybe if he were still around to repeatedly tell his abortion joke, Roe wouldn’t have been overturned.
@Anchored now that I think about it, I was too, more than half a century ago. But never before such a sage and illustrious scholar. Times change.
They are teachers and post-docs not really students
@numuves that makes it even worse, sir. One would think they would know better.
Absolutely incredible the extent of western biased and out right hatred of opposing views to the Wests infantile and short-sighted views on Russia's security concerns , while always decrying the Monroe doctrine as Americas right, while Eurasia is somehow not allowed the same. As far as Russia's lack of troop strength in Ukraine it would seem its more than sufficient to get the job done. Dr. Mearsheimers patience with these people is incredible.
The average American intellectual is just intelligent enough to justify its own ignorance when it comes to foreign policy.
Poor Prof John, having to deal with seemingly educated, indoctrinated idiots!
The students must be forgiven for asking simple and rhetorical questions precisely because they're still learning... I sincerely hope, however, that they've learnt a thing or two from Prof. Mearsheimer's calm and measured responses.
i dont share john Maersheimers political pro western position, but i do very much respect him for being honest and for his high level of knowledge. the questions raised by those students who obviously are not familiar with his speeches are nothing but an insult and a waste of his time for someone of his status.
I have other disagreements, but I do think Mearsheimer's arguments are very well thought out, and all his rather extreme pro-western position, but he is very honest about that
He's an honest colonizer. Appreciate that.
@Kyrin So very true, sort of refreshing after constant American lies
It's tiring to hear people talk about the US as a democracy when that Princeton report that Lawrence Lessig promotes shows the US is really a corporatocracy. Don't forget, fascism is the fusion of state and corporate interests.
I think the word you are looking for is Oligarchy.
@Lemon Squeezer @ No - I meant a country run by the richest people and special interests - as in 'wealthy corporations' = plutocracy! An oligarchy is a country run by a small group that may or might not be the richest ones - some might be revolutionary, military, or spiritual leaders who might not be wealthy. The US is definitely run by the richest entities!!!
There are two reasons for this: - inherited hatred towards Russia, deep deep inside the soul - arrogance, pride and vanity
Mearsheimer is remarkably good at parleying hostile questioning from a triggered audience.
"this group is brain washed beyond repair", this comment made me LMAO
This man is brilliantly pragmatic. And a genuine scientist.
This first guy is hilarious. First he demands forensic analysis with multiple sources and then he invents Russian positions and even military strategy conversations he can only have made up in his head. ![????](
I legitimately thought the first guy was a troll. He sounds like a stereotypical overly emotional nerd.
yes. if he thinks Russian's military power is weak, alright, suppose he's correct, then what's the point for NATO's expansion?
That's why these are doctoral students and teachers. Their whole academic existence is to critique others regardless of whether they themselves make pragmatic sense. Depending on where they want to specialise their scholarship, they will hold fast to that direction. The lady mentioned "nuance" because, in all arguments, they want wriggle room to insert their argument, even if it makes no pragmatic sense. I think Europeans tend to be idealistic, especially the post-war generation and the post-Soviet generation.
Idealistic? Is that how you call someone that can be easily "used" when you brainwash them the right way?
I'm always perplexed at why the Europeans think the Americans are out there to protect them instead of using them as a forward base and their first lines of cannon fodder.
The first guest used a lot of jargons to try to impress the listeners. So his views and conclusions are flawed. He repeated the accusations made by western media. In the end he said nothing worthwhile.
more n more people's will open their eyes through all the informative videos you have uploaded recently.... keep it coming.....
That first guy was plainly grandstanding. Eager to show his students how brilliant he was. Unfortunately he fell flat on his face because, unlike prof. John, he let his prejudices form his opinions.
Prof nail it on the head.! But , somehow EU don't have the guts to stand up against USA.
Those are numb skulled cabbages not scholars. Dr Mearsheimer is very intellectual well informed speaker.
The underlying cause of the Ukraine war is NATO’s eastward expansion, period. That should always stay as the cause of war as Russia had no choice but to respond to the provocation. Western dominated media networks however calls the war Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, making Russia the villain. By not mentioning the real cause of the war, more and more ordinary people will eventually be conditioned to just condemn Russia for invading Ukraine. It goes to show that when you own the media, you can easily be portrayed as the hero and your enemies, villains. People, especially students, must learn to have the ability to decipher such tact.
This reminds me of an encounter that I once had with Albert Einstein. I once attended a talk given by Albert Einstein and I had gross misgivings about his grasps of facts and research methodology. So after his talk, I questioned him on those issues, trying to show him the deficiency in his knowledge but very disappointingly, not only could Albert Einstein not answer my questions, but he didn't even seem able to understand my questions.
can you give details of your gross misgivings and his grasp of facts and methodology?
The first questioner demands to see the evidence from Mearsheimer about his arguments, but then goes on to say completely unprovable things like: "Putin only talks to 3 people" and makes sweeping generalities like "Putin is trying to create and autocratic regime"
In case He didnt know... Russian Federation is also a Democracy with Umbrella Party State like China... Basically a mixture of US-democracy and Chinese One-party system. Edit: In case you guys are curious about Russia's Politics. They run like a One-party state in China but added with election to all levels just like US. Russia called this Special Operations for a reason... is he dumb or what? That does not even qualify as a war in Putin's Eyes but a Special Operations! Just like in Yugoslavia, in Syria, In Middle East. 100k Soldiers arent there to occupy Ukraine but to disarm, demilitarize, remove fascist groups in AFU and demand to reject nazis in Government.
Mearsheimer is a very patient man. The clown who was questioning wasn't even funny.
A waste of time talking to those people
One of the few sane and far-sighted Americans this very honourable Professor really is. If he was at the top of the US, the whole world would have been in a much better state. Three cheers to Professor.Mearsheimer.
A lot of people need to watch this video, listen and learn. I'm so happy that we have Numuves to show us the truth and different opinions topics around the world.
This is what happens when you think you live in a "Lord of the Rings" type of world, but its actually a "Game of Thrones" world
@Hans Frankfurter Not Really Lord of the Rings is deeper than it’s portrayed. 2000yrs of Catholic Knowledge for starters. Dumbing down of Knowledge and Education is all Leo has displayed and he gets many likes for it ![????](
The first guy is probably extremely educated, but he's not really "educated" in the world of politics and history.
Some times I wonder if only 5 percent of the world are sane
I’m not certain which 5%.
, I make similar coment all the time
It’s scary how many stupid people are out there. And what’s even worse is they think they know.
The delusion of calling Russia's action "of imperial aspirations" or whatever, while disregarding NATO... which is one of the biggest (military) tools in the US' imperialism. It can't possibly be that action of US imperial overreach led to Russia finally snapping at pushing back hard... nooo... it's because Russia suddenly woke up and said to itself "I want that piece of land" (as if modern imperialism has anything to do with land acquisition/expansion, idiots haven't learned anything from history if they think that's the only way you can dominate the world lol, they're literally still living 2000 years ago, in the Roman Empire). I am so sick of western "intellectuals" and their mental, historical and moral bankruptcy. Apparently the right to having your own national interests, the right to self-defense and self-preservation doesn't apply to non-western states. Cause US said so... that place that totally isn't a global empire with tentacles into any and everyone's business across the globe.
You know bro it's insane that I'm watching Mearshimer on your channel now. 2 years ago I'd have said he's a massive antihchina hawk, but now I see that for an American, he's relatively realistic. Or at least actually has an independent opinion
@Agent J you're right, I guess the point is that he is thinking for himself, rather than just drinking media garbage/Kool aid, which I am alright with. You'd be able to have a reasoned discussion with him, unlike his detractors here
It's frightening to think that there are a few future leaders in that audience ![????](
Mearsheimer has gratefully turned a corner, for the last few discussions. This is great.
This first questioner is a seriously deluded individual!
The first speaker is trained by academic institutions that have privileged the linguistic turn and he completely misses the material reality of nuclear weapons, economic practice and "social science."
14:08 I would agree that Mearsheimer is pro-western but I think both he and you are right there. The European capitalist class benifts greatly from working within the global market system dominated by the USA and the bourgeois political parties than run Europe primarily represent these interests. The US does maintain control through directly and influcing European media and elections (see the Marshall Plan, Operation Gladio, Radio Free Europe etc), but it couldn't maintain its influence in Europe without the European ruling classes agreeing to be suborinate to US capital in exchange for working within its systems. Most of the media manipulation and electoral interfierance in Europe comes from European capital to this end (see British media's relentless attack on the leader of the opposition party Jeremy Corbyn for pretty moderate social democracy and criticism of Imperialism).
The man who is asking the question is he smoking crap? And what is the women asking? She lost me in half rattling on some lost archive English.
She said many things without saying anything.
She was saying that he did not understand the subject and has no definitive evidence to prove his point.
I always love it when people argue by asking stuff like where did you get your information, or who did you talk to ... with only the aim in mind to dismiss then and tear them down before they even know.
Amazing video. Keep up the good work. Support
Weekly Routine of Elensky Monday: Challenge Russia Tuesday: Condemn Putin Wednesday: Losing territory Thursday: Cry for help Friday: Meeting with Biden etc Saturday: Want more war Ukraine Presidential Psychiatric Examination
A life time of experience vs. a childhood of ignorance very well displayed.
This guy is 500% Correct. God Bless Rússia!!! God Bless Cuba!!!
He lies the problem, people who are intellectually unable to see past their own prejudice. Fact is that the Russians have been remarkably consistent in their demands and complaints, and the current conflict is in line with those complaints. Whilst the other side only projects what they want to others. Just like Gonzalo lira said, some empires will destroy everything before they collapse. Sweden and Finland may join NATO, but the biggest loss is that Russia and China and potentially India to lesser degree have come together to maximize their human and technological potential.and that is a fight we the west cannot win.
Third question, why didn't the Europeans get their way? Answer: the Europeans didn't get the way because the Europeans danced to our tone, we run NATO, this is a matter of power, we have all these fictions that, we tell people about, joint (in) decision making. The United States (USA) runs NATO and the Europeans do what we tell them. "J. Mearsheimer".
This guy is the real deal, a genuine intellectual. The questioners are schmucks. Period.
This is the classic debate between both theoretical perspectives of international relations. The Mearsheimer realist view looking at the international system structure of anarchy, the balance of power, the security dilemmas, etc. and the liberalist view looking at the country level saying that it's because of democracy vs authoritarianism, etc.
First questioner was appalling, liked hearing himself speak too much. Said lots without saying anything. Would make a successful politician.
Mearsheimer actually advocates peace with Russia because he thinks the U.S. should focus on containing China, and this war in Ukraine is a distraction with regard to achieving that end. But he has clearly stated that he supports sending the U.S. military to fight for Taiwan independence.
I like that you are pointing out the idiocies of our present "intellectuals" in IR (I've taken IR courses and most profs are not in John Mearsheimer's excellent School of Realism camp) and I gave you a thumbs up, but I couldn't stomach listening much further to the audience after the first idiot stood up so I am not going to show on your stats as an interested viewer!
I really love Mearsheimer, both for his talks and work, but also for the way he models thinking in general, and communication. An amazing man.
These respondents represent a false left. Academics like these people have been unwittingly recruited into the service of Team West
I love how everyone academia's academics and historian everyone refer to the Cuban missile crisis as if is the USSR who's to be blame but no one mentioned United States place nuclear capable missile in Turkey and the USSR response was to place those missile in Cuba no one talks about that how is that part that important part of this conversation always seems to be missing. United States is the first one to place their Jupiter ? nuclear missile in Turkey and they got a response from the USSR missile in Cuba let's keep it clear simple and honest ![????](
The Russians are not less than human being than the West . let's be honest the West has commit more atrocity across the globe let's be honest who did more invasion occupation terrorism over throw government . execution who everyone is guilty but no one is more guilty than the West ![????](
A Doctor treats a whole room of patients at the same time. But will they take their medicine? I doubt it. Their professor (guy in audience) wants them to take his potion, which has no medicinal value.
A famous writer once said "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
More and more I ponder how much our massive immersion in fictional entertainment (including history only written by victors) conditions us to see every conflict as good versus evil with a single hero. Am I wrong that conflicts are primarily the opposition between self -interested believers? Is the problem that moving away from the current fictional model to a more "nuanced" (hee-hee) one would not make a commercially successful series of Marvel movies?
Surfer dude is living in his own universe.
Disregarding Russia's concern and keeping NATO expansion prove US and NATO are ignorant. Actually they are arrogant!
That first questioner has an extremely annoying tone of voice, and is attacking Mearsheimer personally. Very annoying ... I've been listening to Mearsheimer's interviews since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and one thing he does have is good solid argumentation and followup logic when he is pressed. That guy is totally wrong and seems jealous and angry at Mearsheimer for disagreeing with him and having a better argument. Then he gets condescending to Mearsheimer saying "you have to know this stuff" ... what a clown ... and yellow pants?
"John Mearsheimer SCHOOLS Redditors" alternate title.
The first questioner kept bragging "..I asked my researchers..", then he throws stupid question about Mearsheimer sources, whereas M used open sources available in public. The first questioner - should be sent back to school.
I could listen to John Mearshiemer for days on end without getting bored. Him and Scott Ritter are a such a joy to listen to. If anyone knows of any similar thinkers please recommend them.
Actually Mearsheimer is far from рro-U$ and has mentioned the U$ рarticipation in the events leading to the war in Ukrainе on a multiple occasions. Which in no way makes what he is saying less true.
His authoritative answers are a microcosm of what happens when anybody argues the actual facts on a level playing field; The Ukrainian/NATO position doesn't have a leg to stand on.
"This is where I disagree with Mearsheimer. . .." -- He's saying that the US controls everything. I don't understand your disagreement with him.
Professor's half-smile is indication of how baffled he is constantly that people are less smart than he gives them credit to be. Truth has certain ring to it. And Professor is ringing like early ring-tones. I'll take Professor over all politicians on this planet any and every day. Over all ''experts'' and media, too... especially when them and their minions and imps are trying to drag him through the mud. Same as Col. Richard Black (ret.) that is proclaimed to ''promote the Kremlin's narrative about Russia's imminent victory...'' by none other than the Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation. Imagine that. If you haven't heard Colonel talking, please do take a look at his videos here and hear what he went throughout his career. You will instantly and instinctively know he ain't the one to promote anything other than facts, expertise and common sense. Anyone disagreeing with this two gentlemen is either a fool or wants to make you one. Especially if they are organized on highest levels to systematically bring you the real truth and nothing but the truth.
Very smart prof! He knows his stuff. Period.
The only thing missing from this video is him dropping the mic at the end of it.
Young academics in the field of International Relations should have direct , first hand experience with the people, place and culture of the subject matter they profess to be expert. All these students quoting theories & sources are relying on second hand smoke to form their worldview.
Young researchers that have their heads stuck in the sand.
Thank you for sharing the clip and your comments numuves. Only CNN Asia has interviewed him. I know of no Western media source that has sat down and interview him. Prof. Mearsheimer is trying keep us from WWIII, and no one wants to listen. We are so arrogant, again gracias numuves - great topics on your videos!
This questioner couldn’t be more full of himself. If it takes you this long to make a point or ask a question, you need to do some deeper thinking.
This is the "debate me bro" crowd they have 0 interest in what he has to say and way more interest in sounding smart to everyone else in the room. Debate is a useless tool to keep control of an idea or narrative regardless of the facts that surround the issue(s). Watch "Thank You For Smoking" its the most accurate movie to describe what debating is all about, and its got nothing with finding truth and everything to do with being right at all cost.
The first questioner is clearly very superficial. Grandstanding and being verbose to impress his students whereas he actually made a fool of himself. His obvious biases obscure his objectivity and he lacks depth in his understanding of how arguments are built in the social sciences.
Who allowed the crybaby in there with the yellow shorts who sounded like an emotional mess? And the lady saying she is trying to be nice to John???? The audience always acts like the gentlemen has no real world experience in that part of the world!!!!
In many ways the questions from the audience demonstrates the success of American soft power and the success of neocolonial empire the US is running.
Professor john u are the best. And the greatest! U are a walking. History book on political science.! I honour your wit and grandeur.
Wow, those questions were cringe and uneducated.
Mersheimer is one of handful of people worth listening to on the subject of Russia/Ukraine.
The first asker is trying hard to get Mearsheimer's tone of voice. He is ridiculing himself in claiming Ukraine was on the way to democracy while Kiev kept bombarding its own population in the East.
Smart man who knows his stuff. ![????????](
14:12, I don’t think you disagree. He’s talking about security. Western Europe relies on USAs aid in military security and were not happy when Trump was suggesting USA moves out and concentrates on the Pacific front. The other reason is a deep hostility towards Russia which is rooted long ago, even before America became involved in global history. The MIC (Military Industrial Complex) feeds on that.
When the guy in yellow short (Jeffrey?) said that Ukraine is on the way to democracy, I just know that he does not understand what he is talking despite boasting he is mentoring a group of students. First, I don't think he understands what is democracy and how is democracy practiced when he said Ukraine is on the way to democracy. For a country like Ukraine to have undergone a coup d'etat, with numerous extremists holding torch marches like Germany in the 1930s, with a civil war created by the Ukraine regime against its own people in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, murders at the Odessa trade union building, Ukraine officially hailing Stepan Bandera as a national hero, etc., he still claims that Ukraine is on the way to democracy. I find the guy is just brain-washed against Russia like so many westerners. Yet, he has the cheek to tell Prof Mearsheimer that the social science that he practices demand linked evidences when he himself has no evidence of how the Putin administration made decisions. He concluded that Putin only talks to 3 people on the Ukraine conflict. Wow, he even knows how many people Putin talks to. Incredible for a nameless teacher at the college. Seems more likely that he is hallucinating when he concluded that Russia started the special military operation to stop Ukraine from becoming a democracy. Also, having an actor wearing high-heels and backed up by puppeters in the Ukraine regime is his idea of democracy? I will prefer Putin administration anytime.
Mearsheimer used to joke that "Only in China, I feel like I am intellectually home", or at least something like that... When I see this kind of academics, I am actually more disturbed, because people can't realize the consequences tend to make irrational moves. When this kind of people is in power, the damage they make will be catastrophic, and it is 100% true about the US leadership at the moment...
He's just a expert on RUSSIA-AMERICA relations exposing NATO'S blunders in EASTWARD EXPANSIONS at the expense of EU..
The questioner thinks a nation as huge as Russia - does not have rationality and decision making capabilities. Hope he's country is full of high level minds like him.
How many divisions does Jen's stoltenberg have lol, He nailed it Europe is a joke when it comes to military matters.
Lol they never thought they was gonna take Kiev a city of multiple millions w a measly 40k something troops come on guy. It's called arranging the battlefield. They intentionally pinned down Ukrainian forces around the capitol so they couldn't bolster forces in the east which was the true objective from jump. And it worked.
The speaker has a major shoulder hunch and his 'question' is more just a rant than anything...
Mr. Mearsheimer was casting pearls before swine.
The first questioner is such a JOKE. If he's questioning the professor's narrative but cites some of the most ridiculous assertions about what "Putin wanted to achieve in Kiev". Most of what was said about Russia's objectives in Ukraine was drummed up by western intelligence which is garbage based on it's track record. The stated objective by Russia's SMO in Ukraine was clear and one can go back to the orders given at the onset. I'm sure I read Russia was not supposed to attack city centres but surround cities. If you're claiming otherwise then that is not based on the Russians words, but on the Pentagon's insinuations. The propaganda trove coming from the west, though intense, is helping Russia on. And the massive amount of propaganda and fakes coming from the collective west on this conflict stand guard to this fact. Remember Bucha? The biggest fake of them all. And stop this BS about Ukraine becoming a democracy as some threat to Russia. Ukraine just banned and siezed all opposition assets, has Medvedchuk under house arrest. The Russians laugh at you yanky fools.
@0:27, NATO is 85% US military. Mearsheimer: “USA runs NATO. “ Alternatively, Western Europe is under U.S. military occupation. USA has over 100 military bases in Western and Eastern Europe.
I would like to watch video without any "notes" ,"suggestions" and "explanatoins". We have our own brain,dont need any help for that. BTW,thank you for this video,profesor is nailed.
Notice how Orange Shorts increasingly gets emotional and frustrated, as he builds up on the manufactured consent cackle (it seems he's the one who didn't invistigate) and, now he's having a heavy doze of reality. Prof. Mearsheimer knew what the answer to that nonsense was ten seconds after that disposable academic opened his mouth --thus his super calmed and collected reply.
This audience is just not near the level of this subject for discussion.
They're not brain-dead. Most of them know where their bread is buttered. I'd like to think that getting to professorship reviews a certain level of insight in what really matters. That said, talking to some in get a disheartened.
Professor J John M is true scientist. truth, solid and brave. But not many people see the Light like Professor J John M coz their mind and heart dont admit The Truth or The Truth dont want to see by them.
My God, these people are our "best" educated? We are fucked
For Europe the heart is with the US regardless of what the head says.
The truth they believe and cling to makes them unavailable to hear anything new.
Direct knowledge of the world trumps assigned knowledge. You can have as much knowledge assigned to you but the quality/usefulness of that knowledge pales into insignificance when held up against knowledge derived from direct experience. It seems Millennials have yet to learn this. If someone gets emotional when presenting their argument then you know somethings up.
Putin told her (Angela Merkel) that the collapse of the Soviet Union had been "the worst event of the 20th century." Merkel replied that for her, as someone who grew up in communist East Germany, the fall of the Berlin Wall meant she could live her life in freedom. It was obvious already, she said, that there was a "great discrepancy." former chancellor Merkel in a live conversation with writer Alexander Osang (DW)
These questions are coming from people who clearly dont read any materials,evidence(from actual documentation)and history of the regions, absolutely the same arguments from friends of mine who just listen to the BBC for their info.
This goes way back to the end of WW2, when US watched Russia walk away from Germany and had an agreement with them to never encroach.... Agreement was broken with each and every new Nato ally added, moving ever closer toward Russia.
The history lesson then is if you conveyed a territory to stop a genocide just stay there
@Kevin Tewey perhaps they should have stayed, or at least kept better tabs on them. I suppose operation paperclip was pretty important at the time.
they were not asking questions. they were giving speeches. LMHO!
BREAKING NEWS: Canada has introduced changes in the nation's military dress code, allowing service members to have long nails, face tattoo, and to dye their hair. The new rule also permit men to wear skirts. According to an FAQ released by the Canadian military on Tuesday (06 July) the dress code revision was long overdue, but the changes were made lightly. "The appearance of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has not kept pace with the Canadian society which it serves," the document read. The CAF days the purpose of the reform, which will come into effect in September 2022, is to make the rules more inclusive and gender-neutral. One of the major changes is that uniforms will no longer divided into categories 'male' and 'female'. This means that service members who identify as men will be able to wear skirts, given that all reference to gender have been removed in respect to items such as skirts, nylons, and purses. "Both catalogues are open to all members and they may be intermixed. CAF members may choose whichever design best fits, as long as its worn as per Dress Instructions," the military said, with exceptions for special occasions such as parades.
Actually you're both right about the part in the EU, just remember the Yugoslav war nobody wanted to intervene, and then all of a sudden NATO started bombing... It suited the EU that the US was starting to do the dirty job but on the flip side US also started to influence the media as you said; etc...etc... Now the EU the US is led by a bunch of rethards and doesn't know what to do to get back their sovereignty, you know like actually making geopolitical decision based on logic. We can can also observe how limited the people in the audience are, no wonder our leaders are doing what the F they want, anything that feels like taking a "decision" if we can still call it a decision as long as they take an action to pretend they are doing their job and even if it's made without logic and reason. Totally the same sh*t happens at my company, how surprising!
If Hollywood ever wants to do a comedy farce on "Think Tanks", this is a real money saver. No script writing, even the off the street stupid questioners would be cheap to fill.
Lightweight characters criticizing someone who is a scholar. Good grief!
We in Europe do what America want is more or less true Especially if the Economic model mirrors America’s Ukraine should be like Austria Non aligned and Neural
DR. J. Mearsheimer is a legend. Peace lover.
? ![????](
As a friend of mine said...everybody is entitled to their opinion, however wrong they may be.
Europeans have been very active and well represented at US Congress for a while. It's similar to the Jewish community. European employees also have been well valued by US corporations seeking for talent which gets corporations to support Europe's interests.
Whacky dude is whacked! Unfortunately there seems to be A LOT of these type of people now days. And it’s immensely concerning….
It’s embarrassing to hear these ignorant people mumble challenges to such a knowledgeable man. Who are they?
Brave man. He could be persecuted like during McCarthy era.
His arguments aren't supported by double blind studies that have been peer reviewed. Therefore, his arguments are insufficient and I will continue to believe what I want that also isn't supported by double blind studies that are peer reviewed...I just won't admit that during my question time because I want to appear smart and higher on the intellectual totem pole.
Speech was and is never free in the US and the west, you just need to live there long enough to feel it.
Mearsheimer is right on regarding the Ukraine crisis. In my opinion, he has a very good grasp of the western mentality and history. However, he has a very poor understanding of the Asian culture. He does not believe that China can rise peacefully. Therefore, he has consistently advocated focusing resources to contain China. If he has his way, it would be an even bigger disaster vs the Ukraine situation.
For America the chief geopolitical prize is Russia - Zbignew Brzezinski No one in Europe can challenge the US Except Germany-Russia strategic parthnership
What, they thought he was doing a thesis defense in real time? Come back in 25 years when all the behind the scenes documents are made public.
Kiew was meant to be a distraction to bind 100.000 forces around Kiew not to go and join the forces in Donbas, the guy has no idea of warfare!
And most euros will deny this.
Mearsheimer has US mainstream view of containing China. He is supportive of Russia but against China. It all boils down to race.
What a load of high falutin gobble de gook the first questioner spouted . All designed to show the audience what a super clever SOB he is . God help any of his students
That guy in the back does not know what social science is and he is pure gaslighting and grandstanding. He made a fool out of himself.
My belief and a missing piece is the client list. NATO expansion plus client list is very telling ![????](
Go get em' , love your frankness !
Clear and easy to understand, why dont everyone get this already?
Students????No wonder why this world is in this state!!!@@SHAMEFUL.
I compare 2 maps a) the map of countries which expelled the _ _ _ s. b) the map of countries who (will) suffer the most from war and sanctions. Any comment on this corelation?
United States call it "Liberation" instead of "Invasion". That was what US call it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and the list goes on... Why the double standard? Confused... Please enlighten. Genuine question... Instances of the United States "liberated" or overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) China 1949 to early 1960s Albania 1949-53 East Germany 1950s Iran 1953 * Guatemala 1954 * Costa Rica mid-1950s Syria 1956-7 Egypt 1957 Indonesia 1957-8 British Guiana 1953-64 * Iraq 1963 * North Vietnam 1945-73 Cambodia 1955-70 * Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 * Ecuador 1960-63 * Congo 1960 * France 1965 Brazil 1962-64 * Dominican Republic 1963 * Cuba 1959 to present Bolivia 1964 * Indonesia 1965 * Ghana 1966 * Chile 1964-73 * Greece 1967 * Costa Rica 1970-71 Bolivia 1971 * Australia 1973-75 * Angola 1975, 1980s Zaire 1975 Portugal 1974-76 * Jamaica 1976-80 * Seychelles 1979-81 Chad 1981-82 * Grenada 1983 * South Yemen 1982-84 Suriname 1982-84 Fiji 1987 * Libya 1980s Nicaragua 1981-90 * Panama 1989 * Bulgaria 1990 * Albania 1991 * Iraq 1991 Afghanistan 1980s * Somalia 1993 Yugoslavia 1999-2000 * Ecuador 2000 * Afghanistan 2001 * Venezuela 2002 * Iraq 2003 * Haiti 2004 * Somalia 2007 to present Honduras 2009 * Libya 2011 * Syria 2012 Ukraine 2014 * Pakistan 2022 *
the questioners needs to read Prabhat Patnaik's 'Social Sciences and the Colonised Mind'
And Europeans are proud of being part of Nato
Poor cannon fodders
Mearsheimer is TOO loyal to USA Empire to admit Russia has no IMPERIAL AMBITIONS at all, which actually what only USA Empire has all the time
Germany and France need the US to provide security to fund their welfare states.
these people have bright futures in some US think tanks
1:02 really knows how to kill a buzz, dismember it, burn it and scatter the ashes to the gods of nasal boredom.
.The man said the truth, thank you. What what was the second guy talking about.
?UK's Top Diplomat Cuts Indonesia Trip Short - PM to announce resignation within the hour? Liz Truss is bailing out of Bali despite the G20 summit starting this Thursday in Asia. It's thought she's returning to London after the announcement that PM Boris Johnson is expected to step down as leader.
What a friendly Personality. Other than the the Audience he is trying to reason and still is answering politely to every vage and absurd talk open and sincerely. What an inspiring person. Wish, we had more if that kind on Planet Earth.
Mearsheimer is inflicting some serious emOtionAl DAHmage on these neolib wannabe geopolititians!
He was not "attacked", it is very important to able to talk like this amongst scholars, it would have been worse if none bothered to ask any "weird" question and just kept their ideas to themself and kept on reading what ever resonates with their own views, writing opnions pieces as "experts" on something something.
The cups of these people are so full they cannot take anymore input.
And what, pray tell, would you call reasoned opposition to this man's views? Or is the use of fact-based and historically-informed reason considered "mainstream"? If so, I'm mainstream, and have no time for dodgy facts and poor reasoning. BTW, there are many non-American opponents to Putin, so one needn't be a US fangirl to also dislike Vladimir's war crimes.
BINGO… But it takes going beyond prejudices to think clearly
since the death of john f kennady, martin luther j and marcom x usa has lost the greatness and throw the hope away.
Megative side of Democracy is there will ne 2 or more power strugler which need USD. US is easy to create problem and conflict in that country and support the party that willing to subdue to US demand, give them money for financing the election. Always like that because USD can be use in every country. ![????](
What Europe doesnt understand is, they are the buffer zone ![????](
America keeps them so there's space between them and Russian missiles
A student who speaks from a position lacking evidence & ignoring historical documentation can only be described as arrogant & ignorant. I am currently studying US policy of the last 125 years respecting Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba, for which indisputable documentation of US imperialist & racist policy is now available - the benefit of archives, research, & empirical evidence in hindsight. The foolish students featured seem totally naive & decidedly wrong about recent & longer-term historical fact - everything from the 2008 NATO declaration to National Endowment for Democracy (ie CIA) funding for destabilization & regime-change (the "$5 billion" 2014 coup) in Ukraine, to say nothing of military training & arming of Ukraine by NATO during the past 8 years. Mearsheimer is very modest & diplomatic in his response but the two students shown in the clip do not bode well for the strength or integrity of western academia. I have questions for Mearsheimer about his views respecting US justification in seeking containment of China. I believe other questions & discussion about his views are also acceptable academic discourse. But the accusations made here are pure arrogance based on pseudo-academic comments that are, frankly, stupid. Thank you for sharing this video.
damn..Just waiting Russia to get Kiev so that guys shuts his GOD DAMN MOUTH.
That first teacher who asked question embarrassed himself due to his stupid question. Condescending and stupid. His students should feel embarrassed to have a teacher like him
"social science" - seems oxymoronic to me Btw Russia didn't have enough forces to take ukraine? Yes they did, but they would have to declare war. Not call this a special operations have have minimal forces mobilized.b
Those who decided to drown on their own free will, can not be saved...
The truth.....the whole truth !
That dude talks like the western media wants him to be. Pathetic
What am I looking at? Really? European social science acdemics talk like a child. You didn't need to do a PHD in social science to understand the balance of power. High school history lessons could have taught you so!
This is how woke and cancel culture looks like in the end
Thanks sharing![????](
the vedio you post always broaden my view![????](
GO Dr. Mearsheimer! ![????](
It's gonna be a cold winter in Europe
. And the Aussies will gorge on wine and lobsters ![????](
That bloody white bearded guy behind doesn’t know much outside the US.
These people questions are insane
Only sheeps didn't know about this! And that is fact!
Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland - J.H.Mackinder
These people are lost or they was paid
this looks like a room of promising neoliberals....
What is wrong with the questioner, unable to get to the point
Two students making a fool of themselves
if you know some geopolitics, then you know that mearsheimer is a bit .. questionable. cringe, nice try, bye
hahahaha you could his voice quivering with western anger hahahaha
I am not surprised. ????????
1:01 - "Jeff" I think...He has no idea what he's talking about!
Anyone with a 6th grades education knows not only European but S Korea and Japan.
Science does not guarantee what is true but it can guarantee what is false.
Point of order, Jordan Peterson is not that smart. Don’t take advice from miserable people.
at 9:00 he really rips that boy appart hahahaha
John Mearsheimers was asked ( in Australia ) that if necessary to push China back into poverty - he anwered yes.
3:54 Whitebeard, are you sure you come to the right place? This is a Geopolitics forum not an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. What are you driveling on about? What exactly is your point?
Proposing a Pact with Russia to divide Ukraine among neighboring Nations. This would bring stability and prosperity to all in the region. Supporting NATO nonsense is just costing everyone money and lives and time. Do something that is good for yourselves. NATO is just just giving you heartaches and HELL ON EARTH - R.I.P. UKRAINE
damn this hippie sure talks a lot
Why is he talking to the inmates of a Lunatic Asylum. Is the Satnav broke ,John ?
nato and eu-us relations bare for everyone, willing, to see
Oh honey…& u forgot albeit…diplomatically…japan 2.
Numuves,u need to expose wion news and Palki Sharma ,wion and palki is so jealous of Chinas growth ,development,and how happy people are in China.When wion news anchors trash talk about China,wion anchors feel patriotic this way ![????](
I guess a phd doesn't make you smart![????](
No wonder the world is screwed if that audience is anything to go by, a 5 year old could construct a better response..................I am serious.
I can understand why Aileen Gu didn't go to Chicago University
It is actually anglo saxon(USA, UK, Australia, Canada) dictatorship and same Victorian empire still...
老流氓被小流氓骂了,这是好事啊 全世界人民喜闻乐见
EU exists if America support including UK.
Mearsheimer for president !!! ????????????????????????
That shows how stup!d US colleges are.
What man wear black and orange. No wonder he is talking nonsense.
Good buffer zones make good neighbors.
Who is that student? The way he thinks is brain dead. Nato with 30 country is threaten by 1 country Russia. All I can say is he needs to go back to kindergarten to study simple maths.
Send numuves money please.
Where is this taking place?
Who is the woke nerd posing the long winded eulogy ?
EU is a little biiishhhhhh
Robert Burns wrote: "Scots Wha Hae Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led; Welcome to your gory bed, Or to victory! Now's the day, and now's the hour; See the front o' battle lour; See approach proud Edward's power— Chains and slavery! Wha will be a traitor knave? Wha can fill a coward's grave! Wha sae base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee! Wha for Scotland's king and law Freedom's sword will strongly draw, Freeman stand, or freeman fa', Let him follow me! By oppression's woes and pains! By your sons in servile chains! We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free! Lay the proud usurpers low! Tyrants fall in every foe! Liberty's in every blow!— Let us do or die! " If you change Scots to Ukrainians and Edward to Putin, then you have the situation in Ukraine right now. Mearsheimer might theoretically belong to that coward's grave. But in the free West he has the right to publish his semi-putinistic theories. If he would now in Russia make critical comments against Putin and his war, the system would put him to the jail for at least 15 years. Different systems, different verdicts. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!
EU is a little biiishhhhhh