
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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The First week of February

(2020-02-08 11:45:51) 下一个

Turn February, the day is noticeably longer. When I exit the building around 5:45 pm this week, I am no longer enveloped in the pitch dark as it was months ago. The night sky is still dim, but the vanishing sunset leaves the sky glowing, and the western corner afar hidden behind the tall buildings radiates in orange or pink color, a sight delighting me for a moment before I head home.

The temperature plummeted 10F degrees from Sunday February 2, thanks to the powerful cold wind sweeping across the area for two consecutive days. It finally died down as the week progressed to Wednesday. But the coldness lingered. At lunch time on Wednesday, as I walked out of the heated building towards my car for a nap, I had to wrap my arms around my chest to brace for it. Though the sun tried hard to ward off the coldness, the air was still chilled by wind. I hurriedly ducked in the car parked under the shade, as the experience tells me that even in the coldest season of the year, I cannot stay long in the car if the sun relentlessly penetrates it. But not that day. Shutting myself in the tightly closed car for 15 minutes, I still felt cold and was unable to fall asleep. I decided to move my car into the sunny spot.  The car radio was automatically turned on at the ignition. A live broadcasting of impeachment trial over the radio was echoing in the car. A female voice was calling each senator’s name for his or her vote, and then repeated over the micro phone: “Mr. Alexander, Guilty(?); Mr. Brown, Not Guilty(?);  Mr. Brussel, Guilty(?); Mr. Clair, Not guilty?……”. At the beginning, I attempted to count if “Guilty” would outnumber “Not Guilty”, but soon this intermittently monotonous repetition bored me, and I turned the radio off.

I lay down again, letting the warm sunlight shower all over me.  Not long the blood seemed to be running, and so was my mind. I recalled the videos Mom posted on Wechat family group in the morning, a scene of furious locals yelling and fighting in the supermarket. Caged indoors all days for weeks now with food supply running out, these bad-tempered and edgy people scrambled to the stores for replenishment, culminating in riots and unrest.

Then on late Thursday, the breaking news of Dr Li’s death sparked raging seethe across the nation. The outpouring of grief and anger flooded over the strictly censored media.  The simmering undercurrent agony, once erupted, was channeled into criticizing the bureaucracy and its suppression of eight outspoken doctors or whistleblowers, who warned of a new deadly virus before the epidemic became rampant.  Li wenliang, an otherwise ordinary eye doctor, is remembered as a hero, whose death is a tragic toll.

But for whom the bell tolls? It tolls for us.  “A healthy society should not have just one voice” is what Dr. Li left behind awakeningly for us, in the time when we cry for his loss.  A different voice shall never and can never be silenced.



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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿好! 我这棵枇杷是从籽种起来的,也就四五年左右结果了,只是我后院太小,阳光不够,尤其冬天,所以产量不高。不过我已经很满足了:) 新周好!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ziqiao123' 的评论 : +1枇杷是我的最爱,好羡慕啊!:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ziqiao123' 的评论 : 子乔好! 你这个春天双关语啊,希望最坏的已经过去了,希望这次的事情能敲响警钟。写这篇日子没有太多内容,英语不写很快生疏了。谢谢子乔临博留言,新周好!
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 暖冬,你这篇英文小文情绪很饱满。今年二月份的第一个星期真是一个不平静的的开端。不知道是 the worst has passed 还是 the worst is yet to come。希望春天赶紧来。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好! 看到你玩唐人街的帖子和照片了,看来美国有很多大气善良之人,同感动的,为武汉加油,为中国加油,这次受灾地区太大太广了,国家的损失可想而知,百姓也很受苦的。你精神好,我要是中午不稍微休息一下,下午会没有精神,而且天生喜欢睡觉,不喜欢运动:) 我常常中午随便吃一点就是为了更多的时间在车里休息。这里的春天应该不远了,你们那里也快了。谢谢mm临博,祝好!
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 暖mm好,刚从纽约唐人街回来,看到你这篇英文随想,我们都习惯了纽约的冬天,看你的照片,可是春天的感觉,好羡慕。在车里nap倒是好主意。我怎么好像不要睡觉的那种,躺在按摩床上都没一点睡意。真心希望国内的疫情早日控制住,大家恢复日常生活。我能理解被囚禁在家的感觉,最近看这些悲情故事,挺难受的。春天应该不远了。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'PeonyInJuly' 的评论 : Hi, Peony, I am not surprised that you have an office in which you can take a nap whenever you need to. I infer from your previous post that you are at a management level. I can only nap in the car:)). Having lived in the Southern CA for so long, we are spoiled by the climate. My husband will ask for heating once the temperature drops to low 60s:) Hope spring is not far from you, and the freezing weather won't last long. Take care, Peony, and thank you!
PeonyInJuly 回复 悄悄话 暖冬,the image of you trying to take a nap in the car is so cute! I used to do that long time ago. Now I moved a sofa chair from home to the office, and take a nap whenever I feel sleepy.
In January, we had one of the longest cold spells in Alaska’s history. Now we are enjoying the milder temperature around 20 degrees F. Oops, the forecast says it will drop to 27- Monday.
Have a great day!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : It was Wednesday noon in the car that I read your new post. You never stop beating yourself, which once again inspires me. However when I write in English myself, I sweat at almost every sentence:))
Glad that the impreachment trial is over. The result is quite predictable.
Right, nothing much we can do but to improve ourselves. Thank you and have a great weekend!
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 The impeachment has lasted for so long and been so boring that it beats any sleeping pill. Congratulations on the discovery of a new drug. Listening to it should quickly put one to a good nap :-)

The corona virus has been such a black swan that any attempt to understand it completely would be futile. IMHO, time is better spent on improving self than rationalizing events.