
专家断言 澳洲第二个斯里兰卡 负债1.2万亿

(2022-07-16 05:09:55) 下一个
Expert says Australia is at risk of chaos on the streets like Sri Lanka because of our huge $1.2TRILLION debt and high inflation


澳新见闻  微信号:ANZNEWS  发表 2022年07月16日
Expert says Australiais at risk of chaos on the the streets like Sri Lanka
政治和经济评论家John Adams警告说,数万亿澳元的债务和飙升的通货膨胀已经使澳大利亚走上了经济灾难的崩溃轨道。Adams先生在数字金融分析公司负责人Martin North主持的YouTube节目In the Interests of the People中说:“很多澳大利亚人认为,我们的生活水平是我们挣来的,或者我们有权享受的。”
澳大利亚的人均财富是斯里兰卡的15.7倍,这种比较可能显得有些牵强,而斯里兰卡在禁止使用农业化肥以实现有机化之后,也在努力应对45%的通货膨胀。但Adams先生补充说,澳大利亚可能 “很容易陷入斯里兰卡的局面,如果事情败露的话”,因为澳大利亚在过去100天里一直受到抗议活动的困扰。
73岁的Gotabaya Rajapaksa被迫辞去总统职务,因为他和他的家人被指控多年来从国库中抽走资金,他的政府因为对经济管理不善加速了国家的崩溃。他还禁止使用化学肥料,以实现农业的有机化,这导致了食品价格的飙升。Rajapaksa逃到了新加坡,此前抗议者上周冲进了他在首都科伦坡的豪宅。
财长Jim Chalmers在6月警告说,通胀率将“肯定高于”3月季度的5.1%,而且会变得更糟。
澳联储行长Philip Lowe预示,2022年的通货膨胀率为7%,这将是自1990年6月季度的7.7%以来的最高水平。
Expert says Australia is at risk of chaos on the streets like Sri Lanka because of our huge $1.2TRILLION debt and high inflation
* Top economist has warned Australia could spiral into civil unrest like Sri Lanka
* John Adams said country was trillions of dollars in debt and soaring inflation
* He said inflation needed to come under control if Australia was to avoid unrest
* Australia's 5.1 per cent inflation is far lower than Sri Lanka's 45.3 per cent pace
* But little more than a year ago, Sri Lanka had 6.1 per cent headline inflation

Australia could spiral into political and social unrest similar to the violent protests unfolding in Sri Lanka as inflation soars, a top economist has warned. 

Political and economic commentator John Adams cautioned trillions of dollars of debt and surging inflation had put Australia on a crash course for economic disaster.

'A lot of Australians think that we have a standard of living which we earn or we are entitled to,' Mr Adams told the In the Interests of the People YouTube show hosted by Digital Finance Analytics principal Martin North.

'The last 20 to 25 years we have lived a particular way in Australia using a big international credit card and in net terms, we owe the world $1.2trillion and in gross terms it's about $2.5trillion. 

Economists say what happened in Sri Lanka could happen in Aus
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Political and economic commentator John Adams cautioned trillions of dollars of debt and surging inflation had put Australia on a crash course for economic disaster
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Political and economic commentator John Adams cautioned trillions of dollars of debt and surging inflation had put Australia on a crash course for economic disaster

Australia could spiral into political and social unrest similar to the violent protests unfolding in Sri Lanka, a top economist has warned.
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Australia could spiral into political and social unrest similar to the violent protests unfolding in Sri Lanka, a top economist has warned.

Sri Lanka's speaker accepts ousted Rajapaksa's resignation
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'That's why we live the way we live. Not because we produce goods and services and sell them to the world, it is because we are living beyond our means.'

The comparison may seem far fetched with Australia's wealth per person being 15.7 times higher than Sri Lanka - which is also grappling with 45 per cent inflation after it banned agricultural chemical fertilisers in a bid to go organic.

But Mr Adams added Australia could 'easily go into a Sri Lankan situation if things were to unravel' with the country plagued by protests for the past 100 days. 

Protests erupted across Sri Lanka following the collapse of the country's economy, soaring inflation, severe food and fuel shortages, and ongoing blackouts. Share

Gotabaya Rajapaksa, 73, was forced to resign as president after he and his family were accused of siphoning money from government coffers for years and his administration hastening the country's collapse by mismanaging the economy.

He had also banned chemical fertilisers in a bid to make farming organic, which led to a surge in food prices.

Rajapaksa fled to Singapore, after protesters last week stormed his mansion in the capital Colombo.

As recently as 2019, the World Bank had classified Sri Lanka as an upper middle-income country but that began to unravel in 2020. 

The country's rapid decline was all the more shocking because, before the recent crisis, the economy had been expanding, with a growing, comfortable middle class. 

Mr Adams said surging inflation was a massive factor that sparked the widespread protests as millions were unable to afford basic necessities.

Mr Adams warned Australia was grappling with its own inflation crisis with cost-of-living soaring and prices for petrol and groceries skyrocketing

Mr Adams warned Australia was grappling with its own inflation crisis with cost-of-living soaring and prices for petrol and groceries skyrocketing

Inflation is expected to reach seven per cent as Australians endure soaring prices at the supermarket
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Inflation is expected to reach seven per cent as Australians endure soaring prices at the supermarket

'The situation has unraveled in Sri Lanka for June, where inflation has now peaked at 54 per cent and for food, in particular, inflation is running at 80 per cent,' he said.

Australia versus Sri Lanka

INFLATION: Sri Lanka had a 45.3 per cent headline inflation rate in May, double March's 21.3 per cent and up from 6.1 per cent in May 2021

Australia had a 5.1 per cent inflation rate in March - the fastest pace in 21 years 

WEALTH:  The World Bank last year calculated that Australia had a per capita gross domestic product of $US59,934 compared with just $US3,814 for Sri Lanka


'And so basically if you're poor in Sri Lanka you can't eat and we've seen a huge 75 per cent of the Sri Lankan population has basically reduced their food intake over the last two months.

'And so people are very nervous about a humanitarian crisis happening.'

The World Bank last year calculated that Australia had a per capita gross domestic product of $US59,934 compared with just $US3,814 for Sri Lanka. 

Sri Lanka's headline inflation rate in May was 45.3 per cent compared with 6.1 per cent a year earlier, figures from its own central bank showed. 

Inflation doubled in just two months, up from 21.3 per cent in March. 

Mr Adams warned Australia was grappling with its own inflation crisis with cost-of-living soaring and prices for petrol and groceries skyrocketing.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers warned in June that the inflation rate will be 'certainly higher' than the 5.1 per cent rate in the March quarter and will get worse.

ANZ is expecting June quarter inflation data, due out on July 27, to show the consumer price index soaring by 6.3 per cent, which would be the steepest in 32 years. 

The major banks are expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to hike rates in August, September and November.

This would add to the increases in May, June and July of 1.25 percentage points - the steepest since 1994.

The Commonwealth Bank, Australia's biggest home lender, is expecting a nine-year high RBA cash rate of 2.6 per cent by November. 

Most developed nations are battling high inflation largely due to supply chain disruptions, the large amount of money printed during the Covid pandemic and high energy prices due to Russia's war on Ukraine
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Most developed nations are battling high inflation largely due to supply chain disruptions, the large amount of money printed during the Covid pandemic and high energy prices due to Russia's war on Ukraine 

Most developed nations are battling high inflation largely due to supply chain disruptions, the large amount of money printed during the Covid pandemic and high energy prices as Russia's war on Ukraine pushes up petrol prices.

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has foreshadowed seven per cent inflation in 2022, which would be the highest since the 7.7 per cent rate in the June quarter of 1990.

'The Reserve Bank has said something around seven per cent and that doesn't seem to me to be wildly off the mark,' Dr Chalmers said. 

But far from being an economic disaster, Australia's unemployment rate in June fell to a 48-year low of 3.5 per cent, down from an already low 3.9 per cent in May. 

Treasury is expecting Australia's gross government debt to climb above $1trillion in 2022-23, making up 44.6 per cent of gross domestic product following $300billion worth of Covid stimulus measures when the pandemic began in 2020.

Sri Lanka owes billions of dollars to China while Australia has China as its biggest trading partner. 

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