
风萧萧: 跑步锻炼促进增长脑细胞聪明快乐

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风萧萧 跑步锻炼促进增长脑细胞聪明快乐

   风萧萧 2012-06-27 22:29:43     2018年2月1日 更新

















3.5. Running jogs memory by creating new brain cells

 Start running and watch your brain grow, say scientists 

 Britain 2010: Two groups of mice, one which had unlimited access to a running wheel in average of 15 miles (24 km) a day while the other did not. After a few days left alone, they put both groups of mice through a series of memory tests on a computer screen.

The screen displayed two identical squares side by side, and if they nudged the one on the left with their nose they received a sugar pellet reward, while the one on the right yielded nothing. The mice that had been running were almost twice as successful as those in the control group at picking the correct square. 

At the start of the test, the squares were 30 cm apart, but got closer and closer until they were almost touching. The big difference was seen in this stage. The sedentary mice got steadily worse. The scientists also tried to wrong-foot the mice by switching the square that produced a food reward but the running mice were quicker to catch on when scientists changed them around.

Tissue samples taken from the dentate gyrus part of the rodents’ brain, one of the few regions that can grow new cells on corresponding area of human adult brain, revealed that the running mice had grown fresh grey matter during the experiment. On average 6,000 new brain cells had been created.

Back The report also mentioned: “The Cambridge researchers joined forces with colleagues at the U.S. National Institute on Ageing in Maryland to investigate the effect of running. A few days of running led to the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells that improved the ability to recall memories without confusing them, a skill that is crucial for learning and other cognitive tasks, researchers said.”










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