In a letter from the principal of town high school, the parents are informed that a radon test will be executed in school tomorrow through Feb 6th. “Radon” is a new word for me, after research I learned its meaning . I was shocked. In my mind Radon is only an element in the Periodic Table of Elements。it’s an element barely being talked about and related in our daily life. Being exposed in elevated radon enviorment over time can cause lung cancer, but there are easy ways to fix it.
Radon is a colorless, odorless gas. Testing is the only way to find out if your home has elevated radon levels. The DPH Radon Program recommends that Connecticut residents throughout the state test the air in their homes for radon. There are several different types of devices that measure radon in air and water.
Radion testing is not always a priority, but in CT, 1 in 3 homes have elevated radon leveles. Across the rest of the U.S., that number is only about 1 in 15 homes.
"elevated" --'超标, 和 elevator( 电梯、提升机)联系起来,就容易记也容易理解了。
虽然距离小孩报名大学还有相当一段时间,我这个一向后知后觉的人这回赶了个早:买来了COLLEGE ADMISSION ESSAYS( for dummies) 给我和孩子读。
在介绍如何 delving deeper with your personal statement 的一节中,这句话要切记:You risk boring your reader(the admission officer) to tears if you insist on writing yoru personal statement as a lengthy recitation of your resume.
在but enough about me一节中,要切记这句话: overcoming the taboo against bragging.(不要触碰吹牛这一禁忌)。不要把一切的中心都围绕在你自己身上。书中讲了一个很老的笑话。
Taboo: 忌讳
Brag: 吹牛
There is an old joke about a bore at a cocktail party who remarks, "but enough about me. Let's talk about you now. What do you think about me?"
这里的A BORE: 意指无趣的人。
The most succesful application essays are about challenging oneself and handling inevitable setbacks.
Inevitable: 无法回避的
Setback: 挫折