
50 times American Healthcare System Shocked The Rest of the Worl

(2018-01-05 17:40:08) 下一个

50+ Times American Healthcare System Shocked The ... - Bored Panda


ByMarija Bern


#51 American Health Care

American Health Care


Dan Piraro Bizarro ComicsReport

Victor Calamity 2 days ago

Jack Benny: "....I'm thinking it over!"

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#53 In The United States, This Is What $14,714.49 Of Medication Looks Like

In The United States, This Is What $14,714.49 Of Medication Looks Like



Tiny Dynamine 2 days ago

It is sick that they put such enormous prices on things that are produced for a tiny fraction of that.

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#54 Healthcare Level: USA

Healthcare Level: USA



BREAK YOUr perceptions 2 days ago

its going to end up here.

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#55 My Buddy's Son Ate A Penny, This Is How Much The Hospital Charged For A 5 Minute Procedure To Get It Out

My Buddy's Son Ate A Penny, This Is How Much The Hospital Charged For A 5 Minute Procedure To Get It Out



Captain Planet 2 days ago

This is just a plain crime. How come people don't go protesting on the streets? This is ridiculous. How can a continent claiming to want to be the most innovative in almost every area be this ancient in the most important area. This is as if america is still in the medival age. 2/3 will soon go extinct due to the plague...

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#57 You're Doing It Wrong

You're Doing It Wrong



Rebecca Taylor 1 day ago

Naloxone kits and training for how to use them in case of emergency are given away, no charge, in Canadian pharmacies.

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#58 GOP Stance On Healthcare

GOP Stance On Healthcare



Marty Sunderland 2 days ago

Oh, yes! That's him.

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#59 The Reality

The Reality



Analyn Lahr 2 days ago

Omg. Looks like the r and v know what's up.

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#60 American Healthcare, Explained

American Healthcare, Explained



#64 Obamacare And Trumpcare

Obamacare And Trumpcare


Signe WilkinsonReport

Linda Gulley 1 day ago

The price issues are with the insurance companies, not the ACA. What we need is Universal single-payer. Congress should not have better care than we have.

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#65 Good Healthcare

Good Healthcare


Monkey Business ImagesReport

Victor Calamity 2 days ago

If this were a scene from a soap opera, the next scene would be them kissing

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#67 Universal Healthcare - I Think This Supports The Argument, Why It Is Good For The People

Universal Healthcare - I Think This Supports The Argument, Why It Is Good For The People



Alex K 2 days ago

greek here. i love that greece's arrow is pointing backwards. that's because we spend less on healthcare lately...sometimes hospitals don't even have bandages ,people say. personally, whenever i've been in a public hospital i was very happy with the service. been in surgery twice.

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#68 I'm An American, I'm Awake So Here's My Medical Bill. The Occupational Therapy Is Particularly Amusing. She Handed Me A Toothbrush

I'm An American, I'm Awake So Here's My Medical Bill. The Occupational Therapy Is Particularly Amusing. She Handed Me A Toothbrush



Victor Calamity 2 days ago

Not to make light of your situation...but I misread "Eeg" as "Egg", and now I'm laughing that you paid nine hundred dollars for an egg

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#69 “This Is About Profits, Not People”

“This Is About Profits, Not People”



Master Markus 2 days ago

I'm also reminded of the U.S. prison system, which thanks to being run by private companies rather than the government (you know, like it MAKES SENSE TO) keeping people in prison is very often much more important than helping people punished for minor crimes to be reintroduced into society.

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#70 The USA Provides Free Health Care

The USA Provides Free Health Care



Autumn Jones 2 days ago

Is this the reason on why the prisons in the US are so overfilled? hmm...

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#71 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia On Health Care In America

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia On Health Care In America



Kjorn 2 days ago

you can see that american have no real respect for life

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#72 Same




Master Markus 2 days ago

That's why I look at the really far-right-wingers, like those in the U.S. government and just think "I can see other perspectives that I don't agree with, but that is just plainly evil on a universal scale".

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#73 Choose Your Own Healthcare Adventure

Choose Your Own Healthcare Adventure



Pippa Runs 3 hours ago

I was haemorrhaging from a miscarriage and was asked to take a seat (I refused) while they manually wrote down my info and then had to walk myself to my room in the ER where I eventually collapsed and then got hit with a huge bill 2 months later.

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#74 Drug Prices In Canada's Health Care System Vs Prices In America

Drug Prices In Canada's Health Care System Vs Prices In America



ShneeksDawn 2 days ago

As of January 2018 anyone under 25 gets prescriptions covered by our healthcare (in Ontario) no matter their financial standings or if they have health insurance.

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#75 Injured?




Victor Calamity 2 days ago

Well, now, that's just offensive...his pocket square should match his tie

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#78 Preparing In Advance

Preparing In Advance



Leah Pimentel 2 days ago

Free in Portugal, and you don't need to go to hospital. A van with the equipment, radiologist, nurse and doctor comes every year to your neighborhood

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#79 Mindset Of Americans

Mindset Of Americans



Master Markus 2 days ago

OOH is that why so many people think that universal healthcare is unaffordable for the country? They think the treatments actually cost anything close to what they pay?

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#80 Peter Parker Had No Health Insurance

Peter Parker Had No Health Insurance


#81 Who Knew

Who Knew




#82 Insurance Agent Discovers Client Has Pre-Existing Condition (2017, Colorized)

Insurance Agent Discovers Client Has Pre-Existing Condition (2017, Colorized)



Clare McDuff 1 day ago

To be fair, he WAS going to get a free jacket out of it.

#85 Got Just A CT Scan. F*ck American Health Care

Got Just A CT Scan. F*ck American Health Care



Tiari 2 days ago

And besides the insurance problems: Your prices is so blown out of proportions... In Germany a clinic charges less then 1000 Euros for most CTs, only full body being more expensive.

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#87 Trumpcare



Steve SackReport


#88 The American Healthcare System Is A Eugenics Program

The American Healthcare System Is A Eugenics Program



ADHORTATOR 2 days ago

I have an american collegue with a kidney disease. His mother is german and so he has also the german citizenship...so he came to Germany what saved his life....

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#89 US Healthcare

US Healthcare



Nyree Bergeest 21 hours ago


Well the ankle surgery from a slip and fall cost my friend $2,000 with the now destroyed Affordable Health Care act. As a blue collar worker who makes around $25-27,000 per year she has to pay almost 10% of her income for ONE ACCIDENT. That is WITH COVERAGE. She paid monthly to have access to the care, she fell, the surgery cost over $20,000 and was sent home with no instructions and no assistance. No rehab. Thank goodness I'm an OT and I could set her up to take a shower without falling again, and buy her own equipment so she could get around. It's appalling. Oh- and with her blue collar job guess what her 6 months of income was due to being out because she could not walk? $0. No paid sick days, no paid vacation days. She serves food to the 1-2% and the rest of us. Tip well people.



m b 1 day ago

The biggest problem is in the US we have a population of over 350 million people and only 99 million taxpaying units. Those 99 million taxpaying units cannot support everything. The ACA came about and was a failure, in order to provide free care for low income individuals the middle income wage earners medical insurance went through the roof. A coworker with a wife and child went from $200 a month for full coverage including medicine to $1400 a month for emergency coverage only and was set to increase by 20% this year. There are a number of issues at play including overpriced healthcare, a large amount of the population that abuses ER visits and never pays and an overall large population. Everyone would love to see a comprehensive system that provides coverage for all, but the US is not a small population like most other countries.


Dan H 2 days ago

The U.S. has some of the most cutting-edge medical treatment techniques in the world. We owe this in part to high scientific research standards. People come to America from all over the world to get some of the best care available anywhere. Government institutions such as the Food and Drug Administration, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the National Institutes of Health help ensure that patients are given quality care, treatment and safe medications. The FDA can pull a drug off the pharmacy shelves if it is deemed unsafe. The NIH sets high qulaity standards for biomedical research. The mission of AHRQ is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. Another benefit of the U.S. health care system is that if you have the financial means, you can choose the type of health insurance you want. You also have the option to choose your own doctor.

Guttorm 1 day ago

First off, how the heck is getting to choose our own doctor something remarkable? Doesn't everyone? Unless they live in a remote area with one doc in range, I mean. Second, the US spends more money on research, but does not actually get more results than other large countries. Much like the rest of US health care. The Uk is in fact the leader of research results per head, with one of the cheapest systems in the first world. Lastly, on medical tourism, you do know stats are kept on these things, right? 80 000 people come to the US for treatment each year, mostly from the third world. 1,5 million Americans go abroad for treatment each year. Massive economic system rejection. Economically, why would people go to America with its titanic out-of-pocket prices and poor hospital error rates rather than just go private in their own nations?

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