
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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(2020-10-17 09:01:21) 下一个


9/11,9/12号在火龙果还带点青色就摘了下来,考虑到路上还有几天。又去店里买了几磅特别甜的李子,还有一小袋Costco的巧克力,一盒口罩。寄的那天上午,正巧公司给每个员工投递了一大盒SnackNation的各色点心,就拍了照,问女儿有没有喜欢的,她圈了一些,想想这些snacks轻轻的,我就塞了一包又一包,一大盒的snacks最后只留了几包她不喜欢吃的给自己。在去Fedex的路上,我又拐进Costco给她买了一张$200的cash card,然后就兴冲冲冲到了Fedex店。
接待我的是一个亚裔面孔的男服务员,他看了看我的箱子说,箱子上面应该再垫点东西(箱子底部是有泡沫塑料纸的),就从边上拿了一大堆皱巴巴的纸压在上面,然后帮我封好(我带了胶带准备自己封的)。因为是星期六,箱子要等到周一才寄,我用的是ground shipping, 周四可以到。想想水果这些天应该没事,而且自女儿上大学以后,我几乎明年都有用Fedex给她寄东西,一直都没有问题,所以也没有多想。
到了星期四(9/17)应该投递的日子,上网一查,发现没有动静,东西好像还没有出加州,就打了一个电话,人家说那个周六上午应该可以到。为此,我还特意交代女儿周六留心包裹。Fedex网站上周六上午还显示scheduled delivery date是当天的,结果等到我下午去查看,网上的信息又变成pending, 再一看,箱子怎么还在加州。只好又拨了一个电话质问。服务人员声音含含糊糊,敷衍了事,说有人会联系我。我前前后后一共打了四次电话,没有接到过任何Fedex的电话或者email,试着给他们发email也退回(也就是他们的电邮只是发confirmation用的,不接受回复的email)。当后来的scheduled delivery date改成下周四(9/24),我开始担心里面水果会变坏,又打电话,问询有没有办法早点到,要求他们给我书面答复,到底怎么一回事。接电话的女士嘴上答应着,不见任何邮件。随着日子的推进,scheduled delivery date提前了一天,改成9/23。虽然失望,觉得里面的水果可能不行了,但是想到事已至此,至少还有snack, 口罩和巧克力不会坏的。结果9/23那天却发现网上的信息又更改了,说package is damaged, delivery exception(猜是不予投递的意思)。看到这个,我已经被一个小小的包裹弄得心烦了,想着damaged了就damaged吧,你们只要给我送过去就好,我也不想再烦了,又是一个电话过去,说 "Just deliver it". 服务人员说,他会试着转达的。可是从那天起,网上的信息就再也没有更进。
幸运的是,那天把cash card放进箱子之际,就一念之间我想到把卡号拍了下来。得知箱子损坏后,我打电话去Costco,Costco的服务就是不一样,态度十分友好,说他们经常处理卡丢失的情况,他们可以将现金卡冻结,如果最后包裹送到了,也可以重新解冻。真是感谢Costco的优良服务。
理论上说,Fedex自动理赔额是$100, $100以下的claim是不需要proof或documentation。想想自己当时又没有拍照,根本没有想到会出现这样的情况。我怎么证明东西的value, 又怎么证明我是寄了这些东西的? 东西是因为你们Fedex的拖延损坏了,而且是在你们手中损坏,是你们决定不给deliver的,我连箱子最后损坏的样子都没有看见,从常理上说就应该Fedex负责的?想着这种小case应该妥妥地得到赔偿,我也不想麻烦,所以就file了一个加上了运费,额度不超过$100的理赔要求,想早点了了这事。
9/26 file的claim一直没有消息,打电话问,说要attach当时的货运bill。照做了,结果今天去开信箱,发现一封fedex 10/9写的claim declined due to "Liability Not Assumed"。上网一查,才发现这个"'Liability Not Assumed" 下面有长长的二三十条,只要有符合里面所列任何一项就不予赔偿,有些写的还含糊,有些看上去就不合情理,给人的感觉就是Fedex可以以任何理由拒绝理赔,比如如果纸箱包装不合要求,不予理赔。试问,如果纸箱不合要求,那投递时服务人员为什么接收? 再去网上搜索,YouTube里还有人专门拍了怎样对待Fedex拒绝理赔的视频,而网上有关Fedex故意刁难理赔的讨论一大串,有些即便是额外买了保险,得不到理赔好像都是家常便饭,以前有人寄电视机,在投递过程中损坏了得不到赔偿。这才真正发现一个像Fedex这样的老牌大牌公司可以如果没有信誉,这样的服务实在让人不齿。有时想,就$100块钱,可再想想,感觉很不爽。



My vacation hours are full, and I decided to take a day off on Friday, October 9th. To ensure that nothing will come up during my absence, I worked late into the night of Thursday, finishing all the reports in my plate. 

Tired as I was, I lay on bed messaging my daughter. As the messages were exchanged, topics inadvertently switched to Thanksgiving holiday. Her hesitance of coming home for the holiday surprised me.  “She does not miss us.” said he, chiding me for being too strict in her growth, only adding fuel.  Alone, tears started swelling up in the eyes, and my mind was adrift to the old days when raising her sapped my energies.  Flashbacks of her intimacy and sweetness at a younger age only saddened me. “What went wrong?” I asked myself. “Was it my recent interventions that put her off?” 

She must have realized something, and an ensuing new message soon came that she could come home for a week during Thanksgiving or for my birthday.  I reckoned that she was trying to make it up, but that endeavor seemed a bit too little and too late to console me.  Her intent of one-week home vacation falls far short of my expectations. For many a time, I’ve pictured her home again working in a sunny room, relishing my home-cooking and our companionship, and caroling through the holiday season together… It is my wishful thinking. 

I woke up late the next morning after a wakeful night, and then set off to do chores of cleaning windows, hand-washing the window blinds and curtains.  It was a quiet morning.  Hours of drudgery work brought back spotless windows, and when the sun flooded through curtainless windows, the rooms were brightened. So was my mood. 

I called it a day at 3 pm, resting on the bed and going to nap when my Wechat rang. It was from my daughter, who set herself on a video chat. The minute I saw her, without a word, her message was sent through in the air. Instantly it thawed my heart.  I know why she called in the middle of her working day.  It was a gesture that she cares about me, or that she holds nothing grudgingly against me. We did not dwell on the vacation issue, but conversed more on her work and her life there.  Then she video-toured us around the new apartment she just moved in at the end of September, a kitchen with a window, a laundry room with a washing machine and spacious rooms, with one room still littered with unpacked boxes. We complimented her decision, her progress at work, and the conversation flowed on.  As she was to attend the meeting at 4, we had to hang up. I remember that the last few sentences I said were to reassure her that it is at her discretion if or when she is coming home, and how long she’d like to stay. “We are here for you, and I don’t mean to push you.”

Out of sight, out of mind, the saying goes like this.  Now that we are a thousand miles apart, distance begets distance.  I don’t know if we are still in her picture:), but she is forever in our mind. And tucked deep in our hearts is the unconditional love we have no matter where she goes, and so shall it be reciprocally, I hope. 



The mentis showed up again in the backyard.  As the tree leaves are suffused with the fall color, so is mentis’ outfit, camouflaging from green to brown, in contrast to the evergreen leaves of hibiscus she is hiding in.  Her short wings, covering only the upper body ten days ago, are tail-long now, like a model changing her mini-skirt to a long dress for a seasonal show.  And the long robe she puts on is so delicately woven that under a camera, we can clearly see the thread-like stitches finely crisscrossed in a pattern. 




Strolling under a still scorching Autumn sun for hours along the bank of the beach mash on October 10 did not give us anything spectacular.  Walking over a small wooden bridge that leads us in, we saw schools of fish, big or small,  swimming, and a few even shooting off the water surface, leaving silver flashes of its side for a second before it falls back to water. Miles of trails are either bare dirt or paved with gravels. From time to time, seabirds are seen leisurely floating along, diving for food, or scouring for food in the mud. We ended up walking more than 11K steps for the day. 








A nail was found in the tire by a Costco technician when we tried to fill the nitrogen gas to the tire on Saturday. We were asked to come back early the next day (Sunday) for a fix.  The next morning, I went before the door was open to get in line.  What I expected to be only $10.99 fix later turned to be $225, as the nail is not fixable and a new tire has to be replaced, not with the exact brand, but a similar type. 


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阅读 ()评论 (20)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cxyz' 的评论 : 是的,小C, 天下父母心,好东西都想留给他们吃:)
cxyz 回复 悄悄话 火龙果和零食的图片让我感慨天下父母心…
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '林向田' 的评论 : 林向田好! 谁说不是呢,服务不好,不经历真不会知道。谢谢你临帖,周末快乐!
林向田 回复 悄悄话 没有想到Fedex是这样对待顾客的,真是让人很生气。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 谢谢菲儿临博安慰,没事,这都是学习了解的过程。祝周中好!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 回复 '淡然' 的评论 : +1安慰抱抱暖冬,一个包裹搞成这样确实让人糟心!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '淡然' 的评论 : 淡然好! Fedex的服务真是让人大跌眼镜的,电话可以把你搁置50分钟,然后告诉你有人会给你打电话回去。 They never did. 说到底缺乏竞争,所以服务不行。这下好女儿都不让我寄了:))
淡然 回复 悄悄话 一见标题便想该不是暖冬寄给女儿的火龙果吧,没想到真是!唉,碰到这样的事本来就不快,再碰上这么不负责任的公司,真是堵心。不管怎样,相信你的爱心已经传到了你女儿那儿!

暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : 亮亮妈妈好! 你也碰到delayed的情况,不知为什么这次寄时心里就有几分不安,以前还碰到过UPS的其他案例,感觉这些投递远不如国内的顺风之类的,首先这边投递人不能电话联系。还是因为缺少竞争的原因,让他们的服务一落千丈。谢谢亮亮妈妈,今天早上看到欧洲疫情逆转直线上升,冬天到了,不乐观啊,亮亮妈妈一家保重,尤其是亮亮!
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 不知道为什么邮寄东西越希望快点到越到不了。我给儿子寄过两次吃的都比预期晚很多。最后里面的吃的都坏了。现在都不敢给他寄东西。抱下暖冬。火龙果可惜了。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '蓬莱阁' 的评论 : 阁阁好,谢谢光临!是的,生气啊,为一个箱子打四个电话,可是服务人员好像联系不上投递员的。最后,我都说damage了无所谓,投递了就是,可就是不投递,现在又不理陪,不make sense的。谢谢阁阁的宽慰,我早不生气了,不值得。祝阁阁周末快乐!
蓬莱阁 回复 悄悄话 安慰一下暖冬!


暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好! 有些事情不亲身经历真是不敢相信。原以为是Fedex自己说箱子受损,那照常理就应该赔的,不是吗?否则,这些理赔就是骗人的。我也没有想到,我一直是用Fedex寄的,一直对他们印象好,对UPS印象不好,现在看来都差不多的。网上看到有人很多年前寄电视机受损得不到理赔的,那才倒霉呢。Oncemm说的是,箱子里面有intangible value。关于女儿回家一事我也想开了,给她自由,总有一天会念家里的好。我其实自己也是个很爱吃的人,只是怕胖,不敢多吃,希望公司节日里再送一盒:) 冬天快到了,疫情可能又要反弹了,这个病毒真是在教训我们人类,我们都要保重。谢谢Oncemm这么温暖的话语,你辛苦了,周末还工作,不过还是要祝一下你周末快乐!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'GraceX' 的评论 : Grace好! 是的,尤其是垄断性行业(比如Cox,cable company)也是服务很糟糕的,不过Fedex这种态度也是很吃惊的,所以根本不要相信另外买保险就会赔偿之类,不过我下星期还要理论理论,到底哪一条可以让他们不需要承担责任,死也要死个明白,不为钱为口气。比起你,我的损失根本不算什么,你这样想很对。在美国久了,就是会亲身经历一些事,让你看得更清楚。你会看轮胎啊,我最后就在Costco换了新轮胎,不想烦,以后另外三个也到Costco换,这车三年了,不过现在很少开,估计还要过一阵。谢谢你宽慰我,道理我都明白,她也已经不错了,知道打个电话消除误会,我写这个也是记录下来,顺便练练笔。疫情下,人没有鸟儿自由,这样的日子不知道很有多久,据说德州发现了变异的病毒,戴口罩都防不了,可怕。谢谢Grace留言,周末快乐!
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 暖mm,看你那张snack图里,有我这周来一直在吃的Wafels, 最近吃上瘾了,特别喜欢。还有chickpea veggie crisp, 我也喜欢。希望你们公司感恩圣诞再发大礼包,这样女儿若回来,可以有一份惊喜。
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 忙完工作坐在沙发里静静读暖mm的日记,心情如窗外还未西下的秋日,暖暖的。FedEx居然会如此拒绝赔理,绝对在我意料之外。我以为他们会主动提出赔偿,这么大的公司这么做,让人无法理解。钱是小事,但里面可是暖mm对女儿满满的爱啊。一想到那五个火龙果,我就揪心!暖mm,女儿大了,给她自己成长的空间吧,你越想她在身边,她就越想出去。哪天你不想了,她说不定求着要回来呢。看照片你们那里还是夏天的样子呢,螳螂在你家后院住下了,哈哈。这些照片都拍得好漂亮。没想到轮胎被钉子扎一下就要换,这胎也太娇嫩了吧?:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'xiaxi' 的评论 : 遐西好,给遐西上茶,谢谢你的惦记,我是很生气,今天还试着打电话,接线的给转过去然后就没人接了。服务很糟糕的。遐西周末快乐!
GraceX 回复 悄悄话 忘了说了,鸟真漂亮,我今天也去海边了,各种各样的鸟太多了,鸟类比人类自由多了,我观赏它们的时候,居然还带着口罩:)),它们就随心所欲,自由自在多了。
GraceX 回复 悄悄话 暖冬好,没想到Fedex的服务这么差劲,说心里话,美国某些大公司的服务其实非常差劲的。制定的某些条款对顾客非常不利,我去年原本想去佛罗里达州的,买了American airlines的机票,后来计划改变想改成其他时间,居然每张机票要收取费用200元,余钱还要求一年之内用完,结果发生了疫情,现在那些钱估计也要泡汤送给航空公司了,这么算来,全家三张机票就是一千多,不过,后来想想至少还健康地活在也就算了:))


xiaxi 回复 悄悄话 周末回访暖冬,看到Fedex这样的处理结果,真是让人很生气!