
莲盆籽 (热门博主)
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青春美丽,阳光灿烂, 我为什么想自杀?(2)

(2017-03-28 13:46:00) 下一个

青春美丽,阳光灿烂, 我为什么想自杀?(2)

Young and pretty, sunny and bright, why did I want to commit suicide?


博文自荐:青春美丽,阳光灿烂, 我为什么想自杀?(1)



第一篇我没说清楚,抑郁症的感觉和不堪重压的感受是不一样的。有一年我特别背运,至亲家人们厄运连连,我自己摔断了骨头。我心里没底,不知能否应付生活的难题,更害怕机运继续恶化,担心命运继续地不时给我再来狠狠的一击。那一年我先生被裁员,我自己的工作向新的方向发展。 秋天大女儿又离家去外州上大学了。女儿跳级的,年龄小,做母亲的牵肠挂肚是必然的。

In the previous post, I did not clearly state that, depressed feeling is different from the feeling of weighing down by stress factors.  There was a year during which I had some really awful luck. My family members had one terrible thing happen to them right after another. I fell and broke a bone.  I did not have any confidence in myself to deal with these challenges in life.  I was angry at the fate and scared that things will keep getting worst. That year my husband were laid off from his job, I myself had additional challenges at work as the company I worked at was heading in a new direction.  My eldest daughter left home for college in the fall.  She was very young as she had skipped a grade.  Being a mother, I was very worried about her being so far away and amongst the elder college crowd.

吐这么多苦水只是想说明,压力和抑郁是完全不同的感受。那年只感到不负重压,没有年轻时那样的抑郁感受。到了年底我特别盼望新年的到来,迷信的期望新的一年时来运转。那一年我遇到很多困难,但没有抑郁的绝望。 解决了问题, 压力就减轻了。

These complaints about my difficulties that year was really to show that,  stress and depression feels completely different.  During that year, I was stressed out a lot.  But I did not feel depressed.  Towards the end of that year, I was especially looking forward to a new year, hoping the new year will bring me better luck.  Even though that year was very difficult for me, I did not fell into despair.   Stress is  relieved once problems are resolved.

抑郁是内心的感受,压抑,悲凉,空虚,无望,黑暗,不依外界的情况而变。回头看来,年轻时的那段经历是叫作 major depressive episode.,属于clinical depression 一类, 很危险。这和承受外界压力的感觉不一样,也和平时的不开心不愉快不是一回事。  

But depression is a feeling coming from inside:  sadness, emptiness, despair, and darkness.  These feelings do not change according to outside factors. Looking back, the experience of my youth is called major depressive episode, belong to the clinical depression category.  These often have physiological reasons and could be dangous if left untreated.  This depressed feeling is not the same as being pressured by some external factors, nor is it the same as simply being unhappy about something.


It can be observed from my own experience that external pressure has an influence on depression.  When I was a young foreign student, China just started to open to the west.  Coming from a tightly sealed country, I knew nothing about the free world.  Not only the communism education  I received in grade school was useless, even math which I thought was my strong point, I could not compete against the American students in high level college classes.   There were a lot of pressure from daily life and academics.  But were these the reason for my depression which brought me to the point of contemplating suicide?  I can not say these factors have no bearing on my depression.  But when I came out the depression,  these pressures were still there.  Furthermore, there was the additional pressures.  Therefore, there must be other factors lead me to contemplate taking my own life.


There are already a lot of research showing that excessive stress is not good for health.  Healthy mind and body are interrelated.  Severe physical illness, however an optimistic view, there are stress from within.  On the flip side, mental health issue may lead to physical illness if left untreated for a long time.  It could also be that mental health problems were the result of physical illness in the first place.


Is it true then, this problem of  youth mental health can be resolved by relieving pressure on our youth?  There are a lot of criticism of the Chinese education style for putting too much pressure on our youth.  Many people believe that the unrealistic expectation of Chinese parents are the chief reason leading to youth mental issues.  

Then, let me give a few examples to show that severe case of mental sickness resulting in suicides are not limited to Chinese, and neither are they limited to pressure from parents.  I have lived longer in the United States than in China by now.  I also know more Americans than Chinese (including Chinese Americans).  My examples are all Americans.


The first one who committed suicide, I did not know him personality. Never met him  His grandfather is a friend of the owner of the company I worked at.   They have been friends for many years.  He is very easy going and gentle.  He has business dealing with our company.  I see him often and have lunch with him every now and then.   The grandson’s suicide is something he told me himself.  When I heard the news that my neighbor’s boy committed suicide, I was shocked.  So the old man told me his family’s story to calm me down.


The grandson was raised by this old gentleman himself.  The mother, old man’s daughter, was killed in an car accident long time ago.  The grandson did not do well in school.  He liked to party.  But he grew up eventually and started to help in his grandfather’s business, mostly outdoor construction projects.  He committed suicide less than a year after getting married.  Sunny white male, gone from this world at a time when his life was finally getting on track.


Neither do I know this second one who committed suicide.  She was a daughter of my colleague, also white.  Twenty four years old.  Her mother had committed suicide some years before.  That is all I know about her.  I am not close to this colleague.  But I know he is very nice, not a strict “tiger dad”.

第三位是我多年的同事,没有自杀,但有一阵忧郁症非常严重。刚认识那年他十九岁,做技工的白人,长得高大帅气,性格阳光开朗。我孩子小的时候停了几年工作,重回公司的时候发现这人完全变了,说话恶声恶气的。我们只是同事不是朋友,并不想探他的私事。但共事多年多的同事,关心一下也是应该的。所以当我忍不住问了他,他也没生我的气,也没隐瞒 。他和妻子正闹离婚,身体也出了大毛病。但幸运的是,他的家庭医生让他去心理医生那里开了药,现在精神状況明显好了很多。

The third one is a colleague of mine for many years.  He did not commit suicide.  But he was suffering from severe depression for a time.  When I first met him, he was nineteen years old, tall and handsome, with a sunny and sweet disposition. When my kids were young, I took a leave of absence from work for a few years.  When I returned, I found him to be completely different from the man I used to know.  Conversation with him was very unpleasant.  He was mean.  As a colleague but not really friends, I did not want to pry on his privacy.  But we worked together for many years, it was nature for me to be concerned about his well being.  When I finally had an opportunity to ask what happen to him, he did not get mad at me, neither did he hide his problem.  He was going through a divorce.  Also he was having a major health problem.  Fortunately, his family doctor referred him to a psychologist who put him on medication.  His temperament is more pleasant now and is obviously doing better.

第四位是个十七岁的男孩,白人,我们小区的邻居。学业不错,踢足球的帅哥,美国公立高中里很受欢迎的那种。车库里一根绳子上吊了,多么年轻的生命! 追思会去了一千多人,有同学,老师,朋友,邻居。他的父母把他的一个器官捐了,还以他的名字设立了基金会,作为奖学金发给我们学区的孩子。社区有很多善良的的人,基金会收到不少捐款,第一年就从基金里拿出利息颁发了三个二千元的奖学金给应届毕业生。他的父母努力地将他短暂的生命发挥出社会意义,但他们家人的痛苦只有自己来承受。这男孩走后他家马上搬了出去,不能再继续直接面对这个疤痕。房子空着,很多年卖不出去。

The fourth one is a seventeen year old boy, white, a neighbor in my subdivision.  He excelled at academics, also was a soccer player。A popular all American high school boy. Hang by a rope in the family garage, a young life was gone!  There were over a thousand people showed up at his memorial service, students and teachers from school, friends, relatives and neighbors, all sadden by the loss of this promising young man.  His parents donated one of his organs, and set up a foundation in his name.  The foundation took the donation from the community and awarded scholarships to the children of our school. His parents tried hard to make his brief life on earth meaningful to the society.  But the pain and loss they had to bear by themself. They moved out of the house shortly after funeral. They could not face the scare every day.  The empty house sat on the market many years unsold.


From these examples we can see that depression is not limited to Chinese.  Also, it is not necessarily result of Chinese style high pressure education, nor unfortunate circumstance in life.  Depression is a type of mental illness.  I am not a doctor.  I am not qualified to write about the diagnosis and treatment of depression.    But I wanted to point out that, if the mental illness patients and their family are not aware of  and not seeking treatment, quick recovery is unlikely.


Young people tend to have large mood swings.  This period in life has the highest incidents of depression. In three  of four examples above, the severe cases of depressions resulting in suicide were all young people.  Actually, even though I was under quite a bit of pressure while a young foreign students, the pressure later in life were not a bit less.  People at middle age, sandwiched between elderly parents and young children, have a lot of responsibility for family and work.  The difference being, without the influence of youth hormonal changes, the symptoms of depression were not as severe.


Improving education method, reducing pressure on the youth is a smart thing to do of course.  I was just using  these examples to remind Chinese parents not to take it lightly.  Outside pressure is not the only factor leading to youth depression.  Never to believe that your child will not be at risk for mental illness because educational method has been improved. When a child is depressed, it is not necessarily true that the malaise will be gone when stress factors are removed.


Every time there is news of suicide involving a Chinese youth,  you can hear a loud sigh on  Wenxuecity, especially when it involves a Chinese youth who excelled.  Many people lament the  waste of these youth’s potential, being so lucky and outstanding.   The reality may be that the reason for these suicide have no relationship with outside pressure, situation or personal achievement.


Of course, it is not wrong to ask parents not to push children beyond realistic limits.  But pressure not only come from parents.  Many children, especially children who excel, tend to put pressure on themselves.  Perfectionism, high expectations are pressures ambitious youth put on themselves.  But not all the youth suffer from mental illness.  Some kids are sunny and outgoing, some are introverts, others hide their tears behind sunny smiles.


There is an infamous suicide bridge on an ivy league college campus.  I visited that school a while ago.  In the mountains, over a gorge, a short pedestrian bridge.  Choosing this place to jump, and leaving the body in a beautiful ravine, maybe these kids still have something to live for in this world?  Who knows if their pressure come from their parents or from inside themselves?  Who can say for sure that they jumped because they could not take the pressure, or because they could not take the pain from the sadness in their hearts?

没患过癌症的不会感受到绝症的痛苦,但都知道这病的历害。没患过心理疾病的,不仅不懂患者的痛苦,更不可能对这病的危害有感性的认识。这个病,也是会致命的。不懂这病的起因,怎么会知道怎样预防? 不知道这是个病,怎么会想到去寻求治疗?

Not having been stricken by cancer, one can not feel the pain of terminal illness.  But everyone knows the seriousness of this disease.  Not sicken by mental illness, one not only does not understand the patient’s pain, but also does not know how dangerous it could be.  This disease can also result in loss of life.  Not understanding the cause of this illness, how can we talk about prevention?  Not knowing this is a real illness, why would anyone think about seeking treatment?


I am not a healthcare professional.  I did not spend a lot of time research this area even though I experienced serious episode of depression.  I only know that many mental illness have physiological reasons. With advance in medical science, there are medications nowadays to treat mental illness, including depression.  The purpose of this paper is simply to promote the awareness of mental health issue in the Chinese community.   I hope to remind Chinese parents to look at both internal and external factors causing mental health issues, and to seeking better understanding of diagnosis and treatment.


Many Chinese parents did a lot of homework in order to help their kids get into good colleges. Required classes, standards on tests, community services, arts and sports development, they can talk about these topics in details.  But I wonder how many parents actually spend any time studying youth mental health counselling?

期望孩子成龙成凤并没有错。谁不希望孩子有出息? 把自立于社会当做培养孩子的目标,这是称职的父母应该做的。对孩子高标准,严要求,这也是负责任的父母应该做的. 只要这些标准和要求,是按着孩子的实际能力来设置的。但优异的学业,机智的处事能力,没有强壮的身体,健康的心态也是枉然。

Expectation of  excellence for  children is not wrong in by itself.  Who would not expect their own kids to be successful?  Raising children with their independence as ultimate goal,  this is something all the good parents should do.  Setting high standards and enforcing strict discipline,   these are also marks of responsible parents, as long as the standards and requirements are set based on child’s actual abilities.   But excellent academics and good organizational skills, without strong body and healthy mind, all will come to naught.



As to whether there is any correlation between fragile, sensitive character traits and mental illness, I will explore  further in the  next post  of  this series.



(To be continued)





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莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '波城冬日' 的评论 :
波城冬日 回复 悄悄话 我在补读你的系列,非常赞同你的观点。因为女儿的书就是写青少年忧郁症的,我也读了不少这方面的专业文章。这是病,主要是身体内部的问题引起的... 谢谢你的分享!
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '噢颜颜' 的评论 :
噢颜颜 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享,:)
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '北美大一叔' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '茵茵梦湖' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '腊梅lamei' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 'SHARON50' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '荔枝100' 的评论 :
很多人分不清correlation and causation是不同的概念。起因很复杂,现代科学还不成熟。做这方面研究的反而不敢轻易下结论,要用很多qualifies。
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 'mzl9876' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '为写而写' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '腊月寒梅' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '梅华书香' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思韵如蓝' 的评论 :
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 :
北美大一叔 回复 悄悄话 作者谦虚诚恳,论述中允,为社会提供正能量
茵茵梦湖 回复 悄悄话 试着瞎分析:

莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 回复 '茵茵梦湖' 的评论 :
茵茵,麻烦你把留言再写一遍帖出来。MS Word写了再copy 过来。不知文学城又出了什么问题,我的一个留言也崩没了:(
茵茵梦湖 回复 悄悄话 昨天写了好长的一个留言,一发全崩没了。
腊梅lamei 回复 悄悄话 谢谢莲盆籽!很理解你,自己也有一段类似的经历,当时感觉黑暗无望,最恐惧的还是把自己封闭起来觉得被全世界抛弃的感觉。现在想起来,还是心有余悸。我在最低谷时,说给自己的一句话,我这条命是父母给的,自己没有否决处置权,决没有理由再瞎作瞎造下去。说到底,还是父母平时的点滴关爱给了自己重新拥抱生命的底气。所以,做父母的对子女心理上的关心生活上的体贴,在最关键的时候一定会起关键作用的。因为留恋那份无条件的爱,不会轻易迈出那不归的一步。
SHARON50 回复 悄悄话 "抑郁是内心的感受,压抑,悲凉,空虚,无望,黑暗,不依外界的情况而变",非常赞同!
荔枝100 回复 悄悄话 外部压力只是一小部分原因,或是一个trigger。正如你说,你在走出忧郁后仍然有压力,但能对付了。我认识的两姐妹,同一对父母,同样的生活环境,同一所学校,压力相当,姐姐很阳光很健康,妹妹被正式诊断出忧郁症。

“事实可能是那个孩子的死因和外在的压力,境遇和个人成就并没关系。” 我比较偏向于你这句话。
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : +1

mzl9876 回复 悄悄话 忧郁和压抑是两码事,忧郁是病,压抑不是,我的感觉,青少年容易轻生些,当然了,得了忧郁症的人,若不及时治疗,后果是不堪设想的。。。。。。
为写而写 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : +1。这个方面,其实很多方面,个体差异太大了。还有,很多大学生,虽然算是成年人了,但其实还是孩子,而且是似懂非懂的孩子,迷惘的特别多,而且似乎有上升的趋势。我们的确不能因为觉得他们已经成年就不管不问了。他们其实挺需要帮助的。
腊月寒梅 回复 悄悄话 抑郁跟内分泌失调有很大的关系,内分泌失调导致令人快乐的血清素分泌不足,人就会难过抑郁,严重时就需要就医服药治疗,刺激血清素的分泌。青春期、产后、更年期都是生理变化无常的阶段,也是抑郁症高发阶段。以上是一位精神科医生对我简单科普的知识。所以抑郁了,不严重可以依靠食疗、体育锻炼、减压、意志力抵抗过去,严重时一定要就医治疗啊。
梅华书香 回复 悄悄话 写得真诚动情,感人至深!孩子的充实教育应该非常重要,感觉总是忙忙碌碌的人不容易会去想自杀的事情。不知道对否?谢谢分享了!!!!!
思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 莲莲说得太对了!我年轻的时候压力大,但是斗志昂扬的。所以我不赞成把抑郁症与压力单一挂钩。
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 谢谢你莲盆籽。用双语写下你的体会和反思真是造福于家长和孩子们的好文章。 我们都期望拥有身心健康,这里面心理健康比身体上的健康更重要些。两者当然也互相关联互相影响。一个人的性格是否开朗有先天的因素也有后天环境的原因。在读Pat Summit的书里她也提到有时她会和一些队员提出更高的要求,但是都是她觉得这些队员是可以handle压力,不怕压力和挑战的人。每一个人对待同样事情的反应是不一样的。不同的时段对待压力也是不一样的。一定要叫自己和孩子们知道退一步海阔天空,直线走不通还可以绕行的道理。还有就是别太把自己当回事,也别把事儿太当回事儿。