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这两天听新闻总听到FOSSIL FUEL, 于是昨晚上google 了下,自我科普了。学习后,认识到了全球范围内,发展新能源的紧迫性。在降低二氧化碳排放方面,发展中国家和发达国家都要尽各自的义务,大国更是要有所担当。联合国气候变化会议(UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE)将于10月31日至11月12日在苏格兰举行。

A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural, geological processes. The principal source of fossil fuels is the anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis.[1]化石燃料是种通过天然,地质变化过程形成的燃料。主要的化石燃料来源是分解埋藏在地下的死亡有机物,它们当中含有生成于古代光合作用的有机分子 The transitions from these source organic materials to the resulting fossil fuels typically requires a geological process of millions of years, and sometimes more than 650 million years.[2] 这些有机物质变成化石燃料一般需要几百万年,甚至是长达六亿五千万年的地质变化过程。During this process the materials transform into several high-carbon minerals, including petroleum, coal, and fossil or natural gas.[3] Humans extract these transformed materials through mining and drilling and frequently use them for energy through combustion.[4]在这个过程中,物质转变成几种高碳矿物,包括石油,煤碳,化石或是天然气。人类通过采矿钻井提取这些变形过的物质,将它们用作能源。


When extracted, fossil fuels can also be transformed into other chemicals or derivatives by the refining and chemical industries. 在提取的过程中,通过精炼化工业产业,这些化石燃料也能被转变成其它的化学物质Commonly-used refined fossil fuels include kerosene, gasoline and propane, and common chemicals, include most plastics and agricultural chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. 生活中我们通常使用的化石燃料精炼物包括:煤油,汽油,丙烷, 以及普通的化学物质(包括大多数的塑料品)和农业化学(比如肥料和杀虫剂
)。As of 2018, the world's main primary energy sources consisted of petroleum (34%), coal (27%), and natural gas (24%), amounting to an 85% share for fossil fuels in primary energy consumption in the world. Non-fossil sources included nuclear (4.4%), hydroelectric (6.8%), and other renewables (4.0%, including geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, and waste).[5] The share of renewables (including traditional biomass) in the world's total final energy consumption was 18% in 2018. 2018年,世界上主要的能源资源构成是:煤油34%, 煤27%, 天然气24%,在世界上的主要能源消耗领域,它们占到了化石燃料85%的份额。非化石资源包括核,水力发电,和其它可再生资源(地热,太阳能,潮汐,风,木,及废物) 2018年,全球利用可再生资源作为能源来源的占全球能源总消耗的18%。


Fossil fuels cause serious environmental damage and direct negative consequences on local communities at every stage in their use: extraction, transportation and consumption of the fuels. Most significantly, the burning of fossil fuels produces around 35 billion tonnes (35 gigatonnes) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year,[7] or about 89% of all carbon dioxide (CO

2) emissions.[8] Natural processes on Earth (mostly through absorption by the ocean) can only absorb a small part of this amount, therefore there is a net increase of many billion tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide per year.[9] CO2 is a greenhouse gas that increases radiative forcing, thus fossil fuels are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions causing global warming and ocean acidification. Additionally, most air pollution deaths are due to fossil fuel combustion products: it is estimated that this pollution costs over 3% of global GDP,[10] and that fossil fuel phase-out would save 3.6 million lives each year.[11]



Recognition of the climate crisis, pollution and other negative impacts caused by fossil fuels, has lead to a widespread policy transition and activist movement focused on ending their use in favor of renewables. However, because the fossil fuel industry is so important to the global economy and historically heavily subsidized this transition is expected to have significant economic impacts. Many stakeholders argue that this changes needs to be a just transition and create policy that addresses the stranded assets of the fossil fuel industry. International policy, in the form of Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action and the Paris Climate Agreement, are designed to facilitate this transition at a global level. In 2021, the International Energy Agency, concluded that no new fossil fuel extraction projects could be opened, if the global economy and society wants to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and meet international goals for climate change mitigation.[12]






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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 皮卡老师好!是啊,看看这两年全球各地频发的因为极端天气引发的自然灾害就知道了。2016年,中美在杭州共同签署加入了由联合国发起的巴黎公约(Paris Agreement的文件; 中国的减排目标是在2060年前实现碳排放与碳吸收平衡carbon neutrality。 希望世界的主要经济体都能遵守协议,履行承诺,这样人类才有共同可持续发展的未来。
laopika 回复 悄悄话 人类若再不控制二氧化碳排放,最终只能去承受日益恶化的气候了。